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本文结合广东省徐闻县的气候特点,分析论述了甘蔗生产与光、温、水的关系,并提出抵御不良环境条件的有效措施:大力开发地下水资源,兴修水利,积极推广节水灌溉技术;开展大规模植树造林活动,优化环境,改善田间小气候;广泛采取各种有利于甘蔗生产的防风抗风措施,以达到高产高糖的目的。  相似文献   

内蒙古河套灌区春小麦高产节水灌溉制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给河套灌区春小麦高产节水灌溉制度的建立提供理论依据,2006-2007年在内蒙古河套平原浅层地下水灌区,研究了不同灌水处理下春小麦产量形成、耗水组成及水分利用效率的特点.结果表明,随着灌水量的增加,小麦生育期总耗水量明显增加,而水分利用效率显著降低;总耗水的增加主要是由于灌溉水消耗增多所致,地下水补给量则随灌水量增加呈明显减少趋势.小麦生育期总灌水量与产量和水分利用效率均呈抛物线关系,产量达峰值时的灌水量大于水分利用效率达峰值时的灌水量.综合两年试验结果得出,在秋季浇足底墒水的基础上,春浇2水是实现春小麦节水与高产相统一的最佳灌溉模式,即在小麦分蘖至拔节期、抽穗至开花期灌2次水,每次灌水750~1050 m3·hm 2,产量和水分利用效率可分别达到6750 kg·hm-2和1.75 kg·m-3以上.  相似文献   

从旱育稀植、配方施肥、合理稀植、节水灌溉、综合防治病虫草害等几个方面阐述了确保水稻高产、稳产栽培管理措施。  相似文献   

从旱育稀植、配方施肥、合理稀植、节水灌溉、综合防治病虫草害等几个方面阐述了确保水稻高产、稳产栽培管理措施。  相似文献   

青先国 《中国稻米》2001,7(6):42-42
节水农业是提高用水有效性的农业 ,也就是充分利用降水和可利用的水资源 ,并采用水利、农业和管理措施提高水的利用率和水的利用效率的农业。它包括节水灌溉农业和旱地农业。农田供水从水源到形成作物产量要经过三个环节的转化 :首先通过输水由水源转化为农田土壤水分 ,再通过作物吸收利用由土壤水分转化为作物水分 ,最后通过作物复杂的生理过程 ,作物水分便参与形成作物产量。节水农业的要旨就是在这三次转化过程中提高水的有效性。水利措施提高水的利用率 ,农业措施提高水的利用效益。节水灌溉农业需要解决的中心问题是提高天然降水和灌溉…  相似文献   

为明确栽培技术对不同稻作区稻谷硒含量的综合影响,基于国内外相关文献,定量分析了施肥、灌溉、石灰施用等栽培措施对稻谷硒含量和产量的影响,并比较了不同水稻品种间硒含量的差异。结果表明,与不施肥相比,施用氮磷钾肥能促进稻谷硒的积累;紫云英还田可明显增加稻谷硒含量,其增幅与紫云英的投入量显著正相关;其他有机肥对稻谷硒含量的影响在不同研究中存在差异。间歇灌溉和湿润灌溉等节水管理和施用石灰可有效提高稻谷硒含量。不同水稻品种积累硒的能力差异显著,且这种差异不受土壤硒含量影响。选用富硒水稻品种、紫云英还田、节水灌溉和适量施用石灰等栽培措施可以实现水稻天然富硒与高产的协同。  相似文献   

着重介绍了汉沽农场农田灌溉的现状,由于海水倒灌,河水含盐量高,农田不能使用。指出水资源严重不足及缺少节水措施是制约汉沽农场农业发展的主要因素。提出了改造现有水利设施、节水控灌、微咸水灌溉、地表水与地下水混灌等具体措施。  相似文献   

水稻浅湿灌溉的生育表现与节水效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1989年在江苏省不同生态稻区进行了水稻浅湿灌溉的多点试验。结果表明,水稻大 田生长期采取浅水──湿润(土壤含水量不低于田间持水量的80%)灌溉方式,不会造成显著减产,较常规水层灌溉每亩可节约灌溉水200m3左右,节水率达60%左右。汕优63采取全生育期湿润灌溉产量较高而稳,而献改63对水分较敏感。在本试验条件下,土壤水分状况对源限制型水稻的颖花总容量影响甚微,对结实率和千粒重则有不同影响。不同试点间,淮北由于水源不足,采取前温后水灌溉既节水又能高产,而里下河地区,水源充沛,宜采取全生育期湿润灌溉。  相似文献   

阐述了嫩江水灌溉无公害稻米栽培技术,提出从建立生产基地、选择品种、育苗方式和节水灌溉使用新型肥料及防治病虫草害等技术措施。  相似文献   

水稻节水栽培技术研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王有芬 《中国稻米》2010,16(3):30-33
水稻节水栽培是选用符合国家颁布的优质稻标准的优良品种的基础上,在水稻栽培全过程中综合运用节水技术,最大限度地节省灌溉用水,提高水的利用效率(Water Use Efficency,WUE),即提高单位耗水(蒸散量)的经济产量。彻底改变传统的淹水栽培方式,建立一种新型节水稻作体系,是现代稻作的系统工程,是按照水稻生育需水规律,在确保其正常生长前提下,实施科学节水技术,节制灌溉,充分发挥灌溉水的生产效率,达到"节水、优质、高产、高效、低耗"这一目标。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1998,57(3):309-318
Available soil water is the principal factor that limits the yield potential of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its response to nitrogen (N) under Mediterranean climatic conditions. We examined wheat yield, N fertilizer uptake, and water use for two seasons (1991/1992 and 1992/1993) with total seasonal rainfall of 323 and 275 mm, respectively. In addition to natural rainfall, supplemental irrigation at various rates (1/3, 2/3 and full irrigation) was also considered in assessing these parameters and their interactive effects. Grain yield and dry matter accumulation and N uptake varied between years, mainly due to rainfall and sowing date. Yields were increased by irrigation and N fertilization, with a greater response to N in 1991/1992 and to irrigation in the relatively drier 1992/1993 season. Most fertilizer N was taken up from tillering to anthesis; then it either stabilized or slightly declined, while soil N contributed further to plant N uptake. Compared to rain-fed conditions, more soil and fertilizer N was utilized by the irrigated crop, particularly in 1992/1993. In both years, grain N represented 60% of N accumulated at anthesis under rain-fed conditions, compared to 80% under irrigation. Fertilization and irrigation increased water-use efficiency, particularly under drier conditions. Thus, supplemental irrigation, applied at a sensitive growth stage, would be a valuable management practice for improving yield, water-use efficiency and crop N uptake under the dry conditions of a Mediterranean climate. Given the potential of both irrigation and N to increase output in dry areas, the amounts of both inputs are dictated by rainfall in any one year.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):353-386

Salinity in soil and water is irrevocably associated with irrigated agriculture throughout the world and as a result requires that salt management becomes an integral part of the production system. With careful water management, it is possible to sustain irrigated agriculture in areas with saline soil and saline groundwater with and without subsurface drainage. The results from two field projects conducted in an area with saline soils and saline groundwater demonstrated the type of irrigation systems and management needed to sustain production of moderately salt tolerant and tolerant crops. During the first study at Murrieta farms, yields of cotton and sugar beet were maintained using both saline and non-saline water for irrigation when pre-plant irrigation and rainfall were adequate to maintain soil salinity at a tolerable level. Wheat production was reduced in areas that used saline water for irrigation. Use of saline water containing toxic elements such as boron for irrigation poses a threat to the sustainability of the system. The second study evaluated the management of furrow and subsurface drip irrigation in the presence of shallow saline groundwater. Careful management of the furrow system during pre-plant irrigation and the first irrigation of the growing season was required to prevent waterlogging. It was possible to manage the subsurface drip system to induce significant crop water use from shallow groundwater. Rainfall and pre-plant irrigation were adequate at this site to manage soil salinity.  相似文献   

为了给弱筋小麦田间水分管理提供合理依据,以弱筋小麦品种豫麦50为材料.在池栽防雨务件下研究了两种土壤贮水条件下灌水对小麦籽粒品质性状及产量的影响。结果表明。在底墒充足条件下,豫麦50籽粒主要品质性状优于底墒不足的品质性状。灌水对底墒不足条件下品质性状的影响大于对底墒充足务件下的影响,且各个品质性状受影响的程度不同。在底墒充足条件下以全生育期灌4水的弱筋小麦品质最优,抽穗期灌1水次之;而在底墒不足时全生育期灌4水和全生育期不灌水多数品质性状较优。底墒充足条件下的小麦籽粒产量、耗水量均高于底墒不足的产量和耗水量,而水分利用效率则较低;两种土壤贮水条件下的耗水量均随灌水次数增加而增加,而水分利用效率则降低;产量随灌水次数增加而增加,但灌水过量反而降低。据此提出了麦播前贮好底墒的重要性,以及不同底墒每件下小麦高产优质高效栽培的水分运筹建议。  相似文献   

Paddy fields converted into winter wheat fields in Hokkaido, Japan, receive extremely high snowfall, creating a risk of flood damage to crops in spring due to waterlogging of snowmelt runoff and poor drainage. Meanwhile, in June there is relatively little rainfall, and a lack of moisture inhibits winter wheat growth. Therefore, we developed a method involving a series of 30-cm-deep ditches in agricultural fields to be used for drainage during the flood-prone period and for furrow irrigation during the dry period using water drawn from the canals that feed the paddy fields. The ditches are called ‘hybrid ditches’ as they are able to perform both drainage and irrigation functions. In this study, we investigated the optimal construction timing and spacing for hybrid ditches. We also evaluated their ability to improve the drainage and irrigation of winter wheat. We found that the optimal timing for digging hybrid ditches is immediately after sowing, and the inter-ditch spacing for irrigation should be 15 m or less. The hybrid ditches promoted increased soil temperature and healthy development of wheat plants by improving drainage during the flood-prone period. In addition, water was successfully supplied via the hybrid ditches to irrigate the fields in June. Under experimental conditions in which rainfall was excluded, grain yield was 10% higher and percent protein content was more than 1% point greater in the irrigated plot compared with the non-irrigated plot. Grain yield was also observed to increase by 3–29% in demonstration tests conducted at local farms. From these results, we conclude that hybrid ditches are capable of improving the growth and yield of winter wheat by improving drainage and providing irrigation in converted paddy fields in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):182-188

No-tillage often affects crop root development due to the higher mechanical impedance to root elongation, resulting in yield reduction under an unfavorable rainfall pattern, such as drought. In this study, we analyzed the changes in water source of wheat and soybean under drought stress in a continuous no-tillage field. Deuterium-labeled irrigation water was applied at different growth stages of crops to analyze their water uptake pattern. Mechanical impedance of the surface soil was 3.5 and 4.4 times higher in the no-tillage than in the conventional tillage under wet and drought conditions, respectively. Root length density and root branching index (the length of lateral roots per unit axile root length) of soybean in the surface soil layer were higher in the no-tillage field. This indicates that the increased branching by the higher mechanical impedance of undisturbed surface soil causes roots to accumulate in the surface soil layer. The deuterium concentration in the xylem sap of both crops was significantly higher in the no-tillage than in the tillage under a drought condition. This indicates that the crops in the no-tillage field depend highly on the newly supplied easily accessible water (irrigation water and/or rainfall) as compared with those in the conventional tillage field under a limited water supply. In conclusion, enhanced surface root growth in the no-tillage condition would result in higher dependence on surface supplied irrigation water than in the conventional tillage under drought.  相似文献   

The uncertainty of monsoon rainfall and the decreasing availability of irrigation water, as a result of climate change, and high water demand of other sectors have resulted to wide adoption of alternate wetting and drying (AWD) technique especially in irrigated lowland rice production to overcome water scarcity. However, under climate change circumstances, AWD can be optimized when taking advantage of favorable water seasonality conditions to increase crop yield and irrigation water use efficiency. Therefore, a field trial was conducted to find suitable water depth for reducing rice irrigation water use by combining four different water depth treatments (T2cm, T3cm, T4cm, and T5cm) with rainfall through a randomized complete block design having 3 replications. Water depths were applied weekly from transplanting to heading. The results showed that water stress at vegetative stage decreased plant height and tillers number between 7 and 33 % at panicle initiation, followed by total and partial growth recovery. In addition, panicle number per hill showed a 53–180 % decrease at the heading stage. Severe water stress induced by the lowest water treatment significantly reduced yield components between 15 and 52 % at harvest. It was found that weekly application of 3 cm water depth combined with rainfall improved AWD effectiveness, and yielded the highest beneficial water productivity with less yield expenses.  相似文献   

播种期补灌对土壤含水量和小麦籽粒产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林祥  王东  谷淑波 《麦类作物学报》2015,35(12):1700-1711
为明确播种期0~200 cm土体贮水量及其纵向分布对小麦出苗、群体发育和籽粒产量的调节作用,于2013-2014年度小麦生长季,在土壤容重、田间持水量和肥力条件一致,而小麦播前土壤贮水量不同的A、B两个地块,在播种期设置不同的计划湿润层深度和目标土壤含水量进行补灌。结果表明,在地块A和地块B 0~100 cm土层土壤贮水量分别为201.5和266.3 mm、0~200 cm土层土壤贮水量分别为554.2和586.4 mm的条件下,播种期补灌,土壤水分平衡后,灌溉水在地块B下渗的深度较大,但主要集中在60 cm以上土层,其中0~10和0~20 cm土层土壤含水量提高的幅度最大;小麦出苗率主要受播种期0~10 cm土层土壤含水量的影响,而群体发育、干物质积累和产量形成则受播前土壤贮水量和播种期补灌水平的共同影响。播种期上部土层土壤含水量过低不利于幼苗发育,显著减少越冬至拔节期间的单位面积茎数。播种前0~100 cm土层土壤贮水量过低,即使播种期在一定范围内增加补灌水量,并于拔节期和开花期再补灌,仍会制约小麦生育中后期的生长,导致成穗数和干物质积累量减少,产量降低。在同一底墒条件下,小麦总耗水量和籽粒产量均随播种期补灌目标土壤相对含水量的提高呈增加趋势,但补灌水量过多,籽粒产量不再增加,水分利用效率降低。  相似文献   

In Mediterranean-type environments, the concentration of rainfall in winter months results in average winter rainfall that is in excess of evaporative demand. Cropping coarse textured soils in such regions results in a risk of drainage below the root zone, and associated with this, nutrient leaching. We used the APSIM-Nwheat simulation model to quantify the magnitude and variability of drainage and nitrate–N leaching under wheat crops for six locations and three soil types in the northern sandplain region of the Western Australian wheat belt and to assess the impact of varying crop management on drainage and leaching. Overall, the combination of a high concentration of rainfall in the winter months and coarse soil types resulted in a significant risk of drainage and leaching events of considerable magnitude even at the driest sites considered: the assumption that leaching and drainage are low in areas of low rainfall is an over-simplification. For some locations, simulated drainage was high, exceeding 100 mm for two locations on two soils; the sand and the acid loamy sand. Across the six locations considered, drainage was linearly related to average growing season rainfall. Leaching varied markedly between the soil types, with loamy sand having only one fifth the leaching that was calculated for the acid loamy sand or the sand. This emphasises the importance of small differences in soil type for the risk of drainage and leaching, and hence the potential for negative off-site effects, when cropping light soils in a Mediterranean-type environment. Although sandy soils are held to present the most scope for reducing drainage through agronomic management, the analysis suggested the potential improvements are likely to be small. Consistent with experimental results from other parts of the Western Australian wheat belt, modification of rooting depth appears to present the best option to reduce drainage beneath annual crops.  相似文献   

Chiyoda basin is located in Saga Prefecture in Kyushu Island, Japan, and lies next to the tidal compartment of the Chikugo River to which the excess water in the basin is drained away. Chiyoda basin has a total area of about 1,100 ha and is a typical flat and low-lying paddy-cultivated area. The main problem in this basin is the appropriate operation of drainage structures during and after flood events in order to minimize the inundation damages for crop yield and to fulfill the irrigation requirement in the irrigation period. This paper presents a mathematical model of a drainage system in Chiyoda basin for calculating the flood inundation and optimizing the operation of gates in a main drainage canal. First, the algorithm of gate operation was simulated and the drainage model was then evaluated by comparing the simulated water levels with those observed during an actual rainfall event. The results show that the observed and simulated water levels are in good agreement, indicating that the proposed model is applicable for drainage and inundation analyses in flat, low-lying paddy-cultivated areas. Second, the optimization of gate operation was investigated by trial and error method using a stochastic rainfall time series with a return period of 30 years and the tidal conditions of spring and neap tides in the Chikugo River. Comparing a total inundation time, a total inundation area and maximum inundation depth in the paddy tanks at the upstream and the downstream ends, it was concluded that the present operation based on the gate operators’ experience was almost the optimal one, and the sooner start of opening operation and the later start of closing operation within the operationality of check gates were recommended to minimize the inundation damage. The present operation could be able to minimize the total inundation time, the total inundation area and the maximum inundation depths in paddy tanks and to meet fully both the drainage and the irrigation requirements.  相似文献   

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