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Two potyvirus isolates from endive, originating from southern France (Ls252) and from the Netherlands (Ls265), that were highly and poorly pathogenic on lettuce, respectively, were compared with a common isolate (Ls1) of lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) and with two highly deviant Greek isolates fromHelminthia (Picris) echioides (Gr4) and endive (Gr5), earlier recognized as LMV. The isolates could not be distinguished by particle morphology and serology, and were all identified as LMV. Leaf curling, plant stunting and necrosis were more characteristic of the virus than mosaic. The isolates studied varied considerably on differential host species and a range of lettce cultivars including pathotype differentials of Pink et al. [1992b]. Ls1 and Ls265 reacte largely as pathotype II, including the common strain of the virus, but Ls265 was least pathogenic on lettuce. Ls252 fitted pathotype IV and was very similar to LMV-E (the Spanish strain). The Greek isolates were very similar to each other in causing very severe symptoms on some non-lettuce hosts and a number of lettuce cultuvars. In lettuce variectal reaction Gr4 resembled pathotype I, but Gr5 severely affected Salinas 88, resistant to pathotypes I, II and III, and it appears to be a novel pathotype. Genetic interaction between lettuce and LMV is not following a simple yes-or-no pattern, and it is not a mere matter of resistance versus susceptibility. Adoption of a more realistic resistance terminology is proposed. None of the lettuce cultivars tested was resistant to the most pathogenic isolate Ls252, but resistance to it was found in 2 out of 12 wildLactuca species tested (Lactuca perennis andL. tatarica) while the symptomless plants ofL. perennis clearly reacted in ELISA.  相似文献   

The lengths of individual symbiotes and the numbers of these per unit area in ultrathin sections of the mycetomes did not differ significantly between strains of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) that were resistant or susceptible to demeton-S-methyl in Britain. This is contrary to observations made in Germany on the symbiotes of similar aphids resistant or susceptible to parathion.  相似文献   

The response of susceptible (S), moderately resistant (R1) and strongly resistant (R2) peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (Sulz.) to organophosphorus, carbamate and pyrethroid insecticides was tested by a leaf-dip bioassay. The aphids were placed on potato leaves (dipped in insecticide solutions 1–2 or 24 h before infestation) and their mortality examined 48 h later. R1 aphids were virtually susceptible to most of the carbamates, demephion and acephate, but were slightly to moderately resistant (2.1–9.4 times) to permethrin, cypermethrin and (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R)-cis-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate (I), (NRDC 161), to 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-methylquinolin-4-yl dimethylcarbamate (II), (Hoechst 25 682) and demeton-S-methyl. R2 aphids resisted more strongly or very strongly (between 65 and 1280 times) the pyrethroids, demeton-S-methyl (×94), II (×83) and demephion (×9), and were slightly to moderately (2–5 times) resistant to acephate, pirimicarb, ethiofencarb and 2-(dimethylcarbamoyloxyimino)-3-methoxyimino-N,N- dimethylbutyramide (III), (DPX 3853). Both resistant strains were susceptible to nitrilacarb [4,4-dimethyl-5-(methylcarbamoyloxyimino)pentanenitrile] complex (1:1) with zinc chloride (IV), (AC 85 258). The implications of these results in terms of practical aphid control are discussed.  相似文献   

采用微量毛细管点滴法筛选出比河北廊坊桃蚜相对敏感种群更为敏感的甘肃宕昌桃蚜种群,建立了18种杀虫剂对桃蚜敏感种群的毒力基线,可作为今后国内各地监测桃蚜抗药性水平的敏感基线。用氧乐果、氰戊菊酯及其氧乐果+氰戊菊酯对桃蚜敏感种群进行抗性选育,汰选20次时桃蚜对混剂氧乐果+氰戊菊酯只产生4.85倍的抗药性,比氧乐果单剂(7.39倍)抗性发展速度幔,尤其比氰戊菊酯单剂(87.21倍)更慢,表明桃蚜易对菊酯类药剂产生抗药性,混剂可以延缓产生抗药性。  相似文献   

The fate of [14C]-dimethoate and [14C]-parathion after topical application to strains of Myzus persicae resistant and susceptible to organophosphorus compounds was investigated. In 4 h approximately 65% of the dimethoate or para-thion applied was lost from the aphids by evaporation, and this limited the amount available for penetration into the insect. Only approximately 25% of the dose applied penetrated, of which a very small proportion was excreted as metabolites. There was no difference in the amounts penetrating into the resistant and susceptible strains, indicating that penetration was not a factor contributing to the observed resistance. These findings emphasise that evaporation from the cuticle can greatly influence results when insecticides are applied topically.  相似文献   


Gamma radiation susceptibility of adults of the fenvalerateresistant strain of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae) was studied under laboratory conditions. Selection for resistance to fenvalerate in adult beetles was carried out up to the sixth generation. In each generation of selection, adults of the fenvalerateresistant strain were evaluated for susceptibility to gamma radiation and compared with their fenvalerate-susceptible counterparts. Susceptibility to 60Co gamma radiation was evaluated on the basis of dosage-mortality (LD) and time-mortality (LT) responses. We found the LD values 50 50 50 for the fenvalerate-resistant and-susceptible strains to be 89.16 and 97.46 Gy respectively, showing no significant difference in susceptibility to gamma radiation. LT values were 7.58 and 17.20 days for the 50 fenvalerate-resistant and-susceptible strains respectively, showing that mortality in the resistant strain occurred markedly earlier than in the susceptible strain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although there are still no confirmed reports of strong resistance to neonicotinoid insecticides in aphids, the peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) shows variation in response, with some clones exhibiting up to tenfold resistance to imidacloprid. Five clones varying in response to imidacloprid were tested with four other neonicotinoid molecules to investigate the extent of cross-resistance.RESULTS: All four compounds-thiamethoxam, thiacloprid, clothianidin and dinotefuran-were cross-resisted, with ED(50) values ranked in the same order as for imidacloprid. Resistance factors ranged up to 11 for imidacloprid, 18 for thiamethoxam, 13 for thiacloprid, 100 for clothianidin and 6 for dinotefuran.CONCLUSION: This variation in response does not appear to be sufficient to compromise the field performance of neonicotinoids aimed at controlling aphids. However, it highlights the need for careful vigilance and stewardship in all M. persicae populations, and a need to consider neonicotinoids as a single cross-resisted group for management purposes.  相似文献   

The effects were examined of plant-response signaling compounds, salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA), on resistance to pill-bugs (Armadillidium vulgare) attack in lettuce plants. Foliar SA and MeJA applications were made at weekly intervals from the emergence of the plant until one week before harvesting. SA and MeJA induced detectable levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at least during 5 days post-application in these plants throughout their cultivation. On the whole, SA and MeJA in the concentrations and application scheme evaluated in this research did not significantly influence the dry and fresh weight matter of plants, or the chlorophyll and nitrate contents. In addition, both signal elicitors significantly diminished lettuce mortality due to pill-bugs, which was positively correlated with phenolics and flavonoids contents. Our results suggest that SA and MeJA, especially in low concentrations, should be further evaluated in lettuce production and priming resistance.  相似文献   

An effective method based on glasshouse and field procedures was developed for screening commercial cultivars and other lettuce types for resistance to beet western yellows virus (BWYV). Field experiments in 1985, 1986 and 1987 showed that lettuce cultivars varied in their reaction to BWYV, but no high levels of resistance were identified in the main commercial types. Crisp types generally showed milder symptoms than butterhead or cos types, but individual butterhead cultivars were identified with resistance equal to the best crisp types. The highest levels of resistance were identified in Batavian type cultivars and extreme resistance or possible immunity was found in Lactuca perennis and L. muralis . BWYV caused yield reductions in some cultivars as high as 63% and reduced maturation by up to 38%, in others. There was no correlation between chlorotic leaf symptom severity and yield reduction.
BWYV was isolated from a range of weed and non-lettuce host species growing near affected lettuce crops. Isolates of BWYV obtained from infected lettuce and brassicas appeared to be similar. They infected sugar beet with difficulty but caused no symptoms, and could only be detected by ELISA serology.  相似文献   

Simultaneous genetic analysis of resistance in species of lettuce (Lactuca sativa and L. serriola) and a virulence in Bremia lactucae were made to characterize the genetic basis of resistance to downy mildew in 11 host cultivars and accessions. Four new downy mildew resistance genes (Dm13, Dm14, Dm15 and Dm16) were characterized. Other resistance phenotypes were conditioned by combinations of these or previously described Dm genes. New resistance genes, Dm 16 (from LSE/18), Dm14 (from Gelber Winterkonig) and Dm15 (from PIVT 1309), mapped to Dm linkage group I (Dm1, Dm2, Dm3 and Dm6) while Dm13 from Pennlake segregated independently of the three previously characterized linkage groups and therefore belongs to a fourth linkage group. Characterization of new resistance genes requires simultaneous consideration of host and pathogen genetics.  相似文献   

The metabolism of the chloronicotinyl insecticide imidacloprid is strongly influenced by the method of application. Whilst in foliar application most of the residues on the leaf surface display unchanged parent compound, most of the imidacloprid administered to plants by soil application or seed treatment is metabolized more or less completely, depending on plant species and time. The present study revealed that certain metabolites of imidacloprid which have been described in crop plants are highly active against aphid pests in different types of bioassays. Some of these metabolites showed a high oral activity against the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), and the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii). The aphicidal potency of the metabolites investigated was weaker in aphid dip tests than in oral ingestion bioassays using artificial double membranes. The most active plant metabolite was the imidazoline derivative of imidacloprid. The LC50 values of this metabolite for M. persicae and A. gossypii in oral ingestion bioassays were in the lower ppb-range, i.e. 0·0044 and 0·0068 mg litre-1, respectively. Most of the other reported metabolites showed much weaker activity. Compared to imidacloprid, the imidazoline derivative showed superior affinity to housefly (Musca domestica) head nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, while all other metabolites were less specific than imidacloprid. It seems possible that, after seed treatment or soil application, a few of the biologically active metabolites arising are acting in concert with remaining levels of the parent compound imidacloprid, thus providing good control and long-lasting residual activity against plant-sucking pests in certain crops. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   



The prophylactic use of seeds treated with neonicotinoid insecticides remains an important means of controlling aphid pests in canola (Brassica napus) crops in many countries. Yet, one of the most economically important aphid species worldwide, the peach potato aphid (Myzus persicae), has evolved mechanisms which confer resistance to neonicotinoids, including amplification of the cytochrome P450 gene, CYP6CY3. While CYP6CY3 amplification has been associated with low-level resistance to several neonicotinoids in laboratory acute toxicity bioassays, its impact on insecticide efficacy in the field remains unresolved. In this study, we investigated the impact of CYP6CY3 amplification on the ability of M. persicae to survive neonicotinoid exposure under laboratory and semi-field conditions.


Three M. persicae clones, possessing different copy numbers of CYP6CY3, were shown to respond differently when exposed to the neonicotinoids, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam, in laboratory bioassays. Two clones, EastNaernup209 and Osborne171, displayed low levels of resistance (3–20-fold), which is consistent with previous studies. However, in a large-scale semi-field trial, both clones showed a surprising ability to survive and reproduce on B. napus seedlings grown from commercial rates of neonicotinoid-treated seed. In contrast, an insecticide-susceptible clone, of wild-type CYP6CY3 copy number, was unable to survive on seedlings treated in the same manner.


Our findings suggest that amplification of CYP6CY3 in M. persicae clones substantially impairs the efficacy of neonicotinoid seed treatments when applied to B. napus. These findings highlight the potentially important real-world implications of resistances typically considered to be ‘low level’ as defined through laboratory bioassays. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of 88 and 38 field samples of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) to imidacloprid and deltamethrin respectively was examined using the FAO dip test bioassay. The field samples were collected from tobacco and peach from various regions of Greece in the period from 2004 to 2006. In addition, 497, 349 and 370 clones originating from peach and tobacco were screened for the three known resistance mechanisms, elevated esterases, modified acetylcholinesterase (MACE) and knockdown resistance (kdr) respectively, using biochemical and DNA diagnostics. Most of the samples assayed with imidacloprid showed low resistance factors (RFs)-39% below 5 and 21% between 5 and 10. However, 9% of the samples (all from tobacco) showed relatively high RF values (24-73). Differences were found between crops, with higher RF values recorded in samples from tobacco than in those from peach. Bioassays with deltamethrin revealed the development of strong resistance in the populations examined. The RFs were mostly higher than 23, and in 29% of the samples they were extremely high (152-436). Finally, the three known resistance mechanisms were found in high frequencies in the populations examined, although some differences between crops and years were detected. The implications of the study for management schemes against M. persicae are discussed.  相似文献   

Control of lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) with phenylamide fungicides has failed in some intensive lettuce-producing areas in Northern Italy since Spring 1993. Before then, these chemicals and particularly metalaxyl, provided the best disease control. The sensitivity of Bremia lactucae isolates collected in such areas to metalaxyl was evaluated in the laboratory. These strains grew and sporulated profusely on lettuce seedlings treated with 100 and 200 ppm of metalaxyl, whereas sensitive control strains were completely inhibited when treated with fungicide concentrations ranging from 0.5–1 ppm. Thus in Italy occurrence of resistance to phenylamide fungicides in Bremia lactucae has also been demonstrated, as in almost all the countries where these chemicals were previously authorised. Subsequently, a demonstration of occurrence of resistance was made and the virulence pattern of several strains (resistant and sensitive to metalaxyl) was characterised using differential NL series containing the 13 DM resistant genes or R factors. The results suggest the occurrence of a new pathotype in Italy different from all the 16 NL Bremia lactucae races studied.  相似文献   

Levels of carboxylesterase activity and resistance to dimethoate were assessed in F1 clones of Myzus persicae obtained by crossing sexuales from a resistant, high esterase clone (R) with those from three susceptible, low esterase clones. The progeny of the most successful cross fell into two distinct groups, intermediate between the parent clones with respect to both carboxylesterase activity and resistance. The first group averaged 74% of the total carboxylesterase activity, 79% of the esterase band-4 activity, and 86% of the resistance of R. The second group averaged 43% of the total carboxylesterase activity, 33% of the esterase band-4 activity and 17% of the resistance of R. The results indicate that R may be heterozygous for two alleles coding for increased esterase levels and associated resistance.  相似文献   

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