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蒙阴县岸堤水库是典型的山地水库,总库容7.8亿立方米,库内有众多的天然沟汊,发展网拦库汊养鱼潜力巨大。2002年我们组织技术人员在水库东南角一库汉,实施了网拦精养与网箱养鲫配套的综合开发,经过9个多月的生产管理,获得了良好的经济、社会、生态效益。现将结果综述如下:  相似文献   

网拦庫湾养鱼是指利用水库的库汊,用聚乙烯网片,把库汊与水库主体部份拦隔开,进行养鱼。它即不与农业争地,又能有效地提高整个水库的鱼产量,同时也能用来培育鱼种,进行水库放养,并具有投资少、见效快、管理方便、易起水等优点,是开发库区水资源,提高鱼产量的一个良好途径。  相似文献   

位于桂阳县境内的欧阳海灌区是一个具有60000多亩水面的大水库。是发展渔业生产的好地方。为了开发利用这一大水面,在县有关部门的重视下,由桂阳县樟市乡党委、政府牵头成立了樟市乡渔场,采取网拦库汊7000亩,进行养鱼。  相似文献   

临澧县官亭水库渔场,于1980年冬在该库上游的谭家铺,选择底部平坦且开阔向阳的库湾挖土筑坝,拦截库汉200亩,他们连续六年来利用这个库汉进行人工投饵施肥精养成鱼,均取得了较好成效。特别是1986年,投喂大量膨化颗粒饲料养鱼,到12月底止干塘统计,共计起水成鱼51吨(粗鳞鱼为40吨),亩平255公斤,  相似文献   

徐振  齐彩霞 《水利渔业》1987,(2):11-14,19
1986年,我们在丹江口水库风凰山库汉进行网拦库汊配合网箱养鱼试验,采用“库汊架拦网,汊内设网箱,箱内鲤鲫鳊,箱外花白鲢,投饵不浪费,箱库双增产的内养外增,粗精结合”的组合生产技术工艺,经济效益较为显著。这项组合技术在丹江口水库的成功应用,为加速开发犬库水域资源开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

大化县实验联合国开发计划署的乡村扶贫项目,利用岩滩电站的35处库汊,计1198.7hm^2拦网养鱼。以鲢、鳙为主养对象,放养鱼种规格为150g-500g/尾。1998-2000年,年平均产鱼1548.9kg/hm^2。投入产出比1:5。投资利润率321.45%。成本利润率195.46%。劳动力年净产值30136元/人。技术进步贡献率31.1%。参与农户935户,受益农民5142人,人均年纯收入1757.8元。  相似文献   

任永本  曹光辉 《水利渔业》1990,(4):29-32,45
本文调查了跋山水库的理化性状、饵料生物的组成及数量和生物量,调查了水库的鱼类组成,介绍了水库渔业的现状,并对发展渔业生产提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

沙河子水库位于吉林省舒兰县城东9公里的细鳞河畔,是一座以灌溉为主的中型水库。最大库容1,036万立方米,兴利库容800万立方米,灌溉水田面积33,000亩,正常养鱼水面2,100亩。  相似文献   

网拦江口水库分宜县段库湾3万亩,1985—1988年国家扶植23.8万元,农民1627户次集资58.978万元,实行科学养鱼开发。开发期间共产鲜鱼281万余公斤,收入746.95万元,纯利395.53万元。国家和集体增加了收入,沿库农民走向了富裕之路。本文简要论述了这项综合技术的研究过程与结果。  相似文献   

福建水口电站建成后,闽江河道变宽,水流变缓,水质变肥,小型野杂鱼虾增多,十分有利于鳜鱼的繁衍生长。库区群众采捕、收购野生苗种进行网箱养殖,充分利用丰富的饵料鱼资源,在3m×3m×2m的网箱中放养尾重50g左右的鱼种200尾/箱,经过6个多月的饲养尾重可增至500g左右,平均单个网箱  相似文献   

鳜鱼俗名桂花鱼、季花鱼,是一种经济价值较高的名贵淡水鱼类.由于受到苗种、饲料等条件的制约,其集约化养殖发展较慢,我们通过4年的水库网箱养殖试验,积累了一些经验,取得了较好的经济效益,现将采取的主要技术总结如下:  相似文献   

The study estimates technical efficiency and investigates the factors affecting the technical inefficiency of cage fish farming in Peninsular Malaysia. The study employs the stochastic frontier function to estimate a production frontier and technical inefficiency model. The data were collected using standard structured questionnaires completed by sample cage fish farmers in the study area. The result reveals an estimated mean technical efficiency score of 0.79, implying that the sample fish farmers are operating 21% below the production frontier and thus, there is room for improvement. The production function involves the use of one output and four inputs, which are stocking density, feed, labour and other relevant production costs. The coefficients of all the inputs have positive signs and statistically significant impacts on the output. The output elasticity associated with stocking density is the highest (0.634), followed by feed (0.317). The null hypotheses that the technical inefficiency effects are absent from the model and that the combined exogenous variables do not influence inefficiency are strongly rejected. The individual's null hypotheses of no age effect, no experience effect, no education effect, no species effect, no extension services effect, no workshop attended effect and no diseases effect on technical inefficiency are all rejected at different levels of statistical significance.  相似文献   

Commercial marine fish farming in Singapore   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R Chou  H B Lee 《Aquaculture Research》1997,28(10):767-776
Commercial marine fish farming in Singapore is mainly the culture of economically important foodfish species in floating cage nets. There are 84 licensed fish farms occupying 46.5 hectares (ha) of coastal waters. Production from these farms accounts for the bulk of aquaculture production in Singapore, being 3554 tonnes (‘metric tons’, t) in 1995, or 98% of total production of 3625t. The commonly cultured species are the green mussels, Perna viridis L., which form the bulk of production (70.4%), finfish like the groupers, Epinephelus tauvina Forsskal and E. malabaricus Schneider, Asian sea bass, Lates cakarifer Bloch, and snappers, Lutjanus johni Bloch and L. argentimaculatus Forsskal, and crustaceans like the mangrove crab, Scylla serrata Forsskal and spiny lobster, Panilurus polyphagus Herbst. The basic farm structure for fish and mussel culture is the floating wooden raft. In finfish farming, polyethylene cage nets are attached to the raft in which popular foodfishes are cultured. The mussel raft is a structure to which polyethylene ropes are attached to collect and grow out green mussels from natural spatfall. Fish seeds for farming are mostly wild-caught. Only the Asian sea bass and the banana shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis de Mann) are produced by commercial hatcheries in Singapore and the region. The fry of pompano (Trachinotus blochii Lacepede, and T. falcatus Klausewitz & Nielsen) are imported from Taiwan. Trash fish is still the main feed used for the farming of finfish and crustaceans like the mangrove crab and lobster because it is cheap and readily available. This paper also reviews the economics of commercial finfish and mussel farming in Singapore today.  相似文献   

职韶阳  杨丽萍  秦超彬  闫潇  张文蕾  刘茗宇  赵梦娟  聂国兴 《水产学报》2023,7(12):129101-1-129101-16

为进一步研究鱼类糖代谢与鸢尾素(irisin)之间的关系,亟需制备irisin抗体并检测其应用可靠性。本实验通过构建Rosetta-irisin表达载体,经蛋白纯化、透析、超滤后免疫小鼠,获得相应多克隆抗体并检测其特异性和抗体效价。建立irisin检测方法,检测口服葡萄糖耐量(OGTT)、RNAi实验后鲤血清irisinA和irisinB的含量变化。免疫荧光检测鲤脑、肠道、心脏、肝胰脏irisin的表达及OGTT后,检测上述组织irisin含量变化。检测鲤肌细胞分化前后FNDC5 mRNA表达差异及irisin含量变化。结果显示,Rosetta-irisin表达载体在IPTG诱导4 h对鲤irisinA/B蛋白表达较BL21-irisin表达载体提高2.3/1.6倍;irisinA和irisinB抗体效价分别为9.0×104和2.7×105,不存在交叉反应,可分别对鲤血清irisinA和irisinB进行测定;OGTT后,irisinA和irisinB呈现出不同的合成变化;RNAi后,irisin含量显著降低;免疫荧光结果显示,irisin在脑中表达最高,肝胰脏次之,心脏、肠道中相对较少;OGTT后,脑、肠道、心脏和肝胰脏中irisinA和irisinB荧光强度显著增加。荧光定量表达分析与免疫荧光结果显示,鲤肌细胞分化后,FNDC5和irisin含量显著降低。综上,本实验制备了高亲和力和特异性的鲤irisinA和irisinB抗体,并检测其应用可靠性。该抗体的获得为系统研究irisin对鲤糖代谢的调控机制奠定基础。同时,鲤irisin检测方法可普遍用于其他鱼类irisin蛋白质水平的定量研究。


杂交鲶是由黑龙江鲶鱼×六须鲶♀杂交而成的养殖新品种,其生长快,口味鲜美,市场销售好。2000年我们从黑龙江水产研究所引进夏花3800尾,进行了水库网箱养殖试验。现将试验情况介绍如下:一、材料与方法:1网箱设置:箱体为双层夏花网,规格为3m×5m×2m,2只共计30m2。选择水深在3m,风浪小,距岸边100m处,在放苗前6天用木桩将网箱固定在水中,网箱露出水面高约07m,水下为13m。2试验鱼:2000年7月6日从黑龙江水产研究所购进平均规格为55cm的杂交鲶夏花3800尾,经15个小…  相似文献   

鲈鱼又名花鲈、寨花、鲈板,是一种凶猛肉食性底层鱼类,具有较耐低温、生长速度快等特点。鲈鱼生活的适宜水温为3℃~29℃,最适生长水温为16℃~17℃。水温在3℃以下停止生长。鲈鱼亦属于广盐性鱼类,在海水和淡水中均可正常生长,因此,为淡水养殖提供了养殖新品种。 一、养殖水域和网箱的制做 网销养殖选择在没有工业污  相似文献   

淡水池塘里的溶氧随着气温、季节、天气变化而改变。可从以下几方面进行预测:一、看天气(1)在夏秋高温季节傍晚下雷阵雨,最容易引起重浮头式泛池,夏秋季节遇上晴天吹南风、气温高,到了夜里吹北风.气温迅速下降,俗称“南撞北”,或者夜里风力较大,气温下降快,也容易引发浮头。(以上三种情况.主是是上下水层对流快,下层氧债迅速上升,增大耗氧层.使全池缺氧)。(2)遇上连绵阴雨、光照条件差.水中光合作用弱、大雾、气温低、半夜或上半夜就可能浮头。(3)久睛未雨加上大量施肥、水质肥.一旦天气转阴.不雷阵雨极易浮头。二…  相似文献   


Production of farmed salmon has increased substantially during the last decade. Most of the salmon production is sold spot, resulting in large price fluctuations both for the producer and for the exporter. No derivative markets exist; consequently, no one can hedge prices. If prices could be forecasted within reasonable confidence bounds, risk would be reduced. This study used six easily applicable procedures to forecast weekly producer prices for salmon. The procedures tested were Classical Additive Decomposition (CAD), Holt Winters Exponential Smoothing (HW), Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA), Vector Auto Regression (VAR) and two different naïve models: post‐sample predictive accuracy was evaluated. Results indicated that the CAD model forecasted the direction of price movements best, whereas the VAR model performed best according to accuracy measures.  相似文献   

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