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The rheological properties of wheat doughs prepared from different flour types, water contents, and mixing times for a total of 20 dough systems were studied. The results were compared with the results of standard baking tests with the same factors. Water and flour type had a significant effect on storage modulus (G′) or phase angle measured by an oscillatory test both in the linear viscoelastic region and as a function of stress, and on compressional force measured as a function of time. The correlation of maximum force of dough in compression and G′ of dough measured within the linear viscoelastic region was r = 0.80. Correlation between the compression and oscillation test improved when all measuring points of the G′ stress curve were included (r = 0.88). The baking performance of the different doughs varied greatly; loaf volumes ranged from 2.9 to 4.7 mL/g. Although the water content of the dough correlated with the rheological measurements, the correlation of G′measured in the linear viscoelastic region or maximum force from stress‐time curve during compression was poor for bread loaf volumes. Mixing time from 4.5 to 15.5 min did not affect the rheological measurements. No correlation was observed with the maximum force of compression or G′ of dough measured in the linear viscoelastic region and baking performance. Good correlation of rheological measurements of doughs and baking performance was obtained when all the data points from force‐time curve and whole stress sweep (G′ as a function of stress) were evaluated with multivariate partial least squares regression. Correlation of all data points with loaf volume was r = 0.81 and 0.72, respectively, in compression and shear oscillation.  相似文献   

L-Ascorbic acid (AsA) and its related compounds play an important role as improvers in bread production. Addition of AsA and its related compounds, such as dehydro-L-AsA (DHA) and 2,3-diketo-L-gulonic acid (DKG), affected the rheological properties of flour-water dough during mixing, especially hardness. Addition of 10 or 100 ppm AsA increased the dough hardness of samples as compared with the control dough. Addition of DHA or DKG to dough only slightly increased hardness. Addition of p-quinone significantly increased the hardness. Both glutathione (GSH) and its oxidized form (GSSG) drastically decreased the hardness. Contents of AsA in the treated dough decreased and contents of DHA increased during mixing, suggesting that oxidation occurred. The oxidation rate of AsA was influenced by the concentration of AsA added. The improving effect of AsA on the rheological properties of flour-water dough seemed to be mostly dependent on reactive intermediate oxidation products such as O2-, while the contribution of DHA was rather limited.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(3):581-587
Wheat bran is a low‐cost by‐product abundantly produced by the wheat flour industry. As a staple food of China, Chinese steamed bread (CSB) represents about 40% of China's wheat consumption. This study investigated the effects of incorporating wheat bran into the CSB at different levels (5, 10, and 15%). The dough behavior was measured by analyzing rheological properties. Quality of CSB was analyzed from two perspectives: physical properties and nutritional quality. For physical properties, specific volume, loaf height, moisture, and texture were measured by 1 . The predicted glycemic response of the bread was analyzed by using an in vitro digestion method. The results illustrated that the incorporation of wheat bran into wheat flour reduced the extensibility of the dough, decreased specific volume, and increased bread hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. However, this study also showed that addition of wheat bran can decrease the predicted glycemic response of steamed bread by up to 39%.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(5):827-833
Glutens isolated from 15 soft red winter (SRW) wheat flours were added into a SRW wheat flour to obtain protein levels of 9.6 and 11.3% for determination of the qualitative effect of added gluten on the dough properties and quality of northern‐style Chinese steamed bread (CSB). Sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation (SDSS) volume of the gluten source flour exhibited positive relationships with mixograph absorption, midline peak time (MPT), and midline peak value (MPV) of the gluten‐added flours and with surface smoothness, crumb structure, and total score of CSB prepared from the gluten‐added flours regardless of protein content. Positive correlations were also observed between SDSS volume of the gluten source flour and specific volume and stress relaxation score of CSB prepared from the gluten‐added flours of 11.3% protein. The increase in protein content from 9.6 to 11.3% by gluten addition raised mixograph absorption, MPT, and MPV but had no apparent effect on resistance breakdown, dough maximum force for extension, and extensibility, and it increased CSB specific volume and crumb structure score without affecting surface smoothness, stress relaxation, and total score. Mixograph parameters exhibited significant relationships with CSB total score, indicating that they could be effective predictors of the CSB‐making quality of flours.  相似文献   

Freezing and prolonged frozen storage of dough results in constant deterioration in the overall quality of the final product. In this study the effect of wheat bran and wheat aleurone as sources of arabinoxylan (AX) on the quality of bread baked from yeasted frozen dough was investigated. Wheat fiber sources were milled to pass through a 0.5 mm screen, prehydrated for 15 min, and incorporated into refined wheat flour at 15% replacement level. Dough products were prepared from refined flour (control A), whole wheat flour (control B), aleurone composite flour (composite flour A), and bran composite flour (composite flour B) and stored at –18°C for 28 weeks. Dough samples were evaluated for breadmaking quality at zero time, 14 weeks, and 28 weeks of storage. Quality parameters evaluated were loaf weight, loaf specific volume, and crumb firmness. Composite flour bread samples showed the most resistance to freeze damage (less reduction in the overall product quality), indicating a possible role of some fiber components (e.g., AX) in minimizing water redistribution in the dough system and therefore lessening adverse modifications to the gluten structure. The data suggest that the shelf life of frozen dough and quality of obtained bread can be improved with the addition of an AX source.  相似文献   

Thermostable mutant α‐amylases (21B, M111, and M77) with various degrees of thermostability were purified from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens F and used as improvers for breadmaking. Test baking with the mutant enzymes was conducted using the long fermentation sponge‐dough method. Addition of an appropriate amount of mutant α‐amylases to the ingredients distinctly increased the specific volume of the bread and improved the softness of breadcrumb as compared with the addition of Novamyl (NM), an exo‐type α‐amylase. M77 was the most effective in retarding the staleness of breadcrumb. The softness of breadcrumb during storage, however, was not correlated with the thermostability. All mutant α‐amylases weakened the mixing property of the dough, whereas they strengthened the property of fermented dough. Especially, M77 and NM had different effects on the dough properties, but their bread qualities were similar to each other. The strong tolerance of M77 dough to the long baking process might be due to the production of hydrolyzed starches, oligosaccharides in the range of maltopentaose to maltohexaose, as compared with NM. Therefore, in the light of present findings, these mutant α‐amylases are possible substitutes for NM as bread improvers.  相似文献   

Isoelectric protein concentrates (IPC) were prepared from one buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and five Amaranthus genotypes. Their effect on the mixing properties of a wheat flour was studied. Mixograph and dynamic oscillatory measurements showed significant increases in dough strength with the addition of 2 and 4% IPC, correlated to the water-insoluble fraction level of the IPC. The same IPCs were used at 2% level to supplement a wheat flour in making Chinese dry noodles. Measurable changes in both the raw and cooked noodle color were observed, and the change caused by addition of buckwheat IPC was substantial. Some of the IPCs caused an increase in cooking loss and only one caused an increase in weight, while increase in volume of the cooked noodles was not significantly affected. The changes in the rheological properties of cooked noodles due to addition of IPCs were measured. Overall, their effects were favorable, but the changes were statistically significant in only a few cases. The substantial dough-strengthening effect of the IPCs was hence not effectively translated into improved cooked noodle quality, and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Six wheat cultivars covering a range of quality parameters were mixed to various proportions of their optimum work input using mechanical dough development (MDD) mixers. Mixing and baking characteristics were determined and each dough was subsampled. The proteins were extracted for analysis by reversed-phase HPLC. Considerable protein mobilization appeared to occur during the MDD process, but the changes appeared to be cultivar-specific and did not indicate how mixing or baking behavior could be predicted. Protein content in extracted fractions was lowest for the weakest, poorest quality wheat but failed to consistently rank the stronger samples. Acetic acid insoluble protein level decreased with mixing as did extractable high molecular weight glutenin subunits. Gliadin protein level initially decreased with mixing before rising sharply with overmixing, while low molecular weight glutenin subunits displayed the reverse pattern. The rate of change of the extractability of the protein fractions with work input was greatest for the weakest samples and least for the stronger samples. However, when the protein quantity in the extractable fractions was plotted against relative work input, the rate of change of protein extractability did not appear to vary significantly between cultivars of different strengths.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of 17 pure European wheat cultivars were analyzed and evaluated in relation to the bread volume. Rheological testing included two empirical rheological methods, farinograph and alveograph, and more fundamental creep‐recovery experiments at shear stresses of 100 and 250 Pa. Principal component analysis on the farinograph and alveograph results showed that a wide range of rheological properties was present among the wheat cultivars. Correlation analysis pointed out that creep‐recovery parameters showed significant correlations with protein content, Zeleny sedimentation value, farinograph water absorption, alveograph extensibility, and bread volume. Among the rheological parameters, maximum recovery strain at a shear stress of 250 Pa showed the highest significant correlation with the bread volume (r = 0.790**). Variables were combined to predict the bread volume by multiple linear regression. A combination of protein content, farinograph water absorption, and alveograph P/L showed the best prediction (r2 = 0.80). When taking into account the creep‐recovery parameters, the best prediction of the bread volume (r2 = 0.74) was obtained for a combination of the maximum recovery strain at a shear stress of 250 Pa with one other quality parameter (Zeleny sedimentation value, farinograph water absorption, or alveograph W).  相似文献   

High molecular weight (HMW) or low molecular weight (LMW) subunits of different chemical state (reduced, reoxidized with KBrO3, or KIO3) or gliadins were added in 1% amounts to a base flour of the wheat cultivar Rektor and mixed with water. The corresponding doughs were then characterized by microscale extension tests and by microbaking tests and were compared to doughs from the base flour without additives. The maximum resistance of dough was strongly increased by HMW subunits in a reduced state and by HMW subunits reoxidized with KBrO3. A moderate increase of resistance was caused by HMW subunits reoxidized with KIO3 and by LMW subunits reoxidized with KBrO3 or KIO3. This resistance was strongly lowered by LMW subunits in a reduced state and by gliadins. The extensibility of dough was significantly increased only by gliadins and reduced HMW subunits; HMW subunits reoxidized with KBrO3 had no effect, and all other fractions had a decreasing effect. In particular, glutenin subunits reoxidized with KIO3 induced marked decrease of extensibility, resulting in bell‐shaped curve extensigrams, which are typical for plastic properties. The effect of reoxidized mixtures (2:1) of HMW and LMW subunits on maximum resistance depended on the oxidizing agent and on the conditions (reoxidation separated or together); extensibility was generally decreased. Bread volume was increased by addition of HMW subunits (reduced or reoxidized with KBrO3) and decreased by LMW subunits (reoxidized with KBrO3 or KIO3) and by a HMW‐LMW subunit mixture (reoxidized with KBrO3). The volume was strongly decreased by addition of reduced LMW subunits. A high bread volume was related to higher values for both resistance and extensibility.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess the influence of wheat bran addition on the rheological properties of dough and on subsequent wheat bread volume and texture. Two types of bioprocessed bran (fermentation with yeast or with yeast plus enzymes) were studied in breadmaking at a substitution level of 20% (sufficient to deliver 6 g of dietary fiber per 100 g of product, the minimum for the European Food Safety Authority high‐fiber nutrition claim). Fermentation activated endogenous enzymes of bran, which together with exogenous enzymes modified the state of fiber in bran, resulting in solubilization of arabinoxylans and slight degradation of the insoluble fiber. Fermentation and enzyme treatment of bran compensated for the increased hardness (+100%) and the volume‐decreasing (–21%) effect observed with untreated bran. Analysis with partial least squares regression suggested the efficacy of bioprocessing to be based on solubilization of arabinoxylans, smaller particle size of bran, lower pasting viscosity of starch, improved resistance to extension, and accelerated CO2 production.  相似文献   

Fourteen bread wheat near-isogenic lines (NILs) with different alleles at 1B- and 1D-chromosome loci Glu-1, Glu-3 and Gli-1 coding for high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), low molecular weight-GS, and gliadins, respectively, were grown in replicated plots to investigate the individual and combined effects of glutenin and gliadin components on the rheological properties of dough as determined by the Chopin alveograph. NILs did not reveal significant differences in seed yield, protein content, kernel weight, test weight, flour yield, and starch damage. On the contrary, they had a large variation in alveograph dough tenacity P (55–93 mm), swelling G (17–26 mL) and strength W (140–252 J × 10-4). The null alleles at the Gli-D1/Glu-D3 loci, and allele Glu-D1d (HMW-GS 5+10) were found to have a strong positive influence on dough tenacity and a remarkable negative influence on dough swelling (extensibility) when compared to alleles Gli-D1/Glu-D3b and Glu-D1a (HMW-GS 2+12), respectively. On the other hand, alleles Glu-B1c (HMW-GS 7+9) and Gli-B1/Glu-B3k gave greater G values than alleles Glu-B1u (HMW-GS 7*+8) and Gli-B1/Glu-B3b. The effects of individual Glu-1, Gli-1, or Glu-3 alleles on P and G values were largely additive. The impact of the null allele at Gli-D1/Glu-D3 on gluten strength was highly positive in NILs possessing HMW-GS 2+12, and negligible or negative in NILs containing HMW-GS 5+10, suggesting that there is scope for improving dough quality by utilizing this allele in combination with HMW-GS 2+12. Gli-D1/Glu-D3-encoded prolamins were shown to play a major role in conferring extensibility to dough, and could account for the superior breadmaking characteristics of bread wheat as compared to durum wheat.  相似文献   

This study measured the relationship between bread quality and 49 hard red spring (HRS) or 48 hard red winter (HRW) grain, flour, and dough quality characteristics. The estimated bread quality attributes included loaf volume, bake mix time, bake water absorption, and crumb grain score. The best‐fit models for loaf volume, bake mix time, and water absorption had R2 values of 0.78–0.93 with five to eight variables. Crumb grain score was not well estimated, and had R2 values ≈0.60. For loaf volume models, grain or flour protein content was the most important parameter included. Bake water absorption was best estimated when using mixograph water absorption, and flour or grain protein content. Bake water absorption models could generally be improved by including farinograph, mixograph, or alveograph measurements. Bake mix time was estimated best when using mixograph mix time, and models could be improved by including glutenin data. When the data set was divided into calibration and prediction sets, the loaf volume and bake mix time models still looked promising for screening samples. When including only variables that could be rapidly measured (protein content, test weight, single kernel moisture content, single kernel diameter, single kernel hardness, bulk moisture content, and dark hard and vitreous kernels), only loaf volume could be predicted with accuracies adequate for screening samples.  相似文献   

Breads baked from wheat flours (protein contents 14.1–16.5% at 14.0% mb) that were pretreated with 2–3 mL of gaseous acetic acid per kg of wheat flour, showed maximum bread height and specific volume (cm3/g). Flour-water suspension and the crumb pH values were gradually decreased with increased amounts of acetic acid. Gas generation and dough expansion tests with bread dough showed that the addition of the same amount of acetic acid, which achieved maximum specific volume, also showed the highest rate of gas generation and dough expansion. However, increasing acetic acid decreased these values. Scanning electron microscope (Cryo-SEM) observation showed that the bread dough made from the same acetic acid-treated flour indicated continuum and no cracks in the dough matrix. Evaluation of mixograms showed the decrease of mixing stability with increased acetic acid levels. Viscosity and water binding capacity of flour-water suspensions were sharply increased by the addition of acetic acid at pH 5.0–3.5.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of dough and gluten are important for end‐use quality of flour but there is a lack of knowledge of the relationships between fundamental and empirical tests and how they relate to flour composition and gluten quality. Dough and gluten from six breadmaking wheat qualities were subjected to a range of rheological tests. Fundamental (small‐deformation) rheological characterizations (dynamic oscillatory shear and creep recovery) were performed on gluten to avoid the nonlinear influence of the starch component, whereas large deformation tests were conducted on both dough and gluten. A number of variables from the various curves were considered and subjected to a principal component analysis (PCA) to get an overview of relationships between the various variables. The first component represented variability in protein quality, associated with elasticity and tenacity in large deformation (large positive loadings for resistance to extension and initial slope of dough and gluten extension curves recorded by the SMS/Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig, and the tenacity and strain hardening index of dough measured by the Dobraszczyk/Roberts dough inflation system), the elastic character of the hydrated gluten proteins (large positive loading for elastic modulus [G′], large negative loadings for tan δ and steady state compliance [Je0]), the presence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW‐GS) 5+10 vs. 2+12, and a size distribution of glutenin polymers shifted toward the high‐end range. The second principal component was associated with flour protein content. Certain rheological data were influenced by protein content in addition to protein quality (area under dough extension curves and dough inflation curves [W]). The approach made it possible to bridge the gap between fundamental rheological properties, empirical measurements of physical properties, protein composition, and size distribution. The interpretation of this study gave indications of the molecular basis for differences in breadmaking performance.  相似文献   

Polyols could prolong shelf life and improve the quality of white bread. But the effect of high contents of polyols on dough properties and bread qualities is not yet clearly known. Thus, the properties of dough and white bread with different addition of polyols were evaluated by means of selected physicochemical properties. Rheology experiment results showed that both glycerol and sorbitol decreased the G′ and G″ of the dough. The results of thermogravimetric analysis revealed that polyols hindered the evaporation of water and that glycerol had a greater capacity for water retention than did sorbitol. In the bread, they caused more water to be absorbed on the surface of the gluten–starch system. They decreased the water activity and mass loss of the bread, but the specific volume of the bread also decreased. We found when glycerol and sorbitol addition was higher than 8%, it could slightly increase the viscidity of dough, enhance the moisture content of bread, and reduce the water activity of bread. But the gluten strength of dough decreased, and shaping and proofing of dough were difficult, which resulted in the deterioration the quality of white bread. We conclude that the addition of glycerol or sorbitol below 8% would be beneficial to the properties of dough and white bread and that sorbitol is a better option than glycerol.  相似文献   

Gliadins are among the most important protein fractions affecting wheat baking quality, but they are also plant allergens and a cause of celiac disease or food intolerance. Therefore, we investigated how gliadin immunoreactivity and dough rheological properties are influenced by thioredoxin, a regulatory disulfide protein that can reduce disulfide bonds, a typical motive in many allergenic proteins. Ten winter wheat genotypes of different qualities were analyzed. Reduction by thioredoxin strongly (>50%) decreased gliadin immunoreactivity as estimated by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay with immunoglobulin E (IgE) sera from allergic patients and standard antigliadin antibodies but did not significantly affect dough rheological properties. Most parameters from the Brabender extensigraph were only slightly lower. Simultaneously, the farinograph curve exhibited a drawdown dislocation, possibly due to increased water absorption by modified flour, and dough consistency visibly improved. Results suggest that thioredoxin may be a universal natural beneficial modifier, able to significantly decrease gliadin immunoreactivity (hence its potential allergenicity) without decreasing the unique technological properties of wheat flour.  相似文献   

Rheological and structural behavior of dough prepared with two Argentinean flours (FI and FII) of different dough extensibilities were studied. Flours were analyzed by composition and rheological assays. Structural properties of dough prepared at different mixing times were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, free sulfhydryls quantification, and yield of different protein fractions, as well as their protein surface hydrophobicity. Size of high molecular weight glutelin soluble aggregates was analyzed through multistacking gel electrophoresis. Dynamic viscoelasticity of dough was also studied. Flours FI and FII presented similar physicochemical properties but different rheological properties. Structural properties of both flour components were different. Starch from FI flour generated a more viscous paste than that of FII. FI presented a higher glutenin‐to‐gliadin ratio and a higher content of free sulfhydryls than FII. The resulting dough of FI showed a high development time and was more stable than FII. FI contained a high proportion of soluble HMW glutenins and formed dough with a more depolymerized insoluble protein residue containing a lower amount of gliadin in its matrix than FII. FI also formed a more elastic and stable dough with higher development time than FII. The specific structural characteristic of FI turns this flour into suitable raw material for the preparation of different bakery products in which elasticity of dough would be an important functional property.  相似文献   

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