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A field trial on a loamy sand soil was carried out to study the effect of three irrigation waters with different qualities on growth and yield of ‘Gesto’, a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivar. Three irrigation water quality treatments (canal irrigation water, drainage water, and mixed canal and drainage waters at 1:1 ratio) were imposed with two irrigation frequencies (I and 2 week intervals). In addition, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers were applied at different rates. Barley grain and straw yields were significantly decreased under the use of drainage water (EC 10.7–16.7 dS m−1), attributed mainly to reduction in the number of spikes per plant and grain weight. The mixed irrigation water (EC 6.8–9.9 dS m−1) produced high seedling emergence and good vegetative growth, which was followed by high grain and straw yields. These yields were not significantly different from those under fresh canal irrigation water (EC 2.8–3.9 dS m−1). Thus, mixed water could be another alternative for irrigation under similar experimental conditions especially with high rates of nitrogen (250–350 kg ha−1) and phosphorus (90 kg ha−1) fertilization at weekly irrigation intervals, which could eventually save more fresh irrigation canal water for other cultivated crops.  相似文献   

Irrigation frequency is one of the most important factors in drip irrigation scheduling, and a proper irrigation frequency can establish moderate moist and oxygen conditions in the root zone throughout the crop period. Field experiments on the effects of irrigation frequency on radish growth and water use were carried out in 2001 and 2002. The experiment included six irrigation frequencies: once every day, once every 2 days, once every 3 days, once every 4 days, once every 6 days and once every 8 days. There was no significant difference among the six treatments on radish development and yield, but significant differences in radish roots distribution and market quality were found. Radishes irrigated once every 3 days had well-developed roots throughout the crop period, the lowest cracking rate and the least number of radishes of Grade 3. The observation results of lysimeter in 2002 showed that radish evapotranspiration decreased as irrigation frequency decreased, and the general changing tendency of 2-day ET of high irrigation frequency was related to that of 2-day evaporation. It is recommended that radish irrigation frequency should be once every 3 days and the irrigation amount should be estimated according to the evaporation of 20 cm diameter pan in the North China Plain.  相似文献   

The effect of irrigation with water at salinity concentrations of 2.6 and 5.2 dS m–1 on the growth of pure swards of six cultivars of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) was examined over three irrigation seasons at Tatura, Victoria, Australia. After two irrigation seasons, soil EC e levels increased to 6 dS m–1 at 0–60 cm depth in the higher salinity treatment resulting in highly significant (p < 0.001) reductions in shoot dry matter production, flowering densities and petiole and stolon densities. These saline conditions also increased (p <0.001) concentrations of Cl and Na in the shoots and reduced (p < 0.001) leaf water potentials and canopy photosynthetic efficiency rates especially at high temperatures. In contrast, root growth increased at shallow depths (0–15 cm) under both saline irrigation treatments (p <0.001). Cultivars differed significantly in salt tolerance (p < 0.001), with cultivars Haifa and Irrigation exhibiting superior tolerance in terms of lower reductions in herbage yield (p <0.05) and petiole densities (p <0.001) during one irrigation season and lower concentrations of Na and Cl in the shoots (p <0.05) compared with the other four cultivars (Aran, Kopu, Pitau and Tamar). In addition, canopy photosynthetic efficiency rates (A *) in plots irrigated with water at 5.2 dS m–1 were higher in cultivar Haifa compared with cultivar Tamar (p <0.05). The salt tolerance ranking obtained for the six cultivars was in broad agreement with earlier greenhouse studies. Consequently, it appears that, while white clover is an extremely salt-sensitive species, it is possible to grow cultivars which display greater salt tolerance than other cultivars and which provide some scope to increase, or at least to maintain, pasture yields in areas where the soil salinity is low to moderate or where pumped saline groundwater is re-used for Irrigation.  相似文献   

An easy-to-follow methodology is developed for the assessment of regional evapotranspiration in Castilla-La Mancha, a semi-arid region of Spain. The methodology is applied to barley crops to monitor the irrigation scheduling over the region, by using remote sensing techniques supplemented by ground measurements. The methodology can be based on either of two models. In the first one, established by Caselles and Delegido,1the reference evapotranspiration,ETo, derives from the expressionETo=ARg(Ta)max+BRg+CwhereA, BandCare empirical coefficients, depending on climatic parameters and determined for each region;Rgis the daily global radiation; and (Ta)maxis the maximum air temperature. The second model, proposed by Jacksonet al.,2considers the actual evapotranspirationER=Rn+D(TaTs) whereRn, is the net radiation,TaandTsare the air and crop surface temperatures, respectively, andDis a semi-empirical coefficient. Both methods were compared with the method of Penman (considered standard), and resulted in differences of ±1 mm  d−1. The developed methodology has been applied to map the reference and the actual evapotranspiration over a 10×10 km area, using the thermal-infrared information provided by the AVHRR (advanced very high resolution radiometer) sensor on board the NOAA (national oceanic atmosphere administration) satellite on a selected date.  相似文献   

Saline water has been included as an important substitutable resource for fresh water in agricultural irrigation in many fresh water scarce regions. In order to make good use of saline water for agricultural irrigation in North China, a semi-humid area, a 3-year field experiment was carried out to study the possibility of using saline water for supplement irrigation of cucumber. Saline water was applied via mulched drip irrigation. The average electrical conductivity of irrigation water (ECiw) was 1.1, 2.2, 2.9, 3.5 and 4.2 dS/m in 2003 and 2004, and 1.1, 2.2, 3.5, 4.2 and 4.9 dS/m in 2005. Throughout cucumber-growing season, the soil matric potential at 0.2 m depth immediately under drip emitter was kept higher than −20 kPa and saline water was applied after cucumber seedling stage. The experimental results revealed that cucumber fruit number per plant and yield decreased by 5.7% per unit increase in ECiw. The maximum yield loss was around 25% for ECiw of 4.9 dS/m, compared with 1.1 dS/m. Cucumber seasonal accumulative water use decreased linearly over the range of 1.5-6.9% per unit increase in ECiw. As to the average root zone ECe (electrical conductivity of saturated paste extract), cucumber yield and water use decreased by 10.8 and 10.3% for each unit of ECe increase in the root zone (within 40 cm away from emitter and 40 cm depths), respectively. After 3 years irrigation with saline water, there was no obvious tendency for ECe to increase in the soil profile of 0-90 cm depths. So in North China, or similar semi-humid area, when there is no enough fresh water for irrigation, saline water up to 4.9 dS/m can be used to irrigate field culture cucumbers at the expense of some yield loss.  相似文献   

The field experiments were carried out in 2007 and 2008 to study the effects and strategies of drip irrigation with saline water for oleic sunflower. Five treatments of irrigation water with average salinity levels of 1.6, 3.9, 6.3, 8.6, and 10.9 dS/m were designed. For each treatment, 7 mm water was applied when the soil matric potential (SMP) 0.2 m directly underneath the drip emitters was below −20 kPa, except during the seedling stage. To ensure the seedling survival, 28 mm water was applied after sowing during the seedling stage. Results indicate that amount of applied water decreases as salinity level of irrigation water increases. The emergence will be delayed when the salinity level of irrigation water is higher than 6.3 dS/m, but these differences will be alleviated if there is rainfall during emergence period. The final emergence percentage is not changed when salinity level of irrigation is less than 6.3 dS/m, and the percentage decreases by 2.0% for every 1 dS/m increase when the salinity level of irrigation water is above 6.3 dS/m, but the decreasing rate will be reduced if there is rainfall. The plant height and yield decrease with the increase of salinity of irrigation water. The height of plants decreases by 0.6-1.0% for every 1 dS/m increase in salinity level of irrigation water. The yield decreases by 1.8% for every 1 dS/m increase in salinity level of irrigation water, and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) increases with increase in salinity of irrigation water. The soil salinity increases as the salinity of irrigation water increasing after drip irrigation with saline water in the beginning, but the soil salinity in soil profile from 0 to 120 cm depths can be maintained in a stable level in subsequent year irrigation with saline water. From the view points of yield and soil salt balance, it can be recognized even as the salinity level of irrigation water is as high as 10.9 dS/m, saline water can be applied to irrigate oleic sunflower using drip irrigation when the soil matric potential 0.2 m directly under drip emitter is kept above −20 kPa and the beds are mulched in semi-humid area.  相似文献   

A four-year trial was set up to test the feasibility of growing oleic sunflower in a very strongly saline wasteland with drip irrigation in the Ningxia plain of Northwest China. The soil salinity expressed as electrical conductivity of the saturation paste extract (EC e ) was around 28 dS/m, and soil nutrient was deficient in the upper 120 cm depth. The experiment included five soil matric potential (SMP) treatments, with the SMP at 20-cm depth immediately under the emitters maintained to be higher than ?5, ?10, ?15, ?20 and ?25 kPa after sunflower establishment. Drip irrigation consistently created a favourable soil moisture and low-salinity region in the root zone when the SMP was maintained higher than ?25 kPa. The sunflower dry seed yield decreased by 3.8 % for each unit increase in seasonal average soil salinity in the root zone. Plant vegetative growth, yield characteristics, irrigation frequency and irrigation amount all increased with the increase in SMP from ?25 to ?5 kPa, and the highest irrigation water use efficiency was available when the SMP was between ?10 and ?15 kPa (the amount of applied water was around 750 mm). Leaching of salts by drip irrigation gradually turned the very strongly saline soil into a moderately saline soil. This research suggests that drip irrigation can be successfully used in oleic sunflower cultivation in this highly saline soil and a SMP threshold between ?10 and ?15 kPa is suggested for irrigation scheduling.  相似文献   

Summary Four irrigation treatments: no irrigation; early irrigation (150 mm); late irrigation (150 mm); and early+late irrigation (275 mm), with 363 mm of rain; and four basic applications of nitrogen (0, 60, 120, 180 kg ha–1), with and without an additional nitrogen top dressing of 60 kg ha–1, were applied to autumn-sown wheat.For any given total nitrogen rate, there was no difference between the single and the split application.Grain yields ranged from 3040 kg ha–1 for the unirrigated, zero-nitrogen treatment to 6340 kg ha–1 for the two irrigations, 180 kg ha –1 N treatment. There was a strong interaction of irrigation and nitrogen on grain yields which was due mainly to the late irrigation: in the absence of the late irrigation the optimal nitrogen rate was 120 kg hat, followed by a marked decline in yield with additional nitrogen, whereas the application of the late irrigation shifted the optimum nitrogen rate to 180 kg ha–1. In the absence of the late irrigation, increasing the nitrogen rate from 0 to 240 kg ha –1 reduced kernel weight from 42 to 32 mg, whereas late irrigation largely prevented this decrease (42 to 39 mg). The reduction in kernel weight was evident even at the first nitrogen increments, in the range where grain yield was still increasing. Lack of nitrogen reduced soil moisture extraction during the grain filling stage, particularly from soil layers deeper than 60 cm.Stomatal aperture in the irrigated treatments was markedly larger in nitrogen-supplied than in nitrogen-deficient wheat, although the leaf hydration was similar; in the unirrigated treatment, the nitrogen-supplied plants had a lower hydration and smaller stomatal aperture than nitrogen-deficient plants.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel, No: 282-E, 1977 series  相似文献   

Salt-tolerant crops can be grown with saline water from tile drains and shallow wells as a practical strategy to manage salts and sustain agricultural production in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of California. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) was grown in previously salinized plots that varied in average electrical conductivity (ECe) from 1.8 to 7.2 dS m−1 (0–2.7 m depth) and irrigated with either high quality (ECi<1 dS m−1) or saline (ECi=6.7 dS m−1) water. One response of safflower to increasing root zone salinity was decreased water use and root growth. Plants in less saline plots recovered more water on average (515 mm) and at a greater depth than in more salinized plots (435 mm). With greater effective salinity, drainage increased with equivalent water application rates. Seed yield was not correlated with consumptive water use over the range of 400–580 mm. Total biomass and plant height at harvest were proportional to water use over the same range. Safflower tolerated greater levels of salinity than previously reported. Low temperatures and higher than average relative humidity in spring likely moderated the water use of safflower grown under saline conditions.  相似文献   

The response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to 14 irrigation treatments in a sub-humid environment (Bursa, Turkey) was studied in the field for two seasons. A rainfed (non-irrigated) treatment as the control and 13 irrigation treatments with full and 12 different deficit irrigations were applied to the hybrid Sanbro (Novartis Seed Company) planted on clay soil, at three critical development stages: heading (H), flowering (F) and milk ripening (M). The yield increased with irrigation water amount, and the highest seed yield (3.95 t ha−1) and oil yield (1.78 t ha−1) were obtained from the HFM treatment (full irrigation at three stages); 82.9 and 85.4% increases, respectively, compared to the control. Evapotranspiration (ET) increased with increased amounts of irrigation water supplied. The highest seasonal ET (average of 652 mm) was estimated at the HFM treatment. Additionally, yield response factor (k y) was separately calculated for each, two and total growth stages, and k y was found to be 0.8382, 0.9159 (the highest value) and 0.7708 (the lowest value) for the total growing season, heading, and flowering-milk ripening combination stages, respectively. It is concluded that HFM irrigation is the best choice for maximum yield under the local conditions, but these irrigation schemes must be re-considered in areas where water resources are more limited. In the case of more restricted irrigation, the limitation of irrigation water at the flowering period should be avoided; as the highest water use efficiency (WUE) (7.80 kg ha−1 mm−1) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) (10.19 kg ha−1 mm−1) were obtained from the F treatment.  相似文献   

In many water scarce areas, saline water has been included as an important substitutable resource in agricultural irrigation. It would be of practical use to investigate the effect of stage-specific saline irrigation on yield, fruit quality, and other growth responses of greenhouse tomato, to establish a proper irrigation management strategy for tomato production in these regions. Here, saline irrigations (3.33, 8.33, and 16.67 dS m−1 NaCl solution) were applied during four growth stages of greenhouse tomato (L. esculentum Mill. cv. Zhongza No. 9) grown in the North China Plain, respectively. These include flowering and fruit-bearing stage (stage 1), first cluster fruit expanding stage (stage 2), second cluster fruit expanding stage (stage 3), and harvesting stage (stage 4). Compared with the following three stages, yield loss was most remarkable in stage 1 under all three salinity levels. Under irrigation practices using 3.33 dS m−1 saline water in all four stages, 8.33 dS m−1 saline water in latter three stages, and 16.67 dS m−1 saline water in stage 4, yield reduction was not significant while fruit quality was improved. In conclusion, it is feasible to use stage-specific saline irrigation for tomato production in water scarce areas like North China Plain.  相似文献   

Summary Cowpea and mung bean were subjected to three irrigation schedules during summer dry months (May–June). In general, cowpea had higher rates of net photosynthesis (P n ,Figs. 1, 2), dark respiration (R d ,Table 1), absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, Table 2), and growth (Fig. 7) than mung bean. Mung bean reflected more PAR and maintained a slightly cooler canopy than cowpea (Table 2). Moisture stress decreased P n , R d ,absorption coefficient of PAR, evaporative cooling and growth in both the species. However, the reductions in P n rates of stressed leaves were more than the decreases in R d .Restoration of water supply to stressed cowpea resulted in a more rapid recovery of growth as compared to mung bean.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of irrigation on tillering and tiller mortality in varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum and T. durum), triticale and barley was studied under field conditions. Low temperature in the early stages of growth promoted production of tillers whereas increase in temperature during extension growth phase increased tiller mortality. More than 1000 tillers m–2 were produced with five irrigations but 40% or more died. With limited water availability tiller production was reduced but so was their mortality. Grain yield in wheat and triticale was positively correlated with productive tillers and negatively correlated with the maximum number of tillers produced in wheat and barley grown under limited irrigation conditions. Varieties with a capacity to produce fewer tillers were identified. Some of them proved more stable in yield. No correlation was found between tiller number and grain yield in the frequently irrigated treatment.  相似文献   

Summary The growth response of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) to four irrigation schedules based on leaf water potential l was evaluated in a semi-arid tropical environment. Total dry matter production was unaffected by regimes in which the mean value of leaf water potential l (mean of solar noon and dawn value) did not fall below –1.26 MPa. Stem elongation was more sensitive than dry matter accumulation to plant water stress. — The economic yield for paper pulp production (i. e. total plant dry matter production minus that of the foliage and upper 60 cm of stem) increased with the frequency of irrigation. — Growth recovery by kenaf following a period of water stress was examined. Alleviation of water stress 10 weeks after irrigation, when l was –1.60 MPa, produced stem elongation rates that were greater than those of plants previously receiving irrigation. This ability to withstand water stress and partially compensate in growth following alleviation of the stress indicates that the kenaf crop has stress response features suitable for rainfall only production under semi-arid tropical conditions. — Irrigation schedules based on l resulted in water applications tailored to crop requirements in that water use increased, and the time interval between irrigation decreased, with increasing canopy development as well as with increasing evaporative demand. However, erratic fluctuations in l between irrigations make scheduling by this method difficult and the use of daily mean, dawn or noon values of l for scheduling irrigation of kenaf cannot be recommended in environments of high evaporative demand. The factors contributing to these fluctuations in (l) are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a notable worldwide increase in the amount of land devoted to olive orchards. Most of these new orchards are irrigated and represent large financial investments. The irrigation of young olive trees should reduce the period during which their production is small or non-existent. Although the water requirements of young olive orchards are thought to be low, little is in fact known in this regard. In the present work, three irrigation treatments (100, 75 and 50% coverage of water needs) were designed using the Orgaz method, and their effects on young olive trees tested in different plots over a period of 3 years. The 50% deficit treatment was designed to provide the trees with an amount of water in the region of that stipulated by the FAO method, the most commonly used irrigation scheduling system for olive orchards. No significant differences in shoot water potential nor abaxial leaf conductance were seen between the trees receiving the different treatments. However, canopy volume and shoot growth were affected. These results indicate that the traditional FAO model, which would have supplied about 35% of the water supplied by the Control treatment, may well reduce the economic benefits to be derived from young olive orchards.  相似文献   

Summary Field studies were conducted for a period of ten years (1974 to 1984) on Typic Ustochrept to determine the sustained effects of saline irrigation water electrical conductivity (EC iw ) 3.2 dS/m, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) 21 (mmol/1)1/2 and residual sodium carbonate (RSC) 4me/1, on the build up of salinity in the soil profile and yield of crops grown under fixed rice-wheat and maize/millet-wheat rotations. Saline waters were continuously used with and without the addition of gypsum (at the rate needed to reduce RSC to zero) applied at each irrigation. In maize/millet-wheat rotation, two additional treatments viz. (i) irrigation with 50% extra water over and above the normal 6 cm irrigation, and (ii) irrigation with good water and saline water alternately, were also kept. The results showed that salinity increased rapidly in the profile during the initial years but after five years (1979–1984) the average soluble salt concentration in 0–90 cm soil profile did not appreciably vary and the mean EC e values under saline water treatment remained almost similar to EC iw , under both the crop rotations.Saline water irrigation increased pH and Na saturation of the soil, reduced water infiltration rate and decreased yields of maize, rice and wheat. The differences in the build up of salinity and ESP of the soil under the two cropping sequences seemed to be related with the differences in leaching that occurred under rice-wheat and maize/millet-wheat rotations. Application of gypsum increased the removal of Na from the profile, appreciably decreased the pH and Na saturation and improved water infiltration rate and raised crop yields. Application of non-saline and saline waters alternately was found to be a useful practice but irrigation with 50% extra water to meet the leaching requirement did not control salinity and hence lowered crop yields.  相似文献   

咸水灌溉对土壤水盐分布和小麦产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在石羊河流域中游开展田间灌溉试验,试验设置3种灌水量,灌溉定额分别为355,280,205 mm(W1,W2和W3);4种灌水矿化度0.7,3.0,5.0和7.0 g/L(S1,S2,S3和S4),共12个处理,每个处理3组重复.研究结果表明:淡水灌溉条件下,土壤积盐率不超过15%,当灌水矿化度在3.0 g/L以上时,土壤剖面盐分积累峰值在20~40 cm层,灌溉水带入的盐分有40%~80%积累在60 cm深度.当灌水矿化度为3.0 g/L时,盐分胁迫造成春小麦减产在10%以下;灌水矿化度为5.0 g/L和7.0 g/L时,春小麦减产严重,最高可达28%.相同灌水矿化度条件下,与充分灌溉(W1)相比,W2和W3分别减产10%和15%左右.拔节期-灌浆期是春小麦需水关键期,灌水要及时,3种灌水量均可以保证春小麦根区含水量维持在田间持水量的60%~80%.因此,3.0 g/L的微咸水灌溉不会造成春小麦大幅减产,合理调控灌水时间,灌水量为205~355mm可以保证春小麦土壤含水量维持在适宜的水平.  相似文献   

A 3-year experiment was conducted in an extremely dry and saline wasteland to investigate the effects of the drip irrigation on salt distributions and the growth of cotton under different irrigation regimes in Xinjiang, Northwest China. The experiment included five treatments in which the soil matric potential (SMP) at 20 cm depth was controlled at −5, −10, −15, −20, and −25 kPa after cotton was established. The results indicated that a favorable low salinity zone existed in the root zone throughout the growing season when the SMP threshold was controlled below −25 kPa. When the SMP value decreased, the electrical conductivity of the saturation paste extract (ECe) in the root zone after the growing season decreased as well. After the 3-year experiment, the seed-cotton yield had reached 84% of the average yield level for non-saline soil in the study region and the emergence rate was 78.1% when the SMP target value was controlled below −5 kPa. The average pH of the soil decreased slightly after 3 years of cultivation. The highest irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) values were recorded when the SMP was around −20 kPa. After years of reclamation and utilization, the saline soil gradually changed to a moderately saline soil. The SMP of −5 kPa at a depth of 20 cm immediately under a drip emitter can be used as an indicator for cotton drip irrigation scheduling in saline areas in Xinjiang, Northwest China.  相似文献   

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