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Properties of modified starches from partial waxy wheats have not been examined. Protease digestion of cracked kernels of three hard winter wheats varying in amylose content led to 82–85% recovery of starch, whereas kneading of the flour-water doughs gave 75–83% recovery. All starches had a protein content of <0.3% and ash content of <0.01%. Granule size distributions showed that starch from Ike kernels contained 86% A-type granules with a peak size of ≈18μm, and Karl-92 starch contained 77% A-type granules with a peak size of ≈16μm. The A-type granules (82%) from Rio Blanco starch were intermediate in size. The amylose content of Karl-92 starch, determined by concanavalin-A precipitation of amylpectin, was 28%, which was 17% higher than that of Ike starch (23%). The amylose content of Rio Blanco starch was 26%. The lipid content of Karl-92 starch, determined as fatty acid methyl esters, also was 18% higher than that of Ike starch (601 vs. 488 mg/100 g of starch, respectively). Wheat starches were modified with hydroxypropyl (HP) groups to low (1.5–2.5%) and medium (≈4.0%) levels, and the HP starches were cross-linked with phosphoryl chloride at levels of 0.003–0.075%. Pasting curves (amylograms) showed that Ike starch substituted with a low level of HP and optimally cross-linked with 0.025% phosphoryl chloride (starch basis) had a greater paste consistency than low HP cross-linked Karl-92, and Rio Blanco starches. At 4% HP and optimum cross-linking (0.003% phosphoryl chloride), the paste consistencies of the modified starches were nearly the same. The clarity of unmodified Ike starch paste was higher than that of Karl-92 or Rio Blanco starch pastes, and the clarity of all three pastes decreased as cross-linking was increased. Unmodified Ike starch formed a stronger gel than unmodified Karl-92 and Rio Blanco starches, but gel properties largely converged as the starches were modified.  相似文献   

One nonwaxy (covered) and two waxy (hull-less) barleys, whole grain and commercially abraded, were milled to break flour, reduction flour, and the bran fraction with a roller mill under optimized conditions. The flour yield range was 55.3–61.8% in whole grain and increased by 9–11% by abrasion before milling. Break flours contained the highest starch content (≤85.8%) independent of type of barley and abrasion level. Reduction flours contained less starch, but more protein, ash, free lipids, and total β-glucans than break flours. The bran fraction contained the highest content of ash, free lipids, protein, and total β-glucans but the lowest content of starch. Break flours milled from whole grain contained 82–91% particles <106 μm, and reduction flours contained ≈80% particles <106 μm. Abrasion significantly increased the amount of particles <38 μm in break and reduction flours in both types of barley. Viscosity of hot paste prepared with barley flour or bran at 8% concentration was strongly affected by barley type and abrasion level. In cv. Waxbar, the viscosity in bran fractions increased from 428 to 1,770 BU, and in break flours viscosity increased from 408 to 725 BU due to abrasion. Sugar snap cookies made from nonwaxy barley had larger diameter than cookies prepared from waxy barley. Cookies made from break flours were larger than those made from reduction flours, independent of type of barley. Quick bread baked from nonwaxy barley had a loaf volume similar to that of wheat bread, whereas waxy barley bread had a smaller loaf volume. Replacement of 20% of wheat flour by both waxy and nonwaxy barley flour or bran did not significantly affect the loaf volume but did decrease the hardness of quick bread crumb.  相似文献   

Fermentation performance of eight waxy, seven nonwaxy soft, and 15 nonwaxy hard wheat cultivars was compared in a laboratory dry‐grind procedure. With nitrogen supplements in the mash, the range of ethanol yields was 368–447 L/ton. Nonwaxy soft wheat had an average ethanol yield of 433 L/ton, higher than nonwaxy hard and waxy wheat. Conversion efficiencies were 91.3–96.2%. Despite having higher levels of free sugars in grain, waxy wheat had higher conversion efficiency than nonwaxy wheat. Although there was huge variation in the protein content between nonwaxy hard and soft wheat, no difference in conversion efficiency was observed. Waxy cultivars had extremely low peak viscosity during liquefaction. Novel mashing properties of waxy cultivars were related to unique pasting properties of starch granules. With nitrogen supplementation, waxy wheat had a faster fermentation rate than nonwaxy wheat. Fermentation rates for waxy cultivars without nitrogen supplementation and nonwaxy cultivars with nitrogen supplementation were comparable. Ethanol yield was highly related to both total starch and protein content, but total starch was a better predictor of ethanol yield. There were strong negative relationships between total starch content of grain and both yield and protein content of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS).  相似文献   

Manufacture of pasta products is paramount for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). The recent development of waxy durum wheat containing starch with essentially 100% amylopectin may provide new food processing applications and present opportunities for value‐added crop production. This investigation was conducted to determine differences in some chemical and functional properties of waxy durum starch. Starch was isolated from two waxy endosperm lines and four nonwaxy cultivars of durum wheat. One of the waxy lines (WX‐1) was a full waxy durum wheat whereas the other line (WX‐0) was heterogeneous, producing both waxy and nonwaxy seed. Effects on starch swelling, solubility, pasting, gelatinization, and retrogradation were examined. The full waxy starch had four times more swelling power than the nonwaxy durum starches at 95°C, and was also more soluble at three of the four temperatures used. Starch pasting occurred earlier and peak viscosities were greater for starches from both waxy lines than for the nonwaxy starches, but their slurries were less stable with continued stirring and heating. Greater energy was required to melt gelatinized waxy starch gels, but no differences were found in either refrigerated storage or freeze‐thaw retrogradation, as determined by differential scanning calorimetry. The results of this investigation showed some significant differences in the starch properties of the waxy durum wheat lines compared to the nonwaxy durum wheats.  相似文献   

This study describes the effect of starch properties of Japanese wheat flours on the quality of white salted noodles (WSN). Starch was isolated from 24 flours of 17 Japanese cultivars and amylose content was determined along with pasting properties by Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA), thermal properties by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and the distribution of amylopectin chain length by high‐performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC). Twenty flours were used to prepare WSN. As expected, 5–6% lower amylose content was associated with good WSN quality (higher scores in softness, elasticity, and smoothness). RVA analysis indicated that the pasting temperature had the greatest influence on WSN quality, while breakdown and setback showed slight effects on WSN quality. DSC results showed that lower endothermal enthalpy (ΔH) in the amylose‐lipid complex was associated with good WSN quality. Chainlength distribution of amylopectin by HPAEC was not an important factor in relation to WSN quality.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of amylose content on the gelatinization, retrogradation, and pasting properties of starch using wheat starches differing in amylose content. Starches were isolated from waxy and nonwaxy wheat and reciprocal F1 seeds by crossing waxy and nonwaxy wheat. Mixing waxy and nonwaxy wheat starch produced a mixed starch with the same amylose content as F1 seeds for comparison. The amylose content of F1 seeds ranged between waxy and nonwaxy wheat. Nonwaxy‐waxy wheat had a higher amylose content than waxy‐nonwaxy wheat. Endothermic enthalpy and final gelatinization temperature measured by differential scanning calorimetry correlated negatively with amylose content. Gelatinization onset and peak temperature clearly differed between F1 and mixed starches with the same amylose content as F1 starches. Enthalpy for melting recrystallized starches correlated negatively with amylose content. Rapid Visco Analyser measurement showed that F1 starches had a higher peak viscosity than waxy and nonwaxy wheat starches. Mixed starches showed characteristic profiles with two low peaks. Setback and final viscosity correlated highly with amylose content. Some of gelatinization and pasting properties differed between F1 starches and mixed starches.  相似文献   

Starches from eight soft wheat samples (two parent lines and six offspring) were isolated; relationships between their structures and properties were examined. Branch chain‐length distributions of amylopectins were determined by using high‐performance anion exchange chromatography equipped with an amyloglucosidase reactor and a pulsed amperometric detector (HPAEC‐ENZ‐PAD). Results showed that the average chain length of the eight samples varied at DP 25.6–26.9. Starch samples of lines 02, 60, 63, 95, and 114 consisted of amylopectins with more long chains (DP ≥ 37) and longer average chain length (DP 26.2–26.9) than that of other samples. These starch samples of longer branch chain length displayed higher gelatinization temperatures (55.3–56.5°C) than that of other samples (54.4–54.9°C) and higher peak viscosity (110–131 RVU) and lower pasting temperature (86.3–87.6°C) than others (83–100 RVU and 88.2–88.9°C, respectively). The Mw of amylopectins, determined by using high‐performance size exclusion chromatography equipped with multiangle laser‐light scattering and refractive index detectors (HPSEC‐MALLS‐RI), were similar for all samples (6.17 × 108 to 6.97 × 108). There were no significant differences in amylose and phosphorus contents between samples. These results indicated that physical properties of wheat starch were affected by the branch‐chain length of amylopectin.  相似文献   

The microstructure of cotyledons and flours of both garbanzo beans and peas were examined by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at low and high magnification. While the cells in the outer layer of the cotyledon were elongated and tightly packed in both garbanzo beans and peas, they were rounder and more loosely packed in the central part of the cotyledon, with many intercellular spaces. Cotyledon cells of garbanzo beans were smaller than those of the pea cultivars. Flour fractions from the inner layer of the cotyledon of garbanzo beans and pea cultivars had much finer particles; were lower in protein, lipid, ash and fiber; and contained more starch than those from the outer layer of the cotyledon. In prime starches isolated from garbanzo beans and smooth peas, protein, free lipid, and ash were lower than 0.41, 0.11, and 0.17%, respectively, indicating that the starches are highly pure. Garbanzo bean starch had smaller and smoother granules than those of smooth peas. Starch granules of wrinkled pea cv. Scout had a unique shape, with deep fissures and grooves, which could be partly responsible for difficulties encountered during the wet fractionation process.  相似文献   

The compositions and physical properties of Japanese salt and alkaline noodle flours were contrasted and compared to those of flours from U.S. hard white and soft white wheats (HWW and SWW) and from Australian SWW wheats often segregated for salt noodles. The alkaline noodle flours averaged 11.5% protein, which was 3% higher than the salt noodle flours, and they had lower ash content (0.35 vs. 0.41%). Granulation of the salt noodle flours showed the same proportion of small particles (<38 μm) as in soft wheat flours but different levels of intermediate and large particles. The level of small particles was ≈10% greater in salt noodle flours than in the alkaline noodle flours. The alkaline noodle flours had ≈8% more fine particles and 2.5% more damaged starch than the HWW flours, which is consistent with fine grinding of hard wheat flour in the noodle flour. Starch damage also was higher in the salt noodle flours (5.3%) than in the SWW flours. The salt noodle flours had a higher sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation volume and a higher gluten index than the SWW flours from the United States. The SDS volume and gluten index were lower for the alkaline noodle flours than for the HWW flours, showing the preference for a mellow gluten of low-intermediate strength in alkaline noodle flour. Mixograph data also supported the conclusions of mellow gluten in alkaline noodle flour. The swelling powers (1.7% at 92.5°C) for Australian SWW, salt noodle, U.S. HWW, U.S. SWW, and alkaline noodle flours, were 19.4, 18.1, 17.0, 16.1, and 15.8 g/g, respectively, showing the preferences for high- and low-swelling starch, respectively, in the salt noodle and the alkaline noodle flour. A similar order of flour swelling was indicated by peak viscosity of flours heated at 12% solids in starch paste viscosity analysis. Water holding capacity of flour was correlated highly (r = 0.95, P < 0.01) with swelling power, both measured at 1.7% flour solids at 92.5°C.  相似文献   

In our wheat breeding program to introduce the low amylose character of Tanikei A6099 to elite lines, five waxy lines were unexpectedly obtained from 249 doubled haploid lines of the F1 hybrid of Saikai 168 × Tanikei A6099. The amylose content of all the waxy lines was <1% and the blue value was <0.1. Starch granule-bound proteins were extracted and subjected to modified sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The waxy lines lacked the Wx protein. Starch paste viscosity measurements gave pasting profiles of waxy wheat starch that were quite different from those of nonwaxy wheats but similar to those of waxy maize. However, the peak viscosity of waxy wheats was much higher than that of the waxy maize.  相似文献   

Waxy wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) contains endosperm starch lacking in amylose. To realize the full potential of waxy wheat, the pasting properties of hard waxy wheat flours as well as factors governing the pasting properties were investigated and compared with normal and partial waxy wheat flours. Starches isolated from six hard waxy wheat flours had similar pasting properties, yet their corresponding flours had very different pasting properties. The differences in pasting properties were narrowed after endogenous α‐amylase activity in waxy wheat flours was inhibited by silver nitrate. Upon treatment with protease, the extent of protein digestibility influenced the viscosity profile in waxy wheat flours. Waxy wheat starch granules swelled extensively when heated in water and exhibited a high peak viscosity, but they fragmented at high temperatures, resulting in more rapid breakdown in viscosity. The extensively swelled and fragmented waxy wheat starch granules were more susceptible to α‐amylase degradation than normal wheat starch. A combination of endogenous α‐amylase activity and protein matrix contributed to a large variation in pasting properties of waxy wheat flours.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have suggested waxy (amylose‐free) wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) possess weak gluten properties and may not be suitable for commercial gluten extraction. This limitation could prevent the use of waxy wheat as a source of unique starch, because gluten is a by‐product of the wheat starch purification process. Fifty waxy wheat lines were used to determine the extent to which gluten protein and other grain quality related traits might vary and, consequently, allow the development of waxy wheat with acceptable gluten properties. Among the waxy lines, significant variation was observed for all measured quality traits with the exception of flour protein concentration. No waxy entries statistically equaled the highest ranking nonwaxy entry for grain volume weight, falling number, flour yield, or mixograph mix time. No waxy lines numerically exceeded or equaled the mean of the nonwaxy controls for falling number, flour yield, or mixograph mix time. For grain and flour protein related variables, however, many waxy lines were identified well within the range of acceptability, relative to the nonwaxy controls used in this study. Approximately 50% of the waxy lines did not differ from the highest ranking nonwaxy cultivar for grain and flour protein concentrations. Forty‐three (86%) of the tested waxy lines were not sig‐nificantly different from the nonwaxy line with the highest mixograph mixing tolerance, 22/50 (44%) of the waxy wheat lines did not differ from the highest ranking nonwaxy line in gluten index scores, and 17/50 (34%) did not differ from the highest ranking nonwaxy line in extracted wet gluten. All waxy experimental lines produced gluten via Glutomatic washing. The quality of the gluten, as measured both by mixograph and gluten index, varied widely among the waxy lines tested. These observations suggest that weak gluten is not a natural consequence of the waxy trait, and waxy cultivars with acceptable gluten properties can be developed.  相似文献   

Carboxymethyl rice starches (CMRS) were prepared from nine strains of native rice starches with amylose contents of 14.7–29.1%. The reaction was conducted at 50°C for 120 min using monochloroacetic acid as a reagent under alkaline conditions and 1-propanol as a solvent. After determining the degree of substitution (DS), the physicochemical properties including water solubility, pH, and viscosity of 1% (w/v) solution, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of the granules, as well as some pharmaceutical properties of CMRS powders and pastes were investigated. The DS range was 0.25–0.40. All CMRS dissolved in unheated water and formed viscous gel. A good positive correlation was observed between amylose content and DS (r = 0.9278) but not viscosity. SEM and XRD concurrently revealed significant physical alteration of CMRS granules compared with those of native starches, which reflected the changes in the properties of CMRS. At 3% (w/w), CMRS can function as tablet binder in the wet granulation of both water-soluble and water-insoluble diluents. The tablets compressed from these granules showed good hardness with fewer capping problems compared with those prepared using the pregelatinized native rice starch as a binder. In addition, most CMRS pastes formed clear films with varying film characteristics, depending upon the amylose content of the native starches. This type of modified rice starch can potentially be employed as a tablet binder and film-former for pharmaceutical dosage formulations.  相似文献   

Flours and starches from rough rice dried using different treatment combinations of air temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) were studied to better understand the effect of drying regime on rice functionality. Rough rice from cultivars Bengal and Cypress were dried to a moisture content of ≈12% by three drying regimes: low temperature (T 20°C, RH 50%), medium temperature (T 40°C, RH 12%), and high temperature (T 60, RH 17%). Head rice grains were processed into flour and starch and evaluated for pasting characteristics with a Brabender Viscoamylograph, thermal properties with differential scanning calorimetry, starch molecular‐size distribution with high‐performance size‐exclusion chromatography (HPSEC), and amylopectin chain‐length distribution with high‐performance anion‐exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC‐PAD). Lower head rice and starch yields were obtained from the batch dried at 60°C which were accompanied by an increase in total soluble solids and total carbohydrates in the pooled alkaline supernatant and wash water used in extracting the starch. Drying regime caused no apparent changes on starch molecular‐size distribution and amylopectin chain‐length distribution. Starch fine structure differences were due to cultivar. The pasting properties of flour were affected by the drying treatments while those of starch were not, suggesting that the grain components removed in the isolation of starch by alkaline‐steeping were important to the observed drying‐related changes in rice functionality.  相似文献   

Three types of mills and six milling methods were employed to mill two waxy rice varieties (TCSW1, long grain; TCW70, short grain), and the physicochemical and functional properties of rice flour were examined. The results showed that dry-milling maintained a higher level of the chemical components than other milling methods. Wet-milling slightly increased solubility as test temperatures increased, and significantly increased swelling power at 75 and 85°C for TCSW1 and TCW70, respectively. Hammer and semi-dry hammer milling gave higher percentages of coarse particles (100–300 μm); cyclone and turbo milling led to a more even particle-size distribution, and the wet-milling gave the finest particles (10–30 μm). Dry hammer-milled rice had higher gelatinization and pasting temperatures, and semi-dry grinding milling resulted in the lowest pasting temperature, setback viscosity, and enthalpy value among the mills. The final quality of the two waxy rice varieties was profoundly affected by the mill type and milling method.  相似文献   

Waxy hull-less barley (HB) starches containing 0 or 5% amylose were cross-linked with phosphorus oxychloride and the cross-linked starches were hydroxypropylated with propylene oxide. For comparison, waxy corn and potato starches were similarly modified. For all starches, cross-linking inhibited granule swelling and prevented swollen granules from disintegration, resulting in dramatic improvement in pasting properties and tolerance to cooking shear and autoclaving. Cross-linked waxy HB starches were more tolerant to cold storage and cooking shear than cross-linked waxy corn starch. Hydroxypropylation of the cross-linked starches reduced granule crystallinity and gelatinization temperature, and improved granule swelling, paste clarity, and freeze-thaw stability. The double-modified waxy HB starches showed higher cold tolerance than similarly modified waxy corn and potato starches, as judged by freeze-thaw stability and clarity after cold storage. These results indicated that the cross-linked and double-modified waxy HB starches together may have a wide range of food applications. This study indicated that the behavior of granule swelling and disintegration of swollen granules played an important role in governing paste viscosity, clarity, and freeze-thaw stability of waxy HB starches.  相似文献   

The effects of extruding temperatures and subsequent drying conditions on X‐ray diffraction patterns (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of long grain (LG) and short grain (SG) rice flours were investigated. The rice flours were extruded in a twin‐screw extruder at 70–120°C and 22% moisture, and either dried at room temperature, transferred to 4°C for 60 hr, or frozen and then dried at room temperature until the moisture was 10–11%. The dried materials were milled without the temperature increasing above 32°C. XRD studies were conducted on pellets made from extruded and milled flours with particle sizes of 149–248 μm; DSC studies were conducted from the same material. DSC studies showed that frozen materials retrograded more than the flours dried at room temperature. The LG and SG samples had two distinct XRD patterns. The LG gradually lost its A pattern at >100°C, while acquiring V patterns at higher temperatures. SG gradually lost its A pattern at 100°C but stayed amorphous at the higher extruding temperatures. DSC analysis showed that retrograded flours did not produce any new XRD 2θ peaks, although a difference in 2θ peak intensities between the LG and SG rice flours was observed. DSC analysis may be very sensitive in detecting changes due to drying conditions, but XRD data showed gradual changes due to processing conditions. The gradual changes in XRD pattern and DSC data suggest that physicochemical properties of the extruded rice flours can be related to functional properties.  相似文献   

A unique wheat genotype carrying waxy‐type allelic composition at the Wx loci, Gunji‐1, was developed, and its starch properties were evaluated in comparison to parental waxy and wild‐type wheat varieties. Gunji‐1 was null in all three of the Wx genes but exhibited a lower level of Wx proteins than the wild‐type. Starch amylose content and cold water retention capacity were 10.1 and 70.5% for Gunji‐1, 4.2 and 76.6% for waxy, and 27.9 and 65.0% for wild‐type, respectively. No significant differences were observed in microstructure, granule size distribution, and X‐ray diffractograms of the starch granules isolated from Gunji‐1 compared with those of waxy and wild‐type wheat varieties. Starch pasting peak, breakdown, and setback viscosities and peak temperature of Gunji‐1 were intermediate between waxy and wild‐type wheat. In starch gel hardness, Gunji‐1 (1.1 N) was more similar to waxy wheat (0.5 N) than to the wild‐type variety (17.6 N). Swelling power, swelling volume, paste transmittance during storage, and gelatinization enthalpy of Gunji‐1 were lower than those of waxy wheat but greater than those of wild‐type wheat. Retrogradation of starch stored for one week at 4°C expressed with DSC endothermic enthalpy was absent in the waxy wheat variety, whereas Gunji‐1 exhibited both retrogradation of amylopectin and amylose‐lipid complex melting similar to the wild‐type parent, even though enthalpies of Gunji‐1 were much smaller than the wild‐type parent.  相似文献   

Grains of two regular and two waxy barley cultivars were milled into break and reduction stream flours using a wheat milling mill, granulated to facilitate feeding and flow through the barrel, and extruded to form expanded products using a modified laboratory single‐screw extruder. As moisture content of barley granules decreased from 21 to 17%, the expansion index of extrudates increased from 1.81 to 2.68, while apparent modulus of compression work (AMCW) decreased from 17.1 × 104 to 7.8 × 104 N/m2. Break stream flours of both regular and waxy barley produced extrudates with higher expansion index (2.72–3.02), higher water absorption index (WAI), and lower AMCW than extrudates from reduction stream flours. Extrudates produced from regular barley had generally higher expansion and lower density than those produced from waxy barley. The specific mechanical energy (SME) was greater during extrusion of regular than of waxy barley. Barrel temperatures of 130, 150, and 170°C for the feeding, compression, and metering sections, respectively, resulted in higher SME, higher expansion index, lower water absorption index and lower AMCW of extrudates compared with a constant extruder barrel temperature of 160°C. Increased screw speed generally resulted in larger expansion index and increased WAI of extrudates. With increased feed rate from 89 to 96 g/min, the expansion index of extrudates decreased from 3.20 to 2.78 in regular barley and 3.23 to 2.72 in waxy barley, and harder extrudates were produced.  相似文献   

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