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Plant growth and development is hampered by various environmental stresses including chilling. We investigated the possibility of improving chilling tolerance in hybrid maize by glycinebetaine (GB) seed treatments. Maize hybrid (Hycorn 8288) seeds were soaked in 50, 100 and 150 mg l?1 (p.p.m.) aerated solution of GB for 24 h and were dried back. Treated and untreated seeds were sown at 27 °C (optimal temperature) and at 15 °C (chilling stress) under controlled conditions. Germination and seedling growth was significantly hindered under chilling stress. Moreover, chilling stress significantly reduced the starch metabolism and relative water contents (RWC), and increased the membrane electrolyte leakage. However, activities of antioxidants (catalase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase) were increased under stress conditions. Seed treatments with GB improved the germination rate, root and shoot length, seedling fresh and dry weights, leaf and root scores, RWC, soluble sugars, α‐amylase activity and antioxidants significantly compared with untreated seeds under optimal and stress conditions. Induction of chilling tolerance was attributed to maintenance of high tissue water contents, reduced membrane electrolyte leakage, and higher antioxidant activities and carbohydrate metabolism. Seed treatment with 100 mg l?1 GB was the best treatment for improving the performance of hybrid maize under normal and stress conditions compared with control and other levels used.  相似文献   

Rice reportedly possesses a very low capacity to accumulate glycinebetaine (Glybet), but may be accumulated by the exogenous application of Glybet or Choline (Cho) as an alternative way to improve its salt‐tolerant ability. The aim of this research was to determine whether Glybet accumulation could be induced in Thai jasmine rice by the exogenous application of Glybet and Cho, and to determine the effects of Glybet and Cho treatment on various growth parameters of seedlings cultured under salt‐stress conditions. Thai jasmine rice seeds were aseptically germinated in vitro on solidified Murashige–Skoog media, supplied with either Glybet or Cho in the culture media for 12 days and then treated with 342 mm NaCl (salt stress) for 4 days. GlyBet content, water relation, photosynthetic capabilities and growth characteristics of salt‐stressed seedlings were measured. The addition of Glybet or Cho to plant culture media containing 342 mm NaCl resulted in increased accumulation of Glybet in rice seedlings. Increased Glybet accumulation was strongly associated with a high efficiency of water usage (r = 0.96), which in turn correlated with increased maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (r = 0.86). Moreover, the pigment concentrations of seedlings cultured under salt stress were maintained by a function of Glybet, led to high efficiency of photochemical and non‐photochemical quenching of PSII as well as to exhibit on net photosynthetic rate. Thus, our results suggest that the addition of either Glybet or Cho to the plant growth media can improve growth performance under salt stress conditions by increasing the salt tolerance of Thai jasmine rice. The exogenous application of Glybet and/or Cho to culture media may be an effective method of improving resistance to salt stress via the promotion of Glybet accumulation with in rice seedlings.  相似文献   

Drought occurring at critical growth and developmental stages in cereals affects productivity by reducing biomass accumulation, grain set, and grain yield and quality. Maize (cv. SR-73), sorghum (cv. Trump), and wheat (cv. Spear) were established in drought-prone field conditions in Perth, Western Australia, in l994. The plants were then subjected to optimal and suboptimal supplementary watering regimes at growth stages that were sensitive to water availability. Glycinebetaine in aqueous solution was applied to leaves at three rates (2, 4 and 6 kg ha?1 and a control) to establish whether its application could ameliorate the effects of drought on the yield of the crops. Above-ground biomass production was measured at the beginning and at termination of the watering regimes. Leaf tissue glycinebetaine concentrations were determined 1 and 3 weeks after application. At physiological maturity, grains from the crops were harvested and grain yield, number of grains m?2 and single grain weight were recorded. Drought significantly reduced above-ground biomass production in maize (P = 0.047), but not in sorghum and wheat. Grain yield of maize, number of grains m?2 of maize and sorghum, and single grain weight of sorghum were significantly depressed by drought. Foliar application of aqueous glycinebetaine marginally enhanced biomass production in the three crops and significantly increased grain yield of maize (P = 0.001) and sorghum (P = 0.003). It also resulted in more grains m?2 of maize, sorghum and wheat (P = 0.001, 0.001 and 0.003, respectively), with interactions between water and glycinebetaine treatments for sorghum and wheat (P = 0.001 and 0.001. respectively). Residual tissue glycinebetaine levels remained high 3 weeks after application to the crops. The positive effects of glycinebetaine treatment appear to be linked to its physiological role as a plant osmoticum that improves drought tolerance. The results of these studies suggest that foliar application of glycinebetaine may be used to improve drought tolerance and economic yield of maize and sorghum, but not of wheat. Increased grain yield was associated with more grains m?2 rather than greater single grain weight.  相似文献   

为了研究玉米在盐胁迫下体内离子变化以及功能基因的响应,为今后培育耐盐玉米品种奠定基础.本研究以4份玉米自交系为研究对象,在200mmol/L的NaCl溶液胁迫14天后,对玉米地下、地上部分中的Na+、K+、Ca2+含量进行测定并分析;同时,进行了转录组分析,研究玉米在盐胁迫下功能基因的表达情况.结果显示,4个自交系中叶...  相似文献   

盐胁迫对棉花幼苗子叶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
棉花幼苗子叶 SOD 活性在细胞内的分布是细胞溶质部分活性最高。其次是线粒体,再次是叶绿体。各细胞器 SOD 活性对盐分的敏感程度不同,依次是叶绿体>线粒体>细胞溶质部分。在盐分胁迫初期,棉花幼苗子叶能够维持较高 SOD 活性,但随着盐胁迫强度的增加,棉花幼苗子叶 SOD 活性下降和膜透性增加,幼苗表现出盐害症状,SOD 活性下降比膜透性增加出现的早。轻度盐分胁迫随时间延长,鲁棉6号的子叶 SOD 活性有一定增加,表明棉花幼苗具有一定的耐盐能力。耐盐性不同的两个品种在 SOD 活性和细胞质膜透性变化上有差异,并对 SOD 作为棉花抗盐碱育种指标进行讨论。  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化程度日趋严重,成为影响作物生长发育、制约产量的一个主要环境因子,明确玉米苗期耐盐的光合作用机制尤为重要.本研究采用水培法,对已耐盐性鉴定筛选的强耐盐型自交系(B46)和盐高度敏感型自交系(NC236)为材料,分析二者在盐胁迫条件下光合作用的变化.低浓度盐(55 mmol/L NaCl)胁迫条件可促进玉米自交系...  相似文献   

Brassinolides (BRs) are naturally occurring substances, which modulate plant growth and development events and have been known to improve the crop tolerance to abiotic stresses. In this study, possible role of exogenously applied brassinolide (BR) in alleviating the detrimental effects of drought in maize was evaluated in a rain‐protected wire‐house. Maize was subjected to drought at the start of tasseling for 6 days by withholding water application followed by foliar spray of BR (0.1 mg l?1) to assess the changes in growth, gas exchange, chlorophyll contents, protein, relative leaf water contents (RLWC), proline, malonialdehyde (MDA) and enzymatic antioxidants. Drought substantially reduced the maize growth in terms of plant height, leaf area and plant biomass. Moreover, substantial decrease in gas exchange attributes (net photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), water use efficiency (WUE), instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) and intercellular CO2 (Ci) was also recorded. However, exogenous application of BR remarkably improved the gas exchange attributes, plant height, leaf area, cobs per plant, seedling dry weight both under drought and well‐watered conditions. BR‐induced promotion in growth and physiological and metabolic activities were mediated through increased protein synthesis enabling maintenance of tissue water potential and activities of antioxidant enzymes lowering the lipid peroxidation under drought.  相似文献   

以华宝甜8号甜玉米品种为实验材料,在盐胁迫条件下对其进行外源赤霉素的叶面喷施,研究苗期甜玉米鲜重、叶绿素含量、过氧化氢酶(CAT)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的变化。结果表明:外源赤霉素的喷施能够缓解盐胁迫对甜玉米幼苗各项生理性状的抑制作用。  相似文献   

外源Ca2+对盐胁迫下玉米萌发与幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分别用NaC1和不同浓度的Ca(NO3)2+ NaC1溶液处理玉米种子及幼苗,然后测定幼苗的生理指标和形态指标,研究外源Ca2+对盐胁迫下玉米萌发和生长的影响。结果表明:NaC1胁迫抑制了玉米的萌发和生长, 使玉米幼苗中的可溶蛋白质含量和叶绿素含量分别降低了39.43%和21.97%,MDA含量升高了62.05%。当添加不同浓度的外源Ca2+后,玉米幼苗中的可溶蛋白质含量和叶绿素含量均有所增加,MDA含量下降,明显缓解了盐胁迫。当外源Ca2+的浓度为20mmol/L时,缓解作用达到最佳。  相似文献   

Water shortage is a severe threat to the sustainability of crop production. Exogenous application of glycinebetaine (GB) and salicylic acid (SA) has been found very effective in reducing the adverse affects of drought stress. This study was conducted to examine the possible role of exogenous GB and SA application in improving the yield of hybrid sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under different irrigation regimes. There were three levels of irrigation, viz. control (normal irrigations), water stress at vegetative stage (irrigation missing at vegetative stage) and water stress at flowering stage (irrigation missing at flowering stage). GB and SA were applied exogenously at 100 and 0.724 mm , respectively, each at the vegetative and at the flowering stage. Control plants did not receive application of GB and SA. Water stress reduced the head diameter, number of achene, 1000‐achene weight, achene yield and oil yield. Nevertheless, exogenous GB and SA application significantly improved these attributes under water stress. However, drought stress increased the free leaf proline and GB, and were further increased by exogenous application of GB and SA. However, exogenous GB application at the flowering stage was more effective than other treatments. Oil contents were also reduced under water stress; however, GB and SA application could not ameliorate the negative effect of water stress on achene oil contents. The effects of water stress and foliar application of GB were more pronounced when applied at the flowering stage than at the vegetative stage. Moreover, exogenous GB application was only beneficial under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Influence of sudden and gradual drought stress (DS) and foliar‐applied glycinebetaine (GB) on growth, water relations, osmolyte accumulation and antioxidant defence system were investigated in the plants of two maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars, that is, drought‐tolerant Shaandan 9 (S9) and drought‐sensitive Shaandan 911 (S911). Sudden DS caused less accumulation of GB and free proline, but a more accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA), which resulted in a greater reduction in leaf relative water content (RWC) and dry matter (DM) in both cultivars compared with the gradual DS. Exogenous GB application caused a rise in DM, RWC, contents of GB and free proline as well as the activities of SOD, CAT and POD along with a decline in MDA content to various extent in both cultivars under both types of DS. A more pronounced effectiveness of GB application was observed in S911 than that in S9 under the same type of DS. It seemed that the more serious damage of DS was on maize plants, and the better positive role of GB was observed in terms of mitigating the adverse effects of DS. From this study, it was possible to propose that hardening for drought resistance by gradual DS treatment and GB application are effective to make plants robust to thrive under water‐deficit conditions.  相似文献   

研究淹水对玉米物质积累和光合能力的影响及有效缓解措施,以期为玉米抗逆高产栽培提供依据。以两个耐涝性不同的玉米自交系为试验材料,研究了外源亚精胺对淹水条件下植株物质积累、叶面积、叶绿素含量、净光合速率和叶绿素荧光特性等指标的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,淹水处理显著降低玉米地下部干重、地上部干重、单株干重、相对干物质积累速率和叶面积;随淹水处理天数增加,叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率和实际光化学效率逐渐降低,且敏感型Su95-1各指标降幅最大。淹水条件下外施亚精胺处理植株,干物质积累量和光合指标较对照显著降低,但较淹水处理有不同程度地提高,且Su95-1增幅更大。综上,在淹水条件下,外施亚精胺能提高叶片的光合能力并提高植株耐涝性,最终增加干物质积累。  相似文献   

摘要:以美国“格福”与日本“山水”两种耐盐性不同的西兰花为试验材料,采用基质营养液栽培,研究了外源氯化钙对盐胁迫下西兰花鲜重、干重、MDA、抗氧化酶活性及离子吸收的影响。结果表明:外源钙的添加,可显著促进西兰花的生长,减轻盐胁迫,增加地上部、地下部干重及鲜重。外源钙处理明显降低了西兰花叶片MDA含量,减轻盐胁迫对叶片膜脂过氧化程度。外源钙处理对西兰花SOD、POD、CAT活性的影响因品种耐盐性不同表现不一。外源钙处理可减少西兰花地上部、地下部Na+的积累,增加K+、Ca2+ 的浓度。外源钙处理对盐敏感品种的效果要好于耐盐品种。最佳的钙浓度为10mmol/L。  相似文献   

Plant hormones are considered to play an important role in plant adaptation to drought and salt stress. The objective of the study was to investigate the changes in endogenous jasmonic acid (JA) in relation to differences in the salt resistance of maize genotypes. Two maize genotypes (SR 03 and Across 8023) were compared for changes in water relations, growth and tissue JA levels in response to 100 mm NaCl. Salt stress significantly reduced the shoot growth of both genotypes; however, SR 03 exhibited significantly less reduction in relative shoot fresh weight than Across 8023. Both genotypes showed an identical response to salt stress regarding plant water relations; therefore, genotypic differences in the salt resistance could not be attributed to changes in shoot turgor and these results were further confirmed by the response of both genotypes under equiosmotic stress (?0.49 MPa) of either 100 mm NaCl or PEG‐6000. GC‐MS/MS analysis showed that salt stress did not alter shoot JA levels of both genotypes, however significantly increased the root JA levels of Across 8023. In contrast, root JA levels of salt‐resistant SR 03 did not change by salt stress. Increase in root JA levels in response to stress treatments does not coincide with the growth inhibition of shoot in Across 8023. In contrast, both PEG and NaCl did not change the JA concentrations in both root and shoot tissues of SR 03. Growth assays with maize seedlings showed that JA supply in root medium inhibits shoot extension growth and both maize genotypes were sensitive to the inhibitory effects of JA. These results suggest that maize genotypes differ in JA accumulation during the first phase of salt stress and JA may indirectly be involved in leaf growth inhibition of the salt‐sensitive genotype. In addition, our results also showed that treatment of salt‐stressed plants with exogenous JA improved the Na+ exclusion by decreasing the Na+ uptake at the root surface.  相似文献   

在烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)种子萌发期,首先用0.5 mmol/L甘氨酸甜菜碱浸种,再用等渗的25% PEG-6000和1.6% NaCl溶液进行胁迫处理,研究了两种胁迫对烟草种子萌发的抑制以及外源甜菜碱对该抑制的缓解作用,并对其生理机制进行了探讨。结果表明,两种胁迫处理对烟草种子的萌发均产生抑制作用,均降低其发芽率、发芽势  相似文献   

用不同浓度的ZnCl2对盐胁迫下成县迟蒜鳞茎种子进行处理,对大蒜鳞茎种子萌发、幼苗生长和幼苗中渗透调节物质的含量及4种抗氧化酶活性进行了测定.结果表明,在单一NaCl胁迫下,大蒜鳞茎种子萌发和幼苗的生长受到严重抑制,添加不同浓度ZnCl2后,大蒜鳞茎种子萌发率和幼苗的耐盐性明显增强.添加浓度为10-5 mol/L时,大蒜鳞茎种子萌发率、萌发指数和芽长、根长、发根数以及幼苗鲜重、苗干重、根鲜重、根干重和根体积、抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT和APX活性达到最大,可溶性糖、脯氨酸和丙二醛含量降到最低.因此,外源ZnCl2缓解NaCl胁迫对大蒜鳞茎种子萌发和幼苗伤害的最适浓度为10-5 mol/L.  相似文献   

为了研究外源褪黑素在增强干旱胁迫下玉米幼苗生长适应性中的作用,降低干旱胁迫对玉米幼苗的伤害。以’郑单958’玉米种子为试验材料,采用人工控水法,设置6组处理(CK、干旱、M1、M2、M3、M4)研究了干旱胁迫下,外源褪黑素对玉米幼苗生长指标、叶绿素含量、脯氨酸以及过氧化物酶活性的影响。试验结果表明,褪黑素有利于缓解干旱胁迫对玉米幼苗的影响,如株高、叶片含水量、根长,提高了干旱胁迫下玉米幼苗叶绿素合成能力,SPAD值升高;褪黑素可以缓解干旱对玉米幼苗的氧化胁迫,通过提高抗氧化酶活性,随着干旱胁迫天数的增加,各处理组过氧化物酶活性明显高于干旱组;脯氨酸含量随干旱胁迫天数增加而增高,干旱胁迫7天后,干旱组和其他处理组间脯氨酸含量存在显著差异。综合来看,外源褪黑素能提高干旱胁迫下玉米幼苗生长能力,主要通过提高抗氧化酶活性和叶绿素合成,降低膜脂过氧化水平。外源褪黑素能提高玉米抗旱性,可以作为植物生长调节剂应用到实际生产中。  相似文献   

外源抗氧化剂对高温胁迫下苹果果皮组织酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以红富士苹果为试材,通过施用维生素C(Vc)、苯甲酸钠(SBN)、半胱氨酸(Cys)、维生素E(VE)以及Vc复配剂(Vc 柠檬酸或Vc 6-BA),研究不同种类外源抗氧化剂对高温胁迫下果皮组织5‘-核苷酸酶、脂氧合酶以及抗坏血酸.过氧化物酶活性的影响。结果表明:随着环境胁迫温度的升高,果皮组织中脂氧合酶活性增大,而5’-核苷酸酶和抗坏血酸-过氧化物酶的活性降低,说明在高温胁迫下,果皮组织氧化胁迫作用显著增强。施用外源抗氧化剂后,能够不同程度地提高果实抗氧化能力。在高温胁迫下,果实脂氧合酶活性与对照相比呈下降趋势,而5‘-核苷酸酶活性呈上升趋势,施用Vc和2种复配Vc酶活性极显著提高;同样,抗坏血酸-过氧化酶活性也呈上升趋势。比较几种抗氧化剂对提高果实抗氧化能力的效果,以施用维生素C(尤其是配合施用6-BA或柠檬酸)最为明显。  相似文献   

氮磷对珊瑚过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究不同浓度硝酸盐、铵盐和磷酸盐对斯氏角孔珊瑚、二异角孔珊瑚和澄黄滨珊瑚CAT和SOD活性的影响,设置硝酸盐、铵盐和磷酸盐高、中、低3种试验浓度对斯氏角孔珊瑚、二异角孔珊瑚和澄黄滨珊瑚分别进行8周的养殖观察。结果表明:斯氏角孔珊瑚以中等硝酸盐和铵盐浓度组CAT活性最高,高浓度磷酸盐组CAT活性高,以高浓度硝酸盐和磷酸盐组SOD活性最高,中等浓度铵盐组SOD活性最高;二异角孔珊瑚以中等浓度硝酸盐、铵盐和磷酸盐CAT活性最高,以中等浓度硝酸盐、铵盐组SOD活性最高,以高浓度磷酸盐组SOD活性最高;澄黄滨珊瑚以对照组CAT和SOD活性最高,说明澄黄滨珊瑚对营养盐的耐受性差;珊瑚CAT和SOD活性均出现峰值,与其他时间点比较差异显著(P<0.05),是珊瑚在营养盐胁迫下从适应到中毒反应的临界值,说明珊瑚是可以间接评价海洋环境营养盐富集程度的指示生物。  相似文献   

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