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Intertidal mud has buried extensive, well-vegetated lowlands in westernmost Washington at least six times in the past 7000 years. Each burial was probably occasioned by rapid tectonic subsidence in the range of 0.5 to 2.0 meters. Anomalous sheets of sand atop at least three of the buried lowlands suggest that tsunamis resulted from the same events that caused the subsidence. These events may have been great earthquakes from the subduction zone between the Juan de Fuca and North America plates.  相似文献   

The maximum size of thrust earthquakes at the world's subduction zones appears to be limited by anelastic deformation of the overriding plate. Anelastic strain in weak forearcs and roughness of the plate interface produced by faults cutting the forearc may limit the size of thrust earthquakes by inhibiting the buildup of elastic strain energy or slip propagation or both. Recently discovered active strike-slip faults in the submarine forearc of the Cascadia subduction zone show that the upper plate there deforms rapidly in response to arc-parallel shear. Thus, Cascadia, as a result of its weak, deforming upper plate, may be the type of subduction zone at which great (moment magnitude approximately 9) thrust earthquakes do not occur.  相似文献   

In eastern Hokkaido, 60 to 80 kilometers above a subducting oceanic plate, tidal mudflats changed into freshwater forests during the first decades after a 17th-century tsunami. The mudflats gradually rose by a meter, as judged from fossil diatom assemblages. Both the tsunami and the ensuing uplift exceeded any in the region's 200 years of written history, and both resulted from a shallow plate-boundary earthquake of unusually large size along the Kuril subduction zone. This earthquake probably induced more creep farther down the plate boundary than did any of the region's historical events.  相似文献   

Large earthquakes occur episodically in the Cascadia subduction zone. A numerical model has been used to simulate and assess the hazards of a tsunami generated by a hypothetical earthquake of magnitude 8.5 associated with rupture of the northern sections of the subduction zone. Wave amplitudes on the outer coast are closely related to the magnitude of sea-bottom displacement (5.0 meters). Some amplification, up to a factor of 3, may occur in some coastal embayments. Wave amplitudes in the protected waters of Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia are predicted to be only about one fifth of those estmated on the outer coast.  相似文献   

Low-frequency spectra for the 1989 Macquarie Ridge earthquake (magnitude 8.2) show an amplitude increase and a phase-delay decrease below 6 millihertz that require a short-term slow precursor. This earthquake can be modeled as a compound event in which a fast-rupturing, ordinary earthquake was initiated by an episode of slow, smooth deformation that began more than 100 seconds before the main shock. The moment released in the slow precursor was large, about 3 x 10(20) newton-meters, equivalent to an event of magnitude 7.6. The data are consistent with the precursor being generated in a region of the oceanic upper mantle below the main rupture.  相似文献   

A "bloom" of near-surface phytoplankton occurs in the Atlantic Slope region of the western Atlantic Ocean off the U.S. East Coast in the spring. Satellite time series of sea-surface temperature and phytoplankton pigment concentration, derived from measurements of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA-7 Advanced Very-High-Resolution Radiometer and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner, respectively, give information on the spatial extent and temporal development of such a bloom for a 28-day period in April through May 1982. The phytoplankton concentration of the slope area is comparable to that of the Atlantic Shelf. Total primary productivity of the slope during this period is equivalent to that of the shelf. The primary productivity within a warm-core ring and in the Gulf Stream system is less by a factor of 2.  相似文献   

Thatcher W 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1974,184(4143):1283-1285
Reexamination of geodetic data has shown that aseismic slip occurred on or near the San Andreas fault in the period of about 20 years after 1906. The inferred displacements are comparable to but at greater depths than the sudden slip that occurred at the time of the earthquake. The postseismic slip is constrained only between late 1906 and 1925, and data are insufficient to determine the movements, if any, below about 20 kilometers on the fault. Two independent observations also indicate stubstantial anomalous crustal deformation away from the fault at least 30 years before the earthquake.  相似文献   

Seismic rupture produced spectacular tectonic deformation above a 400-kilometer strip of the Sunda megathrust, offshore northern Sumatra, in March 2005. Measurements from coral microatolls and Global Positioning System stations reveal trench-parallel belts of uplift up to 3 meters high on the outer-arc islands above the rupture and a 1-meter-deep subsidence trough farther from the trench. Surface deformation reflects more than 11 meters of fault slip under the islands and a pronounced lessening of slip trenchward. A saddle in megathrust slip separates the northwestern edge of the 2005 rupture from the great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman rupture. The southeastern edge abuts a predominantly aseismic section of the megathrust near the equator.  相似文献   

西非海域包括中东大西洋和东南大西洋两个渔区,是全球重要的渔业生产区域,科学预测其未来渔获量变化趋势,有利于该海域渔业资源的科学管理和开发。根据2000—2020年联合国粮农组织(FAO)提供的渔获量数据,采用灰色关联分析法和灰色预测理论,分别分析了影响中东大西洋和东南大西洋总渔获量的主要渔获类别,建立多种 GM (1,N)模型并进行比较分析,同时利用2018—2020年渔获量数据进行验证,获得最优GM(1,N)模型预测2021—2025年中东大西洋和东南大西洋总渔获量。本研究分析发现两海域最优预测模型均为GM(1,6),模型预测值与原始值的灰色关联系数均最大,分别为0.825和0.867,平均相对误差均为最小,分别为2.705%和1.734%;2018—2020年渔获量预测平均相对误差分别为4.63%和8.24%;2021—2025年中东大西洋和东南大西洋总渔获量预测值分别为497.67~588.79万t和138.20~147.41万t。研究认为,中东大西洋总渔获量在十四五期间最多增长约为48万t,增长幅度较小,建议加强资源养护、管控捕捞规模,制定和实施禁渔期等有效管理养护措施,建立科学合理渔业合作机制;东南大西洋总渔获量呈平稳波动状态,建议加强重点鱼种的养护管理,深化区域渔业合作,适当扩大捕捞海域范围,实现渔业可持续利用。  相似文献   

The Himalayan orogen has produced three thrust earthquakes with moment magnitude (Mw) 7.8 to 8.5 during the past century, yet no surface ruptures associated with these great earthquakes have been documented. Here, we present paleoseismic evidence from east central Nepal that, since approximately 700 A.D., a single earthquake ruptured the Frontal Thrust fault at approximately 1100 A.D., with a surface displacement of approximately 17 (+5/-3) meters and a lateral extent and size that could have exceeded 240 kilometers and approximately Mw 8.8, respectively. Ruptures associated with Mw <8.2 events would contribute to the frontal Himalayas folding but would stop before reaching the surface. These findings could require substantial modifications to current regional seismic hazard models.  相似文献   

在北海道知床半岛周边海域,用小型数据记录器监测细鳞大马哈鱼Oncorhyncus gorbuscha和大马哈鱼O.keta的回归游泳行为,探讨其与环境水温的关系。数据记录间隔时间为1 s,连续记录时间为226 h。于2008年8月至10月期间,在知床沿岸放流了带有数据记录器的洄游途中的大马哈鱼和细鳞大马哈鱼个体(分别为30尾和5尾),分别有13尾、3尾个体被捕获。研究表明:试验个体有一系列的上浮和下沉行为,并且频繁地回到表层水面,垂直移动中的深潜水是对表层高水温和暖流分层水中的一种适温调节行为。因此,尽管表层水温较高,性成熟后的大马哈鱼仍会回到表层水面寻找其产卵场所。  相似文献   

在北海道知床半岛周边海域,用小型数据记录器监测细鳞大马哈鱼Oncorhyncus gorbuscha和大马哈鱼O.keta的回归游泳行为,探讨其与环境水温的关系。数据记录间隔时间为1 s,连续记录时间为226 h。于2008年8月至10月期间,在知床沿岸放流了带有数据记录器的洄游途中的大马哈鱼和细鳞大马哈鱼个体(分别为30尾和5尾),分别有13尾、3尾个体被捕获。研究表明:试验个体有一系列的上浮和下沉行为,并且频繁地回到表层水面,垂直移动中的深潜水是对表层高水温和暖流分层水中的一种适温调节行为。因此,尽管表层水温较高,性成熟后的大马哈鱼仍会回到表层水面寻找其产卵场所。  相似文献   

为获取秘鲁外海茎柔鱼Dosidicus gigas栖息地的适宜温度指标,预测水温变化对茎柔鱼栖息地的影响,根据2006—2011年中国鱿钓船在秘鲁外海的茎柔鱼生产数据,并结合实测和通过卫星遥感技术获得的该海域海表温度数据,在作业次数和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)基础上,采用海表温度适应性指数(Suitability index,SI)模型预测方法进行了相关研究。结果表明:随着水温的升高,茎柔鱼栖息地经向自西向东转移,纬向自北向南转移;产量较高的月份为7—12月,选取最佳适宜温度指标为19℃;发生厄尔尼诺现象时茎柔鱼产量下降,发生拉尼娜现象时产量则增加。  相似文献   

为获取秘鲁外海茎柔鱼Dosidicus gigas栖息地的适宜温度指标,预测水温变化对茎柔鱼栖息地的影响,根据2006—2011年中国鱿钓船在秘鲁外海的茎柔鱼生产数据,并结合实测和通过卫星遥感技术获得的该海域海表温度数据,在作业次数和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)基础上,采用海表温度适应性指数(Suitability index,SI)模型预测方法进行了相关研究。结果表明:随着水温的升高,茎柔鱼栖息地经向自西向东转移,纬向自北向南转移;产量较高的月份为7—12月,选取最佳适宜温度指标为19℃;发生厄尔尼诺现象时茎柔鱼产量下降,发生拉尼娜现象时产量则增加。  相似文献   

为了研究石油污染土壤中含氮杂环化合物的降解情况,本文采用选择性富集培养的方法.以喹啉作为目标污染物,从45份石油污染土壤样品中,分离得到155株降解喹啉污染物的高效降解菌株,其中降解效率最高的-株喹啉降解菌命名为Q5,在72h内对于浓度为500 mg·L-1喹啉的降解率达到72.6%.并通过形态学、生理生化试验和16S rDNA序列比对分析对Q5进行了鉴定.结果表明,株菌Q5为革兰氏阳性菌,在LB平板上菌落呈圆形,边缘整齐,乳白色,表面光滑,有黏稠感,是发酵乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillus),属酵母菌,与Lactobacillus fermentam同源性最高,为99.6%.  相似文献   

取精噁唑禾草灵废水处理系统进水口处污泥进行驯化培养,分离到8株有效菌株,通过高效液相色谱分析这8株菌株降解精噁唑禾草灵的残存量,确定其中降解精噁唑禾草灵最好的一株菌株为本实验菌株,通过传统的微生物鉴定方法,将其鉴定为产碱菌属(Alcaligenes sp.),标记为Alcaligenes sp.H.分离菌株H可以以精噁唑禾草灵为唯一碳源和能源生长;在纯培养条件下,分离菌株H对较高浓度的精噁唑禾草灵(50 mg·mL-1和100 mg·mL-1)均能较好地降解.  相似文献   

【目的】对初步鉴定的牛种布鲁氏菌分离株(B. abortus 343)进行全面的生物学特性检定,为深入研究布鲁氏菌病提供参考菌株。【方法】将B. abortus 343划线培养及梯度稀释,使其形成单个菌落,观察菌落形态。挑取单个菌落进行革兰氏染色和柯氏染色,观察其染色特点;分别接种1.5×106 CFU到含硫瑾(1﹕25 000)或含碱性复红(1﹕25 000)的TSA平板上,观察其生长状态;将接种有B. abortus 343的TSA平板分别置于普通培养箱和CO2培养箱37℃培养72 h,观察其对CO2的依赖性;通过醋酸铅试纸条测定B. abortus 343代谢过程中是否释放H2S。通过平板凝集试验测定布鲁氏菌单相特异性血清( 牛种布鲁氏菌单因子血清A、羊种布鲁氏菌单因子血清M 和 布鲁氏菌粗糙型血清R )与B. abortus 343抗原的反应性;利用布鲁氏菌AMOS-PCR种属分型等方法对B. abortus 343进行了PCR种属特性鉴定;将B. abortus 343免疫小鼠,分别测定其抗血清与光滑型和粗糙型抗原的反应性;通过小鼠和豚鼠感染试验,全面评价该分离株的毒力;分别以1×105 CFU感染6周龄Balb/c小鼠,测定B. abortus 343在小鼠体内存活时间;以1×109 CFU感染Hartley豚鼠,2周后测定试验豚鼠每克脾脏含菌量;分别以10 000、1 000、100、25 CFU/只4种不同剂量感染豚鼠,初步测定分离株对豚鼠的最小感染量(MID),在此基础上,进一步以40、60和90 CFU/只测定MID。【结果】分离株B. abortus 343 为光滑型牛种布鲁氏菌,菌落逆光观察微带蓝绿色乳光;革兰氏染色为阴性,柯氏染色为红色,H2S试验阳性。该菌能在含硫瑾和碱性复红的培养基上生长,不依赖于CO2。B. abortus 343抗原能与A因子血清呈明显凝集反应,免疫小鼠后能产生特异性抗体。以1×105 CFU感染6周龄Balb/c小鼠,可在小鼠体内存活29周;以1×109 CFU感染350-400 g雌性豚鼠,14 d后豚鼠每克脾脏含菌量2.4×105-1.2×106;以1×105 CFU感染豚鼠1个月后,所有试验豚鼠均能产生特异性光滑型抗体,试管凝集效价为320-1 280;B. abortus 343对豚鼠的最小感染量约为40 CFU。【结论】鉴定了一株中等毒力牛种布鲁氏菌(B. abortus 343),为深入研究布鲁氏菌病提供了参考菌株,丰富了布鲁氏菌菌种资源。  相似文献   

从辣椒根际土壤中分离出的对辣椒疫霉菌(Phytophthora capsici)有强烈抑制作用的芽孢杆菌Bn-130菌株,温室控病试验表明,菌液处理8d以内再接种病原菌,Bn-130对辣椒疫病控病效果均在60%以上,能显著降低辣椒疫病的发病率.菌液可诱导寄主抗性相关酶的变化,实验检测表明经芽孢杆菌Bn-130菌液处理的辣椒,其体内多酚氧化酶(PP0)、过氧化物酶(POD)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性均有不同程度的提高,表明菌株Bn-130能激发寄主产生诱导抗病性.  相似文献   

Gurnis M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1992,255(5051):1556-1558
Dynamic topography resulting from initiation of slab subduction at an ocean-continent margin causes the continental lithosphere to subside rapidly. As subduction continues and the slab shallows, a basin depocenter and forebulge migrate in toward the continental interior. Finally, closure of the ocean basin leads to regional uplift. These active margin processes have commonly been ascribed to supracrustal loading, but numerical modeling shows that dynamic subsidence rates can exceed 100 meters per million years and are similar to rates of sediment accumulation along convergent North American plate margins over the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

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