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Kahn SD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2011,331(6018):728-729
Many of the challenges in genomics derive from the informatics needed to store and analyze the raw sequencing data that is available from highly multiplexed sequencing technologies. Because single week-long sequencing runs today can produce as much data as did entire genome centers a few years ago, the need to process terabytes of information has become de rigueur for many labs engaged in genomic research. The availability of deep (and large) genomic data sets raises concerns over information access, data security, and subject/patient privacy that must be addressed for the field to continue its rapid advances.  相似文献   

MARC具有数据描述、数据存取、数据交换三大功能。其学科二元性导致其功能边界模糊.语义、语法及物理结构捆绑。MARC的数据存取功能已经被RDBMS取代。LOC已确定用XML替换MARC的数据交换功能,并在近期提出对MARC数据描述功能的重新评估。MARC面临严峻的挑战,图书馆界最终彻底放弃MARC是可以预期的。  相似文献   

Continuing improvements in integrated circuit technology and computer architecture have driven microprocessors to performance levels that rival those of supercomputers-at a fraction of the price. The use of sophisticated memory hierarchies enables microprocessor-based machines to have very large memories built from commodity dynamic random access memory while retaining the high bandwidth and low access time needed in a high-performance machine. Parallel processors composed of these high-performance microprocessors are becoming the supercomputing technology of choice for scientific and engineering applications. The challenges for these new supercomputers have been in developing multiprocessor architectures that are easy to program and that deliver high performance without extraordinary programming efforts by users. Recent progress in multiprocessor architecture has led to ways to meet these challenges.  相似文献   

One of the many challenges facing scientists who conduct simulation and analysis of biological systems is the ability to dynamically access spatially referenced climatic, soil and cropland data. Over the past several years, we have developed an Integrated Agricultural Information and Management System (iAIMS), which consists of foundation class climatic, soil and cropland databases. These databases serve as a foundation to develop applications that address different aspects of cropping systems performance and management. In this paper we present the processes and approaches involved in the development of a climatic data system designed to automatically fetch data from different web sources, consolidate the data into a centralized database, and delivery the data through a web-based interface.Climatic data are usually available via web pages or FTP sites. The exact steps to scrape data from different sources vary depending on how the data are rendered. The climatic data building process presented herein is broken down into 5 major program modules, corresponding to different phases of the process: Data Requester, Data Fetcher, Data Parser, Data Filter, and Data Explorer. The Data Requester is responsible for processing the web pages that lead to the determination of the requested weather data. The Data Fetcher is responsible for fetching weather data that is made available by the data sources based on the request from the Data Requester. The Data Parser is responsible for decompressing and parsing the contents of the original data file and saving the data to an SQL Server 2005 database. The Data Filter is responsible for data quality control and for estimating missing data and saving the filtered data. The Data Explorer is designed to provide web-based user access to the consolidated and filtered climatic data using both dropdown lists and map-based navigation.Three types of data are stored in the process: original climatic data in file format, parsed climatic data in SQL Server database, and filtered climatic data in SQL Server database. The resulting consolidated and filtered climatic database provides a common foundation that allows us to develop diversified applications that require dynamic access to near real-time data. A number of applications have been and are being developed that seamlessly access the foundation class climatic database. Collectively these applications address water conservation, crop production and management, land use suitability analysis, and bioenergy refinery site selection.  相似文献   

Recently, the government of India embarked on an ambitious project of designing and deploying the Integrated National Agricultural Resources Information System (INARIS) data warehouse for the agricultural sector. The system's purpose is to support macro level planning. This paper presents some of the challenges faced in designing the data warehouse, specifically dimensional and deployment challenges of the warehouse. We also present some early user evaluations of the warehouse. Governmental data warehouse implementations are rare, especially at the national level. Furthermore, the motivations are significantly different from private sectors. Designing the INARIS agricultural data warehouse posed unique and significant challenges because, traditionally, the collection and dissemination of information are localized.  相似文献   

Colleges and universities are becoming test beds for the much-heralded "information society" as they incorporate a new series of information technologies. These include on-line databases, magnetic and optical data storage, digital telecommunications, computer networks, and, most visibly and dramatically, personal computers. The transition is presenting administrators and faculty with major challenges, however. This article discusses some of the issues involved, including access to computers and to computer networking, managing the transition, and the educational uses of personal computers. A final section discusses efforts at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brown University, and Camegie-Mellon University to shape a new-generation personal computer, the so-called "scholar's workstation."  相似文献   

随着云计算、社交网络等的发展,不同类型的大规模的数据呈现海量式的增长,人们正被数据洪流所包围,大数据的时代已经正式到来,正在给包括图书馆在内的各行各业及整个社会文化带来了根本性的变革。但与此同时也给图书馆传统的数据管理方式带来了极大的挑战.本文对大数据概念、特性、由来及应用进行了概括,并重点针对图书馆在大数据时代面临的影响与挑战进行了浅析。  相似文献   

从哈佛大学图书馆重组,看到数字化、开放存取、全媒体等趋势对大学图书馆带来的挑战,图书馆要发展需重新界定大学图书馆的使命与定位,必须深入教、学、研,提供全媒体服务,与图书馆和非图书馆机构进行多元合作。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]开放科学进程影响到OA期刊的发展,探讨OA期刊亟待建立的适应性发展目标与措施,为我国出版实践工作提供参考借鉴。[方法/过程]分析了2017年以来OA期刊发展特点,梳理期刊内部变革因素及外部压力因素,分析主要挑战,再讨论在开放科学路线图中OA期刊的发展机遇,并初步思考我国未来的开放获取和开放科学实践。[结果/结论]OA期刊在开放科学进程中占有重要位置,但开放科学已经不仅仅是开放获取,全球OA期刊发展加强了知识共享机制与知识利用能力以适应科研相关方的要求,但受到预印本、OA2020/PlanS、Projekt DEAL、开放转换、APC监测等压力,存在与不同利益方的关系、开放技术、期刊价值等方面的挑战。在开放科学实施中,OA期刊应加强与资助者的合作并积极探索自身的开放科学增值能力。这些也是我国出版业OA转型、图书馆OA博弈策略调整、开放科学实践的依据之一。  相似文献   

数据期刊是一种新的数据出版模式,其目的在于促进数据的发现、共享、获取与复用,扩大学术影响力,推动科研创新。数据期刊的开放获取模式促进了数据成果的迅速传播,给期刊的发展带来了更广泛的读者群,产生了积极的影响。但同时,对作者付费方式的期刊发展带来不利的影响:作者收费方式导致部分稿源流失,没有发行收入导致办刊经费紧张等。文章从抓好稿件质量控制、开辟多渠道经费来源、构建合理的数据期刊评价体系、提供多元化服务四个方面提出了保持数据期刊的可持续发展的措施。  相似文献   

大数据改变了我们对数据的收集、存储、分析和利用的传统思维方式。农业大数据理念和技术在粮食安全领域中的运用,主要体现在粮食生产管理系统、粮食交通物流系统、粮食储备调控系统、粮食安全监测预警系统等方面。但是,大数据的运用也存在许多困难和挑战,数据收集不全面、非结构化数据难以整合、数据分析技术落后和信息安全等问题突出。  相似文献   

大数据技术的发展与社会的进步为图书馆服务的发展注入了新的活力与动力,同时也带给图书馆更多挑战和机遇。图书馆要想在大数据时代有所作为,需要很好地利用大数据创新图书馆服务,提升图书馆的核心竞争力。文章首先分析了大数据的特点;探讨了大数据带给图书馆的影响与挑战以及大数据对高校图书馆的要求;最后阐述了大数据时代高校图书馆服务创新势在必行的观点。  相似文献   

大数据的发展促使图书馆服务面临新的挑战与机遇,图书馆的资源组织形式与服务模式也面临新的转型。图书馆阅读推广在向物理空间和虚拟空间发展的同时,其评价模式也是图书馆界重要的研究内容。文章列举了国内外专业阅读推广案例,结合广州商学院图书馆的专业阅读推广平台服务模式,提倡构建PRP评价模式,旨在进一步推动、深化高校图书馆的学科专业服务,构建大数据下新的知识服务体系。  相似文献   

数字图书馆环境下的用户培训   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前世界上很多大学和研究单位的图书馆实际上已成了混合型的图书馆 ,既有大量的印刷版书刊资料 ,又有很多电子期刊、电子图书、电子索引等数字信息资源。对数字图书馆的数字信息资源的获取显然不同于对印刷资料的借阅。用户需要掌握新的技能才能完成这一工作。数字图书馆环境下用户培训的内容应该包括计算机相关应用联网知识以及图书馆提供的各种信息资源的使用等 ,在培训方式上可以采取讲座、网上教学、Email咨询等。  相似文献   

基于MapX的Oracle空间数据处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了在Oracle空间数据库中,如何准备、发布以及基于MapX访问空间数据的方法,给出了一个访问Oracle空间数据的Delphi编程实例,为类似的GIS应用开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Epitaxy is a widely used method to grow high-quality crystals. One of the key challenges in the field of inorganic solids is the development of epitaxial single-crystal nanostructures. We describe their formation from block copolymer self-assembly-directed nanoporous templates on single-crystal Si backfilled with Si or NiSi through a laser-induced transient melt process. Depending on thickness, template removal leaves either an array of nanopillars or porous nanostructures behind. For stoichiometric NiSi deposition, the template pores provide confinement, enabling heteroepitaxial growth. Irradiation through a mask provides access to hierarchically structured materials. These results on etchable and non-etchable materials suggest a general strategy for growing epitaxial single-crystal nanostructured thin films for fundamental studies and a wide variety of applications, including energy conversion and storage.  相似文献   

Throughout the developing world, it is a well-documented fact that women farmers tend to get lower yields than their male counterparts. Typically this is attributed to disproportionate access to high-quality inputs and labor, with some even arguing there could be a skills-gap stemming from unbalanced access to training and education. This article examines the gender-based yield gap in the context of Zambian maize producers. In addition to the usual drivers, we argue that Zambia’s patriarchal and multi-tiered land distribution system could disfavor women with respect to accessing quality soils. We are uniquely able to control for soil characteristics using farm data from a sample of 1573 fields with accompanying soil analysis. We find an expected difference in yields, but no evidence of a gap in unobserved characteristics, like skill, after controlling for access to inputs, especially quality soil, suggesting women are indeed disproportionately disadvantaged. We discuss how our findings could be used to develop self-targeting policy interventions that could empower women and would be consistent with the government’s stated equity goals.  相似文献   

余甘子作为具有经济和药用双重价值的经济林木,种植历史悠久,闽南溪东村由于其独特的土壤和气候环境,目前在闽南溪东余甘子也从野生状态开发用转变为规模化人工栽培种植,产业效益也在不断提高。本文采用现场访谈、调研,结合查阅资料等方法,深入实际,在掌握该地余甘子产业发展现状的同时,分析其产业在发展上存在的不足,从而提出了综合开发利用赤土乡溪东村的环境优势,培植余甘子特色产业的相关对策,为助力农民增收增产提供建议和依据。  相似文献   

The role of RFID in agriculture: Applications, limitations and challenges   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recent advances in RFID offer vast opportunities for research, development and innovation in agriculture. The aim of this paper is to give readers a comprehensive view of current applications and new possibilities, but also explain the limitations and challenges of this technology.RFID has been used for years in animal identification and tracking, being a common practice in many farms. Also it has been used in the food chain for traceability control. The implementation of sensors in tags, make possible to monitor the cold chain of perishable food products and the development of new applications in fields like environmental monitoring, irrigation, specialty crops and farm machinery.However, it is not all advantages. There are also challenges and limitations that should be faced in the next years. The operation in harsh environments, with dirt, extreme temperatures; the huge volume of data that are difficult to manage; the need of longer reading ranges, due to the reduction of signal strength due to propagation in crop canopy; the behavior of the different frequencies, understanding what is the right one for each application; the diversity of the standards and the level of granularity are some of them.  相似文献   

随着分布式计算的不断发展,传统的基于角色的安全性(RBAC)模型已无法满足分布式安全的要求。根据微软的代码访问安全性,归纳出基于证据的代码访问控制(EBCAC)模型,并给出了它的一种形式化描述。该模型能实现对系统更低层次的访问控制;然后提出了一种改进的基于证据的代码访问控制(EBCAC)系统设计方案;最后给出了防止引诱攻击的实例。  相似文献   

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