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Summary Diploid parents with some resistance to PLRV, were intercrossed to give 3 families with 191 clones which were evaluated for reaction to PLRV and yielding ability. After inoculation with PLRV the clones could be separated into those: 1) resistant, 2) susceptible, 3) intolerant, reacting with low virus concentration, 4) tolerant and 5) intermediate in reaction. Both the ELISA test and the evaluation of external disease symptoms were necessary to separate the clones. No correlation was found between resistance to PLRV and tuber yielding ability.  相似文献   

Summary The diploid clone DW.84-1457 which has outstanding resistance to potato leafroll virus (PLRV), has been selected at the Mlochów Centre of the Institute for Potato Research. It has in its pedigree PLRV-resistant clones from the Max Planck Institute nos. MPI 44.1016/10, MPI 44.335/130 and MPI 49.540/2. Its behaviour in the field and response to aphid inoculation indicate high resistance to infection, and the low concentration of the virus in graft-inoculated plants indicates high resistance to multiplication. This combination within one genotype of two aspects of resistance is not connected with hypersensitivity, and is heritable. Clone DW.84-1457 has other desirable characters such as extreme resistance to potato virus X (PVX), high resistance to potato virus M (PVM) and good table and processing quality. It is being utilized in the development of parental lines, both at the diploid and tetraploid level.  相似文献   

Three potato leafroll virus (PLRV) antisera, representing European, British Columbian, and Californian isolates, performed similarly in detection of PLRV in ELISA tests of samples collected in three successive years at the Florida certification test plots and in tests of other samples collected in New York State. Although a range of absorbance values occurred, this was probably due to random variation in virus titers of samples rather than the occurrence of different virus strains or differential serological reactions by the antisera. Beet western yellows virus (BWYV) was detected in potato leafroll samples from nine states and provinces in North America. The BWYV-positive samples represented 40% in 1983 and 62.5% in 1984 of the total number of samples tested. These results confirm previous reports on the widespread occurrence of BWYV in potato with symptoms of leafroll.  相似文献   

Summary The acquisition of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) byMyzus persicae nymphs from the top leaves of potato plants was studied throughout a growing season in relation to the antigen titre in those leaves and the feeding behaviour of the aphid. Secondarily-infected plants of eight potato genotypes with different levels of field resistance served as virus sources. Early in the growing season, plants were efficient sources for virus acquisition. The amount of viral antigen detected inM. persicae nymphs fed on the top leaves was strongly correlated with the titres of viral antigen in these leaves. Virus acquisition from the top leaves of older potato plants was markedly impaired and could not be correlated with their virus titre. With increasing age of the potato plants and the development of virus symptoms, the virus titre in the leaves declined and the initial weak correlation between the virus titre and field resistance ratings disappeared. Thus, screening secondarily-infected potato plants for field resistance to PLRV based on the concentration of viral antigen in leaves or in aphids fed on them should be avoided later in the growing season. The feeding rate ofM. persicae, measured by the number of honeydew droplets excreted, did not account for the reduced uptake of virus from older plants since it was not influenced by the age of the plant. Throughout the growing season, the feeding rate ofM. persicae nymphs on PLRV-infected plants was higher on genotypes with low levels of field resistance to PLRV than on genotypes with high ones.  相似文献   

Heat inactivation of leafroll virus in tuber tissues of three potato varieties (Russet Burbank, Katahdin, and Mohawk) was studied. Russet Burbank did not tolerate high constant temperatures and a low proportion of tubers and eye-pieces survived the treatments. On the other hand, Russet Burbank eye-pieces survived, with few exceptions, treatment at 40 C for four hours alternating with room temperaure (16–20 C) for 20 hours daily for as long as eight weeks. Inactivation of the virus was complete after six weeks of this treatment. Results obtained with the Katahdin and Mohawk varieties in similar tests were variable, and this possibly may be attributed to the higher room temperature (25–30 C) prevailing during these experiments.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions necessary for the detection of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY) in tubers from primary and secondary infected plants were investigated. Tubers were analysed before and after breaking dormancy by rindite treatment. PLRV was reliably detected indormant tubers whereas PVY was readily detected only when tubers had been rindite-treated and held for two to three weeks at 22°C and high humidity in the dark. PLRV occurred in higher concentration at the heel end than at the rose end of infected tubers and the concentration remained nearly unchanged during the experimental period of 35 days, whereas PVY was found to be more concentrated at the rose end and was rapidly accumulating in the tubers after the break of dormancy. In dormant tubers PVY concentration dropped during storage at 22°C. The use of ELISA for tuber indexing is discussed.  相似文献   

Volunteer potatoes were investigated as infection sources for potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus X (PVX) in a high elevation seed potato growing area of eastern Idaho. Population densities ofMyzus persicae were assessed. Percentage of PLRV and PVX infection of the volunteers and seed potato crops was determined, as well as density of volunteers and certain parameters of volunteer growth and reproduction. Volunteers apparently harbored no more PLRV than the potato crop from which they originated. But they were found to be an important reservoir of PVX with the infection increasing as much as 12.43% in one year. No aphids capable of transmitting PLRV were found although one species that can transmit potato virus Y was recorded. The mean density of volunteers varied from 0 to 84,880 stems/ha. The number of tubers remaining in the field after harvest and winter weather conditions appeared to be the only factors affecting volunteer density. Volunteer plants arising from seed pieces at an average depth of 6.1 cm were found to set an average of 2.1 new tubers per plant at an average depth of 4.0 cm. These results suggest that volunteer potatoes are a significant source of PVX infection in subsequent seed potato crops.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of temperature, relative humidity (RH) and light on aphid transmission of potato virus Y (PVY) and potato leafroll virus (PLRV) was studied using as vectorsMyzus persicae Sulz. andAphis gossypii Glov. Host susceptibility was enhanced by 48 h pre-inoculation exposure at 25°C and by 48 h post-inoculation exposure to 30°C. High RH (80%) in both pre- or postinoculation phases enhanced host susceptibility. Continuous fluorescent light (4000 lux) did not alter the rate of transmission of either virus. High RH (80–90%) and high temperature (25–30°C), when combined, increased virus transmission by 30–35%. Transmission rates were reduced by nearly 50% if RH was maintained at 50% in either of the two phases even if the temperature was 25 or 30°C. Both viruses were acquired by aphids earlier (13–20 days after inoculation) when the source plants were incubated at 25 or 30°C. Most virus was transmitted from plants inoculated with PVY 13 to 16 days and with PLRV 15 to 20 days previously. Transmission rates of PVY were enumerated from symptom expression on test plants and by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) whereas those of PLRV were enumerated from symptom expression alone.  相似文献   

A potato leafroll virus (PLRV) isolate has been successfully transmitted to and recovered from two wild crucifers,Sisymbrium altissimum L. (Jim Hill or tumble mustard) andCapsella. bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. (shepherd’s purse) by the green peach aphid (GPA),Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Virus antigen in both plant species was found to be higher in root tissue than in foliar tissue, based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) determinations.C. bursa-pastoris was apparently a relatively poorer source of inoculum for the GPA thanS. altissimum. Using two geographically-separated biotypes ofC. bursa-pastoris, a Washington biotype was found to contain higher antigen titer in both leaf and root tissue than a California biotype, as determined by ELISA. Field studies demonstrated that both weed species can serve as overwintering sources of PLRV  相似文献   

During 1980 and 1981 potato cultivars and breeding selections, including cultivated species and their hybrid derivatives, were evaluated for resistance to the green peach aphid (GPA),Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and to potato leafroll virus (PLRV). Criteria used were the number of aphids which colonized the clones in free choice field experiments and the number of plants derived from these experiments which showed symptoms of PLRV infection. Generally, greater resistance to GPA was found inSolarium tuberosum gp.andigena selections and hybrids than in gp.tuberosum cultivars. There were approximately fourfold differences in season-mean GPA levels among the clones tested each year. Forty-two families, representing a cross-section of the USDA breeding populations at the University of Idaho Research and Extension Center, Aberdeen, showed a similar range in colonization levels. Resistance to GPA colonization appeared to be more prevalent in gp.andigena, gp.phureja, and gp.stenotonum derivatives. There was a weak positive correlation (r2 = .34, P = .01) between foliar total glycoalkaloids and season-mean GPA colonization levels for six clones representing the range of observed resistance to GPA. Resistance to GPA colonization was apparently not directly related to resistance to PLRV infection. Katahdin, for example, was relatively susceptible to GPA colonization but very resistant to PLRV infection whereas selection A69657-4 (gp.andigena) was among the most resistant to GPA colonization but among the more susceptible to PLRV infection. Breeding for resistance to GPA colonization therefore may not be as promising for PLRV control as developing PLRV resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary The infection pressure of two viruses, potato leafroll (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY), both common in seed potatoes grown in Cyprus, was determined in three experiments in 1982–83. Virus-free bait plants, of potato and four other species, were exposed weekly to field infection during the growing season (March–June), and then returned to an aphid-free glasshouse for symptom expression. Only tobacco plants produced clear symptoms enabling reliable assessment of PVY infection pressure. When assessed with ELISA or by tuber indexing, the potato plants were efficient baits for both viruses whose infection period commenced at emergence (mid March to early April) and ended within 6–7 weeks. The seasonal trend of aphid populations, determined with Moericke traps or 100-leaf counts, correspond to that of virus spread. Correlation and regression analysis of aphid and virus data implicated the alate form ofMyzus persicae as the principal vector of both viruses.  相似文献   

Three Canadian isolates of potato virus X (PVX) that produced distinctly different symptoms in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun) were analyzed for differences in their coat proteins using SDS-PAGE, denaturing isoelectric focusing, peptide analysis and nucleotide sequencing. The amino acid sequence of the coat protein in a mild isolate differed from that of isolates that produced severe or intermediate symptoms at two locations. However, the amino acid sequences of the Canadian isolates that produced severe or intermediate symptoms were identical and were the same as the coat proteins of PVX isolates from Argentina, China, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom. These results suggest that regions of the PVX genome in addition to the coat protein gene may be involved in viral-host interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Surrounding half of the perimeter of potato plots with sticky yellow polyethylene sheets (HPS) stretched vertically at a height of 0.6 m above the soil, reduced the number, of winged aphids by ca. 70% and of PLRV infection by ca. 38%. A YPS mulch cuased an increase in aphid population, PLRV incidence and percentage of misshapen tubers. Covers of white coarse net (2.5×8.0 mesh per inch square ≈ 1×3.1 per mesh per cm square) reduced landing aphids to ca. 2% of those trapped in unprotected plots but increased by factors of ca. 5 to 6000 the number of apterae. PLRV incidence was greatly reduced in protected plots provided that no secondary infection occurred under the net. In plots planted with secondarily PLRV-infected seeds subsequent incidence under the nets was even higher than in the unprotected controls. The use of aphicides in addition to net covers completely prevented the spread of PLRV.
Zusammenfassung Um die Infektion mit PLRV in Kartoffelfeldern zu vermindern, wurde versucht, die anfliegenden L?use mit gelben Poly?thylenfolien (YPS) zu k?dern (die besonders im 500–700 nm Bereich des Spektrums reflektieren) und den Bestand mit weissen, grobmaschigen (1×3,1 F?den/cm2) und relativ billigen Netzen zu schützen. Eine Abdeckung mit YPS erh?hte die Zahl der insgesamt anfliegenden L?use und die Zahl der gefangenenMyzus persicae (Abb. 1). Der Befall mit PLRV war in behandelten Parzellen 2,1% im Gegensatz zur Kontrolle mit 0,6%, die Zahl der missgestalteten Knollen verdoppelte sich durch diese Behandlung. Wurde die halbe Parzelle mit einer klebrigen YPS (2m×0,5m) abgeschirmt, die ausserhalb der Parzelle senkrecht in einer H?he von 0,6 m über dem Boden aufgespannt war, so verringerte sich sowohl die Blattlauspopulation als auch der Befall mit PLRV. Die Zahl der insgesamt anfliegenden L?use und die Zahl der geflügeltenM. persicae betrug in den geschützten Parzellen nur ca, 30% der in den Kontrollen gefangenen (Abb. 1, Tabelle 5) und der Befall mit PLRV wurde in 5 von 6 Versuchen auf 29–87% des in den entsprechenden Kontrollen beobachteten gesenkt (Tabelle 1). Dennoch war der Befall in den geschützten Parzellen noch h?her als in der Pflanzgutverordnung erlaubt (Tabelle 1). Abdeckungen mit doppelten Lagen von Netzen reduzierten den L?useanflug auf ca, 1% der in den unbedeckten Kontrollen gefangenen (Tabelle 5) und verhinderten vollst?ndig die Ausbreitung des PLRV. Billigere Abdeckungen mit einfachen Lagen von Netzen wurden in gr?sserem Umfang getestet (9 Versuche). In allen Versuchen wurde die Zahl der geflügelten L?use signifikant auf 1,4–2,6% der in den Kontrollen landenden gesenkt. Unter dem Netz stiegen jedoch, vor allem gegen Ende der Wachstumsperiode die Populationen der ungeflügelten L?use stark an, (Tabelle 3). Die Ausbreitung des PLRV war unter den Netzen stark eingeschr?nkt, unter der Voraussetzung, dass keine Sekund?rinfektion vorhanden war, im anderen Fall führte die unter dem Netz entstehende starke Blattlauspopulation zu einer verst?rkten Virusausbreitung (Tabelle 2). Die Netzabdeckung hatte keinen Einfluss auf den Gesamtertrag (Tabelle 6). Eine Kombination zwischen Netzabdeckung und Insektizideinsatz verhinderte die Ausbreitung des PLRV vollst?ndig, w?hrend in den ungeschützten und nicht gespritzten Parzellen 16% Knollen mit PLRV gefunden wurden (Tabelle 4). Es sollte daher m?glich sein, unter dem Netz und mit Insektizideinsatz Pflanzgut mit geringem PLRV-Befall zu erzeugen.

Résumé Des essais ont été réalisés pour réduire l’infection d?e au virus de l’enroulement (PLRV) dans les parcelles de pommes de terre, soit en attirant les pucerons par des baches en polyéthylène jaune (ces baches jaunes réfléchissent la lumière dans la zone des 500–700 nm), soit en protégeant la culture par des filets blancs grossiers (1×3,1 fils par cm2). Un paillis réalisé avec les baches en polyéthylène jaune augmente le nombre total de pucerons et le nombre deMyzus persicae piégés (fig. 1). L’incidence du PLRV dans les parcelles traitées est plus importante que dans les parcelles témoins non traitées: 2,1% contre 0,6%, et le nombre de tubercules difformes est doublé par ce traitement. On entoure la moitié du périmètre des parcelles avec des baches de polyéthylène jaune (2m×0,5m), enduites de colle, placées à une hauteur de 0,6 m au-dessus du sol. Ceci réduit à la fois la population aphide et l’incidence du PLRV. Dans les parcelles protégées, le nombre total de pucerons et le nombre deM. persicae ailés représentent 30% de la population piégée dans les parcelles témoins (fig. 1, tableau 5). Dans cinq des six essais, l’incidence du PLRV est réduite à 29–87% par rapport à celle détectée dans les parcelles témoins (tableau 1). Cependant, l’incidence du PLRV dans les parcelles protégées est encore plus élevée que les niveaux permis pour la certification des semences (tableau 1). Dans des parcelles couvertes d’une double épaisseur de filet, le nombre de pucerons ailés représente 1% du nombre piégé dans les parcelles témoins (non couvertes) (tableau 5); l’infection d?e au PLRV ne se propage pas. La protection des parcelles avec une seule épaisseur de filet (cela revient moins cher) a été testée sur neuf essais. Dans tous ces essais, le nombre total de pucerons ailés est réduit de fa?on significative à 1,4–2,6% par rapport au nombre obtenu dans les parcelles témoins. Cependant, les populations de pucerons aptères augmentent sous le filet, notamment à la fin de la saison (tableau 3). La propagation du PLRV, favorisée par le développement d’importantes populations d’aptères (tableau 2) est notablement réduite sous le filet si aucune infection secondaire ne se manifeste. En outre, les filets n’affectent pas le rendement total (tableau 6). En combinant la protection des parcelles par des filets avec un traitement aphicide, on empêche totalement la propagation du PLRV, alors que dans les parcelles non protégées et non traitées on détecte 16% de tubercules virosés (tableau 4). Donc, une protection par des filets plus un traitement aphicide permettraient aux plants de pommes de terre de se développer avec un taux d’infection relativement faible.

P. Gugerli 《Potato Research》1980,23(1):137-141
Summary Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), used in conjunction with a new rapid extraction method, showed that potato leafroll virus (PLRV) concentration in the vascular region of infected potato tubers decreases from the heel to the rose end. Lower virus concentration at the rose than at the heel end was found not only in dormant tubers but also in tubers three weeks after breaking dormancy although the difference was then less pronounced. These results were obtained from plants with both primary and secondary infection by one of two French virus isolates which behave differently in respect of either accumulation in the ants or in their serological properties or both.  相似文献   

Summary Formation of abnormal callose in the sieve tubes is the basis of a practical test for leafroll virus infection in potato tubers. However, as it has often been stated that the test is not consistent enough, the following features were examined, with standardisation in mind: distribution of affected phloem in the tuber, detectability with different stains, the effect of the ‘Rindite’ treatment for breaking dormancy, and the effects of time and temperature of storage. In early-harvested tubers infected with leafroll virus, sieve tubes near the heel end are the most likely to contain abnormal callose but elements located in the cortex and medulla, as well as those near the cambium, can also be affected. Callose continues to form in early-harvested tubers during at least the first month of storage, but does not appear in tubers infected within a few weeks of harvest. Relatively less callose is formed at 28 C than within the range 4–18 C. The callose test may help in judging the health of a crop but it cannot be made precise enough for more critical purposes.
Zusammenfassung Obwohl verschiedene Methoden zur Ermittlung von Blattrollvirusinfektion bei Kartoffeln entwickelt worden sind, wird zu ihrem Nachweis im allgemeinen noch immer die Augenstecklingsprüfung angewendet. Im Jahre 1955 wurde der Kallosetest von einigen Forschern eingeführt. Er beruht auf der Tatsache, dass das Blattrollvirus in den Siebr?hren des Phloems der Kartoffelknollen eine abnormale Kallosebildung hervorrufen kann. Wenn Schnittstücke von befallenen Knollen mit einem die Kallose f?rbenden Farbstoff behandelt werden, wird die Kallose sichtbar. Der Vorteil dieser Methode besteht darin, dass die vorhandene Kallose rasch festgestellt werden kann. Aus diesem Grunde wird der Test in verschiedenen L?ndern Europas im Anerkennungsverfahren für Saatkartoffeln angewendet. Ein Nachteil dieser Methode liegt darin, dass nicht das Virus selbst entdeckt wird, sondern nur eine seiner Sekund?rwirkungen. Da die Beurteilung der Testergebnisse weitgehend von den pers?nlichen F?higkeiten des Bearbeiters abh?ngt, k?nnte die gestellte Diagnose angezweifelt werden. Wir haben Versuche durchgeführt, um zu sehen, ob die Zuverl?ssigkeit des Teste verbessert werden k?nnte. Verschiedene Kallose-Farbstoffe, die Stelle der Kallose in der Knolle und Methoden zur F?rderung der Kallosebildung waren Gegenstand unserer Untersuchungen. Es wurden auch Versuche unternommen, um die Zeit zwischen der Infektion der Kartoffelpflanze mit Blattrollvirus und der Kallosebildung in der Knolle zu bestimmen. Bis jetzt ergab Resorzinblau die besten Resultate als F?rbemittel für die Kallose. Kein anderer der untersuchten Farbstoffe erh?hte die Zuverl?ssigkeit des Testes. Tabelle 1 zeigt, dass die Verteilung der Kallose in der Knolle sehr unregelm?ssig ist und dass sie sich haupts?chlich in der N?he des Nabelendes befindet. In Knollen von früh infizierten pflanzen findet man die Kallose auch am Kronenende. In früh geernteten Knollen wird die Kallosebildung durch Lagerung w?hrend 4 Wochen bei einer Temperatur von 10 bis 18 C erh?ht (Tabelle 2). Behandlung mit Rindite regte die Kallosebildung in Knollen der SorteBintje nicht an. Eine eigens aufgestellte Skala wurde verwendet um die beobachtete Kallosemenge zu vermerken. Die gef?rbten Siebr?hren zwischen den Schwarzen Linien in Abb. 1 wurden gez?hlt und die Zahl der gef?rbten Siebr?hren in Cortex und Medulla gesch?tzt. Auf Grund der Ergebnisse in Tabelle 4 wurde beschlossen zu empfehlen, dass auch die in Cortex und Medulla vorhandene Kallose, entgegen den Feststellungen vonWeller undArenz (1957) sowieSchuster undByhan (1958) in Betracht gezogen werden sollte. Dies bedeutet, dass wenn in Cortex und Medulla viel Kallose und in den Siebr?hren nahe beim Xylem keine gefunden wird, die Knolle trotzdem als infiziert betrachtet werden muss. Knollen, die eine Minimalmenge (1T) an Kallose aufweisen, n?mlich eine vollst?ndig mit Kallose gefüllte Siebr?hrenl?nge in der N?he des Kambiums, werden als krank bezeichnet. Die Ergebnisse in Tabelle 3 zeigen, dass Knollen von Pflanzen, die in einem sp?ten Entwicklungsstadium mit Blattrollvirus infiziert werden, nicht mehr Kallose bilden als gesunde Knollen. Daraus wird geschlossen, dass der Kallosetest nicht genügend zuverl?ssig ist, um im Studium des Viruswanderungsproblems von irgendwelchem Wert zu sein.

Résumé Bien que différentes méthodes de diagnostic du virus de l’enroulement sur pomme de terre se soient développées, la méthode du tuber-test est ordinairement encore utilisée pour cette recherche. Le test de callose a été adopté en 1955 par un nombre de chercheurs. Il est basé sur le fait que le virus de l’enroulement peut produire une callose anormale dans les tubes criblés de phloème du tubercule de pomme de terre. Le trempage dans un colorant de sections de tubercules infectés met en évidence, par coloration, la présence de cals. L’avantage de cette méthode est la détection rapide de la présence de callose. Pour cette raison, ce test figure au programme de production de plants de différents pays d’Europe. Cette méthode a l’inconvénient de mettre en évidence non le virus lui-même, mais un de ses effets secondaires. Comme l’appréciation des résultats issus de ce test dépend pour beaucoup du jugement personnel de l’examinateur, le diagnostic posé peut prêter à discussion. Nous avons effectué des expériences pour voir comment on pourrait augmenter la sécurité du test. Nous avons étudié la variation de la coloration des cals, la localisation des cals dans le tubercule et les moyens de stimuler leur formation. Des essais ont également porté sur la détermination de la période s’écoulant entre l’infection de la plante par le virus de l’enroulement et la formation des cals dans le tubercule. Jusqu’à présent, le bleu de résorcine donne le meilleur résultat comme colorant des cals. Aucun autre colorant n’augmente la sécurité du test. Tableau 1 montre l’irrégularité de la répartition des cals dans le tubercule et leur localisation fréquente piés du talon. Dans des tubercules de plantes infectées précocement, les cals se trouvent également prés de la couronne. La production de cals chez des tubercules récoltés précocement est favorisée par conservation pendant 4 semaines à une température de 10 à 18 C (Tableau 2). Le traitement à la rindite ne stimule pas la formation des cals dans les tubercules de la variétéBintje. Une échelle arbitraire a été utiliséc pour enregistrer la quantité de cals observéc. Lest tubes criblés colorés entre les lignes noires de Fig. 1 sont comptés et le nombre de tubes criblés colorés dans l’écorce et la mo?lle sont estimés. Selon résultats figurant au Tableau 4, il y a lieu de conseiller, contrairement aux conclusions deWeller etArenz (1957) et deSchuster etByhan (1958), de prendre aussi de considération les cals présents dans ces dernières zones. Ce qui signifie que, si on détecte beaucoup de cals dans l’écorce et la mo?lle et aucun cal dans les tubes criblés près du xylème, le tubercule doit néanmoins être considéré comme infecté. Des tubercules montrant une quantité minimale (1T) de cals, c’est-à-dire une section de tube criblé près du cambium complètement remplie de cals, devront être considérés comme malades. Les résultats figurant au Tableau 3 montrent que des tubercules issus de plantes infectées par le virus de l’enroulement dans le dernier stade de développement ne forment pas plus de cals que des tubercules sains En conclusion, le test de callose n’est pas suffisamment sur pour être valable dans l’étude des problémes de translocation de virus.

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