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介绍了UPOV、世界各国植物新品种保护制度及审查方式的建立与发展现状;概述了DUS测试指南研制及测试技术研究现状,并重点阐述了分子标记技术在其中的应用;论述了我国植物新品种保护体系的建立与发展,并分析了我国植物新品种的申请授权情况;最后对我国植物新品种保护和DUS测试的发展提出了4点建议。即加快立法进程,为加入UPOV1991年文本奠定法律基础;提高审查与测试方式的灵活性;加快DUS测试指南的研制和已知品种数据库的构建;积极开展国际合作与交流。 相似文献
刺槐属(Robinia L.)和槐属(Sophora L.)于2002年列入《中华人民共和国植物新品种保护名录(林业部分)(第三批)》,截止2014年国家林业局授权的刺槐属植物新品种8件,槐属植物新品种5件。2007年国家林业局立项制定刺槐属新品种DUS测试指南行业标准,2010年《植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南刺槐属》(LY/T 1871—2010)发布实施。2013年国家林业局立项制定槐属新品种DUS测试指南行业标准,2014年《植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南槐属》(LY/T 2285—2014)发布实施。本文分析了目前我国刺槐属和槐属植物新品种保护中存在的问题,并提出几点对策和发展建议。 相似文献
为了保护植物育种者的权利和利益,使育种者能从新品种的选育、生产和销售中收回投资和获得利润,鼓励继续投资和培育新品种,我国于1999年4月23日正式实施<中华人民共和国植物薪品种保护条例>,对植物新品种进行知识产权保护.本文综述了我国林业植物保护制度实施后的总体概况、特点,以及与国际植物新品种保护联盟(upov)近期的合作与交流.结合桉树在我国的发展利用前景,和近15a来全面系统的引种、改良和良种选育成果,认为桉树是我国南方最具林业产业化的人工林树种,也是林业最具植物新品种保护的树种之一. 相似文献
简要介绍了植物新品种保护制度,植物新品种权及申请植物新品种权的条件,申请程序等法律法规,总结分析了我国林业植物新品种保护的现状及发展方向。 相似文献
林木植物新品种DUS测试指南编写方案的探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
论述了林木新品种DUS测试的重要意义及植物DUS测试的国内外现状, 探讨了在我国开展林木新品种DUS测试指南编写工作的总体思路、具体方案及操作原则等。总体思路和实施方案为:学习UPOV关于植物新品种保护特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南编制原则、相关规定及我国部分农作物编制的成功经验; 收集林木现有品种(系)的有关资料, 内容包括:品种的表型特征、适应性、生长特征、抗性特征、适生环境等; 整理汇总资料, 参照UPOV的原则选择测试性状体系及设计科学的田间测试操作规程; 结合UPOV评价体系和具体树种的育种现状, 建立我国具体林木属(种)的新品种DUS测试指南技术标准和可能的DNA指纹档案。 相似文献
森林美剖析—主论森林植物的形式美 总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26
本文强调了森林美的多重性,系统地阐述了森林美的各种层次,分析了森林植物自然美的特征,并提出了森林植物自然美的构景原理,将路离和审美对象尺度两者相结合把森林植物景观区分为7个层次,即(1)细部景观;(2)个体景观;(3)林内景观;(4)林道景观;(5)近景观;(6)中景观,(7)远景观。对各个层次的界定主要构景因子进行了系统的说明,提出了在对森森景观进行评判研究时必须明确其对象的层次归属,最后,对15个构景因子的近景,中景,远景中的重要性差异作了分析比较。 相似文献
1977年以来,植物学家和林业科技工作者,先后在我区各地发现了一些新的森林植物。现将其中9种木本植物介绍如下,供林业部门在勘察设计、开发利用中参考。 1.角翅桦(Betula ceratoptera G.H.Liu et Ma).属于桦木属、桦木科小乔木,高 相似文献
This paper describes an attempt to predict ground flora species richness under various forest management scenarios. The approach is based on a geographic information system (GIS) and uses three standard map layers of topography, soils and stands to derive environmental gradients of light, nutrients, water and disturbance. A simple floristic survey provides the data necessary to relate plant distribution with environmental variables. The potential distribution of 60 understorey plant species is modelled based on the four derived gradients. The sum of these maps, i.e., the total potential diversity, is used as a proxy for the prediction of actual species richness. The model predicts high species diversity along roads and in relatively disturbed areas and low species diversity in stands with coniferous species and in stands of old, deciduous trees (mainly beech). The overall predicted pattern of species diversity corresponds well with observations made in the forests. However, the model explained only a fraction of the variation in the data set on the plot level. Dispersal effects, demographic stochasticity and biological factors are the probable causes of this. The combination of GIS-based spatial operations and fuzzy cognitive mapping proved to be an efficient way of producing gradient maps based on standard forestry maps and expert knowledge. 相似文献
Exotic species possess abilities to harm the ecosystems they invade. This study assesses the density, frequency and cover of exotic plants in roadside right-of-ways, logged areas and wildfire sites within mixedwood sections of the southern boreal forest of Saskatchewan. A total of 23 exotic species were observed including nine species of Gramineae, seven species of Leguminosae and five species of Compositae. Average density of exotic species in areas recently disturbed by timber harvesting or wildfire was 0.2 stems m−2 with a frequency of 72%. Exotic species adapted for wind dispersal were best represented including common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), perennial sow thistle (Sonchus arvensis) and annual hawksbeard (Crepis tectorum). Only two exotic species, T. officinale and Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa), were observed in mature forest; both occurred with a frequency of 13% and an average density of 0.002 stems m−2. A total of 22 exotic species was found in the right-of-ways quadrats with an average density of 117 stems m−2 and a frequency of 94%. The most frequently observed exotic species in the roadside right-of-way areas were T. officinale, alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum), S. arvensis, creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra) and smooth brome grass (Bromus inermis). These species are either common agricultural weeds or were part of the original seed mixture used to establish a plant cover in the roadside right-of-ways. 相似文献
C.W. Woodall C.M. Oswalt J.A. Westfall C.H. Perry M.D. Nelson A.O. Finley 《Forest Ecology and Management》2010
The lack of objective tree species lists hinders the assessment of climate change effects on tree species distributions. The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate criteria for selecting tree species used in large-scale tree migration monitoring efforts. The results of this study indicate that tree migration conclusions are highly dependant on the species selected for examination. It was found that tree species’ median latitudes or forecasted future areas provided objective criteria for development of species lists for migration hypothesis testing with the latter being insensitive to simulation error. Furthermore, only 10–15 of the top species, in terms of high median latitudes or loss in forecasted future area, are needed to maximize the sensitivity of a migration index. The use of such criteria in this study indicated a northward shift of sensitive tree populations of 27 km. It is suggested that examining species only the most likely to migrate serves as an objective starting point for migration detection. In contrast, the inclusion of all tree species commonly observed in large-scale forest inventories can obfuscate migration detection with tree species that have little ecological reason to immediately migrate in a changing climate. 相似文献
增加林木的纤维素生产和转基因树的生长(英文) 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
纤维素是植物组成中的重要多聚物。纤维素也是重要的工业原料和可再生的能源物质。利用转基因技术可以降低林木中木质素含量并增加纤维素含量。木质素合成酶基因4-CL是一个重要的和木材再生有关的基因。在我们的研究中,将利用反义表达方法降低木质素含量,增加纤维素含量。研究包括:D4-CL基因的分离;转基因植物的生产;纤维素和木质素含量分析;中试。参69。 相似文献
云南森林自然中心防火林带设计 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文通过云南森林自然中心银荆树生物防火林带的营造林设计 ,表明营造生物防火林带是森林防火基础设施中一项重要而有效的举措 ,同时为今后进一步推动生物防火林带的建设提供了一定的依据 相似文献