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The specific respiration rate at 20 degrees C (R(20)) of peach leaves and stems declined rapidly from a high value in the early spring (22.5 nmol CO(2) g(dw) (-1) s(-1)) to relatively constant rates by July (3.1 nmol CO(2) g(dw) (-1) s(-1)). Leaf R(20) declined more rapidly than current-year stem R(20), but leaf and current-year stem R(20)s were similar by July. The R(20) of current-year stems in July was approximately 2.5 times greater than that of one-year-old stems (1.3 nmol CO(2) g(dw) (-1) s(-1)), and about 30 times greater than that of the trunk R(20) (0.1 nmol CO(2) g(dw) (-1) s(-1)). The Q(10)s of leaves and stems were approximately 2 for a temperature increase between 20 and 30. The Q(10)s above 30 were 2.03 for leaves but only 1.61 for stems. Leaves and current-year stems accounted for 2 and 17% of the aboveground vegetative biomass in April and August, respectively, but accounted for 59-80% of total daily (24 h) respiration. Although trunk biomass accounted for 91 and 77% of aboveground vegetative biomass, in April and August, respectively, trunk respiration accounted for only 8-15% of daily aboveground respiration. Before harvest, during a period when fruit growth was source-limited, daily fruit respiration exceeded respiration by all aboveground vegetative organs.  相似文献   

We applied a semi-mechanistic model of fresh matter accumulation to peach fruit during the stage of rapid mesocarp development. The model, which is based on simple hypotheses of fluid flows into and out of the fruit, assumes that solution flow into the fruit increases with fruit weight and transpiration per unit weight, and decreases with the maximum daily shrinkage of the trunk, which was used as an indicator of water stress. Fruit transpiration was assumed to increase with fruit size and with radiation. Fruit respiration was considered to be related to fruit growth and to temperature. The model simulates variability in growth among fruits according to climatic conditions, degree of water stress and weight of the fruit at the beginning of the simulation. We used data obtained from well-watered and water-stressed trees grown in containers to estimate model parameters and to test the model. There was close agreement between the simulated and measured values. A sensitivity analysis showed that initial fruit weight partly determined the variation in growth among fruits. The analysis also indicated that there was an optimal irradiance for fruit growth and that the effect of high global radiation on growth varied according to the stage of fruit development. Water stress, which was the most important factor influencing fruit growth, rapidly depressed growth, particularly when applied late in the season.  相似文献   

Lescourret F  Génard M 《Tree physiology》2005,25(10):1303-1315
A virtual fruit model simulating seasonal changes in several peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit quality traits during the final growth stage is presented. The quality traits considered are fruit size, the proportion of total fruit mass consisting of fruit flesh, dry matter content of the flesh and the concentrations of sucrose, glucose, fructose and sorbitol in the flesh, which are used to calculate a sweetness index. The virtual peach fruit model was developed by adapting and integrating three existing process-based models describing fruit dry mass growth, fruit fresh mass growth and sugar accumulation in the flesh into one complex system. Data sets of peach fruit growth and quality obtained from one field site over several years were used to estimate parameters and evaluate the virtual peach fruit model. Output from the model showed good agreement with the field data. Insight into the complex nature of the virtual peach fruit model, i.e., its ability to show emergent properties, was accomplished by conducting a series of theoretical experiments. The virtual peach fruit model was shown to be sensitive to management and environmental factors (leaf:fruit ratio, stem water potential and, to a lesser extent, weather). Its ability to generate simple laws relating to physiological variables and quality parameters was also demonstrated. Finally, the virtual peach fruit model was able to reveal complex behaviors resulting from changes in water potentials or leaf:fruit ratios over time.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of branch autonomy on the growth of reproductive and vegetative organs by establishing different patterns of fruit distribution within and between large branch units (scaffolds) in mature peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. 'Elegant Lady'). Different patterns of fruit distribution were established by defruiting either whole scaffolds (uneven fruit distribution between scaffolds; US) or several selected hangers (small fruiting branches) per tree (uneven fruit distribution between hangers; UH). The effects of these patterns were compared with the effects of an even fruit distribution treatment (EVEN) in which fruits were thinned to achieve maximum uniformity of fruit distribution within the canopy. The desired fruit loads were obtained by differentially thinning the remaining bearing parts. On a tree basis, the response of mean fruit mass to fruit load was strongly affected by fruit distribution. The steepest mean fruit mass to fruit load relationship was found in US trees, whereas the relationship in UH trees was intermediate between the US and EVEN trees. On a scaffold basis, differences in fruit size between EVEN and US trees with similar fruit loads, though statistically significant, were relatively small, indicating that scaffolds were almost totally autonomous with respect to dry matter partitioning to fruit during the final stage of peach fruit growth. Hangers also appeared to exhibit significant autonomy with respect to the distribution of dry matter during the final phase of fruit growth. Branch autonomy was evident in scaffold growth: defruited scaffolds in the US treatment grew more than fruited scaffolds, and fruit distribution treatments had little impact on scaffold cross-sectional area on a tree basis. On the other hand, as observed for fruit growth, branch autonomy did not appear to be complete because the fruited scaffolds grew more in US trees than in EVEN trees under heavy cropping conditions. However, the effect of fruit distribution occurred only over short distances, and was negligible on organs located farther away from the source of heterogeneity (fruits), such as the trunk and roots.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of polyamines in pre- and post-harvest fruit development of 'Akatsuki' peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.) we measured polyamine concentrations, activities of polyamine biosynthetic enzymes and expression of genes encoding these enzymes. Concentrations of the free polyamines, putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) in pre-harvest fruit peaked 16 days after full bloom (DAF) and then progressively decreased until harvest with the exception of Put, which showed a second peak at 94 DAF, just before the onset of ethylene production. In post-harvest fruit, minor changes in concentrations of Spd and Spm were observed, whereas Put concentration peaked on the harvest day, followed by an abrupt decrease and a subsequent 2-fold increase, which was opposite to the fluctuating pattern of ethylene production. Activities of arginine decarboxylase (ADC) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) peaked during the first stage of fruit development and then decreased until 80 DAF, after which the activities were below detection limits, suggesting that Put is synthesized during the early stage of fruit development. Activity of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC) decreased progressively until the end of S2. Expression levels of five putative polyamine biosynthetic genes, ADC, ODC, SAMDC, spermidine synthase (SPDS) and spermine synthase (SPMS), in pre-harvest and post-harvest fruit did not coincide precisely with the observed changes in enzymatic activities and polyamine concentrations. The possible role of polyamines during peach fruit development and the relationship between polyamines and ethylene biosynthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Surface conductance to water vapor diffusion was measured in individual peach fruits (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) and plotted as a function of fresh fruit mass for four cultivars. Surface conductance increased with fresh fruit mass, but the pattern differed with cultivar, and fruit-to-fruit variation occurred. Relationships between fruit mass and surface conductance were modeled by fitting mathematical equations to the data. The simulation model of Fishman and Génard (1998) was used to study dry mass and water components of fruit growth (1) when surface conductance varied with fruit size or was constant, and (2) when surface conductance values were high, moderate or low with respect to fruit mass. Increased surface conductance with fresh fruit mass resulted in fruit growth cessation. Fruits differing in surface conductance had similar dry mass. However, under well-watered conditions (stem water potential between -1 and -0.2 MPa), the water balance components of growth (osmotic and hydrostatic pressure, water potential and water balance) differed greatly and, as a result, the lower the surface conductance the greater the fresh fruit mass. These differences were buffered under drought conditions (stem water potential between -2.4 and -0.6 MPa).  相似文献   

Activities of NAD(+)-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), sorbitol oxidase (SOX), sucrose synthase (SS), acid invertase (AI), and neutral invertase (NI) in 'Encore' peach (Prunus persica L.) fruits and developing shoot tips were assayed during the growing season to determine whether carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes could serve as indicators of sink strength. In fruit flesh, SS activity was detected during Stage I of growth, when cells were actively dividing, and SDH activity was detected during Stage III, when cells were actively enlarging. Acid invertase activity was detected during Stage I and showed a closer correlation with relative increase in fruit weight during the growing season than SS activity. During seed filling and pit hardening (Stage II), when relative fruit growth rate was slowest, activities of carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes in fruit flesh were not detectable. No SOX activity was detected during Stages I and II. The highest sucrose content occurred near the end of fruit development when the activities of sucrose metabolizing enzymes were low. In developing shoot tips, the sorbitol:sucrose ratio was 2:1 (w/w) and SDH activity was low at the beginning and end of the season when vegetative growth was slowest. The sorbitol:sucrose ratio changed to 1:1 (w/w) along with an increase in SDH activity in shoot tips during the mid-growing season. In 'Nemaguard' peach, SDH exhibited higher activity in root tips than in other organs. Among the sorbitol- and sucrose-metabolizing enzyme activities, only SDH activity was positively correlated with shoot growth in 'Nemaguard' plants.  相似文献   

为了提高肥城桃果实品质,以‘红里’为试材,研究了叶面喷施不同质量浓度的油菜素内酯对肥城桃叶片的叶绿素含量、光合作用及其果实内可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖含量、蔗糖含量、果糖含量、淀粉含量和单果质量等指标的影响。结果表明,不同的肥城桃发育时期喷施不同质量浓度的油菜素内酯对果实品质的影响不同,硬核期喷施0.10 mg/L的油菜素内酯的处理效果最佳,与对照相比,叶绿素含量、净光合速率、可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖含量和单果质量分别提高了11.18%、14.42%、8.01%、18.39%和11.88%。  相似文献   

A water deficit during stage III of fruit growth was established with the aim of determining if it is possible to achieve an improvement in tree water status by summer pruning and fruit thinning. The experiment was set up as a randomized block split-plot design across trials (irrigation) where pruning was assigned to the main plot and fruit thinning to the sub-plots. The irrigation treatments were (1) standard full irrigation (FI), and (2) suppression of irrigation during stage III of fruit growth until leaves visibly withered (LWI); the pruning treatments were (1) experimental summer pruning (EP), and (2) standard summer pruning (CP); and three fruit thinning intensities were applied to facilitate analysis of the effects of the treatments in relation to fruit load. Changes in amount of light intercepted and in tree stem water potential (Psi stem) were evaluated. The EP treatment reduced the amount of light intercepted by the tree. In the FI treatment, there was a significant reduction in fruit growth measured as both water accumulation and dry mass accumulation. Under FI conditions, reductions in fruit load as a result of EP were not accompanied by a significant improvement in Psi stem. In the LWI treatment, EP produced a significant improvement of 0.17 MPa in Psi stem, but there was no improvement in fruit growth compared with CP trees. A reduction in fruit load from 350 (commercial load) to 150 per tree significantly improved Psi stem by 0.3 MPa at the end of stage III of fruit growth. These results indicate that improvements in water status in response to pruning may be insufficient to promote fruit growth if the pruned trees are unable to provide an adequate supply of assimilates to the developing fruits.  相似文献   

Lopez G  Girona J  Marsal J 《Tree physiology》2007,27(11):1619-1626
Effect of water stress during stage III of peach fruit development on winter root starch concentration (RSC) and subsequent reproductive development was studied. Two irrigation treatments were applied in two consecutive seasons (2003-2004): full irrigation (FI) and no irrigation during stage III of fruit development until visible leaf wilting (LWI), which occurred when midday stem water potential reached -1.80 MPa. Three fruit thinning intensities were applied within each irrigation treatment. The year 2005 was a recovery year in which all trees received full irrigation and commercial fruit thinning. Water deficit and high fruit loads in the previous season significantly reduced the concentration of winter RSC. Fruit set and fruit growth from full bloom to 30 days after full bloom (30 DAFB) increased with increasing winter RSC before other factors, such as inter-fruit competition and availability of carbon from current photosynthesis, came into play. Consequently, severe water stress reduced the total number of fruits and fruit dry mass growth 30 DAFB. However, during the recovery year and after fruit thinning, fruit loads were similar between irrigation treatments and yield capacity remained unaffected. Peach fruit production recovered quickly from the deleterious effects of two consecutive years of water stress because of a combination of two factors: (1) reduced initial fruit set that was still adequate to achieve a commercial crop; and (2) the low sensitivity of fruit growth 30 DAFB to winter RSC.  相似文献   

以朝阳地区栽培的柏山水蜜桃、久保桃、丰白桃为材料,对其果实性状与经济效益进行调查与分析,结果表明:3个品种桃盛花期分别为4月23日至28日、4月25日至30日、4月28日至5月3日;久保桃与柏山水蜜桃花期吻合程度高,是其最佳授粉树,平均座果率为92%。柏山水蜜桃平均最大单果重为750 g,分别是久保桃、丰白桃的2.4倍和2.9倍。柏山水蜜桃果实成熟期最晚,为8月中下旬,较久保桃晚熟20~30 d,较丰白桃晚熟40 d左右,具有市场价格优势。柏山水蜜桃单位面积平均产量为32 677 kg·hm-1,产值为32.7万元,分别是久保桃、丰白桃产值的1.27倍和1.45倍。  相似文献   

Clement  C.R.  Weber  J.C.  van Leeuwen  J.  Astorga Domian  C.  Cole  D.M.  Arévalo Lopez  L.A.  Argüello  H. 《Agroforestry Systems》2004,61(1-3):195-206
Agroforestry Systems - Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) was domesticated as a fruit crop by the first Amazonians in traditional Neotropical agroforestry systems, but research and development...  相似文献   

Berman ME  DeJong TM 《Tree physiology》1996,16(10):859-864
Effects of water stress on fruit fresh and dry weights were investigated in peach trees, Prunus persica (L.) Batsch., with varying crop loads: light, moderate and heavy. In well-watered controls, tree water status was independent of crop load. In trees receiving reduced irrigation, the degree of water stress increased with increasing crop load. Water stress induced fruit fresh weight reductions at all crop loads. Fruit dry weight was not reduced by water stress in trees having light to moderate crop loads, indicating that the degree of water stress imposed did not affect the dry weight sink strength of fruit. Water-stressed trees with heavy crop loads had significantly reduced fruit dry weights, which were likely due to carbohydrate source limitations resulting from large crop carbon demands and water stress limitations on photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that carbohydrate partitioning is driven by competition among individual plant organs, based on each organ's growth potential, was used to develop a simulation model of the carbon supply and demand for reproductive and vegetative growth in peach trees. In the model, photosynthetic carbon assimilation is simulated using daily minimum and maximum temperature and solar radiation as inputs. Carbohydrate is first partitioned to maintenance respiration, then to leaves, fruits, stems and branches, then to the trunk. Root activity is supported by residual carbohydrate after aboveground growth. Verification of the model was carried out with field data from trees that were thinned at different times. In general, the model predictions corresponded to field data for fruit and vegetative growth. The model predicted that resource availability limited fruit and stem growth during two periods of fruit growth, periods that had been identified in earlier experimental studies as resource-limited growth periods. The model also predicted that there were two periods of high carbohydrate availability for root activity. The fit between model predictions and field data supports the initial hypothesis that plants function as collections of semiautonomous, interacting organs that compete for resources based on their growth potentials.  相似文献   

光皮树果实生长发育规律研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对光皮树果实纵径、横径进行定期田间测定,同时对果实鲜重和干重进行定期测定,绘制生长曲线,结果表明光皮树果实生长发育过程可分为3个时期:幼果缓慢生长期,果实缓慢生长期,果实熟前迅速生长期。果实含水率一直在下降,而含油率则一直在增长,达到最大合油率34.23%后趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Duan W  Fan PG  Wang LJ  Li WD  Yan ST  Li SH 《Tree physiology》2008,28(1):123-132
Diurnal variations in photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, xanthophyll cycle, antioxidant enzymes and antioxidant metabolism in leaves in response to low sink demand caused by fruit removal (-fruit) were studied in 'Zaojiubao' peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batch) trees during the final stage of rapid fruit growth. Compared with the retained fruit treatment (+fruit), the -fruit treatment resulted in a significantly lower photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate, but generally higher internal CO(2) concentration, leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference and leaf temperature. The low photosynthetic rate in the -fruit trees paralleled reductions in maximal efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry and carboxylation efficiency. The midday depression in photosynthetic rate in response to low sink demand resulting from fruit removal was mainly caused by non-stomatal limitation. Fruit removal resulted in lower quantum efficiency of PSII as a result of both a decrease in the efficiency of excitation capture by open PSII reaction centers and an increase in closure of PSII reaction centers. Both xanthophyll-dependent thermal dissipation and the antioxidant system were up-regulated providing protection from photo-oxidative damage to leaves during low sink demand. Compared with the leaves of +fruit trees, leaves of -fruit trees had a larger xanthophyll cycle pool size and a higher de-epoxidation state, as well as significantly higher activities of antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, glutathione reductase and a higher reduction state of ascorbate and glutathione. However, the -fruit treatment resulted in higher hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde concentrations compared with the +fruit treatment, indicating photo-oxidative damage.  相似文献   

The influence of assimilate supply, metabolism and dilution on sugar concentrations in the mesocarp of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit during the main stage of fruit enlargement was analyzed with the SUGAR model of Génard and Souty (1996). The model predicts the partitioning of carbon into sucrose, sorbitol, glucose and fructose in the mesocarp of peach fruit. Based on measured data and the model, we determined values for the relative rates of sugar transformation. These rates were constant, varied with time or varied with relative fruit growth rate, depending on the type of sugar. Equations were derived to describe these rates and incorporated into the SUGAR model. The model simulated the effects of changing assimilate supply and fruit volume on sugar concentrations. The set of equations for the SUGAR model was rewritten to include the three components influencing sugar concentrations: assimilate supply, metabolism and dilution. The sugar types differed in sensitivity to these components. Sucrose was highly sensitive to changes in assimilate supply and to the dilution effect; it was not subject to intense metabolic transformation. Sorbitol was the most important carbohydrate in fruit metabolism, which explains why the sorbitol concentration was always low despite the strong positive effect of assimilate supply. The reducing sugars constituted a transitory storage pool and their concentrations were closely related to metabolism.  相似文献   

Multiple regression analyses were applied to the respiration data obtained by an excision method to distinguish between maintenance and growth respiration in stems ofPinus densiflora. Among several types of regression models, a few models showed marked stability of coefficient of growth related respiration that are independent of degrees of correlation between predictors and any combinations of predictors. These models predicted growth respiration as 0.45 g CO2 g (dry weight)−1. At 15°C, sapwood maintenance respiration rate was estimated to 0.72 mg CO2 g−1 day−1. These estimates were not different from the results obtained with standing trees.  相似文献   

We modeled tree responses to pruning on the basis of growth rules established on unpruned trees and a simple principle governing root-shoot interactions. The model, which integrates architectural and ecophysiological approaches, distinguishes four types of anatomical organs in a tree: rootstock, main axis, secondary axes and new roots. Tree structure is described by the position of secondary axes on the main axis. The main processes considered are plastochronal activity, branching, assimilate production, respiration and assimilate partitioning. Growth and development rules were based on measurements of two unpruned trees. The model was used to simulate growth of peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) in their first growing season. Assuming that the equilibrium between roots and shoots tends to be restored after pruning, the response to removal of the main axis above the twentieth internode in mid-July was simulated and compared to the response measured in three pruned trees. The model fit the unpruned tree data reasonably well and predicted the main traits of tree behavior after pruning. Dry matter growth of the secondary axes of pruned trees was increased so that shoot seasonal carbon balance was hardly modified by pruning. Rhythmicity of growth was enhanced by pruning, and might result from variations induced in the root:shoot ratio. Variation in pruning severity had greater effects than variation in pruning date. A sensitivity analysis indicated that: (1) root-shoot partitioning was a critical process of the model; (2) tree growth was mainly dependent on assimilate availability; and (3) tree shape was highly dependent on the branching process.  相似文献   

We modeled the effects of weather and source-sink factors on mango fruit growth. The peach fruit-growth model "Cashoo" was adapted for mango fruit. The model accounts for the main processes of fruit growth, i.e., leaf photosynthesis, fruit demand, fruit respiration, and storage and mobilization of leaf and stem reserves. Simulations for three successive years and for various leaf-to-fruit ratio treatments showed good agreement with observed fruit growth data. Simulations of fruit growth under different climatic conditions, especially with contrasting temperature and radiation, and for different values of initial fruit dry mass and leaf-to-fruit ratio, showed that variations in fruit growth among years can be partly explained by climatic variations through their effects on leaf photosynthesis, fruit demand and fruit growth rate. However, climatic changes contribute substantially less to observed variability in fruit growth than to initial fruit dry mass and leaf-to-fruit ratio.  相似文献   

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