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胡秀娟 《现代园艺》2019,(12):86-87
通过文献查阅、类型分析、实地调查研究和设计实践等研究方法,整理出存在的问题,分析问题的症结,从城市美化改造的角度出发,探讨出家庭园艺景观整治方法,从而为当前生态低碳城市建设背景下的居住建筑家庭环境改造和设计工作提供基础理论支持。  相似文献   

刘伟  Suping Zhou 《蔬菜》2016,(12):38-41
从历史与发展、功能定位、注册园艺治疗师制度和应用领域等方面介绍了美国园艺疗法的概况,以期为我国园艺疗法的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

阳台、窗台、露台和庭园等家庭园艺景观空间的营造,都可以看成是再生空间的绿化,它们不仅能为居民提供一个充满乐趣和享受生活的场所,同时也能增加整个城市的绿量,改善城市的生态效应,因此家庭园艺景观设计正是顺应着未来城市绿化的趋势应运而生。  相似文献   

城市家庭园艺模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市化建设的不断深入,人们的居住条件得到了很大的改善。在城市土地面积有限的情况之下,为了能够全面地提升城市居民的生活品质,城市居民可以利用家庭中的有限空间合理地开展园艺绿化。这样不仅能够为人们提供更加愉悦的体验,同时也能为城市家庭园艺模式的不断发展创造良好的条件。本文首先分析了城市家庭园林的家居环境内部的园艺模式,然后进一步地分析了城市家庭园艺的建筑外部的园艺模式,希望能对城市家庭园艺模式的相关研究有所助益。  相似文献   

为了了解杭州市家庭园艺观果植物主要科属,对杭州市的家庭园艺市场进行实地调查。结果表明:本次杭州市家庭园艺观果植物调查共涉及26科,54属,75种,其中蔷薇科(Rosaceae)观果植物有14个属18个种、芸香科(Rutaceae)观果植物有4个属10个种、忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)2个属7个种、葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)4个属5个种,在家庭园艺观果植物中占有重要位置。在所有科的比例中蔷薇科最高为24%,其次是芸香科,比例为13%,最后为葫芦科,所占比例为7%。  相似文献   

面对当前发展迅速的家庭园艺行业形势,作为城市园林绿化工作管理职能部门,应该提前加以重点布局和关注,以便更好地应对家庭园艺大范围融入城市园林绿化工作的挑战。  相似文献   

陈琪  王丽华 《现代园艺》2014,(6):188-188
随着人们工作、生活节奏的加快,接触绿色的机会越来越少,于是就想在自己家中打造一个属于自己的植物天地,既增添了生活趣味,又美化了家居环境,这样就形成了家庭园艺。本文主要介绍了家庭园艺的发展前景以及在家庭园艺中室内植物的几种形式和注意事项。  相似文献   

我国城市家庭园艺模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭园艺工艺是个体在闲暇时间调节外部压力的有效途径,可以令居民变得更为愉悦。笔者针对当前我国常见的城市家庭园艺模式加以整理探讨,希望能够为相关居民改善生活质量和审美水准,提高丰富的指导性建议。  相似文献   

中美家庭园艺景观设计构成要素比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
家庭园艺是指在阳台、屋顶或是庭院等空间范围内,从事园艺植物栽培和装饰的活动。家庭园艺内容主要侧重于植物造景,是景观的一种设计和营造。在景观规划设计的过程中,涉及到若干不同的元素来进行和展开。文章主要比较中美家庭园艺景观设计的构成要素,综合中美各自的特点,以期达到更好的美化效果。  相似文献   

刘嘉超  叶漪舟  周荣 《现代园艺》2024,(1):88-90+93
现如今,我国14多亿人口已经实现全面小康,生活水平的提高促进了人们对家庭环境美化和精神娱乐的需求,因而家庭园艺产业得到了快速发展壮大。选择经济发达、思想开放的前沿城市——深圳进行家庭园艺产业调研,结果表明,越来越多的民众进行家庭园艺活动,但仍存在着家庭园艺概念推广不足、缺乏简便的栽培和管理设施、缺乏专业的栽培技术、家庭园艺产业链不完善、可供选择的园艺植物较少的问题。未来家庭园艺的发展将呈现概念普及化、设施智能化、技术专业化、服务产业化、植物多样化的趋势。  相似文献   

观赏茄果类蔬菜在家庭园艺中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以观赏蔬菜中的茄果类蔬菜为主要研究对象,从概念、品种、观赏价值等方面对观赏茄果类蔬菜在家庭园艺中的应用进行介绍,以供家庭园艺使用参考。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查对杭州市6个主要花卉市场中的经营者、产品销售、消费人群、经营模式等现状特征进行调查。结果表明:拥有5 a以上工作经验的经营者占57.23%,是杭州市家庭园艺产品营销和行业推动的重要力量;拥有产品种类50种以上的经营者占34.94%;月收入3 001~5000元的占36.14%;40.56%的经营者认为体量为中型的产品最畅销,76.02%的认为100元以下价位最易被消费者所接受的;市场中45.13%的货源来自于外地,零售是最基本的经营模式;每年12、1、2月的销售行情远好于其它月份;中年人是主要消费群体,而观叶植物和盆花的销售占据家庭园艺市场主要份额。经营市场竞争激烈、消费季节性明显、植物产品品种单一、消费人群特定性强、缺乏相关配套产品为目前杭州家庭园艺经营市场的基本特征。  相似文献   

The U.S. Public Land Survey (PLS) notebooks are one of the best records of the pre-European settlement landscape and are widely used to recreate presettlement vegetation maps. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative ability of several interpolation techniques to map this vegetation, as sampled by the PLS surveyors, at the landscape level. Field data from Sylvania Wilderness Area, MI (U.S.A.), sampled at the same scale as the PLS data, were used for this test. Sylvania is comprised of a forested landscape similar to that present during presettlement times. Data were analyzed using two Arc/Info interpolation processes and indicator kriging. The resulting maps were compared to a `correct' map of Sylvania, which was classified from aerial photographs. We found that while the interpolation methods used accurately estimated the relative forest composition of the landscape and the order of dominance of different vegetation types, they were unable to accurately estimate the actual area occupied by each vegetation type. Nor were any of the methods we tested able to recreate the landscape patterns found in the natural landscape. The most likely cause for these inabilities is the scale at which the field data (and hence the PLS data) were recorded. Therefore, these interpolation methods should not be used with the PLS data to recreate pre-European settlement vegetation at small scales (e.g., less than several townships or areas <104 ha). Recommendations are given for ways to increase the accuracy of these vegetation maps.  相似文献   

垂枝樱花的观赏特性及其园林应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为挖掘垂枝樱花的美学和观赏价值,使其在园林中得到更广泛的应用,以垂枝樱花为研究材料,分析其花色、叶型、树型美感等观赏特性;总结垂枝樱花在园林中的孤植、丛植、列植、群植等主要种植方式的特点;此外,还阐述垂枝樱花与园林建筑、水体、山石、园路、地形以及其他园林植物等的配置方法与原则。此项研究将为垂枝樱花在引种驯化、园林生态功能和景观效果的发挥等多个方面提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

Size of a forest patch is a useful predictor of density and reproductive success of Neotropical migratory birds in much of eastern North America. Within these forested landscapes, large forest tracts appear to be sources – fragments in which surpluses of offspring are produced and can potentially colonize new fragments including woodlot sinks where reproduction fails to balance adult mortality. Within agricultural landscapes of the midwestern U.S., where forests are severely fragmented, high levels of brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) and intense predation on nests generally result in low reproductive success for Neotropical migrants regardless of forest size. In some midwestern U.S. landscapes, however, the variation in reproductive success among forest fragments suggests that `source' habitat could still exist for Neotropical migrants. We used vegetation, fragment and landscape metrics to develop multivariate models that attempt to explain the variation in abundance and reproductive success of Neotropical migrants nesting in an agricultural landscape in northern Indiana, USA. We produced models that reasonably described the pattern of species richness of Neotropical migrants and the abundance of wood thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) and several other Neotropical migrant species within 14 forest fragments. In contrast, we were unable to produce useful models of the reproductive success of wood thrushes breeding in the same forest fragments. Our results suggest that (1) abundance patterns of Neotropical migrants are probably influenced by both landscape- and fragment-scale factors; (2) multivariate analyses of Neotropical migrant abundance are not useful in modeling the corresponding patterns of reproductive success; and (3) the location of any remaining `source' habitat for Neotropical migrants breeding within agricultural landscapes in North America will be difficult to predict with indirect measures such as vegetation composition or landscape context. As a result, the potential for developing conservation strategies for Neotropical migrants will be limited without labor-intensive, direct measurements of demographic parameters.  相似文献   

木霉菌是目前生防菌中的研究热点,被普遍认为是最有可能代替多种化学杀菌剂的生防因子。随着木霉菌在农业生产中的广泛应用,木霉菌在园林园艺植物中的生物防治也受到广泛关注。现对木霉菌在园林园艺植物中生物防治和促生作用的研究进展进行概述,进一步阐述木霉作为生防菌的优势和不足,并对其在园林园艺植物上的应用进行前景展望。  相似文献   

Simultaneously perceived as places of agriculture, of nature, and of social ties, urban collective gardens and farms enable city dwellers to immerse themselves in gardening, to recover forgotten skills, to learn from nature and the environment. They reinstate the soil as a feature of the city by making it visible to the urban population, to whom it is often unknown. In this article, we focus on urban gardeners’ representations of the soil in a city of south of France. These representations were analyzed through the lens of the relationships that gardeners develop with the soil as an element of nature. Our results highlight relations where the care ethic is central. They suggest that the practice and the extension of agroecological urban gardening, by placing city dwellers in physical, skilled contact with the soil, promise a reconfiguration of citizens’ relationship with soil.  相似文献   

对衡水市保健植物种类、类型及应用进行研究。调查结果表明,衡水市区保健植物有44科71种,物种比较丰富;根据植物茎的性质分类,发现木本保健植物种数最多,藤本种数最少;按照人类的听觉、嗅觉、触觉、视觉、味觉器官,分为听觉感官保健型植物、芳香呼吸保健型植物、触觉保健型植物、视觉感官保健型植物、食用味觉保健型植物5种类型,其中视觉感官保健型植物所占比例最多,占到总数的70.4%,其他类型依次是芳香呼吸型、食用味觉型、听觉感官型和触觉感官型,而触觉感官保健型植物仅占2.8%。  相似文献   

周俊杨 《蔬菜》2022,(2):60-63
我国城镇化速度不断加快,而城市居家微空间蔬菜花园满足了城市部分居民的需求,形成了集生产、生活、生态于一体的精神需求和物质需求.为了更好地设计未来城市居家微空间蔬菜花园,以南京城市蔬菜花园设计为例,调查了南京地区典型的蔬菜花园设计案例,总结了南京城市居家微空间蔬菜花园的不同模式及其设施结构、植物种类等,其中模式主要有3种...  相似文献   

In land-scarce cities, high-rise apartment buildings may provide vertical spaces for natural-light home gardening along corridors, rooftops, balconies as well as façades. The vertical space can improve not only urban environmental sustainability but also food security. Using an experimental approach, we investigated the food production potential of a high-rise public housing apartment building based on different gardening systems, food crops, and sunlight availability. A gardening prototype system for building corridors was shown to increase the unit area yield of corridor gardening by fivefold compared to a commercial trough planter system. Additionally, this commercial trough planter system was mainly for leafy vegetable production, whereas the gardening prototype system for corridors is also suitable for climbing crops, such as legumes and cucurbits. Nevertheless, because of the limited space along corridors of the apartment building and the relatively low-light levels on average, corridor gardening was estimated to meet only 0.5 % of the demand for vegetables of the residents living in the apartment building. Rooftop gardening with shallow growing medium (depth < 15 cm) was estimated to meet 3 % of demand, and façade gardening 43 %, given the larger space available. Although the vegetable production potential in this study was estimated based on a particular typology of public housing apartment buildings in Singapore, our results showed that vegetable production in public housing apartment buildings is feasible, and home gardening can produce a substantial amount of vegetables for consumption if well deployed. Governments of highly urbanized cities may wish to invest in better home garden designs for high-rise public housing apartment buildings and encourage residents’ participation in home gardening, which would increase high-rise greenery coverage and improve urban food system resilience. Future studies should also investigate the environmental sustainability and food safety aspects of home gardening in highly urbanized cities.  相似文献   

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