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进入21世纪以来,随着经济的不断发展,人们的物质生活不断得到满足,同时人们对精神的需求也越来越高、越来越丰富。居住区是城市人绝大部分时间花费在的场所,因此,居住区的环境景观设计对人们的生理、心理的健康以及精神生活等发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

随着我国经济迅速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,对居住环境的要求也随之提升。居住区景观构成的重要因素是园路的铺装,其对居住区具有较多的功能特性,因此,为了提高居住区的整体效果,设计师在设计园路铺装时,要突出其功能特性,合理运用材料对其进行设计。  相似文献   

随着21世纪的到来,我国经济得到了迅猛发展,全国居民的生活水平也得到极大的改善,人们对居住区的环境要求也越来越重视,因此对居住区的园林景观的设计也越来越重要,成为城市精神容貌的一部分,使得居民区园林景观的设计变得复杂。本文首先介绍了现代居住区的园林设计的现状、设计的原则,另外分析了园林景观设计中出现的问题和改善措施[1]。  相似文献   

崔晓慧 《现代园艺》2014,(2):106-106
随着我国房地产产业的发展,怎样设计一个合理的、适合人类居住区环境,是一项值得我们探讨的问题。居住区环境景观设计的合理性关系到居民的健康,并且直接影响到居民的心理健康。由于我国居住区环境景观设计缺乏经验,设计居住区环境景观不合理,风格体系不明确。通过对我国居住区环境景观设计认真分析,认真分析社会发展和居民需求,实地调查居民对现阶段居住区环境景观设计的要求。并且通过调查分析提出现在居住区环境景观中功能性滞后和人性化设计缺乏。为我国居住区设计出来合理的景观的设计理念而努力,为实现设计有利于居民生活的居住区环境景观提出一些意见。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国经济不断发展,国力不断增强,人们的生活水平也有了很大的改变。以前人们对于居住区的要求是能够温暖,和以往不同,现在的人们对于居住区有了更多的要求,对于舒适度和环境的要求更加严格,所以现代城市居住区园林的规划和设计成了居住区建设的重要组成部分,也是未来需要更加深入开展的工作。本文我们一起探讨现在城市居住区园林规划设计存在的问题以及解决方案。  相似文献   

环境景观在居住区中发挥着重要的作用,居住区环境景观质量直接影响到人们的心理、生理以及精神生活。为了创造出有高品质和丰富美学内涵的居住区景观,在进行居住区环境景观设计时,应注意其地方特色,具有鲜明的个性,并发挥最佳的生态效益,讲究景观的实用性和与艺术性的结合,试图为住户营造优美的居住环境。  相似文献   

随着人们经济条件的改善,对住房要求逐渐提高,居住区的绿化已然成为人们关注的焦点。本文简述了当前居住区绿化现状,并相应提出了改善措施,以期为我国居民区绿化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的加快,居住区的绿化逐渐成为城市绿地的重要组成部分。本文通过调查分析,探讨了沈阳城市居住区绿化设计存在的问题,介绍了居住区绿化设计应该采取的原则,针对目前存在的问题提出相应对策,为东北地区城市居住区绿化设计提供科学的指导。  相似文献   

近几年来,居住区的景观设计与营造越来越被人们关注,主要从居住区景观规划的设计原则和居住区景观设计要素两个方面来分析当今我国居住区的景观设计。  相似文献   

居住区的合理规划十分重要,居住区景观设计是其中的重要组成部分。本文结合具体的案例,对居住区园林景观设计相关问题进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

高阳  宋力  刘尧 《中国园艺文摘》2011,27(1):113-114
居住小区商业街最早作为居住小区的配套设施而出现,随着城市的发展,已成为一种新的商业模式,并由城市空间向居住区空间延伸.居住小区商业街景观设计是小区建设不可或缺的一部分,直接影响着人们的生活.文章介绍北方居住小区商业街的发展历程和景观设计,强调其在居民及城市发展中所占据的重要地位,从而对今后的房产开发商有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

以航头镇6#地块为例,探讨经济适用房景观设计原则,以及在投资有限的情况下如何利用有限资金投入达到景观效益的最优化,如何为中低收入者提供功能完善、生态宜居、环境优美的经济适用住宅。  相似文献   

陈建强 《现代园艺》2011,(9):135+137
随着我国市场经济的快速发展和生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活环境的要求也逐步提升,最明显的体现就是在选择住房时将小区的绿化环境作为选择的重要指标。但是,在绿化工程具体实施过程中,却出现了很多问题。笔者根据自己在实际工作中的经验以及多年的观察,提出一些目前在住宅小区绿化和实施过程中需要注意的问题,供大家参考。  相似文献   

贺坤  武斌 《西南园艺》2012,(4):27-30
社区公园是现代居住区建设中的重要组成部分,越来越受人们的重视。本文介绍了重庆市巴南区水鸭凼社区公园景观规划设计,通过对公园基地现状、高差进行全面分析,结合该社区公园的规划建设理念与设计构思,从道路景观、水体景观、绿化种植景观3个方面详细介绍了如何因地制宜,依托原有地形及周边景观创造出具有地方特色、环境宜人的生态社区公园。  相似文献   

Studies document degradation and loss of publicly owned urban woodland area following adjacent residential development due to residential encroachment. Residential encroachment is the negative impacts of housing land uses within both rural and urban green infrastructure networks. Prevailing planning, design and management approaches in Southern Ontario municipalities in Canada indicate planning and management tools have been developed to remove and impede encroachment impacts; however, many are infrequently implemented. This lack of implementation contributes to a high prevalence and spatial area of encroachment within Southern Ontario municipal woodland edges with adjacent housing. Long interviews were conducted with the planners, landscape architects, woodland managers and bylaw enforcement staff of six Southern Ontario municipalities to determine the barriers to implementation of municipal encroachment tools. Results indicate key barriers to policy implementation that reflect a lack of awareness of, and priority placed on addressing, residential encroachment impacts, and impacts following the point of development in general. Barriers include: (1) insufficient community and municipal access to information regarding residential encroachment and their significance relative to other development impacts; (2) lack of clarity of goals by municipalities and between departments; (3) insufficient municipal leadership and commitment to limiting encroachment; (4) lack of sufficient means within municipal departments to prevent and address encroachment; and (5) ineffectual dynamics of enforcement. Recommendations for overcoming barriers to the development and implementation of effective approaches for addressing encroachment are provided.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,居民对于生活环境的要求也日益增高。植物景观作为居住区景观设计的一个重要元素,是必不可少的。本文通过对昆明市月牙塘小区植物造景的调查研究,对昆明市居住区植物景观设计有了一定的了解,从而给今后居住区植物造景提供些参考。  相似文献   

This study explores the impacts of multimodal accessibility to green space on housing price. Quantifying the benefits of green space accessibility is important for supporting green infrastructure planning and guiding land use development. In this study, we calculate multimodal travel times (walking and driving) from each residential property in Cook County (Chicago metro), Illinois to each articulated (public or significant private) green space. A gravity-model based method is used to compute accessibility (by travel mode), which considers the access to multiple green spaces and weights prioritization. Green spaces are divided into seven categories depending on their type and size to differentiate their potential benefits. Hedonic models using housing structural features, locational attributes, socio-economic factors and green space accessibility as explanatory variables, are used to evaluate housing price (using housing transactions records from 2010 sales in the county). The spatial effects of green space accessibilities on housing prices are explored by an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression, with and without fixed locational effects, and a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Results show walking and driving accessibility to all sizes of recreational, medium conversational and private green spaces present positive impacts on housing price, with some negative impacts to larger (and smaller) conservation areas. The relationship also exhibits different heterogeneous spatial pattern over the study area between walking and driving accessibility to green space, possibly related to economic variation.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to examine the impacts of the spatial structure of landscape on housing premiums in Austin, TX through the years of 2009–2011. Dissimilar to previous studies, this paper highlighted three points. First, landscape patterns was observed—not only the composition but also the configuration in terms of shape, fragmentation, isolation, and connectivity. Second, the definition of neighborhood in this study was closely matched to the nature of a residential neighborhood, which was represented by a residential subdivision that has a name and a high level of homogeneous characteristics (i.e., development age, appraised value, lot size, and housing size). This approach specifically helps understand the impact of landscape configuration at the micro-level neighborhoods. Third, the hierarchical nature of neighborhoods and embedded parcels—nested parcels within the same neighborhood posit a certain level of identity as a whole—was given attention so that multi-level modeling could be employed. Conceptually and theoretically, multi-level modeling is a better approach to examine phenomenon that occur in multi-level units that show a clear hierarchy. The findings indicated that home buyers are willing to pay more to live in neighborhoods with the high ratio of tree cover. This is a finding consistent with previous studies. Meanwhile, the detailed spatial configuration of landscape does not play an important role at the residential neighborhood level. This result urges policy makers to be more scale-sensitive when planning landscape and indicates that micro neighborhoods are not the correct spatial level to discuss the spatial configuration of landscape, greenways, and green network.  相似文献   

The efforts to mitigate CO2, one of the greenhouse gases causing global warming and climate change problems, have an important place in the worldwide agenda. One of the factors that cause CO2 emissions is energy use in residential buildings, hence urban residential use is one of the areas on which mitigation efforts are focused. As land use planning determines the spatial development, density and form of residential areas, it has a direct role in the formation of residential emissions. However, these efforts to mitigate emissions could not yet be integrated with land use planning. It is possible to list the reasons as the mitigation efforts are made either on the building scale (mitigation of residential emissions by technological–architectural solutions) or on a global–regional scale (development of carbon sinks), the focus on transportation sector, and in land use planning, lack of considering the potential of urban green areas to mitigate emissions. By taking into consideration the O2 production potential of green areas, a method proposal for land use planning is developed in this study to maintain the carbon–oxygen balance in residential areas. Depending on the form and density of the residential areas developed in a plan, the necessary size of green areas in such a plan is estimated by the method proposed. The varying emission amounts in different residential areas with diverse housing types, the number of actively used residential units, and local vegetation differences are included in the estimate. Therefore, an estimation method proposal that could be easily used in land use planning and that considers local differences is presented in the paper.  相似文献   

This study examines transforming real estate value of urban hillside for residential developments, drawing on two-fold panel analyses: a random-effect panel modeling and a growth-curve panel modeling, in Seoul, South Korea from 1990 to 2015. The results reveal the reduced gap between the land values in hillside and low-lying residential sites as moving toward 2015, evidenced by the rapidly growing rate of increase of land value in the former, whereby the parabolic curvature of the land value trajectory increased from 0.00152 to 0.00156, compared to that of the latter, whereby the equivalent to that decreased from 0.00224 to 0.00214. The results also suggest that the negative effect of higher elevation has decreased to approximately zero (−0.625% per 10-m increment) and projected to turn positive, in hillside residential sites, while the equivalent to that in the low-lying residential sites has been exacerbated (−3.786% per 10-m increment). By helping the understanding of the past, current and future hillside housing development—how the hillside sites have been and will be reevaluated by passage of time, this study will provide practical lessons in planning urban housing and natural amenity resources.  相似文献   

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