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一、形势发展好于预期 今年以来,河北省各级畜牧兽医部门认真贯彻省委、省政府和农业部的总体要求,按照农业厅党组的安排部署,以科学发展观总揽全局,突出重点,狠抓落实,各项工作顺利推进,畜牧产业稳定发展.截至6月底,全省肉类产量263万吨、蛋类产量208万吨、奶类产量280万吨,同比分别增长5%、3.3%和6.8%.主要畜禽存出栏全面增长.各项工作进展顺利,实现了时间过半、任务过半.  相似文献   

畜牧兽医综合执法的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
推行畜牧兽医综合执法是实行畜牧兽医管理体制改革,履行畜牧兽医社会公共事务管理职能,适应畜牧生产大发展新形势和重大动物疫病防控、畜产品质量安全新要求,探索建立符合社会主义市场经济体制要求的畜牧兽医行政执法体制的一项创新.  相似文献   

1重新认识现代畜牧业 畜牧业是生产肉、蛋、奶、毛、皮,满足人类对畜产品的需求,获得商业利润的一项产业。产业分工为:兽医师是“机修工”,畜牧师是“车间主任”,商业营养师是“总经理”。[第一段]  相似文献   

Despite their key role in a wide range of fields relating to animal and public health, there is currently a lack of veterinary pathologists in Europe. In 1999, to help address the problem, the European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ECVP) and the European Society of Veterinary Pathology (ESVP) established a joint Education Committee. In this Special Article, Professor Anja Kipar and colleagues, all members of the committee, describe the ECVP/ESVP Summer Schools in Veterinary Pathology programme, which aims to provide high-quality research training for veterinary pathologists from all over Europe and beyond.  相似文献   

卫广森 男,研究员,1980年毕业于黑龙江八一农垦大学,留校任预防兽医专业副教授,1994年任辽宁省益康生物制品厂副厂长、厂长、研究员。2001年考入南京农业大学研究生院攻读预防兽医专业博士学位。现任辽宁省动物防疫站站长、沈阳农业大学、中国人民解放军军需大学硕士生导师,《辽宁畜牧兽医》杂志副主编、中国畜牧兽医学会生物制品学分会副理事长、中国畜牧兽医学会家畜传染病  相似文献   

Veterinary pathologists traditionally have been actively engaged in research as principal investigators and as collaborators. Pathologists frequently obtain advanced training in research; however, it appears that in the last 10 years there has been a reversal of a previous trend toward increasing numbers of pathologists obtaining PhD degrees. This has arisen despite an established shortage of veterinarians engaged in research. This article evaluates the benefits of research training for individual pathologists, including a wide spectrum of professional opportunities and additional skill development beyond that usually provided by diagnostic pathology training alone. Various training models are discussed, including combined and sequential diagnostic residency and research degree training as well as the nondegree research fellowship programs more commonly pursued in human medicine. Best-practice recommendations for program infrastructure, mentorship, time management, and a team approach to research and research training are advocated to facilitate the development of successful programs and to encourage a continued emphasis on integrated training for pathologists as both clinical diagnosticians and experimentalists. This article is intended to help prospective and active pathology trainees, their mentors, and educational administrators optimize opportunities to ensure the future vitality of veterinary pathologists, and their contributions, in basic and applied research.  相似文献   

在畜牧兽医的科学研究中,经常要对收集到的试验数据进行整理和统计分析,以揭示事物的内在规律。数据的整理和分析,可以采用人工和专门统计软件进行。但人工费时费力,又可能造成错误;专门的统计软件(如SAS,SPSS等)快速准确,功能强大,但因其价格较高而尚未全面普及,再加上其全英文界面,在一般生产场使用起来难度较大。另一一方面,畜牧兽医工作者在实际处理数据过程中,大多使用简单的统计描述(平均数、标准差、标准误、置信区间等),绘制各种统计图表,或者进行t检验,方差分析及回归相关分析等。做这些统计分析时,通常可使用Microsoft Office中的Excel软件。  相似文献   

Transboundary animal diseases (TADs) constitute a global threat that afflict livestock. They are characterized by the suddenness, acuteness, the rapidity with which they can spread in susceptible livestock populations and the widespread nature of the losses that they can produce. The havoc they play renders individual farmers and private veterinary services relatively powerless to take effective action. As TADs do not recognize national borders, there is a great demand for regional cooperation which must be put into a global term. From the epidemiological point of view, the prospects for eradication of a disease with minimal production losses and other costs are best, if the disease can be recognized early where it is localized and then a disease control programme be quickly implemented.  相似文献   

21世纪我国畜牧兽医技术发展方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕贵喜  吕世秀 《饲料广角》2001,(6):10-12,16
21世纪是一个大变革的世纪,生产绿色食品,开发保健食品,发挥资源优势,保护生态环境,将是新世纪的四大发展主题,本文围绕这些主题,从绿色畜产品开发、优势饲草料资源开发、国内良种畜禽开发、保健型肉蛋奶开发四个方面,论述了新世纪我国畜牧兽医技术开发方向。开发中草药制品和微生物制品,替代抗生素、化学药品、激素类在饲料中的使用,配套绿色饲料技术和绿色1饲养中的使用,配套绿色饲料技术和绿色饲养环境技术,生产无有害物质污染的绿色畜禽产吕,开发微生物发酵干燥秸秆,大力发展牛羊,尤其是肉牛和绵羊,开发青贮玉米,提高奶牛生产水平,开发优质牧草,为禽畜禽发展创造丰富的物质条件,开发高赖氨酸玉米和大麦,为养猪业提供优质饲料,开发黑色猪、地方良种肉鸡、地方良种牛,生产味美吃香的猪鸡牛肉,开发保健型、功能型、风味型肉蛋奶,以满足人们对保健和美食的需要。  相似文献   

Understanding how veterinary practitioners make clinical decisions, and how they use scientific information to inform their decisions, is important to optimize animal care, client satisfaction, and veterinary education. We aimed to develop an understanding of private practitioners' process of decision making. On the basis of a grounded-theory qualitative approach, we conducted a telephone survey and semi-structured face-to-face interviews. We identified a decision-making framework consisting of two possible processes to make decisions, five steps in the management of a clinical case, and three influencing factors. To inform their decision, veterinary surgeons rarely take the evidence-based medicine (EBM) approach. They consult first-opinion colleagues, specialists, laboratories, and the Internet rather than scientific databases and peer-reviewed literature, mainly because of limited time. Most interviewees suggested the development of educational interventions to better develop decision-making skills in veterinary schools. Adequate information and EBM tools are needed to optimize the time spent in query and assessment of scientific information, and practitioners need to be trained in their use.  相似文献   

A group discussion on the theme of "leadership" has been a central event in the annual Cornell Leadership Program for Veterinary Students since 1990. However, these discussions were often unfocused and did not readily demonstrate the leadership skills of distinguished guests who were invited to participate. Since 1998, a new format for this session has been developed in which students and guests are assigned individual roles in a scenario that is unfolded by a moderator over two to three hours. This role-playing exercise ensures that every student is obliged to participate and has an opportunity to practice such leadership skills as critical thinking, verbal communication, and decision making under pressure and with inadequate information. The distinguished guests, in their assigned roles, are able to interact freely with the student fellows and thus demonstrate their expertise as experienced leaders. This challenging experience has become an enjoyable part of the 10-week Leadership Program and one that shows the importance of leadership skills for those who aspire to careers in the biomedical sciences.  相似文献   

动物福利与我国畜牧业的持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近些年来,国内外畜禽设施养殖业取得了迅速的发展。这种在人工创造的设施环境条件下进行的集约式和工厂化的养殖业,大大地提高了养殖业的生产效率,但它是在人为控制和保护下进行的高效养殖业生产活动,不考虑或很少去注意动物自身的健康生长和福利,把动物长期饲养在有损健康生长  相似文献   

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