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The medical records of 80 horses treated for left laryngeal hemiplegia by prosthetic laryngoplasty, ventriculectomy and vocal cordectomy were examined, first to compare the subjective and objective success rates for groups of horses of different ages and used for different purposes, and secondly, to compare the efficacy of including vocal cordectomy in the surgical protocol with published success rates for laryngoplasty and ventriculectomy alone. Subjectively, 70 per cent of the horses were said to have had a successful surgical outcome. The success rate for thoroughbred racehorses (66 per cent) was lower than for other breeds (90 per cent) on the basis of a subjective assessment by owners and trainers. Thoroughbreds two years old or younger had a success rate of 69 per cent, but older thoroughbreds had a success rate of 61 per cent. Of the 17 horses for which an objective performance index could be calculated, 10 (59 per cent) had an improved performance postoperatively. There was a nearly significant association between the objective and subjective assessments (P=0.078). Six of 69 horses (8.7 per cent) continued to make a respiratory noise after surgery. The subjective assessment of success did not appear to correlate with the objective measure of success used in this study and age had no apparent association with a successful surgical outcome. Inclusion of a vocal cordectomy in the surgical protocol may be more important in the eradication of postoperative respiratory noise than in improving clinical success rates.  相似文献   

The effect of left laryngeal hemiplegia on airway flow mechanics in 5 exercising horses was examined, and the efficacy of surgical repair by prosthetic laryngoplasty was evaluated. Measurements of the upper airway flow mechanics were made with horses on a treadmill (incline 6.38 degrees) while standing (period A); walking at 1.3 m/s (period B); trotting at 2.6 m/s (period C); trotting at 4.3 m/s (period D); and standing after exercise (period E). Experiments were done on healthy horses before any surgical manipulation (control), at 10 days after left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy, and at least 14 days after prosthetic larynogoplasty. Increasing treadmill speed from period A to period D progressively increased heart rate, respiratory frequency, peak inspiratory flow, and peak expiratory flow, but inspiratory resistance and expiratory resistance remained unchanged. Neither left recurrent laryngeal neutrectomy nor prosthetic laryngoplasty affected heart rate, respiratory frequency, peak expiratory flow, or expiratory resistance when compared with those values at the control measurement periods. Left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy resulted in inspiratory flow limitation at peak inspiratory flow of approximately 25 L/s, and increased inspiratory resistance at periods D and E. Subsequent prosthetic laryngoplasty alleviated the flow limitation and reduced inspiratory resistance at measurement periods D and E.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Laryngoplasty is the technique of choice for treatment of laryngeal hemiplegia, with the aim of improving airway function and/or eliminating respiratory noise. However, there are no quantitative data in the literature describing the effect of laryngoplasty on upper airway noise or its relationship to upper airway mechanics in horses with laryngeal hemiplegia. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether laryngoplasty reduces respiratory noise in exercising horses with laryngeal hemiplegia; and to establish whether the degree of upper airway obstruction can be predicted by upper airway noise, or the degree of arytenoid abduction correlated with airway obstruction and noise production. METHODS: Six Standardbred horses with normal upper airways during maximal exercise were used. Respiratory sounds and inspiratory transupper airway pressure (Pui) were measured in all horses before and after induction of laryngeal hemiplegia and 30, 60 and 90 days after laryngoplasty. Inspiratory sound level (SL) and the sound intensity of the 3 inspiratory formants (F1, F2 and F3, respectively) were measured using a computer-based sound analysis programme. The degree of abduction was graded by endoscopic visualisation 1, 30, 60 and 90 days post operatively. Linear regression analysis was used to determine correlations between Pui, sound indices and grades of arytenoid abduction. RESULTS: In laryngeal hemiplegia-affected horses, Pui, inspiratory SL and the sound intensity of F1, F2 and F3 were significantly increased. At 30 days following laryngoplasty, the sound intensity of F1 and Pui returned to baseline values. The sound intensities of F2, F3 and SL were significantly improved from laryngeal hemiplegia values at 30 days post operatively, but did not return to baseline at any measurement period. Sound level, F2 and F3 were significantly correlated with Pui (P<0.05), but the correlations were weak (r2 = 0.26, 035 and 0.40, respectively). Grade of abduction and F2 were positively and significantly correlated (P<0.006, r2 = 0.76). Grade of arytenoid abduction and Pui were not correlated (P = 0.12). CONCLUSIONS: Laryngoplasty reduced inspiratory noise in laryngeal hemiplegia-affected horses by 30 days following surgery, but did not return it to baseline values. While upper airway noise and Pui were correlated, this relationship was insufficiently strong to predict Pui from noise in individual animals. The degree of arytenoid abduction was not correlated with Pui, but was positively correlated with noise production. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Laryngoplasty reduces upper airway noise in horses with laryngeal hemiplegia, but is not as effective as bilateral ventriculocordectomy in this regard, although respiratory noise reduction occurs more rapidly than with bilateral ventriculocordectomy. Residual noise during exercise cannot be used as a predictor of improvement in upper airway function in individual horses following laryngoplasty. The degree of arytenoid abduction obtained following surgery does not affect upper airway flow mechanics. Interestingly, we found that the greater the arytenoid abduction, the louder the respiratory noise.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Little is known about the efficacy of bilateral ventriculectomy (VE) or bilateral ventriculocordectomy (VCE) in draught horses. Objectives: To compare the effect of VE and VCE on upper airway noise in draught horses with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN) by use of quantitative sound analysis techniques. Hypothesis: In competitive draught horses with grade 4 RLN, VE and VCE reduce upper airway noise during exercise, but VCE is more effective. Methods: Thirty competitive hitch or pulling draught horses with grade 4 RLN were evaluated for upper airway sound during exercise. Respiratory rate (RR), inspiratory (Ti) and expiratory time (Te), the ratio between Ti and Te (Ti/Te), inspiratory (Sli) and expiratory sound levels (Sle), the ratio between Sli and Sle (Sli/Sle), and peak sound intensity of the second formant (F2) were calculated. Eleven horses were treated with VE and 19 with VCE. After 90 days of voice and physical rest and 30 days of work, the horses returned for post operative upper airway sound evaluation and resting videoendoscopy. Results: VE significantly reduced Ti/Te, Sli, Sli/Sle and the sound intensity of F2. Respiratory rate, Ti, Te and Sle were unaffected by VE. VCE significantly reduced Ti/Te, Ti, Te, Sli, Sli/Sle and the sound intensity of F2, while RR and Sle were unaffected. The reduction in sound intensity of F2 following VCE was significantly greater than following VE. After VE and VCE, 7/11 (64%) and 15/18 (83%) owners, respectively, concluded that the surgery improved upper airway sound in their horses sufficiently for successful competition. Conclusions: VE and VCE significantly reduce upper airway noise and indices of airway obstruction in draught horses with RLN, but VCE is more effective than VE. The procedures have few post operative complications. Potential relevance: VCE is recommended as the preferred treatment for RLN in draught horses. Further studies are required to evaluate the longevity of the procedure's results.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Recent studies have evaluated surgical techniques aimed at reducing noise and improving airway function in horses with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN). These techniques require general anaesthesia and are invasive. A minimally invasive transnasal surgical technique for treatment of RLN that may be employed in the standing, sedated horse would be advantageous. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether unilateral laser-assisted ventriculocordectomy (LVC) improves upper airway function and reduces noise during inhalation in exercising horses with laryngeal hemiplegia (LH). METHODS: Six Standardbred horses were used; respiratory sound and inspiratory transupper airway pressure (Pui) measured before and after induction of LH, and 60, 90 and 120 days after LVC. Inspiratory sound level (SL) and the sound intensities of formants 1, 2 and 3 (Fl, F2 and F3, respectively), were measured using computer-based sound analysis programmes. In addition, upper airway endoscopy was performed at each time interval, at rest and during treadmill exercise. RESULTS: In LH-affected horses, Pui, SL and the sound intensity of F2 and F3 were increased significantly from baseline values. At 60 days after LVC, Pui and SL had returned to baseline, and F2 and F3 values had improved partially compared to LH values. At 90 and 120 days, however, SL increased again to LH levels. CONCLUSIONS: LVC decreases LH-associated airway obstruction by 60 days after surgery, and reduces inspiratory noise but not as effectively as bilateral ventriculocordectomy. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: LVC may be recommended as a treatment of LH, where reduction of upper airway obstruction and respiratory noise is desired and the owner wishes to avoid risks associated with a laryngotomy incision or general anaesthesia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare upper airway mechanics, arterial blood gases, and tracheal contamination in horses with induced left laryngeal hemiplegia (recurrent laryngeal neuropathy [RLN]) treated by laryngoplasty/vocal cordectomy (LPVC) or modified partial arytenoidectomy (MPA). STUDY DESIGN: Repeated measures under the following conditions: Control, RLN, LPVC, and MPA. ANIMALS: Six horses. METHODS: Two trials were conducted under all conditions at 80% and 100% of maximal heart rate (HR(max)). In Trial 1, arterial blood gases, tracheal and pharyngeal pressures, and laryngeal videoendoscopy were recorded. In Trial 2, upper airway pressure and airflow were determined. Tracheobronchial aspirates were performed after exercise to quantify airway contamination. RESULTS: Compared with control, RLN significantly increased inspiratory impedance and worsened exercise-induced hypoxemia. At 80% HR(max), LPVC restored most variables to control values. At 100% HR(max), LPVC improved all variables, but did not restore minute volume, arterial pH, and PaCO(2). At 80% HR(max), MPA restored all variables except bicarbonate to control values. At 100% HR(max), MPA improved all variables, but did not statistically restore minute ventilation or bicarbonate level. Only minor differences were noted between LPVC and MPA. Both resulted in equivalent tracheal contamination. CONCLUSIONS: Airway mechanics and arterial blood gas values were not restored to normal after either LPVC or MPA in horses exercising at HR(max). This does not affect ventilation at sub-maximal exercise, but has clinical implications at HR(max). Both procedures diminish normal laryngeal protective mechanisms. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: At sub-maximal exercise intensities both LPVC and MPA restore airway ventilation to normal. At maximal exercise the superiority of LPVC over MPA is slight.  相似文献   

Right recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN) is an uncommon, acquired disease for which the aetiology can frequently be diagnosed. Numerous aetiologies have been proposed for right‐sided RLN which comprises 2% of all cases of RLN. In this report we discuss the clinical course, treatment and outcome following right‐sided laryngeal paralysis as a complication of left‐sided prosthetic laryngoplasty in a horse. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of such a surgical complication.  相似文献   

Upper airway flow mechanics and arterial blood gas measurements were used to assess the efficacy of subtotal arytenoidectomy for treatment of induced left laryngeal hemiplegia in horses. Measurements were collected with the horses at rest, and trotting or pacing on a treadmill (6.38 degrees incline) at speeds of 4.2 and 7.0 m/s. Experimental protocols were performed after right common carotid artery exteriorization (baseline), after left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (LRLN), and after left subtotal arytenoidectomy. At baseline, increasing treadmill speed progressively increased peak inspiratory and expiratory flow (VImax and VEmax, respectively), peak inspiratory and expiratory transupper airway pressure (PuI and PuE, respectively), respiratory frequency (f), tidal volume (VT), minute volume (VE), and heart rate. Inspiratory and expiratory times (TI and TE, respectively) and arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) decreased with increased treadmill speed; inspiratory and expiratory impedance (ZI and ZE, respectively) did not change. After LRLN, VImax, f, and PaO2 significantly (P less than 0.05) decreased at exercise, whereas PuI, TI, and ZI significantly increased. Minute volume decreased at exercise after LRLN, but the changes were not significant; LRLN had no effect on VEmax, PuE, ZE, heart rate, arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2), or VT. Subtotal arytenoidectomy did not improve upper airway flow mechanics or blood gas measurements impaired by laryngeal hemiplegia.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight horses suspected of having laryngeal hemiplegia had electromyograms (EMGs) performed on the dorsal cricoarytenoid muscle (DCAM). Electromyographic abnormalities consisted of fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves, bizarre high frequency discharges, and reduced insertional activity. Normal motor activity consisted of motor unit activity during inspiration, or less frequently motor unit activity during inspiration with subsequent tonic motor activity. In affected muscles, motor unit activity was often absent but when present there was activity consisting of motor units which did not correspond to a particular phase of respiration or it was consistent with normal motor unit activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of cordopexy, laryngoplasty, and cordopexy combined with a modified laryngoplasty on airway mechanics. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental airway mechanics were determined by subjecting equine cadaveric larynges to airflows similar to inspiratory airflow of exercising horses. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Twenty equine larynges. METHODS: Using cadaveric larynges, we developed and tested a new technique of arytenoid cartilage abduction. All larynges had the right arytenoid cartilage abducted to mimic the degree of arytenoid abduction that occurs at maximal exertion in live horses. Three surgical techniques were used to stabilize the left arytenoid cartilage of treated larynges; the left arytenoid cartilage was not stabilized in control larynges. Technique 1: Cordopexy--a suture was placed between the vocal ligament and the lamina of the thyroid cartilage. Technique 2: Standard laryngoplasty--a suture was placed between the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage and the caudomedial aspect of the cricoid cartilage. Technique 3: Cordopexy plus modified laryngoplasty--the cordopexy suture was placed with a second suture between the horizontal ridge rostral to the muscular process of the left arytenoid cartilage and the lamina of the thyroid cartilage. Translaryngeal impedances (TI) were determined for each surgical technique by subjecting the larynges to increasing airflows and measuring the translaryngeal pressure differences. The arytenoid right to left angle quotient (RLQ) and the glottic cross-sectional area (CSA) were also measured. RESULTS: At maximal airflow, the adjusted means for the arytenoid RLQ and the TI for the cordopexy plus modified laryngoplasty (1.48 +/- 0.04, 0.69 +/- 0.05 cm H2O/L/s) and the standard laryngoplasty (1.39 +/- 0.04, 0.78 cm H2O/L/s) were different (P < .05) from values obtained after cordopexy alone (2.74 +/- 0.37, 1.76 +/- 0.48 cm H2O/L/s) or in control larynges (3.66 +/- 0.54, 4.16 +/- 0.96 cm H2O/L/s). Overall, a cordopexy plus modified laryngoplasty (9.69 cm2), a standard laryngoplasty (9.34 cm2), and a cordopexy alone (9 cm2) resulted in an increased glottic CSA greater than that for control larynges (6.94 cm2; P = .0001). CONCLUSIONS: Cordopexy alone did not improve airflow in a left laryngeal hemiplegic model. Cordopexy plus modified laryngoplasty was as efficacious as the standard laryngoplasty in alleviating the effects of left laryngeal hemiplegia on TI, glottic CSA, and arytenoid RLQ. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Fixation of the vocal cord (cordopexy) in addition to a laryngoplasty procedure may prove useful in the surgical treatment of equine laryngeal hemiplegia.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Show and performance horse with laryngeal hemiplegia (LH) often present for excessive respiratory noise rather than significant exercise intolerance. Therefore, the goal of surgery in these horses is to reduce respiratory noise but there are no quantitative studies evaluating the effect of any upper-airway surgery in LH-affected horses. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether bilateral ventriculocordectomy (VC) reduces respiratory noise in exercising horses with laryngeal hemiplegia. METHODS: Six Standardbred horses with normal upper airways were used in this study. Respiratory sounds and inspiratory trans-upper airway pressure (Pui) were measured in all horses before and after induction of LH, and 30, 90 and 120 days after VC. In horses with LH, spectrogram analysis revealed 3 inspiratory sound formants centred at approximately 400, 1700 and 3700 Hz. Inspiratory sound levels (SL) and the sound intensity of the 3 inspiratory formants (F1, F2, F3 respectively) were measured using a computer-based sound analysis programme. RESULTS: In LH-affected horses, Pui, inspiratory SL and the sound intensity of F2 and F3 were significantly increased compared to baseline values. At 90 and 120 days after VC the sound intensities of F2 and F3 returned to baseline values. The Pui and SL, were significantly decreased compared to LH values, but remained different from baseline. CONCLUSIONS: VC effectively reduces inspiratory noise in LH-affected horses by 90 days following surgery. Inspiratory trans-upper airway pressures are improved 30 days following VC, but do not return to baseline values. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: VC can be recommended as a surgical treatment of LH-affected horses if reduction of respiratory noise is the primary objective of surgery. Further studies are required to determine if variations of the surgical technique used in this study will have similar results.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of a tongue-tie on upper airway mechanics in exercising horses. ANIMALS: 5 Standardbreds. PROCEDURE: Peak inspiratory and expiratory tracheal and pharyngeal pressures and airflow were measured while horses exercised on a treadmill with and without a tongue-tie. Respiratory rate was also measured. Horses ran at speeds that corresponded to 50 (HR50), 75, 90 (HR90), and 100% of maximal heart rate. The tongue-tie was applied by pulling the tongue forward out of the mouth as far as possible and tying it at the level of the base of the frenulum to the mandible with an elastic gauze bandage. Peak inspiratory and expiratory tracheal, pharyngeal, and translaryngeal resistance, minute ventilation, and tidal volume were calculated. Data were analyzed by use of 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA. For post hoc comparison of significant data, the Student-Newman-Keuls test was used. RESULTS: We were unable to detect significant differences between groups for peak inspiratory or expiratory tracheal or pharyngeal resistance, peak pressure, peak expiratory flow, tidal volume, respiratory rate, or minute ventilation. Horses that ran with a tongue-tie had significantly higher peak inspiratory flows, compared with horses that ran without a tongue-tie. In the post hoc comparison, this effect was significant at 4 m/s, HR50, and HR90. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Application of a tongue-tie did not alter upper respiratory mechanics in exercising horses and may be beneficial in exercising horses with certain types of obstructive dysfunction of the upper airways. However, application of a tongue-tie does not improve upper airway mechanics in clinically normal horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of desensitization of the laryngeal mucosal mechanoreceptors on upper airway mechanics in exercising horses. ANIMALS: 6 Standardbreds. PROCEDURE: In study 1, videoendoscopic examinations were performed while horses ran on a treadmill with and without topical anesthesia of the laryngeal mucosa. In study 2, peak tracheal and nasopharyngeal pressures and airflows were obtained from horses during incremental treadmill exercise tests, with and without topical anesthesia of the laryngeal mucosa. A nasal occlusion test was performed on each horse while standing during an endoscopic examination for both trials. RESULTS: In study 1, horses had nasopharyngeal collapse while running on the treadmill when the laryngeal mucosa was anesthetized. In study 2, inspiratory upper airway and nasopharyngeal impedance were significantly higher, and peak tracheal inspiratory pressure, respiratory frequency, and minute ventilation were significantly lower in horses when the laryngeal mucosa was anesthetized, compared with values obtained when horses exercised without topical anesthesia. Peak inspiratory and expiratory airflows were lower in horses when the laryngeal mucosa was anesthetized, although differences did not quite reach significance (P = 0.06 and 0.09, respectively). During a nasal occlusion test, horses had episodes of nasopharyngeal collapse and dorsal displacement of the soft palate when the laryngeal mucosa was anesthetized. Upper airway function was normal in these horses without laryngeal mucosal anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Receptors within the laryngeal mucosa may be important in maintaining upper airway patency in exercising horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine long-term effects of transendoscopic, laser-assisted ventriculocordectomy (LAVC) on airway noise and performance in horses with naturally occurring left laryngeal hemiplegia. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 22 horses with left laryngeal hemiplegia treated by means of LAVC. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed and initial complaint, intended use of the horse, duration of abnormal airway noise, preoperative performance level, endoscopic findings, surgical procedure, postoperative treatment, and complications were recorded. Follow-up telephone interviews with owners and trainers were conducted to determine time for return to intended use, level of postoperative performance, and percentage reduction in airway noise. RESULTS: All horses were examined because of excessive airway noise; 10 (45%) had concurrent exercise intolerance. Left ventriculocordectomy was performed in all 22 horses; bilateral ventriculocordectomy (right ventriculocordectomy was done 1 year later) was performed in 1 horse (5%). Complications occurred in 3 (14%) horses. Twenty (91%) horses returned to their intended use. Excessive airway noise was eliminated after surgery in 18 (82%) horses; exercise intolerance improved postoperatively in 8 of 10 horses. Three racing Thoroughbreds returned to racing; 1 additional racehorse returned to racing but required a laryngoplasty 1 year later to continue racing. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that LAVC was an effective procedure for elimination of excessive airway noise and improvement of performance in horses with left laryngeal hemiplegia.  相似文献   

A prosthesis, composed of a steel cable and stress-reducing washers, was developed to prevent failure of laryngoplasty, a common treatment for horses affected by recurrent laryngeal neuropathy. Laryngoplasties were performed on 15 cadaveric larynges using a polyester suture on one side and the cable prosthesis on the other. Each prosthesis was distracted at a displacement rate of 20 mm/s using a servohydraulic materials testing machine until laryngoplasty failed. Distraction force and actuator displacement were recorded and analysed. All 15 laryngoplasties performed with a suture failed at the muscular process at a mean +/- s.d. force of 55.8 +/- 13.1 N. Six laryngoplasties performed with the cable prosthesis failed at the muscular process at mean force 219.6 +/- 125.0 N. In the other 9, the arytenoid cartilage was avulsed from the larynx at mean force 206.4 +/- 75.3 N, and the cable then tore through the muscular process at mean force 357.0 +/- 32.0 N. The difference in force required to cause failure of laryngoplasty was significant (P<0.0001). Although the prosthesis resisted substantially higher forces than did the suture, the effects of the prosthesis in vivo must be evaluated.  相似文献   

Left laryngeal hemiplegia was induced by resection of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve in 12 dogs. A neuromuscular pedicle graft formed from the first cervical nerve and sternothyroideus muscle was transplanted after 1 week to the denervated cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle in 8 dogs. The remaining 4 dogs served as controls. Left arytenoid abduction was blindly evaluated by laryngoscopy with video photography at time 0, at 1 week, and at 19 weeks in all dogs. At 19 weeks, biopsy specimens of the left cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle and the neuromuscular pedicle were taken from 4 of the treatment dogs, and biopsy specimens of the left cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle were taken from the 4 control dogs. All biopsy specimens were blindly evaluated by histologic and histochemical examination. At 36 to 44 weeks, the remaining 4 treatment dogs, from which biopsy specimens had not been taken, were reevaluated by use of laryngoscopy with video photography. Complications and difficulties encountered during surgery included hemorrhage in the area of the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle, location of a branch of the first cervical nerve that was long enough to prevent tension at the graft site, orientation of the muscle pedicle in the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle without the use of an operating microscope, and preservation of the terminal portion of the first cervical nerve while forming the neuromuscular pedicle. Results of the arytenoid movement evaluations revealed improvement in arytenoid abductor function in the treatment group, compared with that in the control group at 19 weeks. Arytenoid abduction in the treatment group at this time, however, was still significantly decreased (P less than 0.05), compared with presurgical movement evaluations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To record respiratory sounds in exercising horses and determine whether spectrum analysis could be use to identify sounds specific for laryngeal hemiplegia (LH) and dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP). ANIMALS: 5 Standardbred horses. PROCEDURE: Respiratory sounds were recorded and pharyngeal pressure and stride frequency were measured while horses exercised at speeds corresponding to maximum heart rate, before and after induction of LH and DDSP. RESULTS: When airway function was normal, expiratory sounds predominated and lasted throughout exhalation. After induction of LH, expiratory sounds were unaffected; however, all horses produced inspiratory sounds characterized by 3 frequency bands centered at approximately 0.3, 1.6, and 3.8 kHz. After induction of DDSP, inspiratory sounds were unaffected, but a broad-frequency expiratory sound, characterized by rapid periodicity (rattling) was heard throughout expiration. This sound was not consistently detected in all horses. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The technique used to record respiratory sounds was well tolerated by the horses, easy, and inexpensive. Spectrum analysis of respiratory sounds from exercising horses after experimental induction of LH or DDSP revealed unique sound patterns. If other conditions causing airway obstruction are also associated with unique sound patterns, spectrum analysis of respiratory sounds may prove to be useful in the diagnosis of airway abnormalities in horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of a tongue-tie on upper airway mechanics in clinically normal horses exercising on a treadmill following sternothyrohyoid myectomy. ANIMALS: 6 Standardbreds. PROCEDURE: Upper airway mechanics were measured with horses exercising on a treadmill at 5, 8, and 10 m/s 4 weeks after a sternothyrohyoid myectomy was performed. Pharyngeal and tracheal inspiratory and expiratory pressures were measured by use of transnasal pharyngeal and tracheal catheters connected to differential pressure transducers. Horses were fitted with a facemask and airflow was measured by use of a pneumotachograph. Horses underwent a standardized exercise protocol on a treadmill at 5, 8, and 10 m/s with and without a tongue-tie in a randomized cross-over design. Inspiratory and expiratory airflow, tracheal pressure, and pharyngeal pressure were measured, and inspiratory and expiratory resistances were calculated. RESULTS: We were unable to detect an effect of a tongue-tie on any of the respiratory variables measured. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicate that a tongue-tie does not alter upper airway mechanics following sternothyrohyoid myectomy in clinically normal horses during exercise.  相似文献   

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