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内蒙古阿荣旗立足林区经济社会发展实际,针对林区基础设施薄弱、致富产业单一、文化生活落后等状况,突出抓好交通通讯、人居环境、群众收入和文化需求四项工程,实施"四轮驱动",提速新林区建设. 实施"畅通工程",改善交通通讯条件争取国家公路建设项目,升级改造林区防火公路主干线,项目总投资1.76亿元,修建林区防火公路主干线宽6...  相似文献   

5月中旬,自治区8个督查组对全区14个地级市实施"绿满八桂"造林绿化工程建设情况进行督查。督查显示,桂林市、梧州市、柳州市分别在通道绿化、城镇绿化、村屯绿化"三大战役"中任务完成  相似文献   

2010年是"嘉和一品"连锁餐饮发展史上值得纪念的一年.2010年9月10日,北京嘉和一品企业管理有限公司董事长刘京京正式确认:"嘉和一品"成功获得红杉资本投资基金中心、涌铧投资两家知名风险投资公司的战略投资.11月北京嘉禾一品企业管理有限公司总经理刘京京在北京大学演讲,讲述自己的创业经历和企业的发展理念,这意味着这个创立于2004年的中式餐饮连锁品牌从经营理念和管理模式上,不仅受到资本青睐,也获得了业界的认可.  相似文献   

云南素有"植物王国"美誉,自然环境多样,民族文化历史悠久,古树名木众多.云南的古树名木展现了当地群芳荟萃的自然资源、钟灵毓秀的人文资源和源远流长的历史资源.保护古树名木,使其世代相传,对弘扬民族精神,普及林业科学知识,增强人们绿化意识和环保意识具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

石家庄市政府将斥巨资建设滹沱河城市森林公园.公园面积将达到2万余亩,栽植各类树木110万株,建成后的公园将是我国北方城市中面积屈指可数的森林公园.  相似文献   

4月的龙江大地,万物复苏,生机盎然.22日上午,国家林业局与黑龙江省政府在哈尔滨市天恒山举行实现森林面积、森林蓄积量"双增"目标共同行动启动仪式.国家林业局局长贾治邦与省长王宪魁签署共建框架协议并与省、市党政领导和驻哈部队官兵一起义务植树.副省长吕维峰主持启动仪式.国家林业局副局长赵树丛宣布"双增"行动启动.  相似文献   

文章根据呼和浩特市森林采伐管理中存在的问题,分析问题存在的原因并提出相应的解决措施,以便适应新时期对森林经营提出的更高要求。同时,对群众反映最大、意见最多和表现最为明显的现行采伐制度的管理方面做了有益的探讨,确保森林采伐既达到保护森林资源的目的,又能够充分调动广大群众参与林业生态建设的积极性,以便早日实现林业生态建设跨越式发展。  相似文献   

增加结果母枝粗度、减少生理落果、改善内腔光照条件、适当控制树冠体积、提高栗棚内的栗果数与栗果重、缩短由小年到大年的时间,以及适时防治病虫害是板栗优质高产的有效途径。同时提出了实现各途径的主要技术措施。  相似文献   

林木低磷胁迫适应机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤有效磷缺乏在自然环境中是一种非常普遍的现象,近年来世界各国针对植物的觅磷和耐磷机制进行了大量研究,然而目前相关的综述性报道多限于农作物,对林木低磷胁迫适应性的综述性报道尚不多见。在长期进化过程中,林木为利用土壤中现有的含量极低的有效磷,形成了各种适应低磷胁迫的机制。文中从林木根系的形态学变化、根系分泌物对土壤难溶性磷的活化作用、林木对土壤低浓度有效磷的吸收利用以及应对低磷胁迫的遗传调控等方面综述了低磷环境中林木的适应机制,为揭示林木对缺磷环境的适应机理、发掘林木自身对土壤有效磷高效率的吸收利用能力、以及进一步筛选林木的磷高效品种和合理经营管理人工林提供参考。  相似文献   

本文提出了培育森林后备资源的指导思想要实现6个转变:(1)森林更新方式由营造成片人工纯林为主向“人天混”上转变,(2)森林培育方式由粗放经营向集约经营上转变;(3)森林培育重点由人工造林向抚育天然幼壮林上转变;(4)种苗工作由常规技术向生物遗传工程技术上转变;(5)经营机制由单一全民造林向多元化造林上转变;(6)营林机构单一职能部门向公司化转变。这些举措对森林经营和营林体制改革都具有现实意义。  相似文献   

There are many advantages of bended wood,such as good-looking shape,simple process and low cost.The product,however,is easy to get recovery,which is urgent to be dealt with.This paper concludes the features of deformation and recovery of bended wood and wood-based composites and summarizes four treating methods to keep dimensional stability.Compared to bended solid wood,some elementary perspectives on the research of bended wood-based composites are presented.The purpose of this paper is to suggest:1)to investigate the optimum heating time and temperature that bended wood and wood-based composites need from the formation of deformation to the recovery and to the permanent fixation,according to its changes of dimensional stability such as curvature radius;2)to measure the composites comprised of wood and adhesives on the changes of stress relaxation,dynamic viscoelasticity and crystal1ization field;3)to quantitatively analyze changes of the major components in wood cell wall polymers as well as the composites under heat/steam treatment and untreated conditions.It will be helpful for subsequent research to clarify on the mechanisms of permanent fixation of bended wood and also contribute to that of wood-based composites.  相似文献   


Based on an enquiry, risk perception among non-industrial private forest owners is described in relation to climate change and forestry hazards. Of the respondents, 11% took action to remedy the effects of climate change. Out of a given set, hazards were ranked according to each respondent's experience of recent substantial financial loss to the estate and in relation to his or her willingness to make investments aimed at risk reduction. For each hazard, the respondent assessed the risk in four classes ranging from very high to negligible risk. Six hazards were considered most problematic in all three aspects: browsing damage, falling timber prices, damage by wind, spruce bark beetle, root rot and pine weevil. A majority of the respondents claimed to take action to reduce the risk associated with at least one hazard, while 35% did not know whether they did. Excluding climate change, the need for decision support was the largest in relation to damage by wind owing to a combination of perceived high risk and a high level of ignorance in relation to whether risk-reducing measures were taken.  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenge of defining the scope of a systems model, emphasising three aspects: boundary, granularity and conceptual scope. The significance of these is illustrated by reference to a model of land-use decisions made in villages bordering on the Mafungautsi forest in Zimbabwe. The purpose of this model was to help policy players (Forestry Commission staff, non-governmental organisations, researchers and local people) to understand the impact of policy interventions on local people’s livelihoods. Scoping decisions that were made in building the Mafungautsi model were deliberately liberal, to encompass the interests of all participants in the modelling process. These decisions now present a range of serious challenges: the difficulty of model calibration, the computational expense of running simulations, and the difficulty for new users to understand the model. Facilitators of modelling teams need to consider the serious implications of giving everyone what they want and including all participants’ ideas in a model. In the long run, it may be better to be tough and reject many suggestions at the outset. The former approach is unlikely to lead to a tractable model, while the latter may ultimately offer greater satisfaction for all. We are grateful to the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Community for financial support of this project. Thanks also to all of the ACM team who have contributed ideas on the process and content of the modelling work and who make it fun to undertake collaborative research. Thanks also to the participants in the Zimbabwe FLAC workshops for their input into the specification of the Mafungautsi model. Finally thanks to Robert Muetzelfeldt, Jasper Taylor, Jonathan Massheder, Fergus Sinclair and Jerry Vanclay for helping us to ride on the FLORES bandwagon.  相似文献   

国家公园建设中的社区权利是社区面向国家公园建设中其他治理主体的权利,是贯穿于整个国家公园建设全过程的权利,是一种兼具“公权利”与“私权利”色彩的双重权利。国家公园建设中的社区权利可以分为行动权利和接受权利,前者主要包括知情权、评论建议权、信息发布权以及动议权等,后者主要包括接受生活扶助权、获得平等对待权、获得通知权以及获得理由权等。《中华人民共和国宪法》为我国国家公园建设中的社区权利提供了根本性规范依据,相关文件与地方立法则为国家公园建设中的社区权利提供了直接规范依据。  相似文献   

文章在介绍物理—事理—人理系统方法论的基础上,着重阐述了如何将物理的方法论应用于森林生态系统观,将事理的方法论应用于林业系统观,将人理的方法论应用于森林可持续经营。  相似文献   


A survey was conducted at nine sawmills in Japan to evaluate and compare the sawing of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) logs of 30 cm and more in diameter. The purpose was fourfold: (1) to document sawing patterns appropriate to the large-diameter logs; (2) to examine the composition of wood components (structural, nonstructural, and fixtures) produced from those patterns; (3) to investigate log and product prices; and (4) to ascertain distances to the log supplier and product markets. Impetus for the study arose from a forecasted shift in the diameter distribution of plantation trees in Japan; from small and medium-sized logs to large-diameter logs. With an overabundance of large-diameter domestic logs forecasted within the next decade, the need to understand how to best utilize and effectively process the large-diameter resource is of utmost importance.  相似文献   

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