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Effects of temperature and three adjuvants (ammonium sulphate, Armoblen T/25, and BanDrift) on absorption of glyphosate by suspension-cultured velvetleaf (Abutilon theo phrasti) cells were examined. Velvetleaf cells absorbed glyphosate to a concentration about 40% of the external media concentration following incubation for 3 h. Ammonium sulphate at concentrations of 0.1 mM to 10.0 mM did not significantly affect glyphosate absorption. The results were similar for Armoblen T/25. However, Armoblen T/25 was toxic to the cells at concentrations as low as 0.002% (v/v). BanDrift showed no toxicity to the cells, but significantly increased glyphosate absorption. This stimulation of glyphosate absorption was present at 4°C as well as 28°C. Effets d'adjuvants et de la température surl'absorption du glyphosate par des cellules cultivées de jute de Chine (Abutilon theophrasti Medic.) Les effets de la température et de 3 adjuvants (sulfate d'ammonium, Armoblen T/25 et BanDrift) sur l'absorption du glyphosate par une culture en suspension de cellules de jute de Chine (Abutilon theophrasti) ont étéétudiées. Les cellules de jute de Chine ont absorbé le glyphosate à une concentration voisine de 40% de la concentration du milieu externe après une incubation de 3 heures. Le sulfate d'ammonium à des concentrations de 0,1 mM à 10 mM n'a pas significativement affecté l'absorption du glyphosate. Les résultats ont été similaires avec l'Armoblen T 25. Cependant, l'Armoblen T/25 était toxique pour les cellules à des concentrations aussi faibles que 0,002% (v/v). Le BanDrift n'a pas exprimé de toxicité vis-à-vis des cellules mais a significativement fait augmenter l'absorption du glyphosate. Cette stimulation de l'absorption du glyphosate était présente à 40 °C tout comme à 28°C. Wirkung von Zusatzstoffen und Temperatur auf die Absorption von Glyphosat in Zellkulturen der Samtpappel (Abutilon theophrasti Medic.) Die Wirkung der Temperatur und von 3 Zusatzstoffen (Ammoniumsulfat, Armoblen T/25, BanDrift) auf die Absorption von Glyphosat in Zellkultursuspensionen der Samtpappel (Abutilon theophrasti) wurde untersucht. Innerhalb 3 h absorbierten die Zellen Glyphosat bis zu 40% der Konzentration im Medium. Nach Zugabe von 0,1 bis 10,0 mM Ammoniumsulfat wurde die Glyphosatauf-nahme nicht signifikant beeinflußt. Bei Armoblen T/25 waren die Ergebnisse ähnlich, doch war dieser Zusatzstoff schon bei 0,002 Vol.-% toxisch. BanDrift war nicht toxisch und erhöhte die Absorption signifikant, sowohl bei 4 als auch bei 28 °C.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of three organosilicone-based and six conventional organic adjuvants on the absorption and translocation of 14C-glyphosate in guineagrass and redroot pigweed. The organosilicone adjuvants produced rapid absorption of the 14C-glyphosate into the redroot pigweed leaves, reaching maximum absorption within 0.5–1.0 h after application. The conventional adjuvants produced slower absorption of the 14C-glyphosate, as the maximum absorption was not achieved until at least 24 h after application in redroot pigweed, remaining similar until 72 h. In guineagrass, the maximum absorption of the glyphosate was earlier than 24 h with the organosilicone-based adjuvants, compared with longer times for the conventional adjuvants. The organosilicone-based adjuvants also increased the glyphosate translocation in redroot pigweed, but not in guineagrass. Organosilicone adjuvants have the potential to provide greater rainfastness to glyphosate on redroot pigweed and, to a lesser extent, on guineagrass.  相似文献   

Velvetleaf seeds have been found in imported grains in Japan. The plants from these seeds show a weedy growth habit, such as that seen in the noxious velvetleaf which has recently emerged in Japan and noted in our previous study. To elucidate the genetic background of the velvetleaf strains found in imported grains we evaluated the genetic variation of six strains and an additional 39 worldwide velvetleaf accessions using the intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) polymorphism. Cluster analysis based on the ISSR polymorphism emitted two major clusters which corresponded well with classification by growth habit, that is, crop type and weed type. Five of the six strains from the imported grains formed a small cluster. All six strains united into one major cluster containing the weed type accessions, while all of the old Japanese accessions formed another major cluster containing the crop type accessions. The genetic difference between imported weedy velvetleaf and old Japanese accessions suggests that imported velvetleaves are the source of the recent outbreak of the noxious velvetleaf in Japan.  相似文献   

We examined factors affecting conversion of light into dry matter of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) and soybean (Glycine max) grown in a replacement series near Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. in 1986 and 1987. Velvetleaf was taller than soybean over most of the growing season and had more branches, especially at the top of the canopy. Velvetleaf had greater light interception than soybean in the upper part of the canopy, particularly early and late in the day, although total light interception by canopies of the two species was similar on most sample dates. Velvetleaf had higher light utilization efficiency, or conversion of intercepted light into dry matter, in the middle and later part of the growing season. This combination of traits appears to give velvetleaf an advantage over soybean in competition for light.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on seeds of Abutilon theophrasti (velvetleaf) to examine the germination behaviour of hard (impermeable) and soft (permeable) seeds and to test various physical and chemical treatments against hardseededness. There was no evidence, in fresh or in old seeds, of leachable germination inhibitors or of leachable compounds affecting hardseededness. Marked differences were found between hard and soft seeds in respiration and leakage. Oxygen uptake was negligible in hard seeds. A rapid efflux of K+ ions from hard and soft seeds was detected during the first minutes of immersion. Subsequently, the rate of leakage of hard seeds decreased markedly. After 4 h of imbibition, conductivity measurements differentiated individual hard and soft seeds. Abrasion, percussion and immersion in sodium hypochlorite had no effect on hard seeds, but mechanical scarification and immersion in sulphuric acid reduced hardseededness. Gamma radiation did not affect the hard coat but damaged the embryo. A. theophrasti seeds were exposed to organic solvents such as acetone. ethanol and methanol, and to pesticides such as butylate, EPTC, metham-sodium, vernolate and methyl bromide, in liquid or gaseous phase. Some of the treatments reduced germination of soft seeds, but none, even methyl bromide, had any significant effect on the number or viability of hard seeds, proving their complete impermeability.  相似文献   

The effects of surfactants and simulated rain were investigated on the efficacy of Engame and Roundup Ultramax formulations of glyphosate on johnsongrass ( Sorghum halepense L.), prickly sida ( Sida spinosa L.) and yellow nutsedge ( Cyperus esculentus L.). Flame surfactant provided the greatest enhancement of Engame efficacy and the effect was species-dependent. Flame enhanced the activity of Engame on johnsongrass and yellow nutsedge but not on prickly sida. Engame and Engame plus Flame were more active than Roundup Ultramax on a glyphosate acid-equivalent basis on johnsongrass without rain, and on yellow nutsedge with or without rain. The Engame and Roundup Ultramax activities on johnsongrass were similar with rain, and rain occurring between five and 30 min after treatment diminished their activities to < 38% of the control. With the addition of Flame surfactant, Engame activity on johnsongrass increased, such that 50% and 80% of the control were realized, even with rain occurring between five and 15 min after treatment, respectively. Engame and Roundup Ultramax provided better control of prickly sida than of johnsongrass following a rain event. The addition of Flame surfactant to Engame did not enhance the activity on prickly sida. Yellow nutsedge control with Engame and Engame plus Flame was greater than with Roundup Ultramax and rain had little effect on control regardless of the length of the rain-free period. These results demonstrated that the activities of Engame, Engame plus Flame and Roundup Ultramax were species-dependent and surfactant-dependent.  相似文献   

Selection of crop genotypes that are more competitive with weeds for light interception may improve crop yield stability in the presence of weeds. The effects of interference on ecophysiological characteristics of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. and three morphologically diverse grain sorghum hybrids was evaluated to determine the relative tolerance and suppressive ability of the three hybrids and specific traits that may contribute to those differences. A tall hybrid was more tolerant to A. theophrasti interference than two medium stature hybrids. Early leaf area growth of two medium-stature sorghum hybrids was reduced by A. theophrasti interference, whereas early growth of a tall hybrid was unaffected. The height of A. theophrasti was greater than two moderate-stature hybrids but lower than the tall hybrid. Greatest leaf area density (LD) of the tall sorghum hybrid was above that of A. theophrasti , whereas greatest LD of medium-stature hybrids was below that of the weed. In monoculture, the partitioning of new biomass to various plant organs was similar among sorghum hybrids, whereas the tall sorghum hybrid partitioned less biomass to leaves and more to stems than medium hybrids in mixture. The results indicate that the three hybrids differ in their susceptibility to A. theophrasti competition. Crop traits that may contribute to greater crop competitiveness include greater maximum height and its growth rate and greater height of maximum leaf area distribution.  相似文献   

G. ZANIN  M. SATTIN 《Weed Research》1988,28(5):347-352
Four tests were carried out in 1980 and 1981 to determine: (a) the economic threshold density of Abutilon theophrasti Medicus (velvetleaf) in maize, and (b) seed production with varying densities of infestation, both in the presence and in the absence of maize. The infestation was artificially created, and the density of the weed ranged from 0 to 80 plants m?2. The economic threshold, calculated using the Cousens (1987) model, varied between 0?3 plants m?2 and 2?4 plants m?2, depending on the variables considered. The presence of maize reduced the seed-rain of A. theophrasti by 50%. This seed-rain reached its maximum level at 20–30 plants m?2 in maize, and at 30–35 plants m?2 in weed monoculture. However, with only 4–5 plants m?2 in competition with maize, A. theophrasti produced 8–10 thousand seeds m?2. The usefulness of threshold density in weed management is debatable when one considers the ecological characteristics of the A. theophrasti seed, and the great capacity of seed production of this weed.  相似文献   

The weed species, prickly sida (Sida spinosa L.) and sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia L.), were treated with 14C-glyphosate alone and formulated with different polyethlylane oxide (PEO) surfactants in tallow amine ethoxylate and non-ionic alkoxylate series to determine the amount of 14C-glyphosate absorption and translocation. The surface tension, contact angle, and 14C-glyphosate distribution were significantly affected by both the presence of different waxes on the plants and by the addition of surfactants to the glyphosate. The surface and contact angle values of the surfactants, with and without glyphosate, showed a significant increase as the PEO number increased in both surfactant series. A higher absorption of the 14C-glyphosate was recorded for S. spinosa compared with S. obtusifolia. The absorption and translocation of the 14C-glyphosate increased with the increase in the PEO number of tallow amine ethoxylate. In the case of the non-ionic alkoxylate surfactant series, an increase in the absorption of 14C-glyphosate was recorded when the surface tension and contact angle values decreased. There was no significant difference in the translocation values obtained in the two species after the addition of the surfactants. The amount of 14C-glyphosate absorbed by the treated leaf was significantly higher in the case of S. spinosa compared with S. obtusifolia. A linear relationship was observed with the physical properties, 14C absorption, and the efficacy of glyphosate with the addition of the non-ionic alkoxylate surfactant series. The percentage control was higher with the higher PEO surfactant in the tallow amine ethoxylate surfactant series and with the lower PEO surfactant in the non-ionic alkoxylate surfactant series as the two series are chemically different.  相似文献   

We examined relative competition abilities of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) and soybean (Glycine max) grown in a replacement series near Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. in 1986 and 1987. Relative above ground dry weight of soybean in mixtures was higher than expected from mono culture values early in the growing season but lower than expected later in the season, whereas velvetleaf had higher than expected values later in the season. Velvetleaf depressed seed yield of soybean in all mixtures; relative seed yield of velvetleaf was greater in all mixtures than in monoculture. Relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) of soybean did not differ significantly among mixtures and generally decreased over the growing season. Velvetleaf exhibited no consistent differences among mixtures in RGR, LAR, and NAR. Net assimilation rate of velvetleaf was constant over most of the growing season. Relative growth rate and LAR of velvetleaf were highest early in the season and then progressively declined. Velvetleaf had higher NAR and higher RGR than soybean early in the season; LAR of velvetleaf was lower than LAR of soybean over most of the season. Velvetleaf and soybean did not significantly interfere with each other early in the growing season, but velvetleaf gained resources at the expense of soybean during the middle and later parts of the season.  相似文献   

Abutilon theophrasti is a weed that is spreading worldwide and that has had to adapt to different combinations of environmental conditions. Wide interpopulation variability has been reported regarding dormancy and germination. This variability, controlled by the interaction of genetic diversity and maternal effect, could hinder the adoption of Integrated Weed Management (IWM) tools. A collaborative project was conducted to compare emergence dynamics of 12 European and North American populations under diverse environmental conditions. The main aim was to assess interpopulation variability and explain this according to environmental conditions in the seed collection sites. Seeds were sown at six experimental sites, and seedling emergence was monitored. The AlertInf model was tested to evaluate its ability to predict emergence dynamics of the different populations. A wide interpopulation variability was observed for emergence percentage and dynamics with consistent trends across sites and related to different seed dormancy levels. Populations from Catalonia, Iowa and Minnesota reached higher emergence percentage with earlier and concentrated emergence flushes probably due to low dormancy level, while populations from Croatia, Serbia and Hungary, given their low average emergence percentage, presented high dormancy levels. Good predictive accuracy of AlertInf model was obtained at the different sites, confirming the possibility of adopting it across a wide range of environmental conditions. Achieving a better knowledge of interpopulation variability can allow specific control strategies to be designed, facilitating the replacement of solely herbicide‐based management with true IWM.  相似文献   

Abutilon theophrasti (velvetleaf) is a widespread and problematic annual weed. Greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different cutting methods on the viability of A. theophrasti seeds. Three cutting methods were assessed: (1) Entire plant cut and dried (EPD)—plants were cut at soil level and dried with capsules attached on the greenhouse bench or soil surface for 4 weeks; (2) capsules detached and dried (CD)—capsules were removed from plants and dried for 4 weeks; and (3) capsules detached and tested while fresh (CF)—a control treatment. Before drying, the developmental stage (stage one, dark green; stage two, light green; stage three, yellowish-green; or stage four, black with the slightly open capsule) and age (days after flowering, DAF) of each capsule was recorded. Seed viability was measured immediately in the CF treatment and after the 4-week drying period in the EPD and CD treatments. No seeds in the EPD and CD treatments were viable when harvested at the first developmental stage (1–8 DAF) in either experiment, but 100% of seeds in the CF treatment in the field were viable when harvested at 8 DAF. In both greenhouse and field experiments, seeds attained full viability at earlier harvest ages in CF than in EPD or CD treatments, suggesting that seeds might become viable relatively early in development but lose viability if allowed to dry. These findings could be applied to optimise late-season mechanical control of A. theophrasti.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the commercial glyphosate [( N -phosphonomethyl) glycine] formulations Roundup Ultra, Touchdown and Engame were compared for the control of prickly sida ( Sida spinosa L.), morningglory ( Ipomeae hederacea var. integriuscula Gray), sicklepod ( Senna obtusifolia L.) and purple nutsedge ( Cyperus rotundus L.). Engame is a new formulation of glyphosate that contains glyphosate acid and 1-aminomethanamide dihydrogen tetraoxosulfate (AMADS), a proprietary mixture of sulfuric acid and urea, other than glyphosate salt and surfactants. Injury by Engame differed from Roundup Ultra and Touchdown in that necrotic lesions formed on leaves several hours after treatment. Leaves of very susceptible species, such as prickly sida, were rapidly, although incompletely, desiccated and then became chlorotic and died in a manner typical of other glyphosate formulations. Engame was 2–3 times more active to growth inhibition than either the Roundup Ultra or Touchdown formulations, based on GR50 comparisons expressed on an acid equivalent basis. The GR50 estimates did not change over the 3 week evaluation period for prickly sida and purple nutsedge, and after 2 weeks after treatment for morningglory. The GR50 estimates for sicklepod decreased over the 3 week evaluation period indicating a slower response to glyphosate. The application of AMADS alone caused minute necrotic lesions on sicklepod and purple nutsedge, and lesions up to 3 mm in diameter on prickly sida and morningglory. Further injury from AMADS was not noted and plants resumed growth without apparent delay. At glyphosate rates above 1120 g ha−1, greater than 80% control was achieved at 7 days after treatment. These results demonstrate that glyphosate efficacy can be further enhanced by formulations that apparently improve uptake and translocation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In a large cropping area of northern Argentina, Sorghum halepense (Johnsongrass) has evolved towards glyphosate resistance. This study aimed to determine the molecular and biochemical basis conferring glyphosate resistance in this species. Experiments were conducted to assess target EPSPS gene sequences and 14C‐glyphosate leaf absorption and translocation to meristematic tissues. RESULTS: Individuals of all resistant (R) accessions exhibited significantly less glyphosate translocation to root (11% versus 29%) and stem (9% versus 26%) meristems when compared with susceptible (S) plants. A notably higher proportion of the applied glyphosate remained in the treated leaves of R plants (63%) than in the treated leaves of S plants (27%). In addition, individuals of S. halepense accession R2 consistently showed lower glyphosate absorption rates in both adaxial (10–20%) and abaxial (20–25%) leaf surfaces compared with S plants. No glyphosate resistance endowing mutations in the EPSPS gene at Pro‐101–106 residues were found in any of the evaluated R accessions. CONCLUSION: The results of the present investigation indicate that reduced glyphosate translocation to meristems is the primary mechanism endowing glyphosate resistance in S. halepense from cropping fields in Argentina. To a lesser extent, reduced glyphosate leaf uptake has also been shown to be involved in glyphosate‐resistant S. halepense . Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

采用整株生物测定法研究了藜、铁苋菜和苘麻对草甘膦的耐受性,药后14 d测定结果表明,草甘膦对上述3种杂草的ED50分别为215.27、954.34、1 522.54 g a.i./hm~2。通过比较杂草植株地上部莽草酸积累量的变化发现,草甘膦1 230 g a.i./hm~2处理后,藜、铁苋菜和苘麻莽草酸积累量最大值分别为1 400.65、1247.19、581.28μg/g,莽草酸积累量越少的杂草对草甘膦耐受性也越强。药后5 d,对杂草不同部位莽草酸积累量的比较显示,3种杂草顶部叶片莽草酸积累量明显大于根部,敏感种和耐受种相比,顶部叶片莽草酸积累量的差异更为明显,该部位可以准确地评价杂草对草甘膦的耐受程度。  相似文献   

Combining empirical research with simulation modelling may improve our understanding of the dynamics of crop:weed competition and for testing hypotheses on the importance of specific traits for enhancing crop performance in mixtures. Two field experiments were conducted to quantify and compare estimates of traits important for radiation interception and utilization in four maize hybrids and Abutilon theophrasti grown in monoculture. Early leaf area growth rate did not vary among maize hybrids within a year, but varied among years. The response of CO2 assimilation rate to absorbed radiation and leaf nitrogen content did not differ among hybrids. Abutilon theophrasti and two old maize hybrids partitioned more new biomass to stem relative to reproductive organs than newer hybrids. Old hybrids had greater specific leaf area during the period of most rapid growth, grew taller, and leaf area was distributed higher in their canopy. Extinction coefficients for diffuse radiation did not differ among hybrids or between years. Results suggest that these four maize hybrids may differ in their ability to intercept incident radiation, which may influence their ability to compete for light.  相似文献   

Soybean yields, pod and branch numbers were inversely related to the height of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti). This effect was attributed to increasing interception of light with increasing height of A. theophrasti. Reduction; in soybean yield and yield components were greater if A. theophrasti was maintained at various heights for only 3 weeks rather than 6 weeks following soybean emergence. This effect was attributed to a longer duration of light competition by the weed. Even when the A. theophrasti canopy was kept 25% below that of soybean for 4 weeks, soybean yields, pod and branch numbers decreased when the weed was allowed to regrow during the remainder of the season, but not if the weed was removed after the initial 4-week clipping period. No reduction in seed yields, pod and branch numbers was noted if A. theophrasti plants 25% shorter than soybeans were removed or allowed to resume growth after the initial 6 or 8 weeks of clipping. Soybean seed size was slightly affected by A. theophrasti canopy height and duration of competition.  相似文献   

The source of the velvetleaf spreading its distribution rapidly and causing serious problems in forage fields all over Japan since the mid 1980s was thought to be a new accidental introduction of seeds from velvetleaf mingled in some imported grains from the USA and Australia. However, velvetleaf used to be cultivated as a fiber crop until the 1880s. We examined the intraspecies variations, such as morphological characteristics and growth habits, using accessions previously collected and obtained from imported grains. Using principal component analysis (PCA), the accessions were classified into crop type and weed type. The crop type capsule was mostly an ivory color, and the weed type was mostly an ebony color. The crop type showed characteristics of a fiber crop, such as an erect form, uniform flowering and a low seed dormancy rate. Conversely, the imported grains were classified into the weed type which showed a strong weedy nature, such as branched form, long flowering period, high reproductive ability and a high dormancy rate. These results suggest that the new introduction is different from the indigenous fiber crop, and may possibly be the source of the present invasive velvetleaf because of its strong weedy nature. However, further studies comparing the new introduction directly with the present velvetleaf are necessary.  相似文献   

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