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Limited water availability hampers the sustainability of crop production. Exogenous application of glycinebetaine (GB) and salicylic acid (SA) has been found very effective in reducing the adverse effects of water scarcity. This study was conducted to examine the possible role of exogenous GB and SA application in improving the growth and water relations of hybrid sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) under different irrigation regimes. There were three levels of irrigation, viz. control (normal irrigations), water stress at budding stage (irrigation missing at budding stage) and water stress at flowering stage (FS) (irrigation missing at FS). GB and SA were applied exogenously at 100 and 0.724 m m respectively, each at the budding and FS. Control plants did not receive application of GB and SA. Water stress reduced the leaf area index (LAI), leaf area duration (LAD), crop growth rate (CGR), leaf relative water contents, water potential, osmotic potential, turgor pressure, achene yield and water use efficiency. Nevertheless, exogenous GB and SA application appreciably improved these attributes under water stress. However, exogenous GB application at the FS was more effective than other treatments. Net assimilation rate was not affected by water stress as well as application of GB and SA. The protein contents were considerably increased by water stress at different growth stages, but were reduced by exogenous GB and SA application. The effects of water stress and foliar application of GB were more pronounced when applied at FS than at the budding stage. Moreover, exogenous GB application was only advantageous under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Improved planting methods and foliar application of glycinebetaine (GB) and salicylic acid (SA) can improve the water productivity in field crops under limited water supply conditions. A 2‐year field study was conducted to evaluate the possible role of different planting methods and foliar applications of GB and SA in improving the yield, quality and water productivity of hybrid sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The crop was planted by flat sowing (75 cm spaced rows) and ridge sowing (75 cm spaced ridges), with GB and SA applied exogenously at 100 and 0.724 mm , respectively, at both budding and flowering stages, while control plots received distilled water. Ridge sowing, rather than flat sowing, improved the biological yield, oil yield, leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), plant height, water‐use efficiency and final achene yield during both the years. Foliar applications of GB and SA at both the stages improved the achene yield, although foliar application of GB at flowering was the most effective. Neither the planting methods nor the foliar application of GB and SA altered the achene oil contents during both the years. Foliar application of GB and SA increased the free proline content of the leaf and GB contents at flowering but reduced the achene protein contents, whereas planting method had no effect on these attributes across the years. Of the foliar applied chemicals, GB was more effective in improving sunflower growth and yield and water productivity than SA. To conclude, ridge sowing coupled with foliar application of GB at flowering stage could be beneficial for achieving maximum yields of hybrid sunflower under relatively water limited conditions in the field.  相似文献   

黔西北地区芸豆高产栽培氮磷钾最佳施肥技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究芸豆对氮磷钾元素的需求规律,探索芸豆高产稳产的最佳施肥技术,提出相应的优化栽培措施,挖掘单产潜力,提高芸豆综合生产能力,以氮、磷、钾三因素施用量为研究对象,采用二次正交旋转设计,进行三因素五水平栽培试验。结果表明,在黔西北高海拔特殊生态区,高产芸豆品种‘京小黑’产量要获3400 kg/hm2以上时,栽培措施为:纯N 93.57~117.64 kg/hm2、P2O5 192.33~257.67 kg/hm2、K2O 101.90~148.10 kg/hm2;三因素对‘京小黑’芸豆产量的影响程度大小依次为N肥 > K肥 > P肥,少量的氮肥施用量会引起产量的较大幅度变化,其次是钾肥和磷肥。  相似文献   

Influence of sudden and gradual drought stress (DS) and foliar‐applied glycinebetaine (GB) on growth, water relations, osmolyte accumulation and antioxidant defence system were investigated in the plants of two maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars, that is, drought‐tolerant Shaandan 9 (S9) and drought‐sensitive Shaandan 911 (S911). Sudden DS caused less accumulation of GB and free proline, but a more accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA), which resulted in a greater reduction in leaf relative water content (RWC) and dry matter (DM) in both cultivars compared with the gradual DS. Exogenous GB application caused a rise in DM, RWC, contents of GB and free proline as well as the activities of SOD, CAT and POD along with a decline in MDA content to various extent in both cultivars under both types of DS. A more pronounced effectiveness of GB application was observed in S911 than that in S9 under the same type of DS. It seemed that the more serious damage of DS was on maize plants, and the better positive role of GB was observed in terms of mitigating the adverse effects of DS. From this study, it was possible to propose that hardening for drought resistance by gradual DS treatment and GB application are effective to make plants robust to thrive under water‐deficit conditions.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to investigate the effect of water stress treatment on the components of photosynthesis and water relations of triticale ( Triticale octoploide ), Russian rye ( Secale cereale ) and wheat, ( Triticum aestivum var. Sonalika ). The results revealed that there was no significant adverse effect of water stress on the photosynthesis of triticale compared to wheat and rye. The maintenance of photosynthetic productivity under water stress in triticale has been accomplished by (a) reduction in water loss by stomatal behaviour and (b) by maintenance of water uptake through continued transpirational flow. Both these mechanisms served to maintain high water potential as stress occures. This ameliorates the onset of stress and helps to maintain photosynthesis. The rye also consists of another type of adaptability to drought through significant recovery of photosynthesis and chlorophyll development on reirrigation particularly at post-anthesis stage, when other species failed to recover. However, in wheat Sonalika both these adaptive characteristics did not exist in such intensity.  相似文献   

Drought stress is the most pervasive threat to sustainable rice production and mainly disrupts membrane structure and cell-water relations. Exogenously applied brassinosteroids (BRs) may produce profound changes that may improve drought tolerance in rice. In this study, we monitored some physiological basis of the exogenously applied BRs in improving drought tolerance in fine grain aromatic rice ( Oryza sativa L.). Two BRs i.e. 28-homobrassinolide (HBL) and 24-epibrassinolide (EBL) were used both as seed priming and foliar spray. To prime, the seeds were soaked in 0.01 μ m aerated solution each of HBL and EBL for 48 h and dried back to original weight. Treated and untreated seeds were sown in plastic pots with normal irrigation in a phytotron. At four-leaf stage (3 weeks after sowing), plants were subjected to drought stress at 50 % field capacity by cutting down the water supply. For foliar spray, 0.01 μ m of HBL and EBL solutions were sprayed at five-leaf stage. Drought stress severely reduced fresh and dry weights, whilst exogenously applied BRs improved net CO2 assimilation, water use efficiency, leaf water status, membrane properties, production of free proline, anthocyanins, soluble phenolics, but declined the malondialdehyde and H2O2 production. In conclusion, BRs application improved the leaf water economy and CO2 assimilation, and enabled rice to withstand drought. Moreover, foliar spray had better effect under drought than seed treatments and of the two BRs, EBL proved more effective.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations in plant water relations were studied in a field grown groundnut crop in water stressed and non stressed plants with and without potassium nutrition. The results indicated the possibility of mitigating the ill effects of water stress by means of potassium spray thus reducing the water demand especially during the critical phase of the crop.  相似文献   

Rice reportedly possesses a very low capacity to accumulate glycinebetaine (Glybet), but may be accumulated by the exogenous application of Glybet or Choline (Cho) as an alternative way to improve its salt‐tolerant ability. The aim of this research was to determine whether Glybet accumulation could be induced in Thai jasmine rice by the exogenous application of Glybet and Cho, and to determine the effects of Glybet and Cho treatment on various growth parameters of seedlings cultured under salt‐stress conditions. Thai jasmine rice seeds were aseptically germinated in vitro on solidified Murashige–Skoog media, supplied with either Glybet or Cho in the culture media for 12 days and then treated with 342 mm NaCl (salt stress) for 4 days. GlyBet content, water relation, photosynthetic capabilities and growth characteristics of salt‐stressed seedlings were measured. The addition of Glybet or Cho to plant culture media containing 342 mm NaCl resulted in increased accumulation of Glybet in rice seedlings. Increased Glybet accumulation was strongly associated with a high efficiency of water usage (r = 0.96), which in turn correlated with increased maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (r = 0.86). Moreover, the pigment concentrations of seedlings cultured under salt stress were maintained by a function of Glybet, led to high efficiency of photochemical and non‐photochemical quenching of PSII as well as to exhibit on net photosynthetic rate. Thus, our results suggest that the addition of either Glybet or Cho to the plant growth media can improve growth performance under salt stress conditions by increasing the salt tolerance of Thai jasmine rice. The exogenous application of Glybet and/or Cho to culture media may be an effective method of improving resistance to salt stress via the promotion of Glybet accumulation with in rice seedlings.  相似文献   

Worldwide rice productivity is being threatened by increased endeavours of drought stress. Among the visible symptoms of drought stress, hampered water relations and disrupted cellular membrane functions are the most important. Exogenous use of polyamines (PAs), salicylic acid (SA), brassinosteroids (BRs), glycinebetaine (GB) and nitrous oxide (NO) can induce abiotic stresses tolerance in many crops. In this time course study, we appraised the comparative role of all these substances to improve the drought tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Super‐Basmati. Plants were subjected to drought stress at four leaf stage (4 weeks after emergence) by maintaining soil moisture at 50 % of field capacity. Pre‐optimized concentrations of GB (150 mg l?1), SA (100 mg l?1), NO (100 μmol l?1 sodium nitroprusside as NO donor), BR (0.01 μm 24‐epibrassinolide) and spermine (Spm; 10 μm ) were foliar sprayed at five‐leaf stage (5 weeks after emergence). There were two controls both receiving no foliar spray, viz. well watered (CK1) and drought stressed (CK2). There was substantial reduction in allometric response of rice, gas exchange and water relation attributes by drought stress. While drought stress enhanced the H2O2, malondialdehyde (MDA) and relative membrane permeability, foliar spray of all the chemicals improved growth possibly because of the improved carbon assimilation, enhanced synthesis of metabolites and maintenance of tissue water status. Simultaneous reduction in H2O2 and MDA production was also noted in the plants treated with these substances. Drought tolerance was sturdily associated with the greater tissue water potential, increased synthesis of metabolites and enhanced capacity of antioxidant system. Of all the chemicals, foliar spray with Spm was the most effective followed by BR.  相似文献   

水分供应和氮素形态对水稻一些水分生理特征的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探明不同水分供应和氮素形态对水稻一些水分生理特征的影响,设正常水分及50 g L-1 PEG模拟水分胁迫及3种不同NH4+-N/NO3--N比例(75/25,50/50,25/75)的处理,测定了水稻叶片的NO3-、Ca2+和Mg2+含量,叶片浸出液电导率,叶片相对含水量,叶片水分临界饱和亏以及叶片水势。结果表明,在NH4+-N/NO3--N比例较低时,模拟水分胁迫使广陵香粳水稻幼苗吸收更多的NO3--N。模拟水分胁迫条件下,水稻幼苗叶片浸出液电导率随NH4+-N/NO3--N比例的降低呈下降趋势,且在NH4+-N/NO3--N比例为25/75时,叶片浸出液电导率低于正常水分培养条件下的叶片浸出液电导率。而在正常水分培养条件下,水稻幼苗叶片浸出液电导率随NH4+-N/NO3--N比例的降低呈上升趋势。水分胁迫使高NH4+-N/NO3--N处理水稻叶片相对含水量降低、水分临界饱和亏上升,但对低NH4+-N/NO3--N处理(25/75)水稻叶片相对含水量和水分临界饱和亏影响很小。同样,低NH4+-N/NO3--N处理削弱了水分胁迫对水稻叶片水势的降低。总体上说,低NH4+-N/NO3--N能减轻水分胁迫对水稻水分生理的不良影响。  相似文献   

Abstract In the dry areas of the world there is an increasing pressure to apply low quality brackish waters for plant irrigation (agriculture, horticulture, landscape greening). Consequently there is a demand to improve salt tolerance of conventional crops and to develop adequate irrigation techniques too. The efforts in the past decades to approach the understanding of salt stress mechanism by focusing on biochemical and physiological research were disappointing with respect to progress for crop growth and yields under saline soil conditions. However, it is generally agreed by all disciplines involved in research for crop salt tolerance that under saline soils conditions the reduced water supply of crops is the most critical growth factor. The paper presents some model calculations and field investigations that demonstrate the effect of root water uptake on the salinity of the root surrounding soil fraction (rhizospheric soil). It is shown that root hair length and rhizospheric soil volumes are factors most relevant for understanding crop salt tolerance, when growing in soils. It is postulated that short root hairs contribute to a lower salt tolerance (onions), whereas long root hairs enhance water uptake from saline soils and crop salt tolerance (rape). As interactions between roots and soil contribute to the salt tolerance of crops under field conditions, it is doubtful that selection for salt tolerant varieties and breeding for salt tolerance under conditions of water and flow culture experiments is very efficient. Breeding for more salt-tolerant crops and brackish irrigation techniques should consider root morphology and soil/root contact zone.  相似文献   

Irrigation of wheat plants with seawater (10 and 25 %) led to a significant increase in free and bound ABA in leaves, especially at 25 %. The relative water content (RWC), particularly at 25 %, and water use efficiency of the seawater-irrigated plants were lower than those of the control. Grain pre-soaking in GA3, IAA or ABA reduced the levels of accumulated ABA (free and bound) resulting from seawater irrigation. The stress imposed by seawater generally reduced yield and yield components of wheat plants, and the effect was more pronounced at the higher level of seawater (25 %). Furthermore, seawater treatments decreased the carbohydrate content and increased the protein content of the developing grains. The effect of seawater treatments on ion concentration in the developing grains was not consistent. The application of growth bioregulators appeared to mitigate the effect of seawater salinity stress on wheat productivity. Gibberellic acid gave the best effect. The economic yield (grain yield) had a strong positive correlation with RWC, water use efficiency for grain yield, water use efficiency for biomass, plant height, shoot fresh and dry weights, grain number/main spike, kernel weight and harvest index.  相似文献   

Two old (Huangsedadou and Longxixiaohuangpi (LX)) and two new (Jindou 19 (JD) and Zhonghuang 30 (ZH)) soya bean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars were used to investigate the influence of soil drying on the abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation in leaves, stomatal conductance (gs), leaf water relations, osmotic adjustment (OA), leaf desiccation tolerance, yield and yield components. The greater ABA accumulation was induced by soil drying, which also inducing gs decreased at higher soil water contents (SWC) and leaf relative water content (RWC) significantly decreased at lower SWC in the new soya bean cultivars than in the old soya bean cultivars. The soil water threshold between the value at which stomata began to close and the RWC began to decrease was significantly broader in the new cultivars than in the old cultivars. The new cultivars had significantly higher OA and lower lethal leaf water potential than old cultivars when the soil dried. The old cultivars had greater biomass, but lower grain yield than the new cultivars in well‐watered, moderate stress and severe stress conditions. Thus with soil drying, the new soya bean cultivars demonstrated greater adaptation to drought by inducing greater ABA accumulation, stomatal closure at higher SWC, enhanced OA and better water relations, associated with increased leaf desiccation tolerance, greater water use efficiency and higher yield.  相似文献   

Irrigation of wheat plants with seawater (10 and 25 %) led to significant increases in free and bound abscisic acid (ABA) in leaves, especially at 25 %. The relative water content (RWC) and water use efficiency (calculated from grain yield, WUEG, or from biomass yield, WUEB) of the seawater-irrigated plants were lower than those of the control. Grain pre-soaking in gibberellic acid (GA3), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or ABA reduced the levels of accumulated ABA (free and bound) produced by seawater irrigation. The stress imposed by seawater generally reduced yield and yield components of wheat plants and the effect was more pronounced at the higher level of seawater irrigation (25 %). Furthermore, seawater treatments decreased the carbohydrate content and increased the protein content of the developing grains. The effect of seawater treatments on ion concentrations in the developing grains was not consistent. The application of growth bioregulators appeared to mitigate the effect of seawater salinity stress on wheat productivity. GA3 was the most effective hormone in this regard. The economic yield (grain yield) had a strong positive correlation with RWC, WUEG, WUEB, plant height, shoot fresh and dry weight, grain number/main spike, kernel weight and harvest index.  相似文献   

With world population expected to reach 9.2 billion people by 2050, improved irrigation methods will be needed to increase the productivity of agricultural land and improve food supply worldwide. The objective of this work was to examine the effect of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and alternate furrow irrigation (AFI) on the yield and yield components of two legume species (common bean and mungbean) produced as a second crop following winter wheat in Uzbekistan, Central Asia. Water relations and crop development were also examined. The research was conducted during two successive growing seasons in the Fergana valley. Production of mungbean using the severe stress RDI treatment in combination with AFI resulted in the highest yields with the lowest quantity of applied water in 2004. In addition, yields of common bean in the moderate stress treatment were not different from the recommended schedule, although irrigation events were decreased from 4 to 2. AFI did not reduce yields, and it did not interact with RDI to reduce yields further. In general, mungbean yields were higher than those of common bean. The combination of AFI and RDI can allow legume production with reduced water inputs.  相似文献   

In saline soils, plant water supply is the most critical growth factor. To better understand water supply and growth of soil‐grown crops, research should focus on root water uptake in saline soils. Plant water supply and growth is complex. One has to consider, simultaneously, soil and plant parameters: (i) the soil physical parameters texture; pF curve; osmotic, matric and total water potential; salinity at the soil/root interface; and bulk soil salinity; and (ii) the plant parameters root mass and rooting density; root morphology; transpiration; and shoot growth. Technical devices for direct and simultaneous measurement of all parameters are not yet available. This study presents a vegetation technique (VeTe) that permits to determinate required data from continuous measurement of pot water losses and by indirect calculation. The VeTe was tested using young rape (Brassica napus, cv. Lingot) as the model plant, growing in a silty soil. Rape was selected for its efficient root system to explore soil determined growth factors. Basically, the VeTe requires two vegetation phases: a pre‐cultivation phase, and an experimental phase. The objective of the first phase is to grow young plants that are homogenous in their shoot and root development through well‐controlled water management. Varying rooting densities of soils are performed when plants are pre‐cultivated in different soil volumes. The experimental phase starts when plants are irrigated with water of different salt concentrations up to soil water contents of 30 vol.%. During the experiment, plants were grown under well‐controlled, climatic conditions, and pot water losses were measured bi‐hourly. Measurement of continuous water losses serves to calculate soil moisture contents, derive osmotic and matric heads and their impact on plant transpiration. The proposed technique provides a means for quantitatively studying the combined impacts of soil osmotic and matric stresses on water uptake by crops differing in their root morphologic traits at different rooting densities.  相似文献   

Quinoa is a native Andean crop for domestic consumption and market sale, widely investigated due to its nutritional composition and gluten‐free seeds. Leaf water potential (Ψleaf) and its components and stomatal conductance (gs) of quinoa, cultivar Titicaca, were investigated in Southern Italy, in field trials (2009 and 2010). This alternative crop was subjected to irrigation treatments, with the restitution of 100 %, 50 % and 25 % of the water necessary to replenish field capacity, with well water (100 W, 50 W, 25 W) and saline water (100 WS, 50 WS, 25 WS) with an electrical conductivity (ECw) of 22 dS m?1. As water and salt stress developed and Ψleaf decreased, the leaf osmotic potential (Ψπ) declined (below ?2.05 MPa) to maintain turgor. Stomatal conductance decreased with the reduction in Ψleaf (with a steep drop at Ψleaf between ?0.8 and 1.2 MPa) and Ψπ (with a steep drop at Ψπ between ?1.2 and ?1.4 MPa). Salt and drought stress, in both years, did not affect markedly the relationship between water potential components, RWC and gs. Leaf water potentials and gs were inversely related to water limitation and soil salinity experimentally imposed, showing exponential (Ψleaf and turgor pressure, Ψp, vs. gs) or linear (Ψleaf and Ψp vs. SWC) functions. At the end of the experiment, salt‐irrigated plants showed a severe drop in Ψleaf (below ?2 MPa), resulting in stomatal closure through interactive effects of soil water availability and salt excess to control the loss of turgor in leaves. The effects of salinity and drought resulted in strict dependencies between RWC and water potential components, showing that regulating cellular water deficit and volume is a powerful mechanism for conserving cellular hydration under stress, resulting in osmotic adjustment at turgor loss. The extent of osmotic adjustment associated with drought was not reflected in Ψπ at full turgor. As soil was drying, the association between Ψleaf and SWC reflected the ability of quinoa to explore soil volume to continue extracting available water from the soil. However, leaf ABA content did not vary under concomitant salinity and drought stress conditions in 2009, while differing between 100 W and 100 WS in 2010. Quinoa showed good resistance to water and salt stress through stomatal responses and osmotic adjustments that played a role in the maintenance of a leaf turgor favourable to plant growth and preserved crop yield in cropping systems similar to those of Southern Italy.  相似文献   

A combination of appropriate crop rotation(s) and management interventions has the potential to transform saline‐sodic soil and water resources from an environmental burden into an economic asset. We carried out 2‐year field studies in the Indus Basin of Pakistan to evaluate different irrigation and soil management options of using saline‐sodic waters (SSW) and soils for reclamation and for growing salt‐tolerant cultivars of rice (SSRI‐8) and wheat (SIS‐32). These soils have variable levels of salinity and sodicity (ECe 9–44 dS m?1 and SAR 83–319). The treatments on both the sites were the same and consisted of: (1) Irrigation with SSW, (2) Irrigation with freshwater (FW), (3) Soil application of gypsum at 100 % gypsum requirement of soil + SSW (G + SSW), (4) G + one irrigation with SSW and one with FW (G + 1SSW + 1FW), (5) G + two irrigations with SSW and one with FW (G + 2SSW + 1FW), (6) Farm manure at 25 Mg ha?1 each year before rice + one irrigation with SSW and one with FW (FM + 1SSW + 1FW) and (7) FM + two irrigations with SSW and one with FW (FM + 2SSW + 1FW). Rice was grown as the first crop. After harvesting final wheat crop (fourth in sequence), maximum decrease in bulk density and increase in infiltration rate was observed with G + 1SSW + 1FW while FM + 1SSW + 1FW treatment showed higher decrease in pHs and ECe. Significantly the highest decrease in SAR occurred at both sites with G + 1SSW + 1FW. Maximum yields of rice and wheat were generally observed with G + 1SSW + 1FW. The crop yield and economic benefits with treatments showed a positive correlation with that of improvement in soil physical and chemical properties. Overall, the greatest net benefit was obtained from G + 1SSW + 1FW treatment. We also found that the farmers’ management skills were crucial in the overall success in improving crop yields during reclamation of saline‐sodic soils. Based on the results of this study, we propose that SSW could be used to reclaim saline‐sodic soils by using a rice–wheat rotation and a site‐specific combination of soil amendments and water application strategies.  相似文献   

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