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In this paper a kind of vague space in traditional architecture is analyzed and its mode and dealing ways in Chinese traditional architecture are explored. The authors hope that this article will help us learn from the traditional architecture culture and enlighten the design thread to create modem native architecture.  相似文献   

Introduced by a seminar about minimalism in art and architecture, and based on the comparative research under multi-dimension, in this paper, the genesis of minimalism in architecture is retraced, its design principles are deeply explored and its design features as well as inspirations for architecture design in China are summarized through some cases study related to minimalism. At the end, it points out that the minimalism in architecture is a feasible way in the multi-direction architecture designs.  相似文献   

The traditional architecture of Huizhou style with its unique regional cultural features makes a well- developed genre of architecture in late ancient China. Especially, the traditional folk housing of Huizhou style is the most vivid embodiment of Huizhou culture, reflecting the social history and culture in Huizhou area. The location and setting of the traditional folk housing in ancient Huizhou is greatly influenced by the geomantic theory, a fact that can be best detected in the practice of building artificial landscapes at the accesses to villages. The internal structure of the traditional folk housing of Huizhou style vividly reveals the ideology and the system of the patriarchy in ancient Huizhou. Being traders but sticking to the identity and temperament of Confucian scholars, local merchants of ancient Huizhou fostered a unique culture, which has shaped an distinctive artistic charm found in the internal decoration and furnishings of the traditional folk housing in ancient Huizhou.  相似文献   

According to the researches in Fujian and Taiwan and the analysis of historical documents and activities of academic communication,this paper presents different cultural types in Fujian and Taiwan and their corresponding architectural modes including temples of literature,cloisters,Mazu Temple,Guandi Temple,residence,ancestral temples and club houses,etc.It suggests that Fujian and Taiwan,both surrounded by the sea,were the immigration society in the history and their continual merge into and impact on each other contribute to the unique architectural cultures characterized by nationality and locality.  相似文献   

The expression of traditional Chinese literati is based on connection, seeking emotion and harmony. With various forms, though, this style of expression shares the same value in some art forms, like traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings, and Chinese architecture. Based on the commonalities of various forms of literature and art, this paper offered an insight into Chinese architecture in light of poetic and pictorial expression of traditional Chinese literati. In order to illuminate the corresponding connection between traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings, and Chinese architecture, this paper discussed the expression of Chinese architecture corresponding to the essence of traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings respectively from the perspective of philosophy, aesthetics, and culture study of Chinese architecture. Via analogous analysis, which includes the analogy between the emotion of architecture and the feelings in traditional poetry, the analogy between the order of architecture and the spirit of calligraphy, and the analogy between the artistic conception and the picturesque scene, the poetic and pictorial expression of Chinese architecture was clarified. This paper emphasized that Chinese architecture needs to jump out of the concrete image, eradicate the interdisciplinary boundaries, and stress the integration of arts and humanities in a higher level, to express Chinese architecture in a Chinese way. That means making Chinese architecture modern in forms and techniques, and traditional in spirit and artistic conception.  相似文献   

为探讨中药提取液对体外球虫卵囊孢子化的影响,将3种不同艾美耳球虫未孢子化卵囊与不同浓度(25%,50%,100%)的中药商陆、白头翁、常山提取液共培养24 h和48 h,显微镜观察球虫卵囊的孢子化情况,计算孢子化率。结果发现各种中药浓度为50%的条件下,24 h后,柔嫩、毒害、堆型艾美耳球虫的孢子化率在商陆培养下分别为26.20%、4.74%、24.09%,在白头翁培养下分别为57.95%、10.74%、20.74%,在常山培养下分别为64.65%、20.53%、18.03%;48 h后,柔嫩、毒害、堆型艾美耳球虫在商陆培养下分别为58.41%、40.89%、31.45%,在白头翁培养下分别为64.81%、19.42%、60.90%,在常山培养下分别为64.18%、39.70%、63.16%。与对照组比较,药物组球虫培养24 h和48 h后,卵囊孢子化率显著降低,100%浓度的药物抑制效果最好,50%浓度药物次之。3种中药提取液对鸡艾美耳球虫卵囊体外孢子化均有一定的抑制作用,且随着药物浓度增加,对球虫孢子化的抑制作用增强;但抑制程度有差异,其中商陆抑制作用最好。  相似文献   

Gothic architecture began from mid-11th century in UK, it shined in this arena more than eight centuries, but also affected the architectural style from the whole of Europe to the world. In this paper, a comparative analysis on UK and French Gothic architectural style, With this analysis we will understand the development and causes of Gothic architecture in different historical context.  相似文献   

中国近代的水稻杂交育种研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国的水稻杂交育种研究始于20世纪20年代末,在此后的20余年中,中国的水稻育种学家在水稻天然杂交率、亲本选配、杂交结实率、杂交技术、杂种后代的处理等方面进行了较为系统的研究,并开展了杂交育种试验,于1933年育成中国第一个水稻杂交品种中山1号,从此开启了中国水稻育种的新纪元。  相似文献   

3个传统月季品种的组织培养研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国传统月季品种具备适应性广、四季开花、芳香等优点.本试验研究了不同浓度6-BA及NAA对传统月季品种“一品朱衣”、“春水绿波”及“软香红”的腋芽增值诱导的影响.结果表明:MS +6-BA 0.50 mg/L+ NAA 0.10 mg/L(B7处理)是最适合的增值培养基配方.  相似文献   

通过论述中外膳食结构、食物五味、我国"医食同源"理论以及中医食疗与现代营养学之异同,分析了中华传统饮食文化与现代营养学之关联。  相似文献   

邢跃 《保鲜与加工》2020,20(2):156-160
传统中式蛋糕“槽子糕”口感酥软,风味独特,但在放置过程中会出现感官变差、油脂氧化等现象。本文以聚葡萄糖、酪蛋白酸钠、茶多酚代替传统配方中的糖、乳化剂和抗氧化剂,采用单因素试验和正交试验设计优化“槽子糕”中添加剂的配方,以改善其品质。结果表明,在主料配方小麦粉4.5 kg、鸡蛋4.5 kg、芝麻油1 kg的条件下,添加剂最佳配比为:聚葡萄糖1.35 kg,酪蛋白酸钠68.5 g,茶多酚0.45 g,在该配方下制得的“槽子糕”质地柔软有弹性,色泽均匀,无不规则大空洞,口感醇厚有香气。  相似文献   

中国渔政管理指挥系统是服务于渔业管理业务的大型管理信息系统,随着信息化建设的深入和需求的提高,越来越多的管理业务将纳入到系统中来,系统的运行效率与业务协同性将会面临挑战。笔者通过架构设计关键技术的分析研究,基于企业架构(EA)和面向服务的体系结构(SOA)技术,提出了面向渔业管理的系统架构框架,优化了中国渔政管理指挥系统的总体设计方案。总体设计根据业务需求和管理战略从全局的角度对系统的业务架构、应用架构、数据架构、技术架构进行设计,构建基于SOA的业务服务技术架构,以解决系统的灵活性与可扩展性,满足不断发展的信息化需求,为系统信息共享、互联互通和业务协同提供技术模型,为系统的可持续建设提供技术保障。  相似文献   

细胞级粉碎是一项新兴的物料加工技术。介绍了中药细胞级粉碎的概念、原理、特点、设备及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

DNA指纹图谱在中草药真伪性鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中药的鉴定包括两个方面,一是中药材的真伪,二是质量的高低。我国中药材资源情况复杂,不能满足中医临床和栽培育种的需要,急需进行系统而有效的研究,DNA指纹图谱技术为中草药的真伪鉴定提供了技术保证。  相似文献   

Taking a project practice for example,this paper probed into the design methods of regional architecture in such aspects as geographic environment,traditional folk residence style,space environment and construction material etc.In this paper,one of the developing directions of modern architecture,i.e.the regional architecture design is pointed out first,then,the correlation between regional architecture and natural environment as well as historical culture tradition,space environment and material application of regional architecture,etc.were systematically discussed,it also indicated that the regional architecture should be an organic renewal of traditional folk residence style.It is concluded that the regional architecture should be in accordance with the nature.  相似文献   

汉中地处陕西省境内的秦巴山区,素有“天然药库”之称,从古至今一直是中国中药材的主要产地。在中国中药材资源普查中,汉中药用植物达1300多种,国家规定的364种重点中药材汉中有280种,具有显著的资源优势。中药现代化为汉中中药提供了难得的发展机遇。  相似文献   

随着人性化设计的风行,园林空间的导向设计成为景观设计的热潮。中国传统园林作为我国造园理论与实践结合的精髓,其空间的导向设计对当代园林空间的导向设计有显著的影响。本文从中国传统园林的空间特征入手,阐明了空间特征对园林空间引导方式的影响,并以此为理论基础,剖析了中国传统园林空间导向的分类与方法,指出实现中国传统园林空间导向的途径主要有:视觉导向、听觉与嗅觉导向、空间导向三个领域,并强调了它们之间互为因借的关系。最后,文章结合优秀实例进行了详细而深入的阐述。通过本文的研究,希望能为当代园林空间的导向性设计提供可借鉴的方式,提高园林空间的感知程度,创造富有活力的景观空间。  相似文献   

Based on the success of CIM philosophy applied in manufacturing industries for reference, the author, analyses the character of modern furniture's produce and management, etc., and set out from real need of modern furniture manufacture to establish the architecture of contemporary integrated furniture manufacture system. The key technologies such as methods and viewpoints of contemporary integrated furniture manufacture system are discussed. Finally, the stream of material is reviewed as core and ERP, FEC is included in contemporary integrated furniture manufacture system based on web distributed database is put forward. The work is a helpful investigation to CIMS and gives a beneficial idea to implement CIMS in furniture industry.  相似文献   

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