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The microstructures and kinetics of reaction between aluminum and amorphous silica are investigated by making use of advantages of silica glass's larger dimension.Al/Al2O3 composite microstructures can be synthesized by longer time reaction and the diffusion transit layer is discovered between aluminum melts and the Al/Al2O3 composite layer.The growth kinetics of diffusion transit layer and Al/ Al2O3 composite layer are also measured and discussed.The effect of silicon element on the diffusion transit layer and the composite layer' kinetics is discussed and parabola growth kinetics of Al/Al2O3 composite layer is determined.  相似文献   

Pseudo-static tests of three one-storey spatial RC frame-shear wall structures with floor slabs were conducted to investigate their failure modes and hysteretic behaviors. The test results were compared with those of pushover analysis. It is shown that: 1) damage of the frame beams occurs later and is less than that of the shear wall and the frame columns; 2) damage of the floor slabs under lateral loading is significant in regions close to the shear wall, and tensile stresses of slabs' steel bars in these regions are much larger; 3) in comparison with the case that the floor slabs are neglected, the maximum lateral load that a frame-shear wall structure can bear is larger in the case that the floor slabs are taken into account, and the contribution ratio of the shear wall also increases; 4) shear forces carried by the frame columns with identical cross sections and reinforcement details but located at different positions are close to each other on the whole.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effective seismic capacity design measures of shear wall and to realize expected failure modes under strong earthquake,the existing problems in current seismic capacity design measures are pointed out through theoretical analysis.The effectiveness of the measures of Chinese seismic design code is verified by fine finite element dynamic time-history analysis of examples.Improving measures are then put forward and are verified through example analysis.It is shown the bending ductile demand of bottom section of shear wall increases too much based on moment capacity design measures of Chinese seismic design code 2001 in the rigid foundation assumption under rare earthquake action,and its bearing capacity for vertical axis force loses;the shear capacity design measures of current seismic design code would lead to shear failure in the stores above the bottom ductility strengthening area.Some improved bending and shear seismic capacity design measures of shear wall are proposed and are verified to be effective.  相似文献   

In order to simplify the analysis of thin-walled open-profile bars, a method is presented in which the analysis is split into two parts, dominated by in-plane and out-plane loading effects respectively. This article focuses on the out-plane loading effects. Based on bending theory of thin plate with small deflection, each slab or strip is analyzed separately and the results are integrated into vectors, in which, the deformation shapes and equilibrium conditions are simplified appropriately, thus leading to the slabs' out-plane bending resistance system of thin-walled bars, which reflects the properties of the bar's distortion and torsion. By composing the slabs in-plane tension-bending resistance system and the slabs' out-plane bending resistance system, deformation equations of thin-walled open-profile bars considering distortion are deduced. In order to set up the finite bar element method, stiffness equation and equivalent nodal forces of internode loadings are deduced. Comparative analysis with finite shell element method indicates the high efficiency and accuracy of this method.  相似文献   

Based on concepts of mechanics, a mechanical model of novel type of steel plate composite shear wall is presented. The novel type of structure is formed by steel plate shear wall and T-shaped solid-web composite columns. Flexural stiffness of steel beams, lateral stiffness of the T-shaped solid-web composite columns, shear stiffness of steel plate composite shear wall and shear stiffness of beam-column connection are taken into account in the mechanical model. And the equivalent damping between steel plate and boundary is considered. Based on the deformation features of structures and the calculation hypothesis, the lateral stiffness model and the energy dissipation model of structures are developed. Meanwhile, the calculation equations of elastic ultimate and plastic ultimate of shear strength of structures are set up. The theoretical analysis results inosculate better with the results of experiment. The comparison between the result calculated from the formula and the experimental result shows that the calculation precision is high enough to meet the demand of theoretical analysis. The difference, including equivalent model, stress states, manufacturing defect and installation error, between the formula and the experiment has been further discussed.  相似文献   

Combined with the design practice in foundation excavation engineering,the problems for combined supporting from inner supports and composite soil nailing wall under binary geological conditions,including soil layers and rock stratum with weak intercalation in range of excavation depth,are analyzed.These problems mainly include the following: calculation model of earthen pressure,the local bearing capacity of foundations below steel pipe piles,stiffness coordination at the junction of rigid and flexible supports,internal bracing stability influencd by restrained condition of upright post,etc.Problems of concern for design of similar foundation pit supports are pointed out,and measures for solving these problems are proposed.All these can provide references for similar projects.  相似文献   

The strain-stress curve and the stress intensity factor are carried out using the machine MTS for Magnesium alloy AM50.Energy release rates(G)are evaluated based on the virtual crack closure technique and Griffith potential energy.Based on the relationship between Energy release rate(G)and stress intensity factor(K).And then stress intensity factor(K) is got.Comparison of stress intensity factors(K) of between the calculated values and experimental values is made,showing that they are in good agreement.  相似文献   

硅钾镁肥配比对水稻产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在氮、磷固定的条件下,采用农业部推广的硅钾镁“3414”肥料设计进行多点试验,完善平衡配套施肥方案,建立不同品种的硅、钾、镁施用纯量与产量的效应函数模型,以期为寒地增产保优合理施肥提供科学依据。结果表明:不同品种的硅、钾、镁施用纯量与产量的效应函数模型不同;缺硅、缺钾、缺镁对水稻产量及产量构成因素的影响不同,同一地点不同品种对缺素表现出了相同的规律,钾对产量影响最大,其次是缺硅,影响最小的是镁;‘空育131’、‘垦粳1号’的处理6(Si2K2Mg2)、处理9(Si2K2Mg1)处理10(Si2K2Mg3)、处理13(Si1K2Mg1)产量都较高。‘空育131’处理13(Si1K2Mg1)产量最高为9173.10 kg/hm2;‘垦粳1号’处理9(Si2K2Mg1)产量最高为9162.45 kg/hm2。因此,要做到良种良法配套必须测土并针对品种进行施肥,才能达到高产优质的目的。  相似文献   

为了解马铃薯片的热风干燥特性,以新鲜马铃薯为原料,研究不同装料量、热风温度和切片厚度对马铃薯片热风干燥特性的影响,并建立热风干燥动力学模型。试验结果表明:热风温度、切片厚度和装料量均显著影响马铃薯片的热风干燥特性,热风温度越高,切片厚度越薄,马铃薯片的干燥速率越快,干燥时间越短;马铃薯片热风干燥过程无明显的恒速阶段,主要以降速干燥为主。通过对6种动力学模型拟合发现,Wang-Singh模型具有较高的决定系数R2和较低的卡方(χ2),试验值和模型预测值能较好地吻合,该模型能够准确地表达和预测马铃薯片热风干燥过程的水分变化规律。  相似文献   

Super-servicing reinforced concrete poles (RCP) which come from a road section in a power grid, including six pole shafts and six specimens with a mid-span steel joint, were selected as samples to conduct a flexural strength test, in which three shafts and three poles with steel joint in the middle span were strengthened by CFRP in the longitudinal direction. The mechanical behavior and failure mechanism under different CFRP layers pasted were comparatively studied. Based on the measured test data, the calculation methods of strength and stiffness were investigated, and the mathematical expression of stiffness degradation mechanism was proposed. The result shows that the final failure mode of CFRP strengthened poles is the local bond failure between CFRP material and the external concrete, and the longitudinal CFRP is snapped. The process of damage is rapid and brittleness. The mean strain of cross-section is in accord with the assumption of plane cross-section. The strength degradation of shaft specimens without strengthened is throughly serious. As for the strengthened poles, the bearing capacity and stiffness under each forcing stage are improved with different levels. The damage of strengthened specimens develops faster and more intensive than that of none-strengthened ones. When multi-aspects are synthetically considered, there is a suggestion that double layers of CFRP should be pasted along the longitudinal in the joint of the site within a certain distance, and the single layer of CFRP should be adopted in the shaft.  相似文献   

玉米生长发育及生理特征对水分胁迫的感应关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以贵州优质高产玉米黔玉22为研究材料,在土壤肥力和环境条件一致的前提下,研究和分析了玉米生育特性及生理特征对不同水分胁迫程度的感应关系。结果表明:水分胁迫对玉米的生长发育影响很大,在中度干旱条件下,叶片脯氨酸含量增多,细胞膜透性增加,导致叶片光合作用、硝酸还原酶活性和叶绿素含量降低,单株最大叶面积、叶片数和干物质积累量相对减少,玉米生长缓慢,生育进程推迟;随着水分胁迫程度的加剧和持续,玉米生长发育严重受阻,无法进行生殖发育,叶片脯氨酸含量持续增多,细胞膜透性进一步增加,叶片光合作用及硝酸还原酶活性进一步减弱,差异达到1%极显著水平。  相似文献   

The inelastic dynamic response analysis program for frame-shear wall structures developed by the authors is introduced firstly, in which the multi-vertical-line-element model was adopted for shear walls and the refined single-component model was used for beams and columns in frame.By analyzing three-story structural models tested in shaking-table in a famous foreign research institute, the validity of the modeling of shear wall in the program was verified. The analytical results indicate that the inelastic dynamic responseof shear walls under random ground motion input can be predicted effectively withthe program. Finally, with the preliminary discussion of some key points in modeling of shear wall, some suggestions areput forward for further improving and refining the multi-vertical-line-element model.  相似文献   

余广兰 《中国农学通报》2015,31(17):151-155
闽清县耕地土壤有78.3%属缺镁水平。为探索施镁肥对农作物增产效果,以农用氢氧化镁为供试肥料,选用本地区种植面积较大、对镁元素敏感的白菜、晚稻两作物进行田间试验,分别按镁肥用量不同设5个水平,氢氧化镁肥全部采用全层基施。结果表明,施用镁肥均不同程度提高了水稻分蘖期与齐穗期叶绿素含量。适宜用量范围内,施用氢氧化镁均提高了白菜、晚稻产量,其中白菜、晚稻分别以氢氧化镁用量225、120kg/hm2增产效果最佳,分别增幅12.7%与9.1%,经济效益分别增效12423.9、1410元/hm2。但晚稻用量超过120kg/hm2,产量显著下降。在最高产量下的施镁肥水平,与CK相比,种植白菜与晚稻田块土壤有效镁分别增加14.3与11.3mg/kg。在土壤有效镁基本相当条件下,晚稻对镁肥较白菜表现敏感,过多反而减产。总之,闽清县在白菜与晚稻上施用氢氧化镁,既增产增收又能提高土壤有效镁的含量,促进耕地养分平衡,但需掌握合理用量。  相似文献   

茶叶真空微波干燥特性及动力学模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对茶叶微波真空干燥特性的研究,得到了茶叶干燥过程中微波功率、真空度对茶叶水分影响情况。根据茶叶水分变化规律,探讨了不同微波功率、真空度下时间和茶叶湿基含水率之间的关系,分析了并建立了茶叶干燥的3种干燥模型(单项扩散模型、Page模型和指数模型),试验结果表明,茶叶微波真空干燥的动力学模型满足Page方程,为绿茶加工生产提供理论依据和科学指导。  相似文献   

为分析氮磷钾肥料配施对甜瓜Vc的影响,通过采用3因素5水平二次正交旋转组合设计,研究N、P、K配施对甜瓜果实中Vc含量的影响,构建了肥料配施的数学模型,并对最佳施肥量、单因子效应及互作效应进行分析。结果表明:N与P、N与K、P与K之间存在明显的互作效应,且适宜的施肥配比可以提高果实中Vc的含量。分析认为,当N、P、K配比为,即氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)用量分别为157.5、77.4、260.38 kg/hm2时,甜瓜果实中Vc的含量可达25.32 mg/100 g。  相似文献   

Using the software, ABAQUS, accurate simulations of seismic behavior of 2 coupled wall specimens and 2 cantilever structure wall specimens using high performance fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) in plastic hinge under quasi static cyclic loading were carried out. The analysis model proves to be effective with the accordance between results of computation and experiment, then it can be used to analyze the seismic behavior of coupled wall system with FRC coupling beams. By using the verified numerical model, the ability of FRC coupling beams instead of RC coupling beams to provide acceptable performance was discussed. In addition, the impact of coupling ratio on seismic behavior of coupled walls was studied. The results show that coupled walls in which FRC coupling beams are used instead of traditional RC beams have good energy dissipation and ductility, and its initial stiffness is increased and stiffness degradation is slow. And as the coupling ratio of coupled wall structures increases, the stiffness and strength increase. But if the coupling ratio is too large, the ductility and energy dissipation capacity will be significantly reduced.  相似文献   

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