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As VVVF (Variable Voltage Variable Frequency) used in the automatic control of aeration brush can realize the best matching of oxygen demand and oxygen supply through changing the revolving velocity of aeration brush in an oxidation ditch, as a result, the energy consuming is reduced in the greatest extent with guaranteed effluent water quality. At the same time, the feasibility and necessity of VVVF in the automatic control of aeration brush is proved. In this paper all ways of the control of aeration brush are introduced in the factual use. The energy saving can be achieved through the control of changing frequency in the automatic control ways of computer system.  相似文献   

The present status of water environment in three gorges area of Yangtze River is analyzed in this paper.The importance to enhance water environment protection and ecology environment protection in Three Gorges area of Yangtze River is also discussed in this paper. Some suggestions about water environment protection and ecology environment protection in Three Gorges of Yangtze River are also provided . Finally, the environment constructional targets to let clear water mirror on Three Gorges area of Yangtze River again are put forward.  相似文献   

依据WTO规则和新疆独特的自然生态条件,明确提出新疆棉花环境保护计划内容。通过在国内外多地实地考察调研,并与相关人员交流,同时查询相关文献资料(含统计数据、网上信息和政府文件等),了解WTO棉花补贴规则和新疆水资源、风沙、土壤盐碱化以及病虫草害等特点。新疆棉花环境保护计划包括新疆生态水供给、土地荒漠化治理、土壤改良和病虫草害生态防治四项内容,并阐述各项目设立理由与具体方案。为避免黄箱政策补贴引发的国际贸易纠纷,作者认为在新疆开展棉花环境保护计划行动十分必要,但由于WTO对环境保护补贴有明确的前置条件,再加上我国棉花环境保护补贴存在总量控制的现实问题,因而在落实环境保护计划方案时,应把环境保护计划与WTO 的其它补贴规则作为一个整体统筹考虑。  相似文献   

The application of membrane separation technology in water and wastewater field is introduced in this paper. It is demonstrated that membrane separation technology is the future of the development of water and wastewater treatment, as well as water industry, compared with conventional treatment methods from three aspects: technology, economy and operation and management, the relative priority of the membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

针对中国农村分布分散、资金短缺,缺乏污水处理专业人员,而农村污水处理又是亟待解决的环境问题这一现状,笔者研究升流式厌氧生物滤池(UAF)与温室型人工湿地组合工艺低气温下处理农村生活污水的运行特点及效果。结果表明:UAF的最佳水力停留时间(HRT)为12 h,容积负荷0.632~0.936 kg/(m3?d),COD的平均去除率为56%,室外气温在-5~10℃(冬春),温室型人工湿地的最佳HRT为3天,组合工艺COD总去除率平均为75%,BOD5总去除率平均达到84%,SS总去除率平均不低于93%,氨氮总去除率平均为63%,TP总去除率平均为46%,出水水质除TP外均满足GB 18918-2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》1级B标准。该工艺具有低能耗、低投资、低运行费用、运行维护简单等优点,适合作为农村生活污水的处理工艺推广使用。  相似文献   

It's more complex to program drainage plan in mountainous city .Now there are some changes in Chongqing, one of these changes is treatment wastewater from natural water sections to few centralized area. In this paper systems theory is adopted and many factors are combined with such as technology, economics, society and politics to discuss drainage project in main districts of Chongqing and draw a conclusion as the argument result. So the article suggests that it is necessary to collegiate argumentation with different point of views, differents subjects and different ranges. And it must be assured by law procedure.  相似文献   

膜分离技术及其在农产品加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了膜分离技术的原理、特点和发展,以及膜分离技术在农产品加工业中的应用情况,展望了膜分离技术在我国农产品加工业中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Being established in the thought of environment dredging, the crafts flow of water jet airlift dredging and treating of surplus water as well as circle using of mud polluted have been analysed following the status in quo of pollution of the fiver and reservoir. Definitely, it has been pointed out that the total of mud will be reduced with the technique of dehydration so as to reduce the volume of mud stack. At the same ring the surplus water. The mud which had been treated can be time, it will be reduced for pollution secondly by treaused as soil of fiver or gardens or road for the recycle. Then, the parameter and efficiency of production in HuaXi river valley integration treating project have been expatiated particularly in environment dredging. It indicates the new way for environment dredging in river and reservoir at the mountainous area.  相似文献   

The background of a west communication science & technology project whose topic is structural model and cargo-handling technology of the quay with high amplitude of water level in Lantsang is introduced, and its main research content, research of key technology and main findings are introduced too. Three types of structural model and cargo-handling technology which can be applied perfectly in Lantsang are put forward. The structural models include beam and slab structure with pillar supported, box bridge crane structure and reinforced earth structure, the cargo-handling technologies include vertical fixed crane technology, bridge crane technology and movable simple crane technology. Some findings have been applied in the supporting engineering-Menglun harbor.  相似文献   

“保护水源”并“发展经济”是北京密云水源保护区实现持续发展的目标,探寻保护区适宜的生态经济发展模式具有重要的意义。通过层次性、时序性的分析方法。对北京密云水源保护区的生态经济模式从点到面、由深到表进行了深入分析,明确了保护区生态经济模式的层次结构与时序安排,首先采用不同的生态经济技术措施对影响其生态环境的因素进行根本性的解决;之后调整大的农业种养结构。使第一层次的各种技术措施实施于第一产业的物质、能量输出之中;继续调整产业结构,发展生态休闲产业,予生态环境保护于高层次产业输出之中;同时配合改造保护区村镇的基础设施建设,将环境治理、环境美化、产业发展有效融为一体。由此总结出北京密云水源保护区适宜的生态经济模式分别是“以水环境保护为主要内容的生态治理与生态恢复模式”、“以保护区资源利用为主要内容的生态农业技术传播模式”、“以保护区生态休闲为主要内涵的产业经济增长模式”。  相似文献   

为有效解除"旋耕播种镇压一体机"组件镇压辊在滚动过程中与表层土壤挤压形成的"鱼鳞状"板结,提升小麦抗逆节本播种保苗关键技术。通过制定技术方案,在重粘、轻粘及中壤土质的田间试验与示范,研制开发出了由支架、调节构件和疏松构件三部分组成的"小麦播种过程板结疏松装置",经播种期降雨较多年份的试用,可有效破除播种过程板结,为苗全、苗齐、苗壮提供了良好的表土微生境,符合农艺技术要求;该装置具有与"旋耕播种镇压一体机"安装拆卸简捷,生产成本低、作业效率高及机手易操作等特点。该项研究进一步完善了"旋耕播种镇压一体机"的结构与功能,拓宽了土壤适种期,为小麦抗逆节本播种保苗提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

嗜酸乳杆菌发酵乳饮料是一种营养丰富且具有保健功能的乳饮料。对嗜酸乳杆菌发酵乳饮料的生产工艺及其稳定性进行了研究。通过正交试验确定出稳定剂的最佳配方用量是:CMC0.2%,果胶0.3%,柠檬酸钠0.05%或CMC0.1%,果胶0.3%,三聚磷酸钠0.1%,柠檬酸钠0.1%。考察了不同均质压力对产品的沉淀率和口感的影响,并对不同均质压力下产品的颗粒分布进行了测试,确定了最佳均质压力为15~20MPa。测定出活菌型产品在温度4℃下贮藏18d,产品中嗜酸乳杆菌的活菌数大于1×106cfu/mL。  相似文献   

The anaerobic granular sludge was inoculated in an anaerobic reactor, and the simulated wastewater containing glucose and nitrite was used to analyse the process of methanogenesis and dennitrication. The results showed that while the loading rate of COD was increased from 1.5 to 10.5 kg·m-3·d-1 and that of NO2- -N from 0.15 to 1.05 kg·m-3·d-1 during the 50 d operation ofof the reactor, the removal efficiencies of COD and NO2- -N reached more than 80% and 98%, respectively. The reactor was used to treat the animal manure. The removal efficiency of COD was increased from 50% to 80% and that of NO2- -N reached more than 98%, while the loading rate of COD increased from 2 to 7 kg·m-3·d-1, and NO2- -N from 0.2 to 0.7 kg·m-3·d-1. Therefore, the results indicated that it was possible to remove bots nitrogen and organic matter of the animal manure through denitrification and methanogenesis process in the same reactor.  相似文献   

During the geologic disaster treatment process of Yangtze Rive Three-Gorges, the construction firm thinks over more is the traffic safety of the key footpath and the safety of citizens in town. Moreover, as the famous key point of interest all over the world, in Yangtze River Three-Gorges, where the protection and construction of humanization landscape has been neglected. The essential of this paper is the landscape character of Yangtze Rive gorge, and brings forward many actualize methods for fathering the geologic disaster of Yangtze River Three-Gorges. Such as occultation, amalgamations, constructing the emphases sight, emerging the humanization landscape, all of which will realize the protection and construction of humanization landscape.  相似文献   

综述了超高压处理技术在食品加工中的应用概况,茶浓缩汁生产加工中面临的问题,以及超高压处理对食品微生物和品质生化成分的影响,并据此分析了超高压处理技术应用于绿茶浓缩汁加工的可行性。  相似文献   

不同有机肥施用量对空心菜的产量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过无公害栽培技术中不同施肥量对空心菜的产量及品质的影响进行研究,得出结论:在实验条件下,施用中量有机肥(15000kg/hm2)对空心菜的长势,前期生长、及产量增产作用最大,增长最显著。而过量施用有机肥(22500kg/hm2)、施用有机肥低(7500kg/hm2)增产作用不明显。从一个生长期来看,不同施肥量引起硝态氮含量变化无明显规律性,从整个生长周期来看,硝态氮在植株中的含量呈一个由少到多,之后又变少的过程,但都低于国家标准(小于等于3000mg/kg,GB/T5009.33-1996)。在此次试验施肥量范围内Vc含量变化不明显。  相似文献   

植入乌龙茶初制工艺改进夏秋名特绿茶品质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对用夏秋季茶鲜叶加工的名特绿茶苦涩味重、收敛性强、香气清淡和综合品质较差的问题,开展了夏秋季毛峰茶加工技术研究。采用植入乌龙茶初制的部分工艺,改善了夏秋季毛峰茶品质。提出了夏秋季毛峰茶加工的技术指标和最佳工艺流程。  相似文献   

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