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Light-matter interactions can be controlled by manipulating the photonic environment. We uncovered an optical topological transition in strongly anisotropic metamaterials that results in a dramatic increase in the photon density of states-an effect that can be used to engineer this interaction. We describe a transition in the topology of the iso-frequency surface from a closed ellipsoid to an open hyperboloid by use of artificially nanostructured metamaterials. We show that this topological transition manifests itself in increased rates of spontaneous emission of emitters positioned near the metamaterial. Altering the topology of the iso-frequency surface by using metamaterials provides a fundamentally new route to manipulating light-matter interactions.  相似文献   

An array of single nonmagnetic metallic split rings can be used to implement a magnetic resonance, which arises from an inductor-capacitor circuit (LC) resonance, at 100-terahertz frequency. The excitation of the LC resonance in the normal-incidence geometry used in our experiments occurs through the coupling of the electric field of the incident light to the capacitance. The measured optical spectra of the nanofabricated gold structures come very close to the theoretical expectations. Additional numerical simulations show that our structures exhibit a frequency range with negative permeability for a beam configuration in which the magnetic field couples to the LC resonance. Together with an electric response that has negative permittivity, this can lead to materials with a negative index of refraction.  相似文献   

Negative refraction in metamaterials has generated great excitement in the scientific community. Although negative refraction has been realized in microwave and infrared by using metamaterials and by using two-dimensional waveguide structures, creation of a bulk metamaterial showing negative refraction at visible frequency has not been successful, mainly because of the significant resonance losses and fabrication difficulties. We report bulk metamaterials made of nanowires that show such negative refraction for all incident angles in the visible region. Moreover, the negative refraction occurs far from any resonance, resulting in a low-loss and a broad-band propagation at visible frequencies. These remarkable properties can substantially affect applications such as imaging, three-dimensional light manipulation, and optical communication.  相似文献   

Electrical generation of natural aerosols from vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is suggested that an alternative, or additional, source of the blue haze above heavily forested areas may be the generation of submicrometer-sized wax particles by the action of strong electrical fields at the tips of pine needles and other wax-covered plant surfaces. Exposure of pine needles to high potential gradients results in the production of airborne wax particles with diameters less than 0.6 micrometer.  相似文献   

Terahertz magnetic response from artificial materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We show that magnetic response at terahertz frequencies can be achieved in a planar structure composed of nonmagnetic conductive resonant elements. The effect is realized over a large bandwidth and can be tuned throughout the terahertz frequency regime by scaling the dimensions of the structure. We suggest that artificial magnetic structures, or hybrid structures that combine natural and artificial magnetic materials, can play a key role in terahertz devices.  相似文献   

Engheta N 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2007,317(5845):1698-1702
A form of optical circuitry is overviewed in which a tapestry of subwavelength nanometer-scale metamaterial structures and nanoparticles may provide a mechanism for tailoring, patterning, and manipulating local optical electric fields and electric displacement vectors in a subwavelength domain, leading to the possibility of optical information processing at the nanometer scale. By exploiting the optical properties of metamaterials, these nanoparticles may play the role of "lumped" nanocircuit elements such as nanoinductors, nanocapacitors, and nanoresistors, analogous to microelectronics. I show that this concept of metamaterial-inspired nanoelectronics ("metactronics") can bring the tools and mathematical machinery of the circuit theory into optics, may link the fields of optics, electronics, plasmonics, and metamaterials, and may provide road maps to future innovations in nanoscale optical devices, components, and more intricate nanoscale metamaterials.  相似文献   

Molecular electronic states energetically below the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) should contribute to laser-driven high harmonic generation (HHG), but this behavior has not been observed previously. Our measurements of the HHG spectrum of N2 molecules aligned perpendicular to the laser polarization showed a maximum at the rotational half-revival. This feature indicates the influence of electrons occupying the orbital just below the N2 HOMO, referred to as the HOMO-1. Such observations of lower-lying orbitals are essential to understanding subfemtosecond/subangstrom electronic motion in laser-excited molecules.  相似文献   

The miniaturization of magnetic devices toward the limit of single atoms calls for appropriate tools to study their magnetic properties. We demonstrate the ability to measure magnetization curves of individual magnetic atoms adsorbed on a nonmagnetic metallic substrate with use of a scanning tunneling microscope with a spin-polarized tip. We can map out low-energy magnetic interactions on the atomic scale as evidenced by the oscillating indirect exchange between a Co adatom and a nanowire on Pt(111). These results are important for the understanding of variations that are found in the magnetic properties of apparently identical adatoms because of different local environments.  相似文献   

In principle, the temporal beating of superposed high harmonics obtained by focusing a femtosecond laser pulse in a gas jet can produce a train of very short intensity spikes, depending on the relative phases of the harmonics. We present a method to measure such phases through two-photon, two-color photoionization. We found that the harmonics are locked in phase and form a train of 250-attosecond pulses in the time domain. Harmonic generation may be a promising source for attosecond time-resolved measurements.  相似文献   

Class II-independent generation of CD4 memory T cells from effectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Swain SL  Hu H  Huston G 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1999,286(5443):1381-1383
The factors required for the generation of memory CD4 T cells remain unclear, and whether there is a continuing requirement for antigen stimulation is critical to design of vaccine strategies. CD4 effectors generated in vitro from na?ve CD4 T cells of mice efficiently gave rise to small resting memory cells after transfer to class II-deficient hosts, indicating no requirement for further antigen or class II recognition.  相似文献   

A shaped, magnetic ceramic was obtained from a metal-containing polymer network, which was synthesized by thermal polymerization of a metal-containing organosilicon monomer. Pyrolysis of a cylinder, shape, or film of the metal-containing polymer precursor produced a low-density magnetic ceramic replica in high yield. The magnetic properties of the shaped ceramic could be tuned between a superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic state by controlling the pyrolysis conditions, with the particular state dependent on the size of iron nanoclusters homogeneously dispersed throughout the carbosilane-graphitic-silicon nitride matrix. These results indicate that cross-linked metal-containing polymers may be useful precursors to ceramic monoliths with tailorable magnetic properties.  相似文献   

蛋壳残留溶菌酶的磁性亲和分离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用包埋法制备了具有磁响应性能的几丁质凝胶亲和吸附介质,并对其颗粒表观结构、吸附特性等物化特性进行了分析.试验表明:介质中的Fe3O4颗粒对杂蛋白存在非特异性吸附,而含醋酸铵的磷酸盐缓冲液的充分洗涤可有效消除非特异性吸附.利用此介质所建立的方法对蛋壳清洗液中的溶菌酶进行了分离.结果表明:通过外加磁场可快速地实现亲和吸附介质与粘稠清洗液及其中蛋壳碎片和泥沙等固形物杂质的分离,大大简化了操作步骤,酶活力回收可达26%,纯化酶对蛋白的比活性为50894U/mg,经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳显示单一条酶蛋白带.  相似文献   

A single cesium atom trapped within the mode of an optical cavity is used to generate single photons on demand. The photon wave packets are emitted as a Gaussian beam with temporal profile and repetition rate controlled by external driving fields. Each generation attempt is inferred to succeed with a probability near unity, whereas the efficiency for creating an unpolarized photon in the total cavity output is 0.69 +/- 0.10, as limited by passive cavity losses. An average of 1.4 x 10(4) photons are produced by each trapped atom. These results constitute an important step in quantum information science, for example, toward the realization of distributed quantum networking.  相似文献   

生物质能发电技术现状与展望   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
文章综述了物质燃烧发电、生物质气化发电、沼气工程发电等生物质能发电技术及其发展现状和存在的问题。生物质能发电技术的加速发展,实现了大量废弃生物质能的利用。在我国电力短缺的条件下,生物质能发电将有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

测定了稻褐飞虱广西田间种群(F1)以及田间种群在室内感虫品种TN1苗上连续繁殖两代(F2和F3)的致害性。结果发现,F1代以生物型2为主,R代中生物型1和生物型3个体占优势,R代以生物型3及其它生物型为主。不同的接虫顺序对鉴定结果无明显影响。  相似文献   

During its first flyby of Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft measured the planet's near-equatorial magnetic field. The field strength is consistent to within an estimated uncertainty of 10% with that observed near the equator by Mariner 10. Centered dipole solutions yield a southward planetary moment of 230 to 290 nanotesla RM3 (where RM is Mercury's mean radius) tilted between 5 degrees and 12 degrees from the rotation axis. Multipole solutions yield non-dipolar contributions of 22% to 52% of the dipole field magnitude. Magnetopause and tail currents account for part of the high-order field, and plasma pressure effects may explain the remainder, so that a pure centered dipole cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Magnetic field records at the earth's surface contain the effects of a variety of different source currents flowing in outer space. During the last decade, several computational techniques for the use of magnetometer data have been proposed to obtain the global pattern of the electric fields and currents and Joule heating in the ionosphere. The numerical algorithm has now been enormously improved, such that simultaneous more direct or in situ measurements by satellites and radars can be incorporated into the scheme. In particular, owing to recent progress in satellite-viewed auroral images, it is possible to estimate "instantaneous" patterns of the ionospheric electrodynamic quantities over the entire polar region with a time resolution of several minutes. This report demonstrates that, contrary to our conventional views, large ionospheric currents can flow in regions of low auroral activity.  相似文献   

Magnetometer data acquired by the MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit about Mercury permit the separation of internal and external magnetic field contributions. The global planetary field is represented as a southward-directed, spin-aligned, offset dipole centered on the spin axis. Positions where the cylindrical radial magnetic field component vanishes were used to map the magnetic equator and reveal an offset of 484 ± 11 kilometers northward of the geographic equator. The magnetic axis is tilted by less than 3° from the rotation axis. A magnetopause and tail-current model was defined by using 332 magnetopause crossing locations. Residuals of the net external and offset-dipole fields from observations north of 30°N yield a best-fit planetary moment of 195 ± 10 nanotesla-R(M)(3), where R(M) is Mercury's mean radius.  相似文献   

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