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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay could be used to detect Eperythrozoon wenyoni in the blood of cattle. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 95 cattle from various herds in Alabama and Georgia and 96 bulls enrolled in Auburn University's Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association Bull Test program. PROCEDURE: Blood samples were collected by means of venipuncture of the median caudal vein and submitted for a CBC and PCR assay. Blood smears were made immediately after blood collection and examined by means of light microscopy. RESULTS: Three of 95 cattle from herds in Alabama and Georgia and 5 of 96 bulls enrolled in the Bull Test program had positive PCR assay results. Organisms were seen in blood smears from only 5 of these 8 animals. Organisms were not seen in blood smears from any animals for which results of the PCR assay were negative. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that a PCR assay may be an effective method for detecting E wenyoni infection in cattle and that the PCR assay may be a more sensitive test than evaluation of blood smears.  相似文献   

Beef cattle from a herd in north Alabama were examined because of an outbreak of nonfatal skin disease characterized by discrete circumscribed areas of inflammation that developed on the skin from the neck to the hips. Areas of inflammation, which tended to be superficial, underwent necrosis and scabbed over. The scabs eventually dropped off leaving discrete, round, whitish, hairless lesions that were 1.2 to 2.5 cm diameter. Because clinical signs were consistent with those expected with pseudo-lumpy skin disease (PLSD) caused by bovine herpesvirus type 2 (BHV-2), samples from 16 representative animals were submitted for BHV-2 testing. All 16 animals were seropositive for BHV-2, but the virus could not be isolated from skin biopsy specimens or buffy coat samples. Results of a polymerase chain reaction assay incorporating primers designed to amplify 2 DNA sequences from BHV-2 were positive for 3 of the 10 cattle, suggesting that skin lesions in these cattle were a result of PLSD. Our findings suggest that PLSD may be more common and widespread in the United States than suggested by the frequency with which BHV-2 has been isolated from cattle with PLSD-like skin lesions.  相似文献   

Use of polymerase chain reaction to detect latent channel catfish virus.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect an economically important herpesvirus, channel catfish virus (CCV). A segment of the viral DNA was sequenced and oligonucleotide primers were produced from that sequence. After the primers were tested for the possibility of hybridization to catfish DNA, they were used to prime the polymerase chain reaction, using pure CCV DNA, CCV DNA added to catfish DNA, and DNA from catfish infected and not infected with CCV. In all cases, the method proved to be simple and sensitive in its detection by CCV DNA. When catfish DNA was present, less than 0.1 pg of CCV DNA was detectable. Channel catfish virus DNA in a latent carrier of CCV was readily detectable.  相似文献   

奶牛新孢子虫病PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据已发表的新孢子虫(N.caninum)Nc-5基因序列设计合成了1对特异性引物,建立了检测新孢子虫PCR方法。从新孢子虫ELISA检测抗体阳性奶牛血液中提取DNA,用PCR方法对新孢子虫基因组DNA进行扩增,并对扩增产物进行克隆及序列测定,证明其可靠性。结果显示,扩增的目的片段大小为350bp,扩增产物经MspⅠ酶切为218bp和132bp2条片段,与预期结果一致;序列分析表明,本试验扩增的Nc-5基因片段与GenBank发表的其他新孢子虫Nc-5基因序列同源性为99.6%~95.4%;通过敏感性、特异性、重复性试验证明,该方法具有特异、灵敏、快速、准确、可靠的优点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV) is vertically transmitted in naturally infected dairy cattle. Twenty-two dam/calf pairs from a Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station dairy were the study group. Blood samples were collected following delivery of calves, the peripheral blood leukocytes were purified from these samples, and the leukocyte DNA was used in polymerase chain reactions targeting the pol gene region of the BIV provirus. Southern blotting and hybridization were used to confirm the BIV specificity of the amplified fragments. BIV provirus was detected in 14 of 22 calves (64%), demonstrating vertical transmission. Eight of the calves were disqualified from the final interpretation of transplacental transfer because they may have nursed their mothers prior to blood collection, allowing the possibility of lactogenic transfer of the virus. Transplacental transmission of BIV was identified in 6 of 22 calves (27%).  相似文献   

The early diagnosis of bovine leukosis virus (BLV) infection, the aetiological agent in enzootic bovine leukosis, is important for the implementation of control measures. BLV infection is currently assessed by the detection of circulating antibodies against the viral envelope protein, gp51. However, this approach has shortcomings in the time taken to detect anti-BLV antibodies (three to four weeks after infection), and in the failure to detect antibodies in some animals. Clearly a technique such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which directly detects the presence of viral DNA, has advantages over methods designed to measure host antibodies. The use of PCR for the detection of proviral DNA in an affected DNA sample with as little as 10(-5) micrograms of host DNA using agarose gel electrophoresis followed by ethidium bromide staining is described here. It was possible to improve the sensitivity of this assay by using hybridisation analysis with a BLV gene probe. PCR used in combination with hybridisation analysis will provide a sensitive diagnostic assay to detect BLV when antibody tests give weakly positive or equivocal results.  相似文献   

Enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma is a contagious respiratory disease in goats that is caused by the enzootic nasal tumor virus 2 (ENTV-2). In order to increase the number of available detection methods for ENTV-2, we developed a SYBR Green real-time polymerase chain reaction (SGrPCR) assay that targets the gag gene of ENTV-2. The low limit of detection of the assay was 3.68 × 101 copies/μL, a hundredfold more sensitive than conventional PCR. The melt curve showed a single sharp melt peak at 83°C, which indicated that there was no non-specific amplification or primer dimer formation. The intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 1.58% and 1.82%, respectively. There was no cross-reactivity with closely related goat viruses (i.e., orf virus, peste des petits ruminants virus, goatpox virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus) and endogenous retroviruses. In conclusion, the SGrPCR assay is specific for the gag gene of ENTV-2 and provides a rapid and sensitive approach for detecting ENTV-2 in clinical samples.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that detects and differentiates the Ohio strain of Haemobartonella felis (H. felis-OH) and the California strain of H. felis (H. felis-CA) and to apply the assay to blood samples from cats with and without suspected haemobartonellosis (suspect and control cats, respectively). SAMPLE POPULATION: 220 blood samples were examined; 82 were from suspect cats, and 138 were from control cats. PROCEDURE: A PCR assay was designed to detect and differentiate H. felis-OH and H. felis-CA. RESULTS: On the basis of PCR assay results, the overall prevalence of H. felis infection was 19.5% (43/220). Suspect cats (28.0%; 23/82) were significantly more likely than control cats (14.5%; 20/138) to be H. felis infected. Significantly greater numbers of suspect cats were H. felis-OH infected (12.2%, 9/82) or H. felis-OH and H. felis-CA infected (4.9%, 4/82) than control cats (0% [0/138] and 0.7% [1/138], respectively). Significantly more anemic cats were H. felis-OH infected (14.3%; 4/28) or H. felis-OH and H. felis-CA infected (7.1%; 2/28) than nonanemic cats (2.3% [3/128] and 0.8% [1/128], respectively). The PCR assay was more accurate than cytologic examination for detection of H. felis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Haemobartonella felis infections are more common in cats than previously recognized. Haemobartonella felis-OH is apparently more pathogenic than H. felis-CA. The PCR assay is more accurate than cytologic examination for detection of H. felis infection and is an effective clinical tool for the detection and differentiation of both H. felis strains known to infect cats.  相似文献   

Six cattle persistently infected with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) and seronegative, and two control, virus negative seropositive cattle were inoculated with lymphocytes infected with bovine leukosis virus (BLV). The two controls produced a normal immune response to BLV, developing antibodies at four and five weeks after inoculation. Two of the six cattle persistently infected with BVDV developed a strong antibody response by six weeks after inoculation with BLV. Four developed a depressed response to BLV, characterised in three by a 'hooking' reaction in the immunodiffusion test which persisted in successive bleedings but was interspersed occasionally by a weak positive reaction. In one of these animals, a series of 'hooking' reactions was followed by a number of negative results. The fourth animal remained serologically negative until 16 weeks after inoculation when a 'hooking' reaction was observed followed by a series of negative results. BLV was isolated from all the cattle persistently infected with BVDV at 42 or 58 weeks after inoculation regardless of whether the serum samples gave negative, 'hooking', weak positive or positive reactions in the immunodiffusion test. BLV was consistently isolated from the nasal secretions of a steer which was BVDV negative but seropositive. The possibility of decreased immune responsiveness to BLV in animals persistently infected with BVDV should be considered when formulating regulations governing the testing of animals for freedom from BLV.  相似文献   

Two groups of cows infected with the bovine leukosis virus (BLV) were kept on two different diets and the fat content of their milk was assayed. The results were compared with those obtained from two comparable groups of BLV-free cows. The cows in each group were of similar ages, those in the groups on the poorer diet being 1–4 months post partum, while those on the richer diet were 5–7 months post partum. The mean percentage of fat in the milk from uninfected cows on the poorer diet was 2.94 while that from the similar infected cattle was 3.06. Uninfected cows on the richer diet produced milk containing 3.39% fat, while those that were infected produced milk containing 3.30% fat. No statistical differences in milk fat production were observed between the BLV seropositive and seronegative cows.  相似文献   

We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique to detect bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections in cattle. Of 120 cattle screened in this study, 29 were scored positive for BVDV with both PCR and conventional virus isolation. Ninety cattle were negative in both assays. One cow was scored positive for BVDV with the PCR but was negative with virus isolation. In dilution experiments PCR analysis was at least 10 times more sensitive than BVDV isolation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a blocking ELISA for detection of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) antibodies that is comparable to a radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP) assay, to evaluate use of this ELISA for identification of BLV-infected herds, and to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for direct diagnosis of infection with BLV. SAMPLE POPULATION: Serum samples and pooled bulk-tank milk samples from cattle. PROCEDURE: The blocking ELISA was developed, using BLV gp51 as antigen, captured by a selected bovine polyclonal serum. A nested PCR was conducted with primers specific for a segment of the pol region of the BLV genome. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA were comparable to those of the RIP assay. Use of the ELISA on pooled milk samples allowed identification of herds in which prevalence of BLV infection among lactating cows was as low as 2.5%. Pooled milk samples from BLV-free herds did not react in the ELISA. All cattle that had positive results for the nested PCR had BLV antibodies, but cattle with consistantly low antibody titers required examination of sequential DNA samples to detect viral sequences. None of the 63 antibody-negative cattle had positive results for the PCR. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This ELISA is a highly specific and sensitive assay for the detection of BLV antibodies in serum and milk samples of cattle. Examination of pooled milk samples with the ELISA provides a reliable, practical, and economic procedure for identification of BLV-infected herds. The nested PCR also constitutes a specific procedure for direct diagnosis of infection with BLV.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for the detection of duck virus enteritis (DVE) virus in tissues of infected and affected ducks, and in cell culture was developed. This required us to obtain specific nucleotide sequence information as we could not find any specific data about the genome of the virus. We found the assay to be highly effective in detecting the virus under experimental conditions and to be easily transferred to laboratories in Vietnam where it is being used in studies on the epidemiology of the disease. We have applied this simple and rapid diagnostic method to the detection of DVE isolates grown in cell culture and tissues from infected birds. The assay was also able to differentiate DVE from other avian herpesviruses, such as Marek's disease, infectious laryngotracheitis virus and goose herpesvirus.  相似文献   

The porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) is an increasingly important cause of decreased swine productivity and is characterized by slow growth, decreased feed efficiency, anorexia, cough, and dyspnea. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is among the most prevalent and important infectious agents associated with PRDC. Understanding of mycoplasmal pneumonia has been hindered by inadequate diagnostic methods. Many of the currently available tests are relatively insensitive or nonspecific when used in a diagnostic laboratory setting or are too costly or difficult for routine diagnostic use. Several polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays have been described, but they are not sensitive enough to detect the microorganisms in live pigs, from either nasal or tracheal swabs. A nested PCR using 2 species-specific sets of primers from the 16S ribosomal DNA gave positive results with as little as 80 microorganisms and did not cross-react with other mycoplasma species or with other microorganisms commonly found in the respiratory tract of pigs. This assay was better suited for detection of M. hyopneumoniae from nasal swabs than was conventional PCR. Nasal swab samples were taken at different time periods following experimental challenge of 10 susceptible pigs. Only 2 of the 55 swabs examined gave a positive result with conventional PCR, whereas 30 of the 55 swabs gave a positive result using the nested PCR. Twenty of 40 (50%) nasal swabs from pigs experiencing a respiratory disease outbreak where M. hyopneumoniae had been diagnosed also gave a positive result with the nested PCR. To confirm that the amplified product was specific, 4 nested PCR products were purified, sequences were determined and aligned, and they were confirmed to be from M. hyopneumoniae.  相似文献   

Antibodies to bovine syncytial virus in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to diagnose goat brucellosis and compare its sensitivity against some of the most commonly used serological and bacteriological techniques. Twenty two female and one male out of 300 clinically healthy, mixed-breed goats were randomly chosen from a ranch located at Marín, Nuevo León, Mexico. Milk and blood samples were taken from each animal and used to obtain both microbiological cultures and DNA of the pathogen, and sera was tested against Rose Bengal antigen (RBT). Results showed that 86% of the blood samples were positive on the PCR test, while 60% were positive on the serological test. The pathogen was isolated from only one blood culture. Sixty four percent of the milk samples were positive on PCR tests, but failed to yield bacteria in culture. Biochemical and PCR specific assay demonstrated that Brucella abortus biovar 1 was associated with the infection. This study demonstrates the higher sensitivity of PCR over RBT and blood culture and its potential towards a rapid identification of Brucella strains.  相似文献   

The use of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) to test for largemouth bass virus (LMBV) was evaluated during a challenge experiment in which largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides were immersed in the type strain of LMBV. The real-time PCR and cell culture methods were both used to measure LMBV present in the inoculum. Additional samples tested by QPCR included gill, gonad, kidney, liver, mucus, spleen, and swim bladder. A plasmid clone containing a 248-base pair (bp) fragment of the major capsid protein gene (MCP*) was serially diluted and used as a standard to quantify the number of LMBV DNA copies present in the samples tested. A 62-bp fragment of DNA located in MCP* was amplified in the real-time PCR assay. This work has demonstrated the value of the QPCR assay in LMBV surveys.  相似文献   

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