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Little is known on the hydrological behavior of the volcanic ash soils, which are characterized by extremely high porosities and hydraulic conductivities. In this study the occurrence and hydrological effects of water repellency were investigated at a plot scale for different types of land use and volcanic soils in Mexican volcanic highlands from Michoacan, Mexico: [1] fir, pine and oak mixed forest soils developed from lavas, [2] soils developed from volcanic ashes and pyroclastic sediments under sparse fir, pine and oak forest and shrubland, [3] pine and oak forested soils developed from lavas and pyroclastic sediments, and [4] bare soils on recent ash sediments in plain surfaces. Soil water repellency was assessed using the water drop penetration time test and rainfall simulations were performed on circular plots (50 cm in diameter) during 30 min and at an intensity of 90 mm h− 1 in order to study the hydrological response of each area. The return period for storms with a similar intensity in the area is 10 years. The shape and depth of the wetting front after simulated rainfall was also analyzed. Soil water repellency showed a high variability among the different studied zones. Organic matter content, soil texture and acidity were the most important factors for developing hydrophobicity. A wide range of soil water repellency classes (hydrophilic to severely water-repellent soils) has been found in soils under dense fir, pine and oak mixed forests or shrubland, while inexistent or slight water repellency has been observed in soils under sparse forest or at bare ash-covered areas. At a plot scale, marked differences in the hydrological behavior of the studied land use and soil zones were observed after the rainfall simulations. Soil water repellency contributes to fast ponding and runoff generation during the first stages of rainstorms. Runoff was enhanced in water-repellent forested soils (average runoff coefficients between 15.7 and 19.9%), in contrast to hydrophilic or slightly water-repellent soils, where runoff rates were lower (between 1.0 and 11.7%). Shallow and irregular wetting fronts were observed at water-repellent zones, reducing the soil water storage capacity. The implications of soil water repellency in soil hydrology and erosion risk in the area shed light on the soil hydrology of the studied ecosystems, and can contribute to develop better management policies.  相似文献   

Climate change is likely to alter decomposition rates through direct effects on soil biotic activity and indirect effects on litter quality with possible impacts on the global carbon budget and nutrient cycling. Currently, there is a need to study the combined effects of climatic drivers and agricultural practises on decomposition.In an in situ litter bag experiment, we studied the effects of rainfall variability (including drought combined with heavy rain pulses as well as regular irrigation) interacting with winter warming and increased winter precipitation and with changes in cutting frequency, on decomposition in a temperate grassland. Litter bags contained mixed and species-specific litter of all different climate and land-use manipulations and were placed within the plots of litter origin. Moreover, we aimed to disentangle the causes of changes in decomposition by investigating two further approaches: Firstly, we studied the effects of changes in leaf chemicals as a result of the manipulations by removing litter from the experiment that has been pre-exposed to the manipulations before placing it on an untreated standard plot outside the experiment. Secondly, we assessed the effects of changes in soil faunal activity by investigating the decomposition of standard material under differing rainfall variability.As a result, decomposition was reduced when litter bags were exposed to drought for six weeks within an 11 months period. Neither additional winter rain nor winter warming had an effect on decomposition, likely because winter warming reduced snow cover and increased variability of surface temperatures. Climate manipulations did not change litter quality. Furthermore, decomposition on the untreated standard plot was not affected by the climate manipulations that the litter was previously exposed to. Thus, reduced decomposition under extreme rainfall variability and drought may mainly be caused by a decrease in soil biotic activity, as indicated by reduced decomposition of standard material during drought.More frequent cutting strongly stimulated decomposition, however, this stimulating effect was absent under extreme rainfall variability including drought. The stimulation of decomposition under more frequent cutting was attributed to changes in litter quality, namely a decrease in C/N ratio. Accordingly, litter from more frequently cut communities decomposed faster on the untreated control plot outside the experiment.Projected increases in drought frequency and increased rainfall variability under climate change may inhibit decomposition and alter nutrient and carbon cycling along with soil quality. Especially decomposition in frequently cut grassland appears vulnerable towards drought.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the most important carbon pool in the terrestrial ecosystem. However, temporal variations in paddy SOC under a temperate continental monsoon climate are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that significant SOC variations occur in meadow soil (MS), black soil (BS) and planosol (PS) paddy soils. Several soil samples were collected from different regions where rice was cultivated for 1, 6, 10, 23 and 40 years for MS samples; for 1, 6, 10, 20 and 35 years for BS samples and 1, 5, 10, 15 and 25 years for PS samples. The total organic carbon (TOC) content and humus organic carbon (HOC) content were found to increase as the rice cultivation duration increased, while the mineralizable organic carbon (MOC) content and carbohydrate organic carbon (COC) content exhibited the opposite trend. The relationships between the relative carbon accumulation (Y) in the three soil types and time (X) were consistent with the following models: YTOC = 0.9973X0.0245, YHOC = 0.9936X0.0457, YMOC = 1.023X−0.073, and YCOC = 1.040X−0.059, describing the temporal variation in the various forms of organic carbon in paddy soils under a temperate continental monsoon climate. The results of this study provide a reference for soil carbon pool management and fertilization management.  相似文献   

The occurence of acid brown soils, podzols and podzolic soils, and the intermediate types of ochreous brown and brown podzolic soils over arenaceous granite in Vosges was closely correlated with the contents of iron rather than with calcium plus magnesium in the parent materials. Acid brown soils were associated with high and podzols and podzolic soils with low contents of iron, the limiting value being near 5 percent. Additional investigations in beech forests of soils derived from a variety of acid rocks indicated that contents of iron and clay in the parent materials controlled the type of humification of litter. With higher contents of iron and clay, humification gave rise to mull. With lower contents, mor or moder was formed. The nature of humification was believed responsible for tilting pedogenesis toward brunification or toward podzolization. In brunification, the clay-iron-humus complexes that are formed tend to be immobile and promote formation of crumbly structure. The “active iron” occurs as films around clay particles and thus links them to humus. In podzolization, on the other hand, the complexes formed are of humus with iron or aluminum but without clay. These are mobile and are translocated downward in profiles to form spodic horizons. The organo-metal complexes in ochreous brown and brown podzolic soils are mobile to only a limited extent. The combined results of these investigations demonstrate that contents of iron and clay rather than calcium in parent materials determine the pathway of pedogenesis from acid rocks under humid, temperate climates.  相似文献   

Chaparral watersheds associated with Mediterranean-type climate are distributed over five regions of the world. Because brushland soils are often shallow with low water holding capacities, and are on slopes prone to erosion, disturbances such as fire can adversely affect their physical properties. Fire can also increase the spatial coverage of soil water repellency, reducing infiltration, and, in turn, increasing overland flow and subsequent erosion. We studied the impacts of fire on soil properties by collecting data before and after a prescribed burn conducted during Spring 2001 on the San Dimas Experimental Forest, southern California. The fire removed the litter layer and destroyed the weak surface soil structure; leaving a thin band of ash and char on top of, and mixed in with, an unstable, granular soil of loose consistency. Median litter thickness and clay content were significantly decreased after fire while soil bulk density increased. At 7 d post-fire, soil surface repellency in the watershed was significantly higher than prior to the burn. At 76 d post-fire, surface soil water repellency was returning to near pre-fire values. At the 2 and 4 cm depths, 7 d post-fire soil repellency was also significantly higher than pre-fire, however, conditions at 76 d post-fire were similar to pre-fire values. Variability in soil water repellency between replicates within a given 15 × 15 cm site was as large as the variability seen between sites over the 1.28 ha watershed. The increase in post-fire persistence of water repellency was largest beneath ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius) as compared to a small increase beneath chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum). However, pre-fire persistence was higher under chamise than for ceanothus. Post-fire changes to soil properties may increase the watershed hydrologic response, however the mosaic distribution of water repellency may lead to a less severe increase in hydrologic response than might be expected for a spatially more homogenous increase in repellency.  相似文献   

The distribution and variation with soil depth of water repellency has been studied in fire-affected sand dunes under three different vegetation types (pine forest, shrubland and sparse herbaceous vegetation) in SW Spain. The persistence and intensity of water repellency at the exposed surface of soil was measured using the water drop penetration time test and the contact angle method, respectively, in surface samples (0–3 cm) collected at burned and unburned areas. The variation of water repellency with depth in burned areas was studied in soil profiles every 5 cm between 0 and 40 cm depth. None or slight soil water repellency was observed at unburned soil sites, whereas burned soil sites showed a high degree of repellency, especially under pines and shrubland. The spatial pattern of fire-induced soil water repellency was found to be associated to vegetation types, although it was modulated by soil acidity and the soil organic carbon content. Soil water repellency was generally higher at the soil surface, and decreased with depth. Dense pine forests and shrublands showed strong and/or severe water repellency in depth, but it was rare and limited to the first five centimeters under sparse herbaceous vegetation. The heterogeneity of moisture patterns under dense pine forests or shrublands showed the existence of wetting and water repellent three-dimensional soil patches.  相似文献   

盐渍化农田土壤斥水性与理化性质的空间变异性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭丽俊  李毅  李敏  任鑫  朱德兰 《土壤学报》2011,48(2):275-285
通过对新疆玛纳斯县盐渍化土壤三个不同尺度(间距分别为50 m、5 m及0.5 m)的284个样点取样分析测定,采用经典统计学、空间自相关、地统计学和分形理论对土壤斥水性与理化性质进行空间格局分析。结果表明:1)土壤斥水性和pH符合正态分布,其余土壤属性符合对数正态分布。三尺度下土壤各属性绝大多数表现为中等变异水平。2)三尺度下土壤各属性的Moran s I系数变化具有相似性,在-0.8~0.6范围内波动。3)三尺度下土壤各属性的半方差函数理论模型大多数能用球状模型来拟合。4)在一定范围内,土壤各属性具有一定的分形特征,分形维数变化幅度为1.75~1.96。分析表明不同尺度下土壤斥水性与理化性质具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

An understanding of the relation between soil water repellency (SWR) and soil moisture is a prerequisite of water‐flow modelling in water‐repellent soil. Here, the relation between SWR and soil moisture was investigated with intact cores of soil taken from three types of soil with different particle‐size distributions. The SWR was measured by a sessile drop contact angle (CA) during drying at soil pF values that ranged from ?∞ to 4.2. From the measured CA, the work of adhesion (Wa) was calculated and its relation with the pF‐value was explored. Mixed modelling was applied to evaluate the effects of pF, soil type and soil depth on CA and Wa. For all soil types, a positive relation was observed between CA and the pF‐value that could be represented by a linear model for the pF‐range of 1–4.2. The variation in slope and intercept of the CA–pF relationship caused by heterogeneity of the samples taken from a single soil horizon was quantified. In addition, the relation between CA and water content (WC) showed hysteresis, with significantly larger CAs during drying than during wetting.  相似文献   

Changes of land-use type (LUT) can affect soil nutrient pools and cycling processes that relate long-term sustainability of ecosystem, and can also affect atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming through soil respiration. We conducted a comparative study to determine NH4+ and NO3 concentrations in soil profiles (0–200 cm) and examined the net nitrogen (N) mineralization and net nitrification in soil surface (0–20 cm) of adjacent naturally regenerated secondary forests (NSF), man-made forests (MMF), grasslands and cropland soils from the windy arid and semi-arid Hebei plateau, the sandstorm and water source area of Beijing, China. Cropland and grassland soils showed significantly higher inorganic N concentrations than forest soils. NO3-N accounted for 50–90% of inorganic N in cropland and grassland soils, while NH4+-N was the main form of inorganic N in NSF and MMF soils. Average net N-mineralization rates (mg kg1 d1) were much higher in native ecosystems (1.51 for NSF soils and 1.24 for grassland soils) than in human disturbed LUT (0.15 for cropland soils and 0.85 for MMF soils). Net ammonification was low in all the LUT while net nitrification was the major process of net N mineralization. For more insight in urea transformation, the increase in NH4+ and, NO3 concentrations as well as C mineralization after urea addition was analyzed on whole soils. Urea application stimulated the net soil C mineralization and urea transformation pattern was consistent with net soil N mineralization, except that the rate was slightly slower. Land-use conversion from NSF to MMF, or from grassland to cropland decreased soil net N mineralization, but increased net nitrification after 40 years or 70 years, respectively. The observed higher rates of net nitrification suggested that land-use conversions in the Hebei plateau might lead to N losses in the form of nitrate.  相似文献   

The potential of biochar to ameliorate soil water repellency has not been widely studied. Previous studies have focused on the potential for biochar to induce or exacerbate existing water repellency rather than alleviate it. This study investigates the effect of adding wettable biochar to water‐repellent soil by comparing the water drop penetration times (WDPTs) of a control and biochar‐amended soil. The potential of wettable biochar to act as a physical amendment to water‐repellent soil was evaluated by mixing coarsely‐ground biochar (CGB, particle size range 250–2000 µm) or finely‐ground biochar (FGB, particle size range < 250 µm) with one strongly and one severely naturally water‐repellent soil in various quantities, and then measuring the WDPT for each mixture. When biochar particles did not fall within the size range of existing soil particles, an initial increase in both mean WDPT (WDPTM) and variation in WDPT was observed with small additions of biochar. These effects possibly result from increased surface roughness and inhibition of infiltration by the suspension of drops above the average soil–air interface at a few hydrophobic points. Both CGB and FGB reduced soil water repellency, FGB more effectively than CGB. The addition of 10% w/w FGB reduced soil WDPT by 50%, and 25% FGB eliminated repellency. Direct absorption of water by biochar and an increase in soil surface area in contact with water are the predominant physical mechanisms involved. This exploratory study suggests biochar has the potential to amend water‐repellent soil.  相似文献   

Assessments of the effects of deforestation, post-clearance tillage methods and farming systems treatments on soil properties were made from 1978 through 1987 on agricultural watersheds near Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria. These experiments were conducted in two phases: Phase I from 1978 through 1981 and Phase II from 1983 to 1987, with 1 year (1982) as a transition phase when all plots were sown with mucuna (Mucuna utilis). There were six treatments in Phase I involving combinations of land clearing and tillage methods: (1) manual clearing with no-till (MC-NT); (2) manual clearing with plough-till (MC-PT); (3) shear-blade clearing with no-till (SB-NT); (4) tree-pusher/root rake clearing with no-till (TP-NT); (5) tree-pusher/root-rake clearing with plough-till (TP-PT); (6) traditional farming (TF). The six treatments were replicated twice in a completely randomized design. The traditional treatment of Phase I was discontinued during Phase II. The five farming systems studied during Phase II with a no-till system in all treatments were: (1) alley cropping with Leucaena leucocephala established on the contour at 4-m intervals; (2) and (3) fallowing with Mucuna utilis on severely degraded and moderately degraded watersheds, respectively, for 1 year followed by maize-cowpea rotation for another; (4) and (5) ley farming involving establishment of pasture in the first year on severely and moderately degraded plots, respectively, controlled grazing in the second year, and growing maize (Zea mays)-cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in the third year. All treatments, imposed on watersheds of 2–4 ha each, were replicated twice. The soil properties analyzed were particle size distribution, total aggregation and mean weight diameter of aggregates, soil bulk density, penetrometer resistance, water retention characteristics, infiltration capacity and saturated hydraulic conductivity. These properties were measured under the forest cover in 1978, and once every year during the dry season thereafter during Phases I and II. Prior to deforestation, mean soil bulk density was 0·72 Mg m−3 and 1·30 Mg m−3, soil penetration resistance was 32·4 KPa and 90·7 KPa, and mean weight diameter of aggregates was 3·7 mm and 3·2 mm for 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm depths, respectively. The infiltration rate was excessive (54–334 cm hr−1) and saturated hydraulic conductivity was rapid (166–499 cm hr−1) under the forest cover. Furthermore, water transmission properties varied significantly even over short distances of about 1 m. Deforestation and cultivation increased soil bulk density and penetration resistance but decreased mean weight diameter of aggregates. One year after deforestation in 1980, mean soil bulk density was 1·41 Mg m−3 for 0–5 cm depth and 1·58 Mg m−3 for 5–10 cm depth. Soil bulk density and penetration resistance were generally higher for NT than for PT methods, and the penetration resistance was extremely high in all treatments by 1985. During Phase II, soil bulk density was high during the grazing cycle of the ley farming treatment. Sand content at 0–5 cm depth increased and clay content decreased with cultivation duration. Soon after deforestation, saturated hydraulic conductivity and equilibrium infiltration rate in cleared and cultivated land declined to only 20–30 per cent of that under forest. Mean saturated hydraulic conductivity following deforestation was 46·0 cm hr−1 for 0–5 cm depth and 53·7 cm hr−1 for 5–10 cm depth. Further, infiltration rate declined with deforestation and cultivation duration in all cropping systems treatments. During Phase I, mean infiltration rate was 115·8 cm hr−1 under forest cover in 1978, 20·9 cm hr−1 in 1979, 17·4 cm hr−1 in 1980 and 20·9 cm hr−1 in 1981. During Phase II, mean infiltration rate was 8·5 cm hr−1 in 1982, 11·9 cm hr−1 in 1983, 11·0 cm hr−1 in 1984, 11·3 cm hr−1 in 1985 and 5·3 cm hr−1 in 1986. Infiltration rate was generally high in ley farming and mucuna fallowing treatments. Natural fallowing drastically improved the infiltration rate from 19·2 cm hr−1 in 1982 to 193·2 cm hr−1 in 1986, a ten-fold increase within 5 years of fallowing. High-energy soil water retention characteristics in Phase I were affected by those treatments that caused soil compaction by mechanized clearing and no-till systems. Soil water retention at 0·01 MPa potential in 1979 was 19·2 per cent (gravimetrics) for SB, 17·9 per cent for TP, 15·9 per cent for MC and 17·8 per cent for TF methods. With regards to tillage, soil water retention was 17·8 per cent for NT compared with 16·8 per cent for PT. During Phase II, water retention characteristics were not affected by the farming system treatments. Mean soil water retention (average of 4 years' data from 1982 to 1986) at 0·01 MPa for 0–5 cm depth was 16·6 per cent for alley cropping, 16·7 per cent for mucuna fallowing and 16·8 per cent for ley farming. Mean soil water retention for 1·5 MPa suction was 9·3 per cent for alley cropping, 8·7 per cent for mucuna fallowing, and 9·3 per cent for ley farming. Water retention at 1·5 MPa suction correlated with the clay and soil organic carbon content.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that long-term irrigation with wastewater can lead to the development of soil water repellency. Little is known about the longevity of this effect. Here we address this research gap by examining the effect of long-term (~ 20 years) use of low-quality wastewater for disposal purposes, followed by 6 years of ‘recovery’ with no irrigation, on the wettability of calcareous sandy soil (Xerofluvent) under a Populus alba tree stand used as a “green filter” in SE Spain. Water repellency (WR) and soil organic matter content (SOM) were determined for 120 air-dry samples from the plot and 80 control samples from adjacent and otherwise similar non-irrigated areas. To account for plot micro-topography 40 samples each were taken from ridges (R; 0-5 cm depth), furrows (F; 0-5 cm), and furrows at depth (FD; 5-10 cm). The controls included 40 samples each (0-5 cm depth) from unvegetated and unploughed soil, and from soil under the P. alba plantation.All control samples were non-repellent whereas at the irrigated plot, water repellency was present for 48, 95 and 93% of ridge, furrow and furrow-depth samples respectively. WR and SOM was strongly correlated within the whole sample population (R2 = 0.623**) and within two sample groups (R: R2 = 0.783**; FD: R2 = 0.424**), but weakly within F samples (R2 = 0.072 n.s.). The latter showed the highest frequency and persistence (WDPT) of WR, indicating that not only quantity of SOM is controlling WR. Exploratory kaolinite clay additions (0.5-8%) to samples substantially reduced WR even at the lowest concentration, indicating that this could be a promising amelioration treatment for the WR in the soils investigated here.We conclude that for the conditions studied here (i) long-term use with poor-quality wastewater for disposal had led to the development of soil WR, (ii) a 6-year period of ‘recovery’ (i.e. non-irrigation) was insufficient to eliminate the induced WR, and (iii) kaolinite addition could be a promising amelioration treatment for these sandy soils.  相似文献   

Unmanaged soils in the northeast United States generally tend toward increasing acidity which results from several natural processes in the soil. Possible effects of acid precipitation on these processes may be caused by hydrogen ions associated with excess anions in the precipitation and, in addition, the anions may also have specific effects. This is especially true for N and S both of which have important biological implications. It is likely that direct effects of the H ion will be modest. As an example, the acidity in 114 cm of rainfall per year (Connecticut's average) with a pH of 4.3 would require 28.5 kg ha ?1 of limestone for neutralization. By contrast agronomic practice in Connecticut frequently dictates limestone additions as high as several thousand kg ha?1 to neutralize acidity generated by a combination of natural processes and fertilizer amendments. Studies of rainfall composition in Connecticut from 1929 to 1948 showed no clear trends with time and indicated levels of sulfate and nitrate in rainwater similar to those reported today. In a 10 yr lysimeter study in Connecticut in which tobacco was grown using conventional fertilization techniques, soil pH decreased from 5.4 to 5.0 and both gains and losses of soil cations were recorded. Thus it appears that changes in unmanaged soils induced by acid precipitation alone will be modest and subtle and probably cannot be expressed completely by measuring changes in soil pH value.  相似文献   

通过对新疆玛纳斯县盐渍化土壤三个不同尺度(间距分别为50m、5m及0.5m)的284个样点取样分析测定,采用经典统计学、空间自相关、地质统计学和分形理论对土壤斥水性与理化性质进行空间格局分析。结果表明:1)土壤斥水性和pH符合正态分布,其余土壤属性符合对数正态分布。三尺度下土壤各属性绝大多数表现为中等变异水平。2)三尺度下土壤各属性的Moran’s I系数变化具有相似性,在-0.8~0.6范围内波动。3)三尺度下土壤各属性的半方差函数理论模型大多数能用球状模型来拟合。4)在一定范围内,土壤各属性具有一定的分形特征,分形维数变化幅度为1.75~1.96。分析表明不同尺度下土壤斥水性与理化性质具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

Chisel ploughing is considered to be a potential conservation tillage method to replace mouldboard ploughing for annual crops in the cool-humid climate of eastern Canada. To assess possible changes in some soil physical and biological properties due to differences in annual primary tillage, a study was conducted for 9 years in Prince Edward Island on a Tignish loam, a well-drained Podzoluvisol, to characterize several mouldboard and chisel ploughing systems (at 25 cm), under conditions of similar crop productivity. The influence of primary tillage on the degree of soil loosening, soil permeability, and both organic matter distribution throughout the soil profile and organic matter content in soil particle size fractions was determined. At the time of tillage, chisel ploughing provided a coarser soil macrostructure than mouldboard ploughing. Mouldboard ploughing increased soil loosening at the lower depth of the tillage zone compared to chisel ploughing. These transient differences between primary tillage treatments had little effect on overall soil profile permeability and hydraulic properties of the tilled/non-tilled interface at the 15–30 cm soil depth. Although soil microbial biomass, on a volume basis, was increased by 30% at the 0–10 cm soil depth under chisel ploughing, no differences were evident between tillage systems over the total tillage depth. Mouldboard ploughing increased total orgainc carbon by 43% at the 20–30 cm soil depth, and the carbon and nitrogen in the organic matter fraction ≤ 53 μm by 18–44% at the 10–30 cm soil depth, compared to chisel ploughing.  相似文献   

The fertile, but naturally poorly drained soils of the western Fraser Valley in British Columbia, Canada are located in an area subject to about 1200 mm of rainfall annually. These soils were under intensive conventional tillage practices for years, which contributed to their poor infiltrability, low organic matter, and overall poor structure. Development of tillage practices that incorporate winter cover crops and reduce traffic in spring is required to reduce local soil degradation problems. The objective of this study was to determine short-term responses of soil physical properties to fall and spring tillage (ST) and fall and no spring tillage (NST) systems, both using spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as winter cover crops. Field experiments were conducted for 3 years following seeding of the winter cover crops in fall 1992 on a silty clay loam Humic Gleysol (Mollic Gleysol in FAO soil classification). Average aeration porosity was 0.15 m3 m−3 on NST and 0.22 m3 m−3 on ST, while bulk density was 1.22 Mg m−3 on NST and 1.07 Mg m−3 on ST at the 0–7.5 cm depth. Neither of these two soil properties should limit seedling and root growth. After ST, mechanical resistance was consistently greater for 500–1000 kPa in NST than in ST, but never reached value of 2500 kPa considered limiting for root growth. The NST system did not increase soil water content relative to ST, with soil water contents being similar at 10 and 40 cm depth in all years. In 2 out of 3 years NST soil was drier at the 20 cm depth than was ST soil. Three years of NST did not result in a significant changes of aggregate stability relative to ST. This experiment showed that limiting tillage operations to the fall did not adversely affect soil physical conditions for plant growth in a humid maritime climate.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate change on irrigated potato production in a humid climate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impacts of climate change on the irrigation water requirements and yield of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown in England have been assessed, by combining the downscaled outputs from an ensemble of general circulation models (GCM) with a potato crop growth model. The SUBSTOR-Potato model (embedded within the DSSAT program) was used to simulate the baseline and future irrigation needs (mm) and yield (t ha−1) for selected emissions scenario (SRES A1FI and B1) for the 2050s, including CO2 fertilisation effects. The simulated baseline yields were validated against independent experimental and field data using four reference sites. Probabilistic distribution functions and histograms were derived to assess GCM modelling uncertainty on future irrigation needs. Assuming crop husbandry factors are unchanged, farm yields would show only marginal increases (3-6%) due to climate change owing to limitations in nitrogen availability. In contrast, future potential yields, without restrictions in water or fertiliser, are expected to increase by 13-16%. Future average irrigation needs, assuming unconstrained water availability, are predicted to increase by 14-30%, depending on emissions scenario. The present ‘design’ capacity for irrigation infrastructure would fail to meet future peak irrigation needs in nearly 50% of years. Adaptation options for growers to cope with these impacts are discussed.  相似文献   

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