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This study determined the cell density in the field and the biological activity of culturable phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs) present in the Elaeis guineensis Jacq. rhizosphere at two locations in a commercial plantation. Promising isolates found in two soils under different agronomic management conditions were selected. We first calculated the cell density of cultivable PSMs grown in SRS medium (Sundara-Rao and Sinha, 1963) supplemented with the insoluble phosphate sources Ca3(PO4)2, AlPO4, and FePO4. Twenty-two bacteria, ten filamentous fungi, and eight yeast isolates were found. The 16 isolates with the clearest P solubilization halo in Petri dishes were selected to estimate their P solubilization potential in SRS medium with Ca3(PO4)2. No solubilization activity was registered using AlPO4 or FePO4 as the P sources. Ten of the isolates presented solubilization efficiencies between 20 and 82%. Some of these isolates showed high percentages of identity with the 16S and ITS rDNA sequences of the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Klebsiella, Burkholderia, and Staphylococcus according to the NCBI and EzTaxon-e databases. The solubilization activity of the isolates was associated with a decrease in the pH and the release of organic acids, such as gluconic, citric, succinic, and acetic acids. Gluconic acid was mainly released by the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium, and these isolates also showed the highest solubilization activities (82 and 80%, respectively). Therefore, these isolates were selected as the most promising isolates present in the oil palm rhizosphere for phosphate solubilization.  相似文献   

Summary Soil samples collected from oil-palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) fields of various ages and from adjacent bush fallow were analyzed for macronutrient elements and for total numbers of bacteria and fungi and the most probable number of algae. Nitrogenase activities of soil samples collected from 20-year-old oil-palm plantations were also determined. Oil-palm fields showed increases in total N and total algae but decreases in available P, total C, the base nutrient elements and total bacteria, compared to adjacent bush fallow, but these changes were not statistically significant except for exchangeable Ca. This indicates that oil-palm ecosystems can maintain soil fertility in line with those of fallow lands undergoing soil regeneration in the tropics. Oil-palm soil was also nitrogenase positive — an indication of potential N2-fixation.  相似文献   

Estimation of potassium (K) concentration in oil palm leaf tissue is routinely carried out in oil palm plantations to manage fertilizer application for getting higher fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production. Since K in plant tissue is not bound to organic complexes and it is extractable by water, this study was carried out to extract K from oil palm leaf tissue by water extraction method. The results were compared with other established methods like 1 normal (N) ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) extraction, 0.5 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) extraction, and diacid digestion. The proposed water extraction method consists of shaking of 0.5 g finely ground oil palm leaf tissue with distilled water at 1:60 ratio [sample-to-water weight (w)/volume (v)] for a period of 20 min in a reciprocating shaker, filtration of the content, and measurement of K concentration in filtrate by flame photometer. The results of analysis of 30 oil palm leaf samples collected from various production systems under different soil types and management practices for K concentration revealed the close agreement of water extraction method with other established methods. The mean value of K extracted by water extraction method was within 1–10% of the K extracted by other established methods. Water-extractable K was significantly correlated with K extracted by other methods and it could be predicted by other methods. The values of standard error and coefficient of variation for K extracted by different methods were very low, which indicated that the water extraction method was comparable with other established methods.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of slope terracing on soil quality in some oil palm plantations in Peninsular Malaysia. Samples from three different deep terraced‐saprolitic profiles of varying depth and geology were collected and analysed for their physicochemical properties and chemical fertility characteristics. Field observations showed that saprolites lying below the soil layers were either exposed directly or exposed near to the surface as a result of slope terracing to enable oil palm planting. The fertility status of the exposed saprolites, despite being less weathered, were poorer than the soils. Comparatively, they have high phosphorus retention capacity, lower net negative charge and thus lower cation retention capacity. The Al phytotoxic effect, however, was lower in the saprolites than in the soils. The saprolites' physical properties were characterized by massiveness and lack of structural development, which enables high water retention but which may not be available to plants. The transformation of rock into saprolites showed significant depletion of base cations from the profiles, instituting poor fertility status of saprolites in comparison to the respective soil layers. The saprolite materials were also found to be unsuitable for oil palm cultivation, with shallowness, fertility and poor drainage conditions being the major constraints. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae on the efficiency of triple superphosphate and rock phosphate fertilizers was compared in two tropical, acid, P-fixing soils (Ivory Coast) in which the available P was labelled with 32PO inf4 sup3- . Both soils were planted with micropropagated oil palms. The growth reponses to the fertilizer applications were low unless accompanied by VAM inoculation, but both fertilizers were equally available to plants. Isotopic-dilution kinetics analyses indicated that the rock phosphate was solubilized in both soils and there was an enrichment of the labile pool of plant-available P, similar to that with superphosphate. The specific activity and the fraction of P derived from either fertilizer was similar in both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, showing that both absorbed P from the same labile pool of P in the fertilized soils. However, VAM inoculation increased the fertilizer utilization coefficient of plants 2.7- to 5.6-fold, depending on the soil and fertilizer. We conclude that VAM inoculation increases fertilizer efficiency, as much of rock phosphate as of superphosphate, for plants growing in acid, P-fixing soils, and the processes involved are not different for the two fertilizers.  相似文献   

A total of 359 accessions of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) originating from 11 African countries (Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo DR, Tanzania, Angola, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Ghana, Madagascar and Gambia) were characterized using the RFLP method using the standard Deli dura as the check. Genomic DNA from each sample was digested using five restriction enzymes and hybridized with four oil palm cDNA probes. Data were analyzed using Biosys-1 computer software to calculate the genetic variability parameters. In general, all the collections exhibited higher levels of diversity than the standard variety, Deli dura. The standard variety, Deli dura, lost 36 alleles as compared to the natural populations indicating a reduction in genetic variability. Material from Nigeria showed the highest mean number of alleles per locus (1.9) and percentage of polymorphic loci (67.2%). These findings, combined with others, suggest that Nigeria may be the center of diversity of wild oil palm. It further suggests that oil palm natural populations maybe possessing adequate genetic variability that are potentially useful for improvement programs.  相似文献   


Methane flux was measured monthly from August 2002 to July 2003 at an oil palm plantation on tropical peatland in Sarawak, Malaysia, using a closed chamber technique. Urea was applied twice, once in November 2002 and once in May 2003. The monthly CH4 flux ranged from ?32.78 to 4.17 µg C m?2 h?1. Urea applications increased CH4 emissions in the month of application and emissions remained slightly higher a month later before the effect disappeared in the third month after application (i.e. back to CH4 uptake). This effect was the result of increased soil NH+ 4 content that was not immediately absorbed by the oil palm following urea application, which reduced the oxidation of CH4, resulting in its enhanced emission. By using the Cate–Nelson linear-plateau model, the critical soil NH+ 4 content causing CH4 emissions in the oil palm ecosystem was 42.75 mg kg?1 soil. However, the inhibitory effect of NH+ 4 on the oxidation of CH4 was mitigated by low rainfall and the pyrophosphate solubility index (PSI), where the former might increase oxidation of CH4 and the latter was a reflection of the low soluble substrate for methane production. Thus, the splitting and timing of urea applications are important not only to optimize oil palm yield, but also to reduce soil NH+ 4 content to minimize CH4 emissions and, therefore, its potential negative impact on the environment.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of Hyptis verticillata Jacq. was elucidated by a combination of GC and GC-MS analyses. The oil was dominated by the sesquiterpenoids cadina-4,10(15)-dien-3-one (15.1%) (1) and aromadendr-1(10)-en-9-one (squamulosone) (30.7%) (2). The oil exhibited chemosterilant activities against the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus Canest., and toxic action against adult Cylas formicarius elegantulus Summer, the most destructive pest of sweet potato (Ipomoea species).  相似文献   

It has been reported that various cultivars of fruits and vegetables may present a different pattern for the contained allergens. Here, we report on the different content in allergenic proteins for different peach (Prunus persica) cultivars, sampled during two consecutive harvest seasons. Fruits from six cultivars of peaches were harvested fully ripe, and the proteins extracted from whole or chemically peeled fruits were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. All the protein extracts from whole fruit contained a 9 kDa protein. This protein proved to be absent in the extracts taken from chemically peeled fruit. In four cultivars, this protein corresponds to the allergen Pru p3, a lipid transfer protein that causes the oral allergy syndrome (OAS) in sensitized people. In the following year, fruits from four of the six cultivars of peaches studied previously were harvested at different times, at one and two weeks before the commercial ripening time and when fully ripe, to ascertain whether the presence of the 9 kDa allergen might be related to the ripening process. Two cultivars out of four produced an intense allergenic band corresponding to a 9 kDa protein already two weeks before the commercial ripening date, while the others showed a progressive increment of the 9 kDa allergen during ripening.  相似文献   

Proteins of olive fruit mesocarp are not very well-known at present. However, they have been shown to pass, at least partially, to the olive oil during its elaboration and therefore might be contributing to some of the special characteristics of this vegetable oil. In this study, protein content and composition were determined in olive fruits, cv. Arbequina and Picual, at three stages of ripening: green, spotted, and purple. Mesocarp proteins constituted 1.3-1.8% of the dry weight of the olive fruit, and cultivar and fruit ripening did not produce important changes in mesocarp protein content or composition. In addition, this composition was also similar to the amino acid composition of a 4.6-kDa polypeptide, which is the major protein component of olive oils and of oil bodies of olive fruit mesocarp, suggesting that this polypeptide is likely to be a major component of mesocarp proteins. There was, also, a relationship between the oil content of the olive fruit and the protein content determined, suggesting a stabilizing function of these proteins in the oil bodies of the olive fruit, analogously to the role suggested for oleosins. This stabilizing function does not seem to be extended to olive oils because when the polypeptides isolated were added at 20 ppm to soybean oil, the stability of the oil increased only slightly, suggesting that if these compounds play some role in the stability of the oils, this should be mostly a consequence of the possible interactions among these protein components and other olive oil antioxidant constituents.  相似文献   

Oil quality and content were analyzed in 33 accessions from 13 wild species and 10 accessions of cultivated oat. Wild oat species tended to have higher oil and 18:1 fatty acid (FA) contents and lower amounts of 18:2 and 18:3 FAs as compared to cultivated oats. In addition to common FAs, minor amounts of several hydroxy and epoxy FAs were also present in the oat oil and mainly confined to specific lipid classes. These unusual FAs included the previously reported 15-hydroxy 18:2 (Delta9,12) (avenoleic acid) mostly found among polar lipids and a novel 7-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid located to 1,2-diacylglycerol. The present study highlights the potential of making use of the existing germplasm, consisting of wild oat species, in breeding programs for achieving new oat varieties that produce a range of oils with different FA compositions as well as having high oil contents. However, in one matter, oats apparently lack genetic diversity and that is for oil qualities that are highly enriched in the omega 3 (omega-3) FA 18:3. Consequently, developing oat cultivars with highly unsaturated oils will need involvement of other techniques such as biotechnology.  相似文献   


Organic fertilizers have an important role in plant nutrition practices by protecting the environment, human health, ecological balance and supporting sustainable productivity. Hence, the use of leonardite which has high humic acid content is becoming increasingly common. Objectives of the study were to examine the effects of leonardite application on leaf nutrient contents and some fruit chemical parameters (pH, total soluble solids, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity) of cherry (Prunus avium L.). Cherry Ziraat 900 was used as a test plant and grafted on a Gisela 6 rootstock. The research was carried out in a randomized block design with three replications and 12 parcels. The 10-year-old orchard was chosen as the research area with having planting space of 5.0?m × 2.5?m. Each parcel consists of 25 trees. Four different doses (0-2-4-8?kg tree?1) were applied to drip lines of trees at a depth of 20?cm. Chemical fertilizers (N-P-K) were also added. The effect of the applications in the research has a statistically significant effect on all parameters analyzed in leaves and fruits except for Mg in leaves. In addition, as the dose of leonardite is increased, its effect was also increased and the results appeared in different groups due to the increase of ionization, mobility and adsorption of chemical fertilizers applied in the research. Nutrient absorption was increased because of the increased permeability of stem cell membrane by leonardite applications. Consequently, nutrient levels in the leaves were sufficient and/or excessive and fruit contents were found optimum.  相似文献   

Twelve pumpkin cultivars (Cucurbita maxima D.), cultivated in Iowa, were studied for their seed oil content, fatty acid composition, and tocopherol content. Oil content ranged from 10.9 to 30.9%. Total unsaturated fatty acid content ranged from 73.1 to 80.5%. The predominant fatty acids present were linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic. Significant differences were observed among the cultivars for stearic, oleic, linoleic, and gadoleic acid content of oil. Low linolenic acid levels were observed (<1%). The tocopherol content of the oils ranged from 27.1 to 75.1 microg/g of oil for alpha-tocopherol, from 74.9 to 492.8 microg/g for gamma-tocopherol, and from 35.3 to 1109.7 microg/g for delta-tocopherol. The study showed potential for pumpkin seed oil from all 12 cultivars to have high oxidative stability that would be suitable for food and industrial applications, as well as high unsaturation and tocopherol content that could potentially improve the nutrition of human diets.  相似文献   

The status of the various forms of potassium (K) in soils derived from sedimentary sandstone and basement complex rocks that support oil palm plantations was investigated. The investigation revealed that in the surface and subsurface soils of sedimentary sandstone, water-soluble K ranged from 0.02 to 0.07 cmol per kilogram (cmol kg?1), exchangeable K from 0.07 to 0.40 cmol kg?1, difficultly exchangeable K from 0.15 to 0.88 cmol kg?1, acid-soluble K from 0.48 to 2.00 cmol kg?1, nonexchangeable K from 12.31 to 36.39 cmol kg?1, and total K from 12.80 to 38.39 cmol kg?1, where S. in soils derived from basement complex rocks, values ranged from 0.02 to 0.08 cmol kg?1, 0.10 to 0.23 cmol kg?1, 0.16 to 0.57 cmol kg?1, 0.67 to 1.50 cmol kg?1, 13.87 to 31.90 cmol kg?1, and 15.36 to 33.28 cmol kg?1 for water-soluble, exchangeable, difficultly exchangeable, acid-soluble, nonexchangeable, and total K, respectively, in both the surface and subsurface soils. More K was found in soils derived from sedimentary sandstone than in soils derived from basement complex rocks. In all soils, the contents of all forms of K generally decreased with depth. The low values of total K indicate that these soils are deficient in K; hence these soils require adequate K fertilization for efficient production of the oil palm.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to assess yield, oil content, and composition of 38 genotypes of sweet basil ( Ocimum basilicum L.). Overall, biomass yields were high and comparable to those reported in the literature. However, basil genotypes differed significantly with respect to oil content and composition. Oil content of the tested accessions varied from 0.07% to 1.92% in dry herbage. On the basis of the oil composition, basil accessions were divided into seven groups: (1) high-linalool chemotype [19-73% (-)-linalool], (2) linalool-eugenol chemotype [six chemotypes with 28-66% (-)-linalool and 5-29% eugenol], (3) methyl chavicol chemotype [six accessions with 20-72% methyl chavicol and no (-)-linalool], (4) methyl chavicol-linalool chemotype [six accessions with 8-29% methyl chavicol and 8-53% (-)-linalool], (5) methyl eugenol-linalool chemotype [two accessions with 37% and 91% methyl eugenol and 60% and 15% (-)-linalool], (6) methyl cinnamate-linalool chemotype [one accession with 9.7% methyl cinnamate and 31% (-)-linalool], and (7) bergamotene chemotype [one accession with bergamotene as major constituent, 5% eucalyptol, and <1% (-)-linalool]. Our results demonstrated that basil could be a viable essential oil crop in Mississippi. The availability of various chemotypes offers the opportunity for production of basil to meet the market requirements of specific basil oils or individual compounds such as (-)-linalool, eugenol, methyl chavicol, methyl cinnamate, or methyl eugenol.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds were isolated from four cultivars of bullock's heart fruit (Cenizo, Rojo, Verde, and De Ojo) by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction. Compounds were identified by HRGC and capillary GC-MS. One hundred and eighty compounds were identified in the aroma extracts, of which alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, limonene, terpinen-4-ol, and germacrene D were found to be the major constituents. Fruit from cv. De Ojo containing the highest concentration of total volatile and the highest major terpenoid content had the highest custard-like and overall fruity aroma intensity. The presence of many terpenic compounds is thought to contribute to the unique flavor of the bullock's heart fruit.  相似文献   

Hazelnuts from 19 cultivars collected during 3 consecutive-year crops, in 2 different geographical localities, for a total of 79 samples, were evaluated for their contents in tocopherols and tocotrienols by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a series arrangement of a diode array and a fluorescence detector. Seven compounds were identified and quantified. All samples presented alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta- tocopherols and beta-tocotrienol; alpha- and gamma-tocotrienols were detected in some of the studied samples. alpha-Tocopherol was the major compound in all samples, ranging from 105.9 to 226.8 mg/kg of hazelnut. Considering the generality of the obtained results, an identical qualitative and quantitative pattern was found, which can define a chemical fingerprint that may be helpful in the assessment of identity and quality of hazelnut oils. Statistical analyses were carried out in order to check for differences among cultivars, year crops, and geographical localities. Although some differences were observed when different-year crops and geographical localities were considered, neither of these factors seemed to produce considerable differences in terms of tocopherol and tocotrienol contents. Some minor differences were observed among cultivars.  相似文献   

Storage at 3 and 18 °C of 'Arbequina' olives (Olea europaea L.) cultivated in hedgerows and harvested manually or mechanically (wine grape harvester) was tested. Fruit characteristics and oil quality were monitored. Mechanical harvesting caused internal fruit damage that induced its rapid softening and decay, but also facilitated obtaining higher amounts of oil, which suffered a rapid deterioration during fruit storage. This oil presented lower tocopherol and phenol contents and lower oxidative stability than the oil extracted from manually harvested olives, but showed similar fatty acid composition. Cold storage (3 °C) delayed all of these deterioration processes. It allowed maintaining the best commercial level of quality ("extra") in the oil from mechanically harvested olives for 10 days. This cold storage could be considered as an alternative to the increase in machinery for processing the growing olive production, due to both hedgerow cultivation and mechanized harvesting.  相似文献   

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