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1982年7月27—28日,川东南地区普降暴雨,江河水位陡涨,出现了历史上罕见的洪涝灾害。与此同时,沿江河溪流两岸,多处发生地裂、山崩、滑坡、泥石流等,给当地人民的生命财产带来巨大损失。有些地段迄今留下隐患,有可能进一步恶化,酿成重大灾害。当前急需查清,提出切实可行的措施,防患于未然。本文以观音岩滑坡险情为例,重点论述滑坡形成的自然地质环境;滑坡基本特征及成因;探讨滑坡险情及危害;并对滑坡防治途径进行对比取舍,供决策参考。  相似文献   

从拟建三峡大坝坝址三斗坪到重庆,长约600公里的长江河谷两岸,计有滑坡崩塌214处,占据面积100余平方公里,总方量达13.52亿立方米;河谷平均每公里有滑坡崩塌0.36处,土石方量225.32万立方米。在214处滑坡崩塌中,有1,000万立方米以上的大型特大型滑坡崩塌36处。它们集中分布于构造急剧转弯部位,背斜倾没端,向斜翘起端,几组构造线交叉复合地段,构造盆地的边缘和新构造活动相对强烈的上升区。整个河谷岸坡的破坏方式,以基岩顺层滑坡为主,基岩切层滑坡不多;其次是第四系松散堆积层滑坡,约占总滑崩方量的17.73%;崩塌仅占8%左右。这些滑坡崩塌,尤其是大型和特大型滑坡,集中分布在库区的要害部位,对大坝库区的安全有影响。  相似文献   

武隆县滑坡、泥石流防灾减灾成效与经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据 1997年和 2 0 0 1年调查统计 ,武隆县具有潜在危害的大小滑坡、泥石流、崩塌体 2 6 0处 ,其中 10 0万m3 以上的有 2 8处。自建立滑坡预警监测点以来 ,在全县开展了群测群防工作 ,成功预报了大小滑坡 137处 ,其中 10万m3 以上的滑坡有 2 5处 ,保护了滑坡区内 6 30 0余人的安全  相似文献   

长江上游100万km2的范围内即有大小滑坡15万多处、泥石流沟道1万余条,近十几年来区内每年都要发生重大崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害数十起,每年造成数百乃至数千人员伤亡,直接经济损失约1亿元,崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害已成为影响这一地区经济发展和社会稳定的因素之一。长江上游水土流失重点防治区滑坡、泥石流预警系统组建以来,坚持预防为主,实行分区分级管理和专业监测与群测群防相结合,共预报处理滑坡、泥石流灾害244处,取得了显著的防灾减灾成效。介绍了预警工作的思路、技术路线和预警系统的减灾成效及主要做法与经验。  相似文献   

长江上游滑坡、泥石流预警系统减灾效益与经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江上游有大小滑坡15 万处,泥石流沟1 万余条。自1990 年建立滑坡、泥石流预警系统以来,预警站( 点) 与群测群防结合,成功预报滑坡、泥石流灾害险情76 处,处理灾害险情34 处,避免直接经济损失7 000 余万元,走出了一条动态普查—宣传培训—重点监测—定点定人—预警预报—防灾减灾的群测群防成功之路,积累和总结了一系列成功经验和监测预报方法。  相似文献   

控制山崩和滑坡需要采用不同的预防措施。要制定一个法律条例(水保管理条例),并通过报纸、杂志、学术报告、展览、电视和无线电广播讲座等形式对群众进行滑坡危害性的宣传教育。 在极端的情况下,有必要布设栅栏稳定滑坡地点,并采取警戒措施。要让农民,林业技术员及有关部门(筑路、公共建设部门)的工程技术人员,掌握这方面的技术。本文将讨论滑坡的原因,类及预防措施。  相似文献   

<正>河流洪水、泥石流、雪崩、山崩、水蚀、滑坡、塌方、表土流失等自然现象,过去和现在每年都给国民经济,首先是农业经济造成重大损失。这些现象随着自然资源的进一步开发还会加剧。例如,为水能利用、农业灌溉和其它目的修建水库会造成部分地区淹没、滑坡、冲蚀和岸坡的破坏,修建公路、铁路、大型排灌渠道和输油管路的结果,使一些地区出现活动的滑坡过程,山区自然资源的开发利用和大量废料的堆积大大加剧现有泥石流源的活化并促使新的泥石流源的出现。  相似文献   

该无线电遥控监测警报系统,主要是针对山区特殊环境(山崩、滑坡)的地质灾害。通过监测的办法,获得滑坡的动态变化数据资料,对其做出稳定性的判断,并在出现险情时发出临滑预报或警报信息,直接为防灾避难服务,此研究就是针对如何捕捉崩滑前兆,使灾害造成的损失的损失减轻到最低限度的实例。  相似文献   

<正> 四川省万县地区属丘陵山区,滑坡灾害频繁,体积1万立方米的中型滑坡~体积100万立方米的特大型滑坡有548处,“89.7暴雨”就发生大型以上滑坡200处。梁平县共发生滑坡18处,中型~特大型的就有17处,占总数的94%。对丘陵山区大规模滑坡的预防治理,采取挡土墙、锚固、灌浆、硅化等措施,造价昂贵,施工难度、工程量大,工期长,保护效益又常受一定局限。山地灾害的形成,除具备特定的地质结构、环境条件外,暴雨山洪,  相似文献   

日本是一个多山国家,滑坡区分布广泛,仅由建设省指定的滑坡点,在全国就有2997处,每年滑坡都给人民的命财产和道路交通带来巨大的损失,因此,滑坡的防治研究工作受到高度重视。该对我国的滑波监测现状作了简要叙述,着重介绍了日本滑坡自动监测系统的原理和功能,供我国从事滑坡科研工作的同志参考。  相似文献   

Landslides are common features in the Serra do Mar, located along the southeastern Brazilian coast, most of them associated with intense summer storms, specially on the soil-mantled steep hillslopes around Rio de Janeiro city, where the favelas (slums) proliferated during the last few decades. On February 1996, hundreds of landslides took place in city of Rio de Janeiro triggered by intense rainstorms. Since then, many studies have been carried out in two experimental river basins in order to investigate the role played by the topographic attributes in controlling the spatial distribution of landslides inside them. Landslide scars and vegetation cover were mapped using aerial photographs and field observations. A detailed digital terrain model (4 m2 resolution) of the basins was generated from which the main topographic attributes were analyzed, producing maps for slope, hillslope form, contributing area and hillslope orientation. By comparing these maps with the spatial distribution of the landslide scars for the 1996 event, a landslide potential index (LPI) for the many classes of the different topographic attributes was defined. At the same time, field experiments with the Guelph permeameter were carried out and a variety of scenarios were simulated with the SHALSTAB model, a process-based mathematical model for the topographic control on shallow landslides. The results suggest that most of the landslides triggered in the studied basins were strongly influenced by topography, while vegetation cover did affect landslide distribution. Between the topographic attributes, hillslope form and contributing area played a major role in controlling the spatial distribution of landslides. Therefore, any procedure to be used in this environment towards the definition of landslide hazards need to incorporate these topographic attributes.  相似文献   

为探索甘肃省天水市滑坡土地利用特征及时空变化规律,选取秦州区和麦积区作为典型黄土滑坡区的代表,基于12.5 m分辨率的ALOS DEM数据和1985—2020年全球30 m的精细地表覆盖动态监测产品,利用GIS空间分析、土地利用净变化量指数、土地利用转移矩阵和土地利用贡献率,分析滑坡体的特征参数、土地利用/覆被类型、土地利用转移特征及驱动因素。结果表明:(1)研究区共识别出469个滑坡样本,平均高程集中于1 200~1 400 m,平均坡度10°~15°,平均坡向为西向坡,前后缘相对高差100~150 m,滑坡面积1×104~10×104 m2,滑坡长度200~400 m。(2)1985—2020年滑坡区旱地最多,草原次之;期间土地利用类型呈现动态变化特征,分为1985—2000年持续变化阶段和2000—2020年微弱调整阶段;其中1995—2000年变化最剧烈,主要表现为旱地向草原和林地转化。(3)35年间旱地面积转化最多,累计8.74 km2,贡献给草原6.58 km2、封闭落叶阔叶林1.94 km2、不透水表面0.20 km2,其余的土地利用类型占比小,转化微弱;旱地、草原、封闭落叶阔叶林和不透水表面的土地利用净变化量最大。(4)单个滑坡体的利用方式逐年多样化,草原和封闭落叶阔叶林的增加提升区域的植被覆盖度,降低再次发生滑坡的可能性。天水市区滑坡土地利用类型和时空变化规律为区域灾损土地的开发再利用及生态修复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

极端降雨引发的浅层滑坡,造成了严重的环境破坏与社会经济损失。为探究极端降雨条件下土地利用、植被类型和地形因素对浅层滑坡的影响,通过对山西省吉县蔡家川流域2021年10月3—6日极端降雨引发的浅层滑坡进行实地调查,分析了极端降雨的特征与过程,不同土地利用和植被状况条件下、不同地形条件下浅层滑坡的数量与破损面积。结果表明:(1)极端降雨降雨量为年平均降雨量的31.2%,达到了161.3 mm,降雨历时84 h,峰值降雨强度7 mm/h,平均降雨强度2.1 mm/h,发生该种程度降雨的频率为0.16%,为625年一遇的极端降雨。(2)蔡家川流域内的农地小流域、人工林小流域和次生林小流域共计发生浅层滑坡479处,破损面积达183 881 m2,90%的浅层滑坡面积小于885 m2。(3)单位面积上浅层滑坡的数量与破损面积均表现为农地小流域(214个/km2,109 241 m2/km2)>人工林小流域(163个/km2,48 779 m2  相似文献   

2013年延河流域特大暴雨下的滑坡特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年延河流域遭遇了有气象记录以来的强降雨,引发了大范围的滑坡。依据中国地质调查局《滑坡崩塌泥石流灾害详细调查规范》(DD2008—02),对延河流域从南到北6个典型小流域内发生的滑坡进行调查。结果表明:(1)2013年延河流域大雨、暴雨主要集中在7月,其中宝塔区7月侵蚀性降雨量最大(766.8 mm),是延河流域2013年暴雨的暴雨中心区;(2)距离暴雨中心最近的南部2个小流域的滑坡侵蚀模数最大,达7 000 t/km2,中部2个小流域为3 700 t/km2,北部的为1 400 t/km2左右,滑坡量与滑坡频率也呈现南部 > 中部 > 北部的规律;2013年暴雨引发的滑坡为浅表层滑坡,属于黄土内滑坡,分布在20°~60°的斜坡上;滑坡均为小型滑坡,其中规模≤1 000 m3的滑坡最多,占总调查滑坡数量的78%, > 5 000 m3的滑坡很少。  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, many researchers have produced landslide susceptibility maps using different techniques including the probability method (frequency ratio), the analytical hierarchy process (AHP), bivariate, multivariate, logistics regression, fuzzy logic and artificial neural network In addition, a number of parameters such as lithology, slope, aspect, land cover, elevation, distance to stream, drainage density, distance to lineament, seismicity, and distance to road are recommended to analyze the mechanism of landslides. The data quality is a very important issue in landslide studies, and more accurate results will be achieved if the data is adequate, appropriate and drawn from a wide range of parameters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of the occurrence of landslides in Trabzon province, situated in north east Turkey. This was achieved using the following five methods the frequency ratio model, AHP, the statistical index (Wi), weighting factor (Wf) methods, and the logistics regression model, incorporating a Geographical Information System (GIS) and remote sensing techniques. In Trabzon province there has been an increasing occurrence of landslides triggered by rainfall. These landslides have resulted in death, significant injury, damage to property and local infrastructure and threat of further landslides continues. In order to reduce the effects of this phenomenon, it is necessary to scientifically assess the area susceptible to landslide. To achieve this, landslide susceptible areas were mapped the landslide occurrence parameters were analyzed using five different methods. The results of the five analyses were confirmed using the landslide activity map containing 50 active landslide zones. Then the methods giving more accurate results were determined. The validation process showed that the Wf method is better in prediction than the frequency ratio model, AHP, the statistical index (Wi), and logistics regression model.  相似文献   

The number of human‐induced landslides is increasing worldwide, but information on the impact of human intervention on slope stability is often lacking. Therefore, this study analyses the Hekkebrugstraat landslide, the best‐recorded landslide in the Flemish Ardennes (Belgium). Information obtained from local inhabitants, aerial photographs and newspaper articles enabled a 50‐year reconstruction of both the landslide history and the land‐use changes at or close to the landslide site. The reconstruction suggests that anthropogenic preliminary factors such as: (i) the absence of well‐maintained drainage ditches in the affected area; (ii) the elevation of the surface of the road, i.e. a sunken lane, in the affected area; (iii) increased surface runoff from the drainage area; (iv) the creation of ponds; and (v) the removal of the lateral support at the landslide foot have played an important role in the reactivation of the Hekkebrugstraat landslide. After the reactivation of February 1995, landslide movement was observed for more than 5 years and caused damage to houses, and other infrastructure. However, also natural factors, such as the presence of an impermeable clay layer at limited depth, springs and relatively steep slopes (i.e. 0.14 m m?1), and above normal antecedent rainfall have contributed to the reactivations. Comparison of our reconstruction of the reactivation with precise Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) of 1952, 1973 and 1996, produced by digital stereophotogrammetry, indicated that the reported movements correspond well with the uplifted and collapsed zones found on the DTMs. Hence, this analysis provides valuable information for land‐use planners in areas with old, apparently stable, landslides.  相似文献   

沟头发生侵蚀的地形临界模型可有效预测侵蚀沟的形成条件,浅层滑坡失稳形成的洼地也是沟头形成的方式之一。为探究浅层滑坡临界起动模型的特点,以甘肃省天水市小陇山林区的降雨型浅层滑坡为研究对象,运用汇水面积-坡度关系,构建临界起动模型,与黄土高原典型侵蚀沟(浅沟、切沟)的临界起动模型进行对比分析,并探讨土地利用类型、植被类型和土壤质地对该模型的影响。结果表明:(1)浅层滑坡临界起动模型为S=3.50As-0.34,其侵蚀阈值为3.50,大于黄土高原典型浅沟(0.96)和切沟(1.54)的侵蚀阈值。研究区浅层滑坡一般发生于土层较薄的陡坡地带,其平均坡度(S=1.26)大于浅沟(S=0.35)与切沟(S=0.46),单位汇水面积(A=89.08 m2/m)小于浅沟(A=920.93 m2/m)和切沟(A=1 129.82 m2/m)。(2)汇水面积与坡度平方的乘积(AS2)代表了沟头产生侵蚀的能量指标值。研究区浅层滑坡AS2值在269.1~5 703.2 m2,平均值为1 772.97 m2,黄土高原浅沟AS2值在4.74~892.66 m2,切沟在41~814 m2,启动能量值方面,浅沟<切沟<浅层滑坡。(3)土地利用类型、植被类型和土壤质地通过影响土壤的抗冲力、渗透性和黏粒含量,从而对浅层滑坡的起动难易程度产生影响。在不同的土地利用方式中,农地最易发生侵蚀,其次是林地。油松林附近浅层滑坡的抗侵蚀能力高于日本落叶松林。研究结果为探究浅层滑坡的起动条件提供理论依据。  相似文献   

香港暴雨中心迁移与滑坡位置关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港地区每年均有一定数量的滑坡灾害发生,诱发滑坡灾害的主要因子是强降水,即暴雨.暴雨过程中,降水强度的时空分布存在一定差异性,这种降水强度的时空与滑坡灾害的时空分布存在一定的联系.以香港地区1992年5月8日暴雨为例,以30 min为时间间隔,分析了暴雨中心时空变动与滑坡事件时空分布及出现频率之间的关系,发现空间上滑坡均出现在暴雨中心或暴雨中心的边沿地区;时间上滑坡事件出现在暴雨中心出现或上一阶段时间内;并且降水的强度与滑坡的出现频率也有一定关系.  相似文献   

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