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To determine plasma bupivacaine concentrations after retrobulbar or peribulbar injection of bupivacaine in cats.

Study design

Randomized, crossover, experimental trial with a 2 week washout period.


Six adult healthy cats, aged 1–2 years, weighing 4.6 ± 0.7 kg.


Cats were sedated by intramuscular injection of dexmedetomidine (36–56 μg kg?1) and were administered a retrobulbar injection of bupivacaine (0.75 mL, 0.5%; 3.75 mg) and iopamidol (0.25 mL), or a peribulbar injection of bupivacaine (1.5 mL, 0.5%; 7.5 mg), iopamidol (0.5 mL) and 0.9% saline (1 mL) via a dorsomedial approach. Blood (2 mL) was collected before and at 5, 10, 15, 22, 30, 45, 60, 120, 240 and 480 minutes after bupivacaine injection. Atipamezole was administered approximately 30 minutes after bupivacaine injection. Plasma bupivacaine and 3-hydroxybupivacaine concentrations were determined using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. Bupivacaine maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and time to Cmax (Tmax) were determined from the data.


The bupivacaine median (range) Cmax and Tmax were 1.4 (0.9–2.5) μg mL?1 and 17 (4–60) minutes, and 1.7 (1.0–2.4) μg mL?1, and 28 (8–49) minutes, for retrobulbar and peribulbar injections, respectively. In both treatments the 3-hydroxybupivacaine peak concentration was 0.05–0.21 μg mL?1.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

In healthy cats, at doses up to 2 mg kg?1, bupivacaine peak plasma concentrations were approximately half that reported to cause arrhythmias or convulsive electroencephalogram (EEG) activity in cats, and about one-sixth of that required to produce hypotension.  相似文献   

The presence of antinuclear antibody in serum has been used to serologically support the clinical diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Most often, diagnostic support is conferred if the titer is above a "cut-off" value determined by the particular laboratory. The precision estimates of these commonly used serological assays are high. The arithmetic and geometric precisions estimates of fluorescent antinuclear antibody (FANA) assays were determined utilizing sera from dogs with polysystemic signalment suggestive of SLE. A simple score assay was found to have improved precision over FANA endpoint titrations on Hep-2 or cryostat, rat liver substrates. In one case, the precision improved from an arithmetic coefficient of variation of 25.6% (HEp-2, endpoint dilution, FANA titers) or 19.7% (rat liver cryostat substrate FANA titers) to 15.5%. Geometric coefficients of variation followed similar trends. Further, the score values for dogs with SLE were considerably higher (mean = 3.28) than for clinically normal dogs (mean = 0.20). The score system was more precise than FANA endpoint titers and therefore may be useful for diagnostic purposes, especially when FANA titers are negative or low.  相似文献   

The procedures for the preparation of the rinderpest hyperimmune sera in rabbits were studied by comparing the sera from rabbits immunised by three different schedules of inoculations. The best sera for use in immunodiffusion tests were obtained from rabbits inoculated first with rinderpest hyperimmune serum and lapinised virus, and then with lapinised virus mixed with oil adjuvant twice at weekly intervals. Those rabbits which received additional one or two intravenous inoculations with lapinised virus yielded satisfactory sera for use in the diagnosis of rinderpest by immunodiffusion technique.  相似文献   

A group of sheep inoculated with serum obtained from sheep which had recovered from bluetongue virus type 3 infection were protected from challenge with the homologous virus type but not from heterologous challenge. Twin lambs which had received colostrum containing virus antibodies were shown to be only partially protected against homologous challenge. A monoclonal antibody directed against the type-determining protein of the virus was also shown to give partial protection against challenge. From this series of experiments it was concluded that antibody has a significant role in protection from bluetongue but that the outcome of challenge will depend on several interacting factors.  相似文献   

The relationship between vaccine-induced antibody titres against swine fever virus (SFV), as measured by the neutralisation peroxidase-linked assay (NPLA), and protection against virus multiplication, excretion and transmission, disease and death was studied in 46 pigs. The pigs were housed individually and challenged intranasally with 100 pig ID50 of the virulent Brescia strain of SFV. In order to detect virus transmission, a swine fever (SF)-susceptible sentinel pig was placed in contact with the vaccinated animal 2 days after challenge. All 11 pigs with pre-challenge NPLA titres less than 12.5 responded to the challenge with fever, 8 out of 10 showed leucopenia, 7 transmitted virus to their contact and 3 died. Of the 9 animals with titres greater than or equal to 12.5 and less than 25, 8 developed fever, 6 out of 7 had leucopenia, 2 excreted and/or transmitted virus and all survived. Of the 12 pigs with pre-challenge titres greater than or equal to 25 and less than 50, 5 responded with fever, 6 out of 10 had leucopenia, 4 excreted virus and none died. Although all pigs with prechallenge titres greater than or equal to 50 showed a booster response, virus transmission was not observed, indicating that in the case of exposure such animals would not contribute towards the spread of field virus. From an epidemiological point of view, titres less than 32 were found inadequate.  相似文献   

Three goats, experimentally infected with rinderpest virus were examined for the development and distribution of precipitating antigens in various tissues and secretions using the agar gel immunodiffusion test. Virus antigens were detected in ocular secretions and lymph node biopsies from the second to the fourth and fifth days of pyrexia, respectively, but were not detected in nasal secretions. Precipitating antigens were demonstrated in various lymphoid organs, the lung and abomasum of a goat killed on the fourth day of pyrexia. These findings are discussed in relation to the epidemiology of rinderpest in goats in Africa.  相似文献   

Summary Humoral antibody responses in cattle or rabbits infected with virulent rinderpest virus or lapinised rinderpest virus respectively were assessed. Rinderpest specific antibodies could be first detected 6 days post-infection. No correlation could be established between antibody response and the course of the disease in infected animals during the early stages of infection. The animals with fatal infection either did not respond or had a transient antibody response. A gradual increase in antibody titre from 7 days post-infection was observed in animals which ultimately recovered.
Respuesta De Anticuerpos Humorales En Animales Infectados Con Virus Virulento De Rinderpest
Resumen Se llevó a cabo un estudio tendiente a captar la respuesta de anticuerpos humorales en bovinos o conejos infectados con virus virulento de rinderpest o virus lapinizado de rinderpest, respectivamente. Los anticuerpos específicos de rinderpest fueron detectados a partir de los 6 días despues de la inoculación. No se pudo establecer correlación entre la respuesta de anticuerpos y el curso de la enfermedad en animales infectados, durante los estadíos iniciales de la enfermedad. Los animales con infecciones fatales o no respondieron o tuvieron una respuesta humoral débil. Los animales que se recuperaron presentaron un alza progresiva en el nivel de anticuerpos desde los 7 días después de la infección.

Response Immunitaire Humorale Chez Des Animaux Infectes Par Le Virus De La Peste Bovine
Résumé Les réponses immunitaires de bovines ou lapins infectés respectivement par le virus de la peste bovine virulent ou lapinisé ont été évaluées. Des anticorps spécifiques contre la peste bovine ont pu être décelés 6 jours après l'infection. Aucune corrélation n'a pu être établie entre la réponse immunitaire et l'évolution de la maladie chez les animaux durant les premiers stades de l'infection. Les animaux n'ayant pas survécu soit n'ont pas développé une réponse immunitaire soit l'on présentée mais de façon transitoire. Une augmentation graduelle de taux d'anticorps à partir du 7e jour après l'infection a été observée chez les animaux qui ont fini par guérir.

Summary The single radial hemolysis [SRH] test was employed for detection of rinderpest antibodies in post-vaccinated serum samples as also in serum samples from animals recovered from rinderpest infection. The results were compared with counterimmunoelectrophoresis [CIE] and serum neutralisation [SN] tests. The CIE test was found to be more sensitive than SRH but because of ease and simplicity SRH can also be used for monitoring antibody development after vaccination.
Resumen Se utilizó la prueba radial sencilla de hemólisis (RSH) para detectar anticuerpos de rinderpest, en muestras de suero de animales vacunados y recuperados de la enfermedad. Los resultados se compararon con las pruebas de contrainmunoelectroforésis (CIE) y sero neutralización (SN). La prueba CIE fue más sensitiva que la RSH, pero debido a la sencillez de manejo, se recomienda la RSH para medir el nivel de anticuerpos post vacunales.

Résumé Le test d’hémolyse radiale simple (HRS) a été utilisé pour la détection des anticorps antibovipestiques dans des échantillons de sérums après vaccination et aussi dans des échantillons de sérums d’animaux convalescents. Les résultats ont été comparés avec les tests de contre-immunoélectrophorèse (CIE) et de séroneutralisation (SN). On a trouvé que le test CIE est plus sensible que le HRS mais par suite de son aisance et de sa facilité, le HRS peut aussi être employé pour suivre le développement des anticorps après vaccination.

Reverse phase passive haemagglutination [RPHA] test was applied for the detection of rinderpest antigen in various organs of rinderpest infected cattle. The results of RPHA were compared with counter immunoelectrophoresis [CIE] and single radial haemolysis [SRH] test. RPHA was as sensitive as CIE and SRH in detecting rinderpest antigen.  相似文献   

Summary A modified solid phase enzyme immunoassay (EIA) is described for visual detection of anti-rinderpest virus (RPV) antibodies in cattle and goat sera. Dots of RPV antigens were adsorbed to nitrocellulose (NC) paper (hence Dot-EIA) and the adsorptive reactive sites were blocked with skim milk powder. After immersion in bovine or caprine test serum bound antibodies were reacted with a peroxidase-conjugated anti-bovine or anti-caprine IgG (H & L), respectively. Positive reactions were easily visualized as red-brown dots after enzyme degradation of a substrate containing hydrogen peroxide and aminoethylcarbazole (AEC). The Dot-EIA was comparable to the serum neutralisation (SN) test in its ability to detect antibody in bovine sera seven or ten days after experimental infection (DPI) with live attenuated Kabete “O” (RBOK) strain of RPV (grown in Vero cells) by a combination of subcutaneous (s/c), intravenous (i/v) or intranasal (i/n) routes. Early (seven DPI) RPV antibodies were detected in a serum sample from one goat experimentally infected with RPV by combined s/c-i/v routes but not in another goat only infected intranasally. The specificity of the Dot-EIA was equal to that of the SN test, as serum samples, collected from these experimental animals and those inoculated with non infected Vero cell culture fluid, with SN titres of 0·3 or lower were all negative by Dot-EIA. The Dot-EIA may have potential application as a rapid, simple and economical field test in diagnosis of rinderpest, vaccination surveillance and other seroepidemiological studies.
Resumen Se describe un inmunoensayo de fase sólida modificada, para la detección visual de anticuerpos contra el virus de rinderpest, en suero bovino y caprino. Peque?as cantidades de antígenos en forma de puntos, del virus de rinderpest, se adsorbieron en papel nitrocelulosa, siendo las zonas adsortivas reactivas bloqueadas con leche descremada. Despues de la inmersión en suero bovino o caprino, los anticuerpos adheridos se hicieron reaccionar con un conjugado de peroxidasa IgG, antibovino y anticaprino respectivamente. Las reacciones positivas se visualizaron fácilmente, como puntos cafe-rojizos, despues de la degradación del substrato el cual contenía peróxido de hidrógeno y amino-etilcarbazol. El inmunoensayo enzimático de punto fue comparable a la prueba de seroneutralización, en la abilidad para detectar anticuerpos en suero bovino, siete a diez días despues de la infección experimental con cepas vivas atenuadas del virus de rinderpest (Kabete ‘O’) cultivado en células Vero, infección llevada a cabo mediante la combinación de las rutas subcutánea, intranasal e intravenosa. Siete días post-inoculación experimental, se detectaron anticuerpos del virus de rinderpest en el suero de una cabra que había sido infectada mediante la combinación de las rutas subcutánea e intravenosa. No se encontraron anticuerpos en el suero de otra cabra inoculada vía intranasal. La especificidad del inmunoensayo enzimático de punto, fue similar a la obtenida con la prueba de seroneutralización, debido a que las muestras de suero colectadas de los animales arriba mencionados y de otros que habían sido inoculados con cultivos de células Vero no infectados, con títulos de seroneutralización de 0.3 o menores, fueron todos negativos a la prueba de inmunoensayo enzimático. Esta última, puede tener aplicación potencial como herramienta rápida, simple y económica en el campo, para el diagnóstico de rinderpest. Tambien podría tener aplicación en campa?as de vigilancia vacunal y cualquier otro estudio seroepidemiológico.

Résumé On decrit un test immuno-enzymatique (TIE) modifié en phase solide, permettant la détection visuelle des anticorps antibovipestiques dans les sérums de bovins et de chèvres. Des antigènes antibovipestiques repartis par points (d ou Point-TIE) sont adsorbes sur un papier de nitrocellulose (NC) et les sites d’absorption des réactifs sont bloqués avec du lait éirémé en poudre. Après immersion dans des sérums de bovins ou de chèvres à tester, les anticorps fixés sont mis en evidence par une IgG, respectivement anti-boeuf ou anti-chèvre, conjuguée a une peroxydase. Après dégradation enzymatique d’un substrat contenant du peroxyde d’hydrogene et de l’aminoethylcarbazole (AEC), on visualise aisement les reactions positives comme des points brun-rougeatres. Le Point-TIE est comparable au test de séro-neutralisation (SN) dans sa capacité de détection des anticorps dans les sérums de bovins sept ou 10 jours après l’infection (JPI) expérimental de la souche bovipestique attenuée Kabete ‘O’ (RBOK) (cultivée en cellules Vero) par combinaison des voies sous-cutanée (SC), intraveineuse (IV) et intranasale. Des anticorps antibovipestiques precoces (sept JPI) ont éte détectés dans un échantillon de serum de chèvre infectée experimentalement par le virus bovipestique par une combinaison de voies SC-IV, mais pas d’une autre chèvre infectée par voie nasale. La spécificité du test Point-TIE est égal a celle du test SN car les échantillons de sérums de ces animaux d’experience et de ceux inoculés avec un liquide de culture de cellules Vero non infectés, et possedant des titres SN de 0.3 ou inferieurs, se sont tous montrés negatifs en Point TIE. Le Point-TIE peut avoir des applications potencielles car c’est un test de terrain rapide, simple et économique pour le diagnostic de la peste bovine, la surveillance de la vaccination et d’autres études séro-épidemiologiques.

The immunocompetence of cattle undergoing East Coast Fever (ECF) reactions of varying degrees of intensity was evaluated using the neutralising antibody response of these cattle to the vaccine response was found in animals undergoing severe ECF reactions. The results suggest that the massive lymphoid cell involvement of such severe ECF reactions diminishes the immune responsiveness of cattle to rinderpest vaccine.  相似文献   

Following hind leg intramuscular injections of ketamine, xylazine, and acepromazine, 4 of 6 rabbits exhibited self-mutilation of the digits. At necropsy, the affected sciatic nerve appeared enlarged. Lymphohistiocytic perineural inflammation and fibrosis were observed, together with nerve degeneration. Neuronal regeneration as the reason for self-mutilation is discussed.  相似文献   

A microtitre technique for the quantal assay of a cell-free strain of malignant catarrhal fever virus was developed, using serially passaged bovine embryonic kidney cells. End-points were determined after 12 days' incubation and the mean titre recorded for a single virus stock stored at -70 degrees C over a six-month period was 10(5.5) +/- 0.2 (SD). In neutralisation tests serum/virus mixtures were best held at 37 degrees C for 1 h in microtitre trays before the addition of cells; assays were highly reproducible, figures of 10(1.5) +/- 0.2 being obtained for a single reference serum.  相似文献   

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