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硬头鳟(Oncorhynchus Mykiss)苗种养殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验养成体重140g的硬头鳟鱼种,取得了成活率90%,饲料系数1.1的好成绩。硬头鳟生长快,经济效益高,是比虹鳟更好的养殖新品种。作者针对国内养殖鳟业的鱼病预防和推广商品饲料提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

我地引进的硬头甜属于北美洲西海岸陆封型,一生在淡水中度过,生长快,具有较高推广价值。人海型三年体重可长达9公斤。1998年元旦由美国首批引人我国发眼卵1.5万粒,运至北京密云水库白河坝下——北京市焕发水产良种养殖示范基地,孵化初获成功。一、发眼如运输、下池鱼卵容  相似文献   

本试验养成体重140g的硬头鳟鱼种,取得了成活率90%,饲料系数1.1的好成绩。硬头鳟生长快,经济效益高,是比虹鳟更好的养殖新品种。作者针对国内养鳟业的鱼病预防和推广商品饲料问题提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

在水温19.1~23.2℃下,将平均湿体质量为(19.9±3.5)g的黄颡鱼Pelteobagrus fulvidraco以2kg/m~3(D1)、3kg/m~3(D2)、4kg/m~3(D3)和5kg/m~3(D4)kg/m~3的密度饲养在水库中长2.0m×宽2.0m×高2.0m的网箱中,投喂基础饲料;再按D2组的密度饲养上述规格黄颡鱼幼鱼,分别投喂基础饲料(CK组,对照组)和添加10mg/kg(G1)、30mg/kg(G2)、60mg/kg(G3)和(G4)100mg/kg饲料抗菌肽(水溶)的饲料,研究养殖密度和饲料中添加抗菌肽对黄颡鱼生长性能和体成分的影响。抗菌肽(水溶)用海藻酸钠(剂量250mL,0.5%)包埋,自然风干。70d的养殖结果表明:黄颡鱼末体质量、末体长、特定生长率(SGR)和肥满度(K)随养殖密度增高而下降,饲料系数则上升;D1组黄颡鱼幼鱼末体长、末体质量、日增重率(DBW)、K、存活率(SR)显著高于D3和D4组(P0.05),但D1和D2组的鱼体K、饲料系数(FC)无显著差异(P0.05)。饲料中添加10~30mg/kg抗菌肽可以显著提高黄颡鱼的DBW以及过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性,当添加量为30mg/kg时,SGR最高;当添加量为100mg/kg时,肝脏的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)与血清中溶菌酶(LSZ)活性较对照组显著降低(P0.05)。实验证明,黄颡鱼网箱养殖适宜放养密度为3~4kg/m~3,饲料中抗菌肽添加量不超过60mg/kg能促进鱼的生长。添加抗菌肽10mg/kg组鱼的CAT活性最高,显著高于60mg/kg、90mg/kg以及对照组(P0.05);当添加量为30~60mg/kg时,DBW、SGR、K出现差异显著(P0.05),60mg/kg时DBW、SGR和K达到最高,高于其余各组,饲料系数FC下降。  相似文献   

斑点鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss),俗称尊贵鱼,因全身布满斑点而得名,属冷水性溯河洄游鱼类,是经现代生物学技术精心选育而成的三文鱼新品种,2010年由山东省海水养殖研究所联合青岛福卡海洋生物科技有限公司引入我国。  相似文献   

2006年12月甘肃金鳟通过了全国水产原良种委员会的审定,被确定为全国水产养殖新品种。甘肃金鳟与美国金鳟、日本金鳟相比,甘肃金鳟体色鲜艳,通体金黄,眼睛血红色,具有性情温顺、生长快、抗病力强、营养价值高等优点,也可作为观赏鱼养殖。为了推广这一新品种,  相似文献   

硬头鳟(Oncorhy nchus Mykiss),大麻哈鱼属,原为洄游性冷水鱼类,鱼类学家经过系统选育、驯化,并运用生物基因工程技术,改变了其洄游的习性,使其可以终生生活于淡水中,为人工养殖提供了便利条件。硬头鳟与虹鳟亲缘关系较近,体形也与虹鳟相似,但体表有差异:硬头鳟沿体侧侧线无明显的彩虹带,上半部暗绿色,下半部银白色,  相似文献   

鮸鱼,俗名黑鮸,拉丁文名Miichthysmiiny(Basilewsky),为鲈形目、石首鱼科、属。2004年普陀水产科技推广站和普陀东方养殖开发有限公司共同进行网箱养殖试验。一、材料与方法1.网箱4米×7米钢管网箱2只,聚乙烯网衣。2.放养规格及密度6月14日自宁波奉化购入鱼当年鱼种1万尾,规格5~7厘米/尾。鱼苗放养密度为50~60尾/米3。3.饲料投喂鱼是以肉食为主的杂食性鱼类,目前主要投喂新鲜或冰冻杂鱼虾,也可投喂人工饲料。投喂节律为慢、快、慢,如抢食不强烈则停止投喂。在清水区前期鱼苗阶段可采用手指弹拨,后期采用撒投方式;在混水区及大网箱中采用…  相似文献   

2013年12月-2014年5月,在丰宁天河龙养殖有限公司进行了硬头鳟人工孵化和硬头鳟人工种间杂交试验。通过成熟卵和受精卵、过熟卵受精前后比较,受精卵不同时间卵径变化比较,受精率、发眼率、孵化率、出苗率的观察研究,结果表明:受精卵在不同时期卵径变化不大,在5.21~5.27mm,只是颜色由浅变深,由橘黄色或淡黄色变成微红色;在平均温度为4.82℃时,从授精到发眼需51.7d,有效积温达248.5℃·d;发眼后平均温度为6.11℃时28d破膜,有效积温达391.8℃·d;发眼后63d有效积温达599.7℃·d上浮;而在温度为7.5℃时,发眼后17d就破膜,29d就上浮,温度对冷水鱼胚胎发育影响明显;硬头鳟纯亲本人工孵化受精率、发眼率、孵化率和出苗率分别是90.2%、88.4%、85.1%、80.4%,比硬头鳟和金鳟杂交人工孵化分别高出23.1%、17.2%、15.7%、19.2%;初孵仔鱼,全身透明,背鳍原基出现,血液循环和心跳清晰可见,心跳次数80~81次/min。  相似文献   

在涌泉水温度5.6~10.5℃下,将体质量(17.52±0.22)g的2龄褐鳟Salmo trutta饲养在流水圆柱形平底玻璃钢(半径45cm,高60cm)水槽中,水深40cm,密度分别为6.8kg/m~3(SD1)、10.4kg/m~3(SD2)、14.0kg/m~3(SD3)、17.5kg/m~3(SD4)、21.0kg/m~3(SD5)和24.5kg/m~3(SD6),每个密度组设3个重复,探讨养殖密度对褐鳟生长的影响。70d的饲养结果表明:本试验范围内的放养密度未显著影响2龄褐鳟的存活率(P0.05),净增重随养殖密度的增加而增大。SD5组褐鳟净增重(116.55g/(m~2·d))最大;SD4组褐鳟的日增重(0.25g/d)、增重率(102.07%)和特定生长率(1%/d)显著高于SD3组(P0.05)。随着养殖密度的增加,溶解氧含量(DO)呈极显著下降趋势(P0.01),SD1、SD2、SD3(10.14~11.84mg/L)组极显著高于SD5、SD6组(9.62~11.53mg/L)(P0.05);养殖29d和50d时SD1组NO_2~-含量(0.02~0.06mg/L)与SD3、SD5、SD6组(0.04~0.06mg/L)差异显著(P0.05),其他时间不显著;36d后SD2、SD3(0.17~0.22mg/L)组的NH4-NT显著低于SD6组(0.25~0.38mg/L)(P0.05)。比较分析认为,2龄褐鳟的最佳养殖密度应为17.5kg/m~3,不要低于10.4kg/m~3。  相似文献   


Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were raised in culture cages (1 m3) to determine the effect of stocking density on growth, survival, and percentage of market-size fish. Large fingerling rainbow trout (20-25 cm, 232 g average weight) were stocked into six cages located in a 0.4-ha pond. Two stocking densities (100 or 200 fish/cage) were used, and fish were grown for 140 days (2000-April 2001). Average total harvest weight (35.0 kg) in the low-density cages was approximately one-half the average total harvest weight (61.2 kg) in the high-density cages. Average weight gain (11.7 kg to 15.1 kg) and feed conversion (1.2 to 1.5) were also smaller for the low-density cages. Average survival was 96.7% for the low-density cages and 94.2% for the high-density cages, with the percentage of market-size fish (< 29 cm) averaging 50.3% and 52.0%, respectively. Production costs for the actual experiment and the revenues from fish sold at the end of the study were collected. An enterprise budget based on the experimental results for the two densities was developed to determine if a culture operation of this size would produce a net return. Production costs and revenues from the experiment resulted in a large negative return (-$3,124) and high breakeven price ($13.53/kg).  相似文献   

养殖密度对杂交鳢仔鱼生长与存活的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在温棚水族箱中养殖杂交鳢仔鱼,养殖密度分别为0.5、1、2、4、8尾/L,共养殖15 d,试验结果表明:养殖密度在0.5~4尾/L之间,杂交鳢仔鱼的最终体重、特定生长率、日增重都随着养殖密度的增大而升高,当养殖密度为4尾/L时,三者达到最大值;进一步增加养殖密度,仔鱼的生长反而下降。高密度组(4、8尾/L)杂交鳢仔鱼个体生长速度离散度明显加大,仔鱼的成活率随养殖密度增加而下降。  相似文献   

In the aquaculture industry, the physiological systems of fish can be chronically stressed by various biological, chemical and physical factors. Chronic stress leads to a decrease in the overall health and growth of the fish, making them more prone to diseases. Dietary iodine has been shown to reduce this stress response in chickens and increase disease resistance in dairy cattle, but the mechanisms by which iodine affects stress resistance and immunocompetency is not completely understood and has not been extensively studied in fish. This study investigated the effects of iodized feed as a nutritional supplement in relation to stress modulation in steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). We investigated effects on primary, secondary and tertiary stress responses by measuring plasma levels of cortisol, glucose and thyroid hormones as well as haematocrit percentage and average growth rate in steelhead trout. Iodine‐supplemented fish, on average, had lower levels of plasma cortisol and glucose and lower packed cell volumes than fish fed with regular commercial feed (P<0.05). Iodine‐supplemented fish also showed higher levels of thyroid hormones and exhibited better growth over the period of the experiment (P<0.05). It was concluded that, used with other husbandry practices, use of iodine‐supplemented feed could lead to better host defence, growth and survival in fish raised in the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   


The production characteristics of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss and brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis were compared under winter pond conditions. Juvenile rainbow trout (55.1 ±1.5 g) and brook trout (28.9 ±0.4 g) were stocked at a density of 8,750 fish/ha into six 0.04-ha ponds. After 163 days, survival, growth, and feed conversion were similar (P >0.05). The results of this study suggest that brook trout may attain growth rates similar to rainbow trout under winter pond conditions in temperate regions of North America.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The salmonid Oncorhynchus mykiss tends to inhabit forested or snow-fed streams having cold reliable flows, but in the California chaparral they inhabit rain-fed stream networks with extensive areas of intermittent flow. We hypothesised that hydrological mechanisms in such watersheds tend to spatially segregate spawning and over-summering habitats, and tested the hypothesis using observations from a series of tributaries in a pristine watershed. Consistent with the hypothesis, reaches with suitably sized spawning gravels tended to occur in intermittent tributaries, and also the perennial mainstem (which was too warm for over-summering). In early summer, juvenile O. mykiss (<10 cm) occurred at similar densities in the intermittent and perennial tributaries, but larger fish had greater densities in perennial tributaries. Large wood debris would be expected to mitigate the spatial segregation of habitats somewhat, but was scarce, though stream-side outcrops appeared to partially compensate by forcing gravel bars in high-gradient channels.  相似文献   


The diffusion properties of sodium chloride in rainbow trout muscle during dry salting at 10°C were investigated. The average initial dry matter content of the samples increased from 27.80 ± 0.10 to 36.01 ± 0.16%, and the average salt content increased to 17.98 ± 0.38 g NaCl/100 g dry matter at the end of the 10-h dry salting process. The analytical solution of Fick’s second law considering one-dimensional diffusion through an infinite slab was used to calculate effective salt diffusion coefficients (Deff). The Deff values in rainbow trout fillets decreased with increasing salting time and ranged from 6.64 × 10?10 to 16.45 × 10?10 m2/s.  相似文献   

研究了放养密度和饵料种类对幼中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)生长发育的影响,跟踪分析了自胚胎孵化至一龄幼鲵的存活与生长发育状况。结果表明,自胚胎孵化至一龄幼鲵的养殖密度为每0.1m210~20尾时,其成活率可达到100%,投放密度每0.1m2自20尾增加到60尾,平均存活率、年体长增加和年体重增加均显著降低。投喂摇蚊幼虫、猪肉、牛肉、羊肉和小鱼虾,幼苗的存活率分别为100%、90%、95%、85%和95%,体长增加分别为8.09cm、5.45cm、5.28cm、4.57cm、6.82cm,体重增加分别为25.97g、12.68g、11.82g、10.86g和20.67g。可见,摇蚊幼虫和小鱼虾是一龄幼大鲵的适宜饵料。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the diets enriched with safflower and canola oil on growth, feed utilization, body composition, liver, and muscle fatty acid composition of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Rainbow trout having approximate initial weight of 97.03 ± 0.10 g were fed the experimental diets containing only fish oil (Group 0SFO), safflower oil (50% safflower oil, Group 50SFO and 33% safflower oil, Group 33SFO), and vegetable oil blend (33% safflower and 33% canola oil, Group 66SFCO) for 45 days. Twenty-five fish were randomly assigned for triplicate treatments and offered the test diets two times daily to apparent satiation. At the end of the experiment, survival was 100% in all treatments. No significant differences in the weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and protein efficiency ratio were found between fish fed with the different experimental diets. The highest hepatosomatic index (HIS) and viscerasomatic index (VSI) was obtained in 50SFO and 33SFO groups, respectively. The moisture, protein, lipid, and ash content in the body composition of the fish increased in all experimental groups. The lipid content was not significantly different among the groups (p > 0.05); however, there was a significant difference in ash content between the control and the other groups (p < 0.05). The experimental diets containing vegetable oil (50SFO and 33SFO groups) and vegetable oil blend (66SFCO group) had significantly higher concentrations of n-6 fatty acids, predominantly in the form of linoleic acid (LA). The n-3 fatty acids were present in significantly higher concentration in the control treatment (0SFO). The fatty acid composition of fish fillet and liver were reflective of the dietary lipid source. While the fillet and liver of fish fed the 50SFO diet was high in linoleic acid (18:2 n-6), fish fed the 66SFCO diet had high concentrations of oleic acid (OA; 18:1 n-9). The present study suggests that fish oil can be replaced by up to 50% with safflower oil and by up to 66% with safflower + canola oil blend in rainbow trout diets with no significant effect on growth.  相似文献   

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