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摘要:为了研究无血清培养系统对山羊卵母细胞体外成熟及孤雌激活胚胎早期发育力的影响,分别以0.3% BSA(m/v)、1% PVA(m/v)、1% ITS(v/v)代替成熟培养液中FBS,以添加5% FBS的OM为对照组,对来源于屠宰场的COCs进行体外培养。成熟率PVA添加组(50.00%),显著低于FBS组(83.23%)(P﹤0.01),BSA组(71.19%)和ITS组(76.79%)与FBS组无显著差异(P>0.05);成熟卵母细胞用离子霉素联合6-DMAP激活,在SOFaa中进行孤雌胚培养,BSA、PVA、ITS及 FBS各组的卵裂率依次为61.90%、46.97%、79.07%和83.58%,囊胚率分别为25.00%、19.70%、55.81%和60.45%。实验结果指出:在OM基础培养液中添加BSA或PVA卵母细胞的成熟率明显低于添加FBS,且卵裂率和囊胚发育率也低于对照组(P<0.05或 P<0.01);添加ITS,卵母细胞成熟率虽低于对照组,但孤雌胚卵裂率和囊胚发育率与对照组接近(P>0.05)。结论:以ITS代替FBS,可以用于山羊卵母细胞体外成熟培养。  相似文献   

The glycemic index (GI) is an indicator of the relative human glycemic response to dietary carbohydrates in a food. It is determined using a costly and time‐consuming in vivo method. We describe an in vitro analytical method that allows the accurate prediction of the GI of a food product. The method involves digestion of the food product using HCl and enzymes, followed by HPLC analysis of sugars and sugar alcohols. Data from the HPLC analysis combined with the product's compositional information are treated using an artificial neural network to produce a predicted value for the GI of the food product. For the sample set examined (n = 72) consisting of a variety of food types, r2 = 0.93 and the root mean square error of correlation (RMSEC) = 5 GI units. Twenty‐fold cross‐validation yields CVR2 = 0.89, indicating good predictive ability for samples outside the calibration set. The relative standard deviation of the method is 6.6%. This method is rapid and low cost relative to in vivo testing. Due to good ability to predict in vivo GI, it may be a valuable screening tool for determining the relative effect of food ingredients on the glycemic index of a food product.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study performed to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a series of heating rods within a zero-valent iron permeable reactive barrier (ZVI-PRB) to enhance the conventional design of PRBs, and thus to improve the barrier’s removal efficiency, and reduce construction and reactive material costs. A numerical modeling approach is undertaken where a hypothetical case is introduced and typical site values are assigned to it. The amount of electrical energy required to heat the barrier from an initial temperature, T 1, to a final temperature, T 2 is assessed. Through different simulation cases, the effect of (1) initial temperature of the groundwater entering the PRB, (2) different amounts of total heat injected, (3) distribution of the heating rods, and (4) different types of porous media, on the temperature increase within the PRB are evaluated. Results show that the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of our hypothetical case by 10°C is approximately 935 W, which could be provided by renewable energies such as solar. It is explained that there are multiple benefits for increasing the temperature within the PRB. Apart from boosting reaction rates, temperature increase can reduce water viscosity and increase flow within the barrier, which broadens a barrier’s catch area. It can enhance solubility of gases to reduce blockage caused by gas generation. An upward flow is formed inside the wall which can also help reduce gas blockage. By implementing heating rods, design widths are reduced, which could potentially reduce the materials (thus cost) used and/or justify the use of more expensive reactive material in PRBs. Heating the PRB was found to generate a heat plume of 20 m length downstream of the PRB after one year, which would increase biodegradation of the residual contaminants leaving the PRB within this zone. Overall, it is concluded that implementing the proposed technology within a ZVI-PRB can be justified, and is found to be beneficial in many aspects.  相似文献   

家畜类腔前卵泡的体外分离方法和培养体系研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要: 在哺乳动物体内,启动卵泡生长的机制还不完全清楚,卵泡的体外培养遇到较大困难;由于不同物种卵泡的成熟时间和调节机理有较大差异,因此它们的体外培养技术还不能通用。在过去的几年,不同动物的卵泡体外培养体系的建立均有一定程度的发展,而且对卵泡的发育过程也有了很好地了解,但是获得高质量的成熟卵母细胞还有相当的距离。在目前的技术条件下,啮齿类的腔前卵泡已能经体外培养发育至有腔卵泡期,而且从有腔卵泡分离的卵母细胞经体外成熟、体外受精后已能产生新的个体。但家畜类腔前卵泡的体外培养体系还处于早期研究阶段,探讨早期卵泡的发育特征,建立成功的体外分离方法和培养体系是开发家畜类卵巢资源的基础。  相似文献   

Health benefits of consuming whole grains are reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. The U.S. Health and Human Services and USDA dietary guidelines recommend consumption of 6–10 oz of grain products daily and one‐half of that amount should contain whole grains. Whole grains contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients. Bile‐acid‐binding capacity has been related to cholesterol lowering potential of food fractions. Lowered recirculating bile acids results in utilization of cholesterol to synthesize bile acid and reduced fat absorption. Secondary bile acids have been associated with increased risk of cancer. Bile‐acid‐binding potential has been related to lowering the risk of heart disease and that of cancer. It has been reported that bile‐acid‐binding of wheat bran is not related to its total dietary fiber (TDF) content. Whole (W) grain as well as pearled (P) hard red winter wheat (Hrw), hard white winter wheat (Hww), and durum wheat (DU) cooked grains were evaluated for in vitro, bile‐acid‐binding relative to cholestryramine (a cholesterol lowering bile‐acid‐binding drug). On dry matter basis (db) relative bile‐acid‐binding values were 7.7% WHrw; 7.5% WHww; 6.3% PHww; 6.0% PHrw; 5.5% WDU; and 5.4% PDU. On a TDF basis, binding values were 42–57% of that for cholestyramine for the whole and pearled wheat grains tested. Bile‐acid‐binding values (db) for WHrw and WHww were similar and significantly higher than those of PHww, PHrw, WDU and PDU. Similar bile‐acid‐binding of WHww to that of WHrw suggest that the red color commonly associated with whole grain may not necessarily indicate more healthful potential. Data suggest that cooked WHrw and WHww wheat have significantly higher health‐promoting potential than pearled grains. WDU or PDU wheat health‐promoting potential was similar to that of PHww or PHrw. Consumption of products containing WHrw and WHww are recommended.  相似文献   

The release of soluble dietary fiber is a prerequisite for viscous effects and hence beneficial health properties. A simple in vitro method was adapted to follow the release during gastrointestinal digestion, and the percentage of solubilized fiber was measured over time. β‐Glucan from oat bran was mainly released during gastric digestion while the release of pectin from sugar beet fiber continued in the small intestine. Unmilled fractions of sugar beet fiber released more soluble fiber than oat bran flakes, probably due to the porous structure of sugar beet fiber as a result of manufacturing processes, but also due to differences in source. Milling to smaller fiber particles significantly improved releasability (from 20 to 55% released β‐glucan and from 50 to 70% released pectin, respectively, after digestion). When milled fibers were included in individual food matrices, the release was reduced by protein and starch matrices (5% β‐glucan and 35% pectin released, respectively) and slowed by fat (45% β‐glucan and 60% pectin released). This may result in a too low or too late release in the upper small intestine to be able to interfere with macronutrient uptake. The method may be suitable for predicting the gastrointestinal release of soluble dietary fibers from food matrices in the development of healthy food products.  相似文献   

This study presents the application of multivariate statistical tools for the evaluation of spatial variations and the interpretation of water quality data obtained in a monitoring program of Lis river basin surface water, Portugal. Twenty-seven physicochemical and microbiological parameters were determined in six water sampling campaigns at 16 monitoring sites during the period from September 2003 to November 2006. Correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis were performed to evaluate the main water pollution sources and to characterize the spatial distribution of water pollution profiles in river basin. The results achieved with the statistical methodologies led to distinguish natural and anthropogenic pollution sources. Additionally, monitoring sites with similar water pollution profile were identified, indicating that some monitoring locations can be changed to improve the spatial characterization of water quality in the river basin. CBO, CQO, P, and N were identified as significant variables affecting spatial variations, namely in the Lis river middle reach. Besides the identification of main pollution sources, the applied statistical tools were able to identify spatial patterns of water pollution in Lis river basin, which further helps in the reassessment of the number and location of monitoring sites.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of milling and cooking conditions of cooked rice prepared from cultivar Koshihikari on in vitro starch digestibility and in vivo glucose response in humans. In addition, compression and adhesiveness tests were conducted for texture analysis of the cooked rice. Brown rice (BR) and surface‐abraded BR (SABR, ≥99.5% of the original weight) were digested more slowly than white rice (91% of the original weight) when cooked rice grain was used for the in vitro test, but they were digested more rapidly in the initial stage of the reaction when cooked rice ground by a meat grinder was used. The increase in water added for cooking significantly increased the extent of starch digestion with BR and SABR. The changes in blood glucose levels after the ingestion of cooked rice were dependent on the sample type. The cooking conditions dramatically influenced the glucose response after the ingestion of BR. A significant correlation was found between blood glucose levels at 45 min and the extent of starch digestion with ground samples, whereas no relationship was found with cooked rice grain samples for in vitro digestibility.  相似文献   

彗星试验检测体外培养山羊卵母细胞的老化程度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高体外成熟山羊卵母细胞利用率,减少因卵母细胞老化而造成的质量下降,本研究通过彗星试验对体外成熟培养山羊(Capra hircus)卵母细胞的DNA受损程度进行研究。结果表明,随着成熟培养时间的延长,尤其是培养时间超过24h以后,卵母细胞的极体逐渐退化,其DNA损伤程度明显增加,卵母细胞凋亡和老化的现象越来越严重。在体外成熟培养24h之内,检测到极体的卵母细胞的比例随着培养时间的延长而显著增加(20h,(45.74±2.67)%;22h,(66.11±1.12)%),卵母细胞平均彗尾长度均小于100μm,其中有极体卵母细胞彗尾长度在0~50μm之间的比例(20h,(77.27±2.27)%;22h,(40.12±1.55)%)小于无极体卵母细胞(20h,(83.86±1.34)%;22h,(51.39±8.45)%)。体外成熟培养24h时,有极体的卵母细胞比例达到最高值(80.19±2.07)%,有极体和无极体卵母细胞的平均彗尾长度基本相同((96.08±4.52)μmvs(95.25±9.28)μm),有极体卵母细胞的彗尾分布主要以50~100μm((45.71±0.50)%)和100~150μm((35.45±2.92)%)区段为主,而无极体卵母细胞主要分布在0~50μm((30.92±4.02)%)和50~100μm((33.02±3.23)%)两个区段。当培养时间超过26h以后,有极体的卵母细胞比例显著下降(26h,(72.01±2.88)%;28h,(59.77±3.59)%);无论是有极体或无极体的卵母细胞,其平均彗尾长度都继续增加,彗尾长度分布在150μm以上的卵母细胞比例迅速增加。培养至30h时,有极体的卵母细胞比例下降至(46.34±2.07)%,其平均彗尾长度为(180.11±10.33)μm,彗尾长度分布在150μm以上的比例为(58.33±4.81)%;无极体卵母细胞平均彗尾长度为(270±17.72)μm,彗尾长度分布在150μm以上的比例为(80.95±2.38)%,均高于有极体卵母细胞。本研究结果表明,山羊卵母细胞在体外成熟后会逐渐老化,尤其是在成熟培养时间超过24h后,老化卵母细胞比例显著增加。本研究可使我们对卵母细胞老化的机理有了更进一步的了解和认识,有助于通过减少卵母细胞老化来提高卵母细胞的质量。  相似文献   

Pesticides presently being discharged into the aquatic environment are not only toxic but also only partially biodegradable, they are not easily removed by conventional water treatment plants. Air ionization devices using an atmospheric pressure corona discharge process show great promise in improving degradation of chemical and biological contaminants in water purification plants. In order to assess the effectiveness of this air ionization apparatus, laboratory scale degradation experiments were carried out systematically in a bubble column reactor containing a variety of pesticides such as triazines, carbamates, phenyl urea derivates and chlorophenols relative to the addition of humic acid and inorganic chemicals as well as to pH variation. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) decreased with air ionization treatment and the rate of the biological oxygen demand related to this (BOD/COD) showed improved pesticide biodegradability. Changes in water toxicity were monitored by Daphnia- and Luminescence Bacteria tests. This novel water treatment process is shown to be a potent oxidation technique for persistent organic pollutants such as pesticides.  相似文献   

[目的]了解引黄济青干渠水质安全风险,为干渠安全管理提供依据,保障青岛居民饮水安全。[方法]基于干渠沿线监测数据,识别出决定黄济青干渠水质的关键控制因子,并通过进一步的分析筛查风险因子,确定水质安全风险清单。[结果]干渠水质先好转后恶化,营养物质是影响干渠水质的主要指标,但南水北调水明显缓解了干渠的富营养化。宋庄分水闸至棘洪滩水库进水处之间的供水干渠存在较大的铁和磷污染源。[结论]关键控制因子识别法应用于长距离调水工程是可行的;干渠现有安全风险包括黄河水中氮磷营养物质及南水北调水中有机物和硫酸盐,以及干渠后半段铁、磷和有机物污染;潜在安全风险为南水北调水汇入量的变化或湿地系统失效可能造成富营养化和金属离子释出。  相似文献   

The effects of whole grain wheat (WGW) flour on the quality attributes of instant fried noodles were characterized in terms of mixing and oil‐resisting properties as well as in vitro starch digestibility. Higher water absorption and shorter kneading time were required to obtain the optimally mixed dough from WGW flour, and the presence of nonstarch components in the WGW flour lowered the thermal conductivity of the noodles. The use of WGW flour produced instant fried noodles with oil uptake reduced by 30%, which could be correlated with the less porous structure confirmed by the surface and cross‐sectional scanning electron microscope images. When the instant fried noodles were subjected to in vitro starch digestion, the use of WGW flour was effective in suppressing the hydrolysis of starch in the noodles, and the predicted glycemic index of the WGW noodles (80.6) was significantly lower than that of the white wheat noodles (83.3).  相似文献   

In this research, we have investigated the removal efficiency of natural organic matter (NOM) from river and stream water using potassium ferrate(VI). For the study, ferrate was added in 100-ml water sample mixed either with humic acid or with fulvic acid. The removal efficiency at the ferrate dose of 2–46 mg/l (as Fe) was 21–74% for 10 mg/l humic acid and 48–78% for 10 mg/l fulvic acid. NOM was more effectively removed either at lower pH or at higher temperature. The removal performance by ferrate was comparable to that by traditional coagulants (i.e., alum, FeSO4·7H2O, and FeO(OH)). In addition, the removal rate of humic acid using traditional coagulants was improved by pretreatment with a very small dose of ferrate. The reaction between ferrate and humic acid was completed within 60 s, while showing first-order kinetic, and then reached a steady state.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (NR) activities of soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr. Cv. Altona), grown in sand with nutrient solution containing only nitrate as a nitrogen (N) source, were compared, using one in vivo and two in vitro assays. The in vivo assay was the most sensitive of the three, particularly in measuring root NR activity. NR activity was highest in the upper most expanded leaf and declined with leaf position lower in the canopy. NR activity in the lower 6 em sections of roots was more than double that of the upper 6 cm sections. Differences in NR activity at different stem positions were not detected by the three techniques.  相似文献   

谷子离体再生和遗传转化困难,极大地限制了其作为模式植物在功能基因组学研究和品种遗传改良中的应用。为筛选高效离体再生的谷子基因型,选取90份国内外的谷子种质资源,利用其成熟胚作为外植体进行离体再生培养。结果表明,不同基因型谷子出愈率、芽分化率和再生率差异较大;不同基因型的谷子出愈率在17.67%~93.67%之间,芽分化率在0%~78.89%之间,再生率在0%~40.00%之间。从中筛选出3份高效离体再生种质资源,分别为Y41、Y176和Y145,其离体再生效率分别为40.00%、37.33%和36.00%。3份种质资源在CIM3培养基上的出愈率最高,且愈伤质量较好,CIM3培养基配方为4.43 g·L-1MS + 30 g·L-1蔗糖 + 4 g·L-1phytagel + 2 mg·L-12,4-D + 0.5 mg·L-1KT。本研究结果为谷子离体再生和遗传转化,以及推动谷子作为C4禾谷类模式植物的进程奠定了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

以硝基苯为碳源,采用间歇式曝气方式,经90d驯化培养,从处理硝基苯废水的生物活性污泥中分离得到13株高效降解菌,在厌氧环境条件分离纯化,筛选得到降解能力最强的MY4菌,并研究了其对不同浓度硝基苯的降解特性。结果表明,经16SrRNA鉴定,MY4菌属于兼性葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus sp),其在104~107CFU·mL^-1范围内对硝基苯的去除率没有显著差异,降解率均为65%,硝基苯的降解速率在3~5d期间达到最大。高浓度的硝基苯对微生物的降解过程存在抑制作用,随着浓度的增高,其降解半衰期明显延长。GC-MS分析表明,硝基苯经MY4菌株降解后的主要产物为苯胺。  相似文献   

Black rice husk ash (BRHA) was obtained by means of thermal degradation of raw rice husks (RRH) on a pilot plant fluidized bed reactor. BRHA was characterized using chemical analyses, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis. The kinetics was studied using batch adsorption technique and on the basis of prior characterization by X-ray diffraction patterns and scanning electron microscopy. The adsorption capacities of diesel fuel at 288, 293 and 298?K onto BRHA were determined. Results showed that the material studied has very high adsorption capacity and low cost and may successfully be used as an effective adsorbent to clean up spills of oil products in water basins. The adsorption of diesel fuel onto BRHA proceeds rapidly to reach adsorption equilibrium in about 10?min. The saturated BRHA can be burnt in incinerators, industrial ovens or steam generators, and through this way ecological and economic benefits are attained.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(1):110-116
Pulse ingredients (pea and lentil flour, pea protein, and pea fiber) were incorporated into 94 different food products. Products included pastas, breads, crackers, extruded snacks, cookies, cereal bars, and muffins. Products were screened for estimated glycemic index using an in vitro method. Based on the screening results, five products (pasta, bread, cracker, granola bar, and cookie) were selected for in vivo glycemic index (GI) testing. For each control (containing 100% wheat flour), a pulse variant (containing up to 50% pulse ingredients) was developed. Ten healthy subjects consumed each test meal in addition to three control white bread meals on separate days during the in vivo GI testing. GI values of the control and pulse variant meals were 61.3 ± 5.1 versus 54.6 ± 7.6 (pasta), 61.4 ± 5.6 versus 53.4 ± 4.7 (focaccia bread), 46.0 ± 4.2 versus 41.5 ± 3.1 (cracker), 35.4 ± 3.6 versus 34.8 ± 5.0 (granola bar), and 41.6 ± 3.8 versus 37.6 ± 3.0 (cookie). The difference did not reach statistical significance (P > 0.05). Mean GI difference between control and pulse variant was 4.8 ± 2.6, with all pulse variants falling into the low GI category. Palatability scores showed no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05) between the control and pulse variant. The data support substituting wheat flour with pulse ingredients to reduce the GI value without changing palatability of the products.  相似文献   

以全国水土保持数据库及其管理系统的建设为背景,以水土保持工作中所应用的数据为研究对象,综合分析了系统的数据流程、数据类型,并设计了系统数据库的逻辑结构和物理结构,最后展示了系统实现的功能。  相似文献   

随着城市社会经济的迅速发展,工业主导的城市化过程带来了许多城市生态环境问题,引起了城市内河水质的恶化。采用1996~2000年喀什市吐曼河水质观测数据、1990年与1999年卫星遥感图像和城市发展中有关的社会经济统计数据与土地利用资料,在3S技术的支持下,运用地表水污染综合指数法,对吐曼河水质进行评价,定量与定性相结合分析了干旱区城市化对城市内河水质的影响。结果表明:大气中的总悬浮颗粒是导致吐曼河水质严重污染的主要原因。此外,城市化所带来得人口增加、工业化与土地利用方式的改变也一定程度的影响了吐曼河的水质。  相似文献   

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