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徐晔春 《花卉》2016,(10):F0004-F0004

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周小钢 《广西园艺》2006,17(2):9-10
1基本现状 1.1三湖红桔的栽培历史 三湖红桔是江西省新干县的特色柑桔良种,迄今有1 700余年的栽培历史,时间可追朔到公元三世纪的西晋时代,早在宋朝年间已被朝廷钦定为贡品.清朝乾隆皇帝下江南,对三湖红桔赞不绝口,亲赐"大红袍"称号,由此三湖红桔更是声名远扬.1936年<江西年鉴>载,江西柑桔以"新淦(干)属的三湖为最盛";改革开放后,三湖红桔发展更快,为全国85个柑桔生产基地县之一,八十年代初,新干曾是江西省果树面积、产量最多的县;到1991年全县栽培面积达0.24万hm2,年产红桔5万t,产值超亿元;年出口量0.13万t,占整个江西柑桔出口量的三分之二,主要销往前苏联等国,为国家赚取了大量的外汇.国内市场也是供不应求,红桔一度红遍大江南北.  相似文献   

经常洗浴有益于卫生.还能使人精神清爽,动物也是一样。我们经常可以看见自然界里的鸟在池塘、小溪畔欢快地玩水、洗浴。养在家里的观赏乌也应该经常洗浴,除了百灵鸟喜欢沙浴外,一般的画居、相思鸟、八哥等等都是水浴。水浴可以清除鸟儿羽毛上的污垢、灰尘、寄生虫。同时也是它们的一项休息锻炼,可以增加运动量,促进食欲和消化。如果你家里养乌  相似文献   

田代科  李景秀等 《园艺学报》2001,28(2):186-187,I004
‘昆明鸟’秋海棠系由大王秋海棠和掌叶秋海棠杂交F1选育而成,常有多节短茎,叶浅型、被浅白斑,直立性较强,抗倒伏,抗白粉病,具较高的观赏价值。‘康儿’秋海棠由大王秋海棠和长翅秋海棠杂交F1选育而成,常用1-3节花茎,叶大型、浅裂,长势旺盛,抗白粉病极强,适宜栽培观赏。‘白雪’秋海棠为野外发现的自然杂交新品种,通过研究证实其为变色秋海棠和掌叶秋海棠的杂交F1代个体,为根茎类秋海棠,无地上茎或地上茎不明显,叶片中型、被毛、浅裂且密被白色斑点,十分美丽,对白粉病有较强的抗性。  相似文献   

洪钧寿 《花卉》2011,(8):40-40
三宝鸟(Eurystomus orientalis)头大、嘴阔,通体呈暗蓝灰色,点缀着红嘴、朱爪。喉部是亮丽蓝色,飞起来两翅中心还有对称的亮蓝色圆圈状斑块,尾部蓝黑色,其它部分呈蓝绿色。  相似文献   

黄伯强 《花卉》2010,(6):38-38
鹊鸲又名四喜鸟、进鸟、屎坑雀等。属雀彤目、鹟科。学名为Copsychus saularis。得名为四喜鸟,缘于此鸟不分季节,四季均好歌唱,以它鸣叫为有喜而然也。得名为鹄鸲,则是远望过去,犹如缩小的喜鹃,因它又像歌鸲那样善于鸣唱。  相似文献   

她是一只美丽的鸟,婀娜多姿,金色线条光滑柔和。她是传说中的吉祥鸟,常常盘旋在灵魂出没的生命静处,张开美丽的翅膀,默默地传播着吉祥和慈爱。她是温馨的,灿烂的。她来到人间,带给我们生命中的福音。  相似文献   

贵州百里杜鹃风景区植物景观资源调查与营造建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵州百里杜鹃林地是人为破坏与自然演进结果下的具有特殊杜鹃花群貌景观的风景区.通过文献调查与野外考察,收集了林区主要的野生杜鹃花种类及常见的其他景观植物,并分析了景区的植物景观特色与存在问题.为了更好地开发利用并保护好这里的野生杜鹃花群落资源,丰富植物景观,延长旅游时期,针对林区地形地貌及现有植物资源,在植物景观营造方面提出了几条合理化建议.  相似文献   

果园鸟害防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来鸟类对果园的危害日益加剧,影响了水果的产量和质量,造成了严重的经济损失。现介绍了果园中害鸟的种类以及为害方式,并根据国内外相关研究较完整地阐述了果园害鸟的防治方法,如声音驱鸟法、视觉驱鸟法、设网保护法等物理防治方法和以氨茴酸甲酯为药剂的化学防治方法,为果农进行害鸟防治提供了综合参考。  相似文献   

介绍辽宁凤凰山风景名胜区的概况及其硬质景观的艺术设计,分析其硬质景观传达的情感和人文思想.  相似文献   

以蝴蝶兰红花系品种"火凤凰"为父本,采用杂交授粉方法,研究不同花色品种对其杂交结实性的影响。结果表明:共获得1个自交组合与3个杂交组合蒴果,总授粉花朵数为54朵,总获得蒴果数为34个,结实率为62.96%。其中,自交授粉花朵数为16朵,获得蒴果12个,结实率为75.00%;杂交授粉数为38朵,获得蒴果22个,结实率为57.89%。各组合蒴果生长曲线走势大致相同,授粉后7~10d子房开始膨大,20~80d进入快速生长期,于80~106d基本趋于平稳。各组合蒴果成熟大小与母本花大小相似。  相似文献   

To understand how urbanization has transformed the desert landscape in the central Arizona – Phoenix region of the United States, we conducted a series of spatial analyses of the land-use pattern from 1912–1995. The results of the spatial analysis show that the extent of urban area has increased exponentially for the past 83 years, and this urban expansion is correlated with the increase in population size for the same period of time. The accelerating urbanization process has increased the degree of fragmentation and structural complexity of the desert landscape. To simulate land-use change we developed a Markov-cellular automata model. Model parameters and neighborhood rules were obtained both empirically and with a modified genetic algorithm. Land-use maps for 1975 and 1995 were used to implement the model at two distinct spatial scales with a time step of one year. Model performance was evaluated using Monte-Carlo confidence interval estimation for selected landscape pattern indices. The coarse-scale model simulated the statistical patterns of the landscape at a higher accuracy than the fine-scale model. The empirically derived parameter set poorly simulated land-use change as compared to the optimized parameter set. In summary, our results showed that landscape pattern metrics (patch density, edge density, fractal dimension, contagion) together were able to effectively capture the trend in land-use associated with urbanization for this region. The Markov-cellular automata parameterized by a modified genetic algorithm reasonably replicated the change in land-use pattern.  相似文献   

湖北作为全国蔬菜大省,蔬菜增值前景极大,发展后劲很足,正致力于发展蔬菜千亿产业工程。就发展蔬菜千亿产业提出以下8条建议:加快标准蔬菜园创建,加大沼气池建设,积极调整种植结构,加速发展外向型蔬菜产业,积极发展湖北省的高山茭白产业,积极发展无土栽培水生蔬菜产业,加快发展湖北省蔬菜保鲜加工产业,加大蔬菜加工设备的研发和投入。  相似文献   


Simple sequence repeats (SSRs; microsatellites) are currently the favoured type of molecular marker for identifying plant germplasm. However, identifying polymorphic SSRs and then using them to distinguish closely-related varieties can be time-consuming. Polymorphic markers originating from particularly labile regions of the genome are likely to be easier to develop and also have the potential to identify markers that have higher polymorphic information contents. Genomic regions that vary in somaclonal “off-types” are a possible source of such labile regions of the genome. Thirty-seven primer pairs, developed from sequences that differed between normal and mantled somaclonal mutant oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plants, were used in polymerase chain reactions to screen DNA from 18 varieties of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). From the resulting polymorphisms, three primer pairs were selected which, when used in combination, could identify each of the date palm varieties, unambiguously. The polymorphic bands were isolated, sequenced, and new internal primers were designed. However, all of the amplifications using these new primers yielded only monomorphic bands, indicating that the variation among these date palm varieties lay mainly at or near the original primer sites, and that the internal sequences were conserved.  相似文献   

聊城市凤凰苑园林植物资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于守超  郭帅  吴福川  刘玮 《北方园艺》2007,(11):150-151
通过对聊城市凤凰苑园林绿化植物种质资源的调查,得知凤凰苑内用于绿化的树种共有83种隶属43科49属,针对目前凤凰苑园林绿化植物运用中存在的一些问题,提出了解决问题的方法及建议,旨在为聊城市制定园林绿化规划、建设花园城市提供一定的理论依据和参考.  相似文献   

为了研究"一带一路"背景下沿线国家食用菌产品贸易状况及发展策略,分析了沿线国家食用菌产品贸易的市场结构。发现近年来在占我国和沿线国家食用菌产品出口份额排在前十位的国家中,大部分是东南亚国家。分析了我国向"一带一路"背景下沿线国家食用菌产品进出口特征,可以看出,我国和沿线国家食用菌产品贸易在逐渐提高,大部分伙伴国处于对于我国食用菌产品贸易净进口的地位;我国向"一带一路"背景下沿线国家出口的食用菌种类通常为干制食用菌、块菌与干木耳等;我国与"一带一路"背景下沿线国家食用菌贸易总额很高,且呈上升趋势。通过HM指数对我国和沿线国家间相互贸易依赖程度进行计算,发现近年来,前十位贸易沿线国家的进出口额占我国食用菌产品进出口总额的比例逐渐升高,表明我国和"一带一路"沿线国家食用菌产品的贸易逐渐加强。分析了我国在食用菌贸易方的劣势,针对质量问题与政策支持问题给出相应发展策略。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,89(4):291-298
Embryogenic callus derived from offshoot tip of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) was transferred to MS medium containing 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100 μM AgNO3 combined with 0 or 0.5 μM 2iP. Embryogenic callus weight, number of embryos developed and embryo elongation were significantly influenced by the interaction between silver nitrate (AgNO3) and 2iP. In the absence of 2iP, callus weight was greatest with 75 μM AgNO3, but in the presence of 2iP omitting silver nitrate resulted in the highest callus proliferation. The number of embryos increased in response to increasing silver nitrate concentration in the absence of 2iP, but in the presence of 2iP increasing the concentration of silver nitrate gave the opposite trend. The number of resultant embryos was the highest on 25 μM AgNO3in the presence of 0.5 μM 2iP. This treatment also caused maximum embryo elongation. The results have shown that silver nitrate promoted callus proliferation and enhanced the formation and elongation of somatic embryos of date palm. Furthermore, the action of silver nitrate was clearly modified by the addition of 2iP. Depending on the response, 2iP modification ranged from slight alteration to complete inversion of the general trend associated with increasing silver nitrate concentration. The observed stimulatory action of AgNO3 on date palm somatic embryogenesis may contribute to improve existing regeneration systems particularly for recalcitrant date palm genotypes.  相似文献   

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