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以北京市最重要的阔叶树种杨树(Populus)为研究对象,利用1 678株样木的材积测量数据,通过采用哑变量模型和误差变量联立方程组方法,建立了毛白杨(P.tomentosa)、速生杨(P.×euramericana)和加拿大杨(P.×canadensis)3个树种(组)的相容性二元立木材积方程、胸径和地径一元立木材积方程、树高胸径回归模型及地径胸径回归模型,并分析了不同树种之间的差异。结果表明:二元立木材积方程的平均预估误差均在2%以内,胸径一元材积方程和地径一元材积方程的平均预估误差也大都在3%以内,达到了立木材积表的编制精度要求。所建模型可为北京市杨树林的蓄积量估计提供准确的计量依据。  相似文献   

在林业案件中,有不同的伐倒木类型,包括通直圆满类型、搭挂木、分叉树、不规整伐倒木等,文章分别不同类型提出了材积测定的思路和方法。  相似文献   

以马尾松人工林作为研究对象,用伐倒木样木数据,经干形分析和多指标精度比较,选定最佳的削度方程;通过树皮率方程和树高曲线方程进行计算机理论造材,依据各经济材种规格,编制出马尾松胸径树高二元经济材出材率表。经检验,以该方法编制的出材率表达到林业数表模型编制的精度要求。  相似文献   

林业案件查处过程中,滥伐或盗伐的林木无法测定树木胸径,通常是根据经验直接估计树木胸径后查阅《一元立木材积表》算出材积。如何利用树木地径科学地计算胸径和材积,本研究选择了马尾松、杉木、柏木、麻栎4个常见树种,通过实地随机抽样测量、数据分析、建模估算、分析汇总、实地验证,在三峡库区秭归县分析得出各树种地径与胸径的关系,编制出4个树种地径一元立木材积表,并在Excel中编制程序代入相关数据,制作出了地径一元立木材积计算表,选择树种后输入该树种的地径数值即得该树木的胸径和材积,实现了在办案过程中科学、快速、准确地测算立木材积的目标。  相似文献   

以东北落叶松(Larix spp.)立木材积和地上生物量数据为例,通过采用误差变量联立方程组和分段建模方法,研究建立了相容的立木材积方程、地上生物量方程及生物量转换函数.结果表明:采用误差变量联立方程组能确保立木材积与地上生物量之间估计结果的相容性,而分段建模方法能有效解决常用模型在小径阶存在的系统偏估问题;本文所建立的分段一元模型,地上生物量和立木材积的总体预估误差均不超过5%;分段二元模型,地上生物量的预估误差基本在4%以内,立木材积的预估误差则小于3%.  相似文献   


Volume equations for poplars growing on farmland in Sweden. The aim of the study was to construct a simple volume equation for poplar and to evaluate the equation together with seven published equations. Data from 72 poplars were collected from 37 stands in central and southern Sweden (lat. 55–60°N). The stands’ mean age and density was 21 years and 940 stems ha?1, respectively and the trees’ mean diameter at breast height (DBH) was 25 cm. One simple volume equation with three parameters to be estimated for poplar was constructed with DBH and total height (H) as independent variables. This equation was analyzed and compared to seven published simple equations. The best performance, in terms of low values of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Absolute Bias, was achieved by the equations developed by Eriksson and by Scott. However, due to these equations high level of multicollinearity an alternative recommendation was made where the constructed equation is recommended.  相似文献   


Tree-stem volumes constitute critical measurements for forest management. We propose a general two-criterion procedure for choosing the most reliable and robust volume equation(s), among a set of them previously fitted in a forest. Also, the proposal can be used as an additional criterion when fitting new equations to a single sample. Through simulated volumes, we considered how well a model estimates the volume generated by itself (the more accurate estimation, the better) and measured a model’s variability of the mean errors when it estimates volumes rebuilt by other models (the lower variability, the better). The procedure is exemplified with volume equations of Pinus patula in the Forestry Management Unit 1302 in Hidalgo, Mexico. In the example, we found that a linearized form of the combined-variable equation results reliable and robust. This selection coincided with the one made with data of a recent 150 trees sample (validation), where the rebuilt-estimated mean volume differs 0.034 m3 from the observed mean volume; it represents around US$2.6. Therefore, it is shown that simulation becomes an effective tool to identify equations that do not reproduce the volume of trees well in the current forest and helps to choose reliable and robust equations.  相似文献   

Several studies have looked at the relative importance of habitat association of tree species in maintaining tropical tree species diversity at a variety of scales including the importance of edaphic factors. The objective of this study was to test hypotheses on the distribution of important timber species in relation to topographic position and soil chemical parameters. Tree species from a Central African rain forest were selected within a 100-ha plot in southwestern Central Africa Republic. Individuals of Lovoa trichilioides, Nesogordonia papaverifera, Pterocarpus soyauxii, Terminalia superba ≥ 10 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) were inventoried then mapped to topography using a survey laser. A torus translation was performed to test for associations between tree species distribution and topographic position as well as soil mineral nutrients for three of the four species. Trees ≥ 30 cm dbh of all three species showed no association with topographic position. However, the distribution of T. superba was significantly associated with high concentrations of soil mineral nutrients. Evidence from mineral nutrient levels indicates that extrapolating topography to define habitat and soil type can be very misleading. Because many of Central Africa's most important timber species have distributions linked to edaphic factors, it is clear that soils must be considered equally as much as topographic position for management plans of logging concessions within Central African tropical forests.  相似文献   

贵州省人工马尾松立木材积和地上生物量方程研建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以贵州省人工马尾松样木的立木材积和地上生物量数据为基础,建立省级总体平均模型和以区域作为特定参数的哑变量模型及线性混合模型,并对中心区和一般区2类区域性模型与省级总体平均模型之间的差异进行对比分析和预估效果检验。结果表明:对立木材积和地上生物量估计而言,区域特定的模型与总体平均模型之间以及哑变量模型和线性混合模型之间并没有显著差异。本文所建模型为贵州省马尾松人工林的蓄积量和生物量监测评估提供计量依据,所用方法为建立其他含特定参数的通用性模型提供可行途径。  相似文献   

Forest volume, the major component of forest biomass, is an important issue in forest resource monitoring.It is estimated from tree volume tables or equations. Based on tree volume data of 1840 sample trees from Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations in Guizhou Province in southwestern China, parallel one- and two-variable tree volume tables and tree height curves for central and other areas were constructed using an error-in-variable modeling method. The results show that, although the one-variable tree volume equations and height curves between the central and other areas were significantly different, the two-variable volume equations were sufficiently close, so that a generalized two-variable tree volume equation could be established for the entire province.  相似文献   

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