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Life-cycle analyses, energy analyses, and a range of utilization efficiencies were developed to determine the carbon dioxide (CO2) and fossil fuel (FF) saved by various solid wood products, wood energy, and unharvested forests. Some products proved very efficient in CO2 and FF savings, while others did not. Not considering forest regrowth after harvest or burning if not harvested, efficient products save much more CO2 than the standing forest; but wood used only for energy generally saves slightly less. Avoided emissions (using wood in place of steel and concrete) contributes the most to CO2 and FF savings compared to the product and wood energy contributions. Burning parts of the harvested logs that are not used for products creates an additional CO2 and FF savings. Using wood substitutes could save 14 to 31% of global CO2 emissions and 12 to 19% of global FF consumption by using 34 to 100% of the world’s sustainable wood growth. Maximizing forest CO2 sequestration may not be compatible with biodiversity. More CO2 can be sequestered synergistically in the products or wood energy and landscape together than in the unharvested landscape. Harvesting sustainably at an optimum stand age will sequester more carbon in the combined products, wood energy, and forest than harvesting sustainably at other ages.  相似文献   

浅谈香蕉生产机械化管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
叙述香蕉生产机械化管理的内涵和在不同生长发育期的机械化设施和技术应用,提出香蕉生产机械化严重不足是严重限制我国香蕉产业发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

竹林机械化经营装具开发应用实践与对策   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
近年来,受国际、国内市场和加工产业二次自主创新不足的影响,加上传统生产力水平低下、劳动力工资持续走高、生产成本快速增长,竹产业走入了前所未有的低谷。文章推荐了推广应用多年、应用效果较好的6种适用于竹林生产的机械——毛竹伐桩处理机、竹林微耕刀具、毛竹无动力运送装置、竹枝桠粉碎机、充电式毛竹采伐锯、便捷式毛竹钩梢装置,提出了基于这些机械的4种竹林经营模式——冬笋型技术模式、春笋早出型模式、鞭笋培育型模式、林菌复合型模式,并为在竹产区推行机械化经营提出了应对策略。  相似文献   


In this review article, the progress of Brazilian research on mineral nutrition and fertilization of native tree species is discussed, taking as reference the scientific knowledge regarding the exotic species of the genera Eucalyptusand Pinus. There is a great knowledge gap in the theoretical base needed to develop technologies on nutritional management of native species. The high diversity of species, with variable or unknown responses to nutrient supply, makes difficult to set up a standardized and efficient fertilizer recommendation. Nevertheless, taking into account the successional groups and the growth rate of species, it is possible to discriminate the levels of nutritional requirements and to define differential management strategies of fertilization. Relevant aspects for future research on this line are also suggested.  相似文献   

A review of the roles of forest canopy gaps   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Treefall gap, canopy opening caused by the death of one or more trees, is the dominant form of disturbance in many forest systems worldwide. Gaps play an important role in forest ecology helping to pre- serve bio- and pedo-diversity, influencing nutrient cycles, and maintain- ing the complex structure of the late-successional forests. Over the last 30 years, numerous reviews have been written describing gap dynamics. Here we synthesize current understanding on gap dynamics relating to tree regeneration with particular emphasis on gap characteristics consid- ered critical to develop ecologically sustainable forest management sys- tems and to conserve native biodiversity. Specifically, we addressed the question: how do gaps influence forest structure? From the literature re- viewed, the size of gaps induces important changes in factors such as light intensity, soil humidity and soil biological properties that influence tree species regeneration and differ in gaps of different sizes. Shade- tolerant species can colonize small gaps; shade-intolerant species need large gaps for successful regeneration. Additionally, gap dynamics differ between temperate, boreal, and tropical forests, showing the importance of climate differences in driving forest regeneration. This review summa- rizes information of use to forest managers who design cutting regimes that mimic natural disturbances and who must consider forest structure, forest climate, and the role of natural disturbance in their designs.  相似文献   

豆科及非豆科固氮树种是重要的生物固N资源。作为混交树种,在混交林中发挥着改善林地养分及水分状况,维持地力,提高林地生产力,很好地促进主要树种生长的重要作用。  相似文献   

This article investigates options for reforestation in degraded forests in Central Vietnam within the context of sustainable forestry and presents a forest management plan for the forests around the community of Phong My. In the past, the area was damaged during the war between Vietnam and the United States and after that by overcutting. Forests have gradually been degraded and now they are replaced by plantations of fast-growing Acacia (Acacia mangium). After final harvests, the stand remnants are burnt and the burnt area is again regenerated via artificial regeneration of Acacia. Here, we propose several mixtures in which Acacia stands can be augmented with other tree species. A proposed system of afforestation and subsequent management is given here with the goal of encouraging mixed species, multiple cohort stands, and disincentivizing the method of slash-and-burn. The proposed afforestation patterns were also used to calculate the future number of seedlings required to enable the enlargement of quality forests at the expense of degraded ones.  相似文献   

常绿落叶阔叶混交林是我国特有的自然植被类型和天然林类型,也是鄂西南武陵山区中山地带最典型、最重要的天然林类型.由于长期过度采伐利用,退化严重.采取全面禁伐的强制性保护措施,恢复进程缓慢,一些严重退化群落甚至难以恢复.遵循常绿落叶阔叶混交林演替规律,借助自然力,通过以积极的人为干预措施,可以快速恢复与重建鄂西南武陵山区常绿落叶阔叶混交林.本文在调查研究的基础上,论述了鄂西南武陵山区常绿落叶阔叶混交林的演替动态和恢复的可能性,分析了常绿落叶阔叶混交林恢复的制约因素,提出了常绿落叶阔叶混交林的恢复的3种方式即人工恢复、人工促进天然恢复和人工重建,以及封禁保护、抚育间伐、补植(播)、封山育林、林分改造和人工重建等恢复技术要点.  相似文献   

Community forestry is expanding in developing countries but there is limited knowledge of, and contradictory findings about, its contribution to biodiversity conservation. This study aims at increasing the understanding of tree species diversity in community forests compared to National Parks. A forest inventory was carried out in four community forests and one National Park in the mid-hills of central Nepal. The study found that community forestry has contributed to high tree species diversity where forest management communities have interests in multiple species, but most community forests are moving toward promoting limited timber yielding species that have high economic value. Linking community forestry with economic incentives for conserving multiple tree species could therefore be a strategy to conserve biodiversity outside of protected areas.  相似文献   

帽儿山不同森林类型生物多样性恢复效果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对帽儿山7种典型森林类型(示范区)植被恢复的调查,以生物多样性为研究对象,应用主成分分析、典型相关分析的方法,对各示范区恢复情况进行评分,并分析示范区植被恢复效果与影响因素之间的关系。结果表明:恢复时间、采伐方式对生物多样性的恢复和分布起主导作用,示范区Ⅵ(白桦-水曲柳混交林)营造樟子松与水曲柳带状混交林的恢复效果最好,示范区Ⅶ(白桦-山槐混交林)恢复效果次之。研究结果为森林生物多样性恢复方式的选择提供决策支持。  相似文献   

次生常绿阔叶林抚育改造技术的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
1984年在江西省德兴市和信丰县进行次生常绿阔叶林抚育改造试验,10a研究结果表明:(1)更新初期次生林组成抚育树种选择应以林分中速生丰产树种米槠、丝栗栲、木荷等为主。米槠等速生树种材积定期生长量在林分中所占比例比其株数所占比例多10%以上;(2)幼龄林疏伐强度的生长效应以中—强度疏伐对林分生长有促进作用,林分主要速生树种数量和材积比例可分别提高15%和5%左右。伐后保留1500株/hm2,疏伐间隔期8~10a;(3)中龄林密度管理后,槠栲类、木荷和次要树种所占比例分别为37%、33.9%和29.1%。4a后3类树种在林分产量结构中所占比例分别为53.7%、29.4%和16.9%,槠栲类直径和单株材积定期生长量均显著或极显著高于其它2类树种,表明密度管理能较有效地提高槠栲类树种的生产力,林分保留密度以600~800株/hm2为宜。  相似文献   

重建竹木混交林的探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
调查分析了建瓯市靛墩村经营毛竹纯林存在的问题,并提出重建竹木混交林的一些可行的措施。  相似文献   

Soil erosion causes the loss of the fertilized surface soil. The eroded soil can be transported into rivers, lakes and reservoirs. The sedimentation raises the riverbed. It also reduces the flood discharge ability of rivers and the storage ability of reservoirs(Sun Lida, et al, 1995; Yu Zhimin, et al, 1999). Various researches proved that forests could reduce soil erosion. Forests in the watershed can decrease the sedimentation of the reservoir (Guo Zhongwei, et al, 1998; Qing Yongsheng, 2…  相似文献   

文章介绍了西江流域水源涵养林的现状,简述了西江流域水源涵养林建设的原则和措施,分析了营建水源涵养林的树种选择及其配置方式、群落结构模式,提出了发展水源涵养林的建议。  相似文献   

在对2008年持续低温雨雪冰冻灾害进行反思的基础上,分析了森林经营对森林健康的影响机制和当前森林经营上的几个误区,提出了森林健康经营的理念。应用森林健康经营理念,在灾后恢复与重建工作中,针对不同林相、不同灾情,提出了7种森林健康经营模式。  相似文献   

川西米亚罗林区森林恢复的影响因子分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
地处青藏高原东南缘的川西亚高山林区,地形复杂,新构造运动活跃,岩体松散,地震频繁,是一个生态环境非常脆弱的地区。川西亚高山暗针叶林是该区主要的森林类型,这些森林集中分布于金沙江、雅砻江、岷江、大渡河等流域及其支流,是我国西南高山林区水源涵养林的重要组成部分。20世  相似文献   

分析了天保工程不同区域存在的基本矛盾和问题,从面临的众多问题中总结归纳出退化天然林恢复与重建、非木质林产品资源开发利用、天然林近自然采育更新和结构调整、工程区防灾减灾和森林健康状况保持、天然林资源动态时空分析与评价等5个重大而急需解决的技术问题;提出了推广应用现有技术成果、针对新问题设立课题研究和引进国际先进理论技术为工程服务的总体对策;并针对5大问题进行深入分析,提出了人工促进退化天然林恢复、森林近自然经营及健康状态监测等解决问题的关键理论和技术要点.  相似文献   

分析了天保工程不同区域存在的基本矛盾和问题,从面临的众多问题中总结归纳出退化天然林恢复与重建、非木质林产品资源开发利用、天然林近自然采育更新和结构调整、工程区防灾减灾和森林健康状况保持、天然林资源动态时空分析与评价等5个重大而急需解决的技术问题;提出了推广应用现有技术成果、针对新问题设立课题研究和引进国际先进理论技术为工程服务的总体对策;并针对5大问题进行深入分析,提出了人工促进退化天然林恢复、森林近自然经营及健康状态监测等解决问题的关键理论和技术要点。  相似文献   

以通山县大幕山林场国家储备林为研究对象,按蓄积采伐强度设置对照(0%)、低强度(15.7%)、中强度(27.0%)、高强度(36.0%)、超高强度(45.6%)5个处理建立20块固定样地,对杉檫混交林目标树经营成效进行了监测。结果表明:作业样地2020年与2019年相比,目标树平均胸径生长量增加0.52 cm/年,单位面积蓄积生长量增加4.38 m3/(hm2·年);同时,2020年4种采伐强度作业样地平均每100 m2天然更新树种数6.25个,新增天然更新株数21株,而对照样地每100 m2天然更新树种数仅3个,新增天然更新株数仅12株。由此可见,目标树经营既促进了林木胸径生长,增加了林分蓄积量,同时又改善了林下天然更新,增加了物种多样性,可为国家储备林项目营林措施的选择提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

在对头塘小流域山地系统特征了解的基础上,探讨了该区域山地防护林体系结构的调整、配置方式和营建技术。经对小流域所建防护林体系进行防护效益监测分析,结果表明:营建防护林体系后,防护效益显著,土壤侵蚀模数由1831t/km2·a下降到1165t/km2·a,减少了36%;坡地造林后,地表径流较荒草坡地、裸地分别减少7944%和9401%,泥沙削减率下降878%和988%。头塘小流域在金沙江流域具有代表性,其防护林体系的结构配置以及营建技术,可用以指导金沙江流域山地防护林体系建设  相似文献   

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