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孟加拉森林保护区系统综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟加拉目前共建立了19个保护区,包含了该国家全部4种森林类型。这些保护区既可以保存生物多样性,也为当地群众维持生计提供资源。一直以来,各个保护区由国家林业局统一管理以确保森林的可持续性:近期,一项共同管理措旌开始在5个保护区试点,借此发展参与森林保护的伙伴。此项措施已经产生一些积极的影响,还要适当的附加限制的发挥积极性,确保共同参与这项措施获得成功,推进正在进行的保护计划。本文综述了已发表的研究成果、政府和项目文件,来分析保护区的现状,并给出相应的建议。  相似文献   

An increased understanding of the importance of forest diversity for ecosystem services such as medicine, wood, climate control, etc., has lead to greater interest in the study of forests. This study aims to analyze the diversity, composition, and distribution pattern of tree species in Pachamalai Reserve Forest in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu State. Data were collected in the quadrant method, where 10 × 10 m2 plots at different altitudes from 230 to 930 m with 50-m regular intervals were plotted. A total of 73 tree species belonging to 35 families with the density of 1,372 individuals were enumerated from 3 ha. Overall, the most dominant tree species family was Fabaceae (21 species). The highest number in terms of density of tree species was observed for Pongamia pinnata and the most dominant on the basis of basal area was Tamarindus indica. The species inventory was calculated by Shannon-Weiner index (3.916), Simpson index (0.0206), and Margalef index (9.9667). With the increasing altitudinal gradient, the maximum species richness was observed in the middle elevation zone from 580 to 780 m. The results from the study could be helpful for monitoring and sustaining the forest resources, and important in preventing the loss of biodiversity and mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

We focused on key aspects of forest governance for biodiver- sity conservation in implementing new climate change policies. The national forest institutions must be adaptive to identify the existing pitfalls of prior conservation policies to take advantage of new climate change policies. Strengthening roles and technical capacity of national institutions for systematic biodiversity monitoring and carbon stock assessment is required in developing and least developed countries. Community participation needs careful analysis to ensure equitable ac- cess of particular social groups to local decision-making processes and to sustain optional livelihoods. The livelihood options around forest reserves or protected areas must be taken into account to enhance forest-based adaptation.  相似文献   


Many forest reserves in Bangladesh have been converted to protected areas (PAs) to conserve the forests resources from further depletion. This study has investigated if such initiatives have improved the state of biodiversity of these PAs amid tremendous anthropogenic pressure on forest resources. We have assessed the phytosociological attributes of the PAs in the country through a case study at Kaptai National Park (KNP) and compared the attributes with those of the adjacent areas and of the tropical forests across the world. We have identified 52 species belonging to 45 genera and 28 families. The most dominant species in KNP was Dipterocarpus spp. and the adjacent area was dominated by Tectona grandis. Unexpectedly, the Shannon-Wiener index of KNP has dropped down from 2.98 in 2000 to 0.90 in 2014. However, in terms of relative density, relative dominance, and relative frequency, KNP was better than the adjacent areas. In contrast, the mean Shannon-Wiener index in KNP (0.90) was smaller than that in the tropical countries (2.99). We recommend strengthening effective comanagement of PAs and enabling nonforestry income generation activities for the forest-dependent people so that the biodiversity of the PAs can be enriched while people’s livelihoods are ensured.  相似文献   

台州市植物多样性保护的现状分析及解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对台州市植物多样性的现状、环境条件进行了分析,并结合台州实际提出了植物多样性保护的几点措施。  相似文献   


The process of protection (e.g. reserves, agreements) on the lands of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners sometimes leads to conflicts (conflict: a perceived threat to needs, interests or concerns; in this study, “threat” was important). To investigate predictive factors for such conflicts in southern Sweden, a questionnaire was sent to 132 NIPF owners with woodland key habitat (WKH; identified biodiversity values). The response rate was 77% and conflict was reported by 22.5% of respondents, while 14% reported good relations with authorities. The respondents reported conflict due to rules for cutting, protection and compensation. Compared with other owners, those reporting conflict were younger (mean 54 versus 62 years old), had more negative opinion about the personal contact with the authority, had twice as large an area of WKH and had more negative opinion about the WKH. Logistic regression revealed four variables that predicted conflict: area of WKH on property, opinion about WKH, opinion about personal contact and, especially, age of respondent. Younger forest owners may be more dependent upon income from harvesting than older owners. Conflicts were frequent and the factors identified here should be taken into account in forest conservation work.  相似文献   

Tree species diversity and population structure at different community types were described and analyzed for primary and secondary lowland moist deciduous forests in Tripura.Overall 10,957 individual trees belonging to 46 family,103 genera and 144 species were counted at ≥30 cm DBH(diameter at breast height) using 28 permanent belt transects with a size of 1 ha(10 m × 1000 m).Four different tree communities were identified.The primary forests was dominated by Shorea robusta(mean density 464.77 trees ha-1,105 species) and Schima wallichii(336.25 trees ha-1,82 species),while the secondary forests was dominated by Tectona grandis(333.88 trees ha-1,105 species) and Hevea brasiliensis(299.67 trees ha-1,82 species).Overall mean basal area in this study was 18.01m 2 ·ha-1 ;the maximum value was recorded in primary Shorea forest(26.21 m 2 ·ha-1).Mean density and diversity indices were differed significantly within four different communities.No significant differences were observed in number of species,genera,family and tree basal cover area.Significant relationships were found between the species richness and different tree population groups across the communities.Results revealed that species diversity and density were increased in those forests due to past disturbances which resulted in slow accumulation of native oligarchic small tree species.Seventeen species were recorded with <2 individuals of which Saraca asoka(Roxb.) de Wilde and Entada phaseoloides(L.) Merr.etc.extensively used in local ethno-medicinal formulations.The present S.robusta Gaertn dominated forest was recorded richer(105 species) than other reported studies.Moraceae was found more speciose family instead of Papilionaceae and Euphorbiaceae than other Indian moist deciduous forests.Seasonal phenological gap in such moist deciduous forests influenced the population of Trachypithecus pileatus and capped langur.The analysis of FIV suggested a slow trend of shifting the population of Lamiaceae group by Moraceae species in secondary T.grandis L.dominated community.  相似文献   

Distance-independent individual tree growth models based on about 30,000 observations from the National Forest Inventory and the Norwegian Forest Research Institute have been developed for the main tree species in Norway. The models predict 5-year basal area increment over bark for trees larger than 5 cm at breast height. Potential input variables were of four types: size of the tree, competition indices, site conditions, and stand variables including species, mixtures and layers. The squared correlation coefficient (R2) varied from 0.26 to 0.55. The accuracy of the models was tested by comparing the individual tree models with Norwegian diameter increment models. The accuracy is similar, but individual tree models forecast diameter distributions directly. The inclusion of species mixture and layer as variables increases the reliability of the models in mixed and in uneven-aged stands.  相似文献   

A deterministic dynamic bio-economic model was used to analyse different management options for goats and charcoal production in a forest in Zagros, Iran. The study sought optimal management options from a local community point of view considering net present value (NPV) of income from sale of goats and charcoal under different restrictions on forest harvest imposed by the state. The model was run under six model scenarios: (1) business as usual (BAU), (2) no state intervention, (3) no forest harvesting, (4) strict quota, (5) medium quota and (6) loose quota on charcoal production. The scenarios' results were compared based on four numeric criteria (NPV of income from goats and charcoal, development of standing volume and tree size diversity in forest, interaction between goat population and oak forests) and one subjective criterion (state budget for managing forest). The results indicated that two main challenges exist in forest management in Zagros; (1) to determine the balance between local communities' welfare and biological stability of the forest and (2) to choose between a cheap management regime prohibiting wood harvest but implicitly accepting some illegal charcoal production and a more expensive, but legal, harvest regulation through charcoal production quota. We conclude that the BAU scenario, where forest harvesting was prohibited de jure, but some illegal charcoal production was still undertaken, was the only viable management, which also is practically acceptable by both state and local communities.  相似文献   

Protected areas in tourist hot spots are under increasing pressure from growing commercial tourism and wild plants utilization. However, few studies of tourists’ behaviors and attitudes towards eating wild edible plants in protected areas have been conducted. This study presents the results of an investigation conducted on 202 tourists and 334 households in the Qinling Mountains in China to examine relationships between harvest/eating wild edible plants and the tourism experience. According to the results, there is a high demand for wild edible plants by tourists and local people because of traditions and the desire for green food. Tourists with a higher level of education, maturity, or environmental awareness eat wild edible plants to a lesser extent. However, higher income may encourage greater utilization of wildland resources. Analytical results indicate significant inconsistency between tourists’ perceptions of wildland resource conservation and their actual behavior. Besides, the respondents perceive a low level of environmental responsibility in spite of their stated environmental awareness. This study highlights the need to fulfill ecological responsibility when tourism occurs in protected areas to achieve species conservation and sustainability.  相似文献   

In order to precisely assess the role of agroforestry for the conservation of (agro-)biological diversity there is a need to adjust sampling methods used in plant sociology. This study is on the contribution of agroforestry land use to the in-situ conservation of indigenous trees within a typical East-African smallholder farming system in Western Kenya. A modified approach to measuring species richness and abundance is presented. The selection of tree-rich structures was done according to management patterns rather than considering syntaxonomic classifications from the vegetation science point of view. This approach, which is better suited to the strongly human-influenced vegetation of agroecosystems, employs between-management unit diversity measures to help evaluate abundance and constancy of species in particular management units. The predominant off-farm vegetation patterns are riverine forests, rocky hillsides, hedgerows, wooded grassland relicts, woodlands or colline forest relicts and tree groves whereas the noticeable tree-rich on-farm management units are homegardens, homesteads, life fences, coffee- and banana-groves and annual cropping fields. 98% out of all indigenous tree species known from Bungoma, occur in off-farm lands. 53% of the indigenous tree species occur in tree rich on-farm management units while 47% of the indigenous trees are dependent on the maintenance of off-farm lands. Hedgerows embody the most promising secondary vegetation structure that shows ample potential to accommodate a wide range of indigenous perennial species outside the natural vegetation formations. The pattern of distribution of various vegetation structures, and the mixture with diverse tree-based on-farm plots are interesting features in regard to floristic and eco-diversity on a landscape level. In this respect, three areas that show different population densities and distinct agro-historical conditions were compared. In regions of particular high population density the degree of association of various functional land use forms and woodland structures – each characterised by its own floristic make-up – is comparatively high. In contrast, in regions with less population but that were settled at a later date, one encounters fewer stands of woody plants with lower numbers of species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on a long-term monitoring of water cycle in the water and soil conservation forest stands of Pinus tabulaeformis and Robinia pseudoacacia, the soil moisture deficit is calculated. Following the principles of runoff-collecting forestry and applying the forest structure investigation results, the authors developed a formula to calculate appropriate density for forests on the basis of different diameters at breast height (DBH). Using this method to manage forests, the natural water requirement of forests can be met and soil drought can be avoided. In addition, with long-term monitoring of soil moisture in stands, the authors also give an appropriate managing density specifically for the water and soil conservation forests of P. tabulaeformis and R. pseudoacacia in the loess area which is according to soil moisture content, or with the lowest soil moisture content and invalid moisture frequency as the indexes. __________ Translated from Science of Water and Soil Conservation, 2007, 5(2): 55–59 [译自: 中国水土保持科学]  相似文献   

Two threatened dipterocarp species,Dipterocarpus costatus and Dipterocarpus alatus are well-known endangered species in lowland forests of southeastern Vietnam,primarily from habitat loss and over-exploitation of their wood.To develop conservation strategies for these species,we analyzed 242 samples using nine microsatellite markers to determine the genetic variability within and among five populations of D.alatus and three of D.costatus,representing the natural range of dipterocarps in Southeast Vietnam.Results indicated low levels of genetic variability within populations with an average gene diversity of 0.223 for D.alatus and 0.152 for D.costatus.Results of bottleneck tests indicated a reduction in population size of both species(P>0.05).Genetic differentiation among populations was high(FST=0.347 for D.costatus and 0.274 for D.alatus),indicating limited gene flow(Nm=0.662 for D.costatus and 0.47 for D.alatus)and isolated populations related to geographical distances.Analysis of molecular variance showed high genetic variation within populations(72.92%for D.alatus and 60.81%for D.costatus)compared to among populations.Bayesian analysis and UPGMA tree also indicated the two optimal genetic clusters related to geographical distances.These results will provide a platform for the conservation,management and restoration of these species.  相似文献   

北京地区水源涵养林健康评价指标体系的探讨   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40  
在科学性、可操作性和灵敏性原则的指导下,以森林生态学和系统论为基础,采用复合结构功能指标法,整合国内外森林健康和水源涵养林研究新成果,结合北京地区自然条件和森林植被的具体情况,提出了一套评价北京地区林分级水源涵养林健康的指标体系及评价方法,并以北京市密云水库上游雾灵山水源涵养林为研究对象开展了实例研究。  相似文献   

The Afromontane forests of Ethiopia have been under a serious degradation threat. Assessment of floristic diversity and species composition in Biteyu forest of Gurage mountain chain in the central Ethiopia was conducted to examine the pattern of forest structure. Thirty plots of 30 m×30 m were used to record the vegetation and environmental data using systematic sampling technique. The local name, plant scientific names, DBH, height,species abundance and percentage canopy cover of plant species were recorded. Shannon diversity index and Sorensen's coefficients was used for comparison among communities and similar forests in the country. Threats to the forest biodiversity in Biteyu were determined by counting cattle interference and wood stumps as disturbance indicators. Relative Euclidean Distance measures by using Ward's method(linkage) was applied for cluster analysis. Environmental variables were also recorded in each plot. Woody species population structure, basal area and importance value index were analyzed using spreadsheet programs. Data on species distribution and environmental variables in the forest were analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis. A total of 190 species in 154 genera under 73 families were identified. Twenty species were found to be endemic taxa to the Flora Area. Only three plant community types were identified from the cluster analysis due to the high human influence. The Sorensen's coefficient showed the resemblance of the Biteyu forest with other Dry Evergreen Afromontane forests in the country. Moreover, altitude and slope strongly affect the species composition and structure of Biteyu forest. Given the high anthropogenic influence, high endemism, high dependence of the local community on the forest resources, forest conservation and restoration measures should be done by stakeholders.  相似文献   

The sal forest is the only plainland forest in Bangladesh, and is of national economic and environmental importance. High population and ever increasing poverty has stimulated exploitation of the forest alarmingly and brought it near extinction. In facing this situation, the Bangladesh Forest Department implemented a participatory management approach, involving the householders living in and around the forests, for forest maintenance and protection. This study examines the effectiveness of practicing participatory forestry on the settlers’ livelihood in the encorached area of the sal forest. The settlers were given degraded and encroached forest land through the program. Two major social forestry models — namely agroforestry and woodlots — are included in the study. Participation in the resettlement increased household income, employment opportunities and financial and non-land assets. It was found that the participatory management regime could attain the sustainability of the forest and accelerate the standard of settlers’ livelihood, hence the program is an efficient management option towards sustainability of the forest resources. These findings suggest that there is a role for extending the approach to rehabilitate other degraded and encroached forest lands in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of selective logging disturbances on tree diversity and soil characteristics in the Bia Conservation Area in southwest Ghana.The study was conducted in unlogged,29-35 years post-logged and swamp forests using ten 25 m×25 m plots.In total,we identified 310 individual trees belonging to 87 species.Mean ShannonWeiner index was highest in the post-logged forest but there were no significant differences in tree density,dominance,or DBH size class distributions between these forests.Soil physical properties such as pH and bulk density up to 30 cm depth were similar in the two of forests In terms of soil nutrient status,available P,exchangeable K and total N contents were all similar in the unlogged and post-logged forests.Our findings suggest that the effects of logging on tree diversity are comparatively long-term,in contrast to its short-term effects on some top soil physical and chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

万佛山丹霞地貌区常绿阔叶林群落物种多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨丹霞地貌区常绿阔叶林群落物种多样性,通过对物种丰富度指数、物种相对多度模型、物种多样性指数和物种均匀度指数的测度,对区域内16个常绿阔叶林群落进行分析,并与中亚热带典型地区森林群落物种多样性比较。结果表明,万佛山常绿阔叶林群落具有较高的物种丰富度,物种多样性在层次中的变化趋势为灌层〉乔层〉草层;万佛山常绿阔叶林生物多样性在中亚热带常绿阔叶林生态系统中具有普遍的意义。  相似文献   

To discover the site adaptability and density suitability of Larix principis-rupprechtii as a water conservation forest in Wutai Mountain, Shanxi Province, the growth process and diameter distribution characteristics of 10-year-old artificial L. principis-rupprechtii forests with density structures of 2600 trees/hm2 and 3500 trees/hm2 were studied using trunk analysis of a sample tree. The results showed that: 1) The tree height increment of the two kinds of forests were the same, and it was almost not affected by density. However, the growth process of the diameter and timber volume showed a great distinction. The growth status and density structure of the low density forest were superior to the high density forest. 2) The skewness (S k) of diameter distribution had great distinction. The S k (0.01) of the low density forest approached a normal distribution, which showed that the density structure was reasonable, while the S k (0.45) of the high density forest was partial to a normal distribution, which showed that the density structure was on the high side. The kurtosis (K) of the two forests (one was −0.64, the other was −0.74) had little distinction and the density factor had limited function to forest polarization. 3) The increment of diameter at breast height, timber volume and trunk stock of the low density forest increased yearly without the effect of density. However, the increment of high density forests had declined from the sixth year, which was restricted by high density. 4) The reasonable density of the 10-year-old L. principis-rupprechtii artificial forest was about 2600 trees/hm2, which is also the reasonable planting density if the utilization of double cutting is not considered. __________ Translated from Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2007, 5(1): 1–6 [译自: 中国水土保持科学]  相似文献   

付作霖 《甘肃林业科技》2006,31(2):22-24,28
云杉落针病是白龙江、洮河水源涵养林区最为严重的林木叶部病害。为加强对该病的管理,有效控制其危害和在白龙江、洮河水源涵养林区乃至整个西北地区进一步扩散蔓延,参照有害生物危险性分析(Pest Risk Analysis)方法,结合该区森林资源状况和病虫害发生发展情况,对云杉落针病在白龙江、洮河水源涵养林区的潜在风险性进行了分析和评价。结果表明:云杉落针病为中度危险且接近高度危险性病害。并提出了相应的风险管理策略。  相似文献   

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