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A comparative study of Frequency Ratio(FR)and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)models are performed for forest fire risk(FFR)mapping in Melghat Tiger Reserve forest,central India.Identification of FFR depends on various hydrometeorological parameters altitude,slope,aspect,topographic position index,normalized differential vegetation index,rainfall,air temperature,land surface temperature,wind speed,distance to settlements,and distance by road are integrated using a GIS platform.The results from FR and AHP show similar trends.The FR model was significantly higher accurate(overall accuracy of 81.3%,kappa statistic 0.78)than the AHP model(overall accuracy 79.3%,kappa statistic 0.75).The FR model total forest fire risk areas were classified into five classes:very low(7.1%),low(22.2%),moderate(32.3%),high(26.9%),and very high(11.5%).The AHP fire risk classes were very low(6.7%),low(21.7%),moderate(34.0%),high(26.7%),and very high(10.9%).Sensitivity analyses were performed for AHP and FR models.The results of the two different models are compared and justified concerning the forest fire sample points(Forest Survey of India)and burn images(2010-2016).These results help in designing more effective fire management plans to improve the allocation of resources across a landscape framework.  相似文献   


This article establishes principles conveyed by criteria and indicators as a useful tool for measuring progress made toward sustainable forest management (SFM). Pedagogically, the conceptual construction raises questions on the following topics: (a) the various management practices and policies that exist in the high forest zone, (b) how criteria and indicators for assessments are selected, and (c) how progress made toward SFM is measured. Performance scores are established for indicators identified within the three sectors (forest ecosystems, forest communities, and the economy) for sustainability assessment. Measuring progress toward SFM operations are quantitatively performed with estimated maximum and minimum thresholds levels at which resource-use would be sustained using the Measure of Forest Resource-Use Sustainability Scale (MoFRUSS). The outcome of the measurement operations, as depicted by MoFRUSS, reveals the actual extent to which stakeholder’s initiatives toward sustainable forest management has progressed and in which direction it is moving. It also offers optional policy baskets for resource management interventions from which the socio-eco economic bundle is recommended if the forestry sector of Ghana’s Vision 2020 (sustainable development) is to be achieved with improved societal well-being, improved environmental health and vitality, and improved economic growth and development.  相似文献   

Forest soil measurements were made at over 180 sites distributed throughout the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (HJA) in the Oregon Cascade Mountains. The influences of both elevation and aspect on soil variables were measured in the early (1998) and late summer (1994). Increased elevation significantly increased soil moisture, mean annual precipitation, soil organic matter, labile C and mineralizable N, microbial activities, extractable ammonium, and denitrification potentials. In contrast, bulk density, pH and soil temperature (1998 only) were significantly lower at the higher elevations. Relative to labile C, mineralizable N was preferentially sequestered at higher elevations. Aspect significantly affected annual mean temperature and precipitation, soil moisture and temperature, soil organic matter, mineralizable N, extractable ammonium, denitrification, and microbial activities. There were no significant higher statistical interactions between elevation and aspect on climatic or soil factors. Soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation at higher elevations is likely driven by a reduction in decomposition rates rather that an increase in primary productivity, however, SOM accumulation on north facing slopes is probably due to both a decrease in decomposition and an increase in primary production. Models of climate change effects on temperate forest soils based on elevational studies may not apply to aspect gradients since plant productivity may not respond to temperature–moisture gradients in the same way across all topographical features.  相似文献   

African mahoganies of the genus Entandrophragma are among the most valuable and important timber species harvested in Central Africa, representing more than 70% of total export volume from many areas. In spite of the importance of these species, relatively little is known about their regeneration ecology and little effort has gone into understanding the reasons for the consistently reported regeneration failures after logging. I assessed seed survival to germination (Entandrophragma angolense) and seedling survivorship (E. cylindricum) in three different forest types – monodominant Gilbertiodendron, mixed species, and fallow forest – under three different treatments – control, small mesh chicken wire, and large mesh chicken wire – to evaluate the relative importance of different causes of mortality. All seeds were eaten in controls and in both exclosure treatments within Gilbertiodendron forest in a matter of days. Seed survivorship to germination within exclosures in mixed species and fallow forest increased by approximately 10 and 25%, respectively, compared to Gilbertiodendron forest. Six-month seedling survivorship in controls was 37, 12, and 9% in Gilbertiodendron, mixed species and fallow forest, respectively. Seedling mortality was due to different causes in each forest type. In Gilbertiodendron forest controls, an equivalent percentage of seedlings died due to fungal and insect attack (27 and 28%, respectively), while in mixed species forest controls 28 and 55% of seedlings died of these causes, respectively. In fallow forest controls, 48% of seedlings died from predation and/or uprooting by small mammals, all in the first few weeks post-sowing; insect attack (26%) and drought (13%) were other important causes of seedling deaths. Protecting seedlings with exclosures had a dramatic effect on seedling survivorship within the fallow forest, increasing to over 50%.  相似文献   

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