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杜鹃 《福建茶叶》2016,(9):384-385
英语中的"tea"一词源自于汉语。茶在16世纪由中国传到西方,从西方上流社会风靡的奢侈品到平民阶层喜爱的日常饮品。茶文化的融入也丰富了英语语言,英语词汇"tea"源于厦门方言,融入英语后,产生了大量的和茶相关的词汇,由"tea"引申的习语简单明了,寓意深刻,极大地丰富了英语语言。  相似文献   

茶文化是各国文化交流的桥梁,随着经济全球化,各国文化交流也日渐频繁,茶文化的国际地位也在不断提高,在这样的背景下,与茶相关的英文翻译也逐渐成为了社会热点。由于中国与西方国家之间存在明显的文化差异,因此国外在进行茶文化相关词汇翻译中会存在一些问题,其中红茶是最为典型的词汇代表,它的直接翻译为rad tea,但是在国外英语体系中,红茶最为常见对应词汇是Black tea,这实际上与国外人们的语言习惯,以及词汇最初的由来有关,本文就以国外红茶汉译为例,对其翻译对策进行具体分析。  相似文献   

陈颖 《福建茶叶》2016,(4):337-338
在我国以及英国地区,茶始终在文化传承过程中扮演着极为重要的角色。在英文中tea是一个极具文化内涵的汉语词汇,但是其和我国汉语中的茶却有很大的差别,本文中所讨论的茶文化术语英译的实际意义,并且对构成英文tea词组的方式进行深入分析,从而帮助我们准确的理解和翻译英语茶文化术语,最终实现跨文化交际能力的提升。  相似文献   

众所周知,"茶"在英语语言中被称之为"tea"。"绿茶"通常被英译为"green tea","红茶"则习惯性被英译为"black tea"。这些称谓从来都不是凭空捏造而来,一般都是与当时的时代文化以及历史背景有着非常密切的关系。英语语言文学是一门综合性的学科,它是英语文学和英语语言学相结合的产物,意在通过语言学的这个视角来探究西方英语文化现象的一门造诣较高的科学。因此,本文特别选取了英语语言文学为研究视角,以英语语言文学中的茶称谓为研究对象,结合当时西方文化的时代背景来分析多种茶称谓的由来,从而更加有助于学者们了解和学习西方英语语言文化。  相似文献   

中国红茶在英语中被称为"black tea",直译过来就是黑茶。事实上,黑茶与红茶是我国茶叶的不同类型,不仅色泽不同,而且在口感和香气上也存在显著的差距。因此,在研究中国红茶为何在英语中译为"black tea"时,应该以二者的关系为切入点,深层次地挖掘我国茶叶在传播过程中所衍生的茶文化。  相似文献   

英语"black tea"为什么叫红茶,也就是在中国叫红茶的茶,英语为什么翻译成"blacktea"呢?这是一个一直困扰着茶叶界和翻译界的有意思的问题。有几个比较经典的版本来解释红茶与"black tea"的关系,但都显得牵强附会,不能自圆其说,很难服  相似文献   

英语是我国语言课程学习中地位仅次于汉语的语言门类。因此,在其词汇学习以及词汇应用过程中需要格外重视。相关语言学家对于英语言词汇习得的难度做出了细致说明,英语词汇学习方法、词汇书籍的编制体系,与词汇翻译的准确性相关。其中,词汇作为英语言的中心部分,同英语言的学习与应用不可分割。茶文化书籍是我国文化瑰宝,对于茶文化书籍的翻译和词汇编制工作难度大、准确性难以把握。因此,茶文化书籍的英语翻译和词汇编制需要细致、系统、全面的进行。  相似文献   

史新贞 《福建茶叶》2016,(4):340-341
虽然西方茶文化的形成时间较晚,但其茶文化同样在世界历史上绽放出独特的光芒。起初,欧洲的茶叶量相对较少,茶叶仅限英国贵族阶级饮用。随着时间的推移,欧洲茶叶进口量逐渐增多,从而促进了茶文化的形成和发展。茶文化的特点也反映在语言中,英语学习者要想真正地学会tea这个词,还需要从茶文化方面入手进行学习。本文首先就西方茶文化的形成与发展进行了简要的说明,然后在此基础上分别从定义、发音、词汇、习语以及引申义这五个方面对"Tea"在英语里的表现进行了分析。  相似文献   

<正>红茶,发端于中国。作为茶类的一种,历经从无到有、从国内到海外的传奇式发展,已成为国内,尤其是国际茶叶市场的主流产品。初学英语的人,望文生义,多半会认为红茶的英译应该是"red tea";熟知英语的人,很可能会告诉初学者,红茶的英译应该是"black tea"。由王同亿主编的《英汉辞海》对"black tea"的解释也是"红茶"。我国于2014年10月27日首度实施的国家标准GB/T 30766-2014《茶叶分类》中,对红茶的英文也用了  相似文献   

通过对当前整个英语茶学词汇进行总结,可以看到目前基于语料库的英语茶学词汇体系内容整体呈现增加趋势,尤其是随着当前人们对茶文化的价值作用认知日益全面,当前基于语料库的英语茶学词汇应用增速迅猛。本文拟从英语茶学词汇的具体内涵和特征分析入手,结合基于语料库的英语茶学词汇应用状况认知,探究当前英语茶学词汇应用过程中存在的不足,从而认知基于语料库的英语茶学词汇的语言学应用价值。  相似文献   

英文中的单词"tea"源自于中文,它在十六世纪由中国传入西方,由于茶的无穷魅力,使它由西方上流社会的奢侈品普及而成平民阶层的日常饮品,并且不断深化、丰富,形成了独具特色的茶文化。在茶文化不断普及和推广的过程中,茶词汇"tea"也随之丰富和拓展,逐渐生成了关于茶的引申义,本文通过对西方茶文化的衍生与发展,考证和研究英文单词"【ea"的内涵及意蕴,从而使茶的语言不断丰富和升华。  相似文献   

茶作为人们日常饮品中的一种,在市场经济发展中也占有一定的份额,通过广告的形式能够使得广大消费者更好的了解茶产品,从而更好的促进茶产品的发展。茶英语广告中对模糊词汇的使用能够更好的发挥广告的价值和作用,以便更好的促进茶产品的经济发展。本文先分析了茶叶英语广告中词汇的模糊现象分析,接着提出了茶叶英语广告中词汇的模糊的语用功能,以便更好的发挥茶英语广告中模糊词汇的应用。  相似文献   

薛帅 《福建茶叶》2024,(2):138-140
语言翻译既是对语言进行转换的过程,也是对语言承载的文化进行理解与传递的过程。提升英语茶学词汇翻译工作水平,能够更为准确的把握英语茶学词汇内涵、推进国际茶文化交流,这既是对英语茶学词汇以及国外茶文化进行深入理解的关键,也是对英语茶学词汇翻译体系进行完善的必要路径。文章对英语茶学词汇的特点做出了论述,并对英语茶学词汇翻译策略进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

Li NN  Liang YR  Zheng XQ 《茶叶》2013,(4):515-518
Tea plant absorbs from soil a large amount of fluorine (F) which is accumulated in leaf,resulting in elevated F concentration in tea.It is a controversial topic whether the fluoride in tea is associated with fluorosis.The research advances in F variation of various kinds of tea,factors influencing F level in tea and the associated health risk assessment were reviewed in the present paper.The F level in tea increases with the maturity of the tea leaf.Brick tea had a high F content because it was prepared using mature shoots and old tea leaves as raw material.Some low grade UK supermarket economy teas contained elevated F comparable to the Chinese brick tea.Tea F level is also affected by tea cultivar,soil condition,tea processing method and tea infusion preparation method.  相似文献   

本文介绍了茶类词汇英译翻译的大致分类,分析了茶类词汇英语翻译成因,提出现代社会文化背景下茶类词汇英译翻译策略如下:尽量利用英语中既有的茶类词汇;遵循系统原则创新。  相似文献   

Wu MJ  Miao Q  Chen JH  Yang GF  XU ZC 《茶叶》2013,(4):264-266
Longjing tea is a famous tea in China and it is major green tea products produced in Zhejiang Province.There are 3 kinds of Longjing tea (Xihu Longjing,Qiantang Longjing and Yuezhou Longjing) according to their producing areas.Qiantang LonGing tea in Fuyang City is usually produced using materials picked from tea varieties Longjing-43,Jiukeng and Wuniuzao.Chemical composition is important indicator for identifying quality and authenticity.Longjing tea samples were collected from tea gardens of tea varieties Longjing-43,Jiukeng and Wuniuzao were detected.It showed that chemical composition of tea samples prepared using the three varieties were quite similar.However,level of gallic acid decreased with picking time except for Wuniuzao,and caffeine and total catechins increased with increase in altitude.  相似文献   

莫小满 《福建茶叶》2016,(4):113-114
英语中的词汇本身都带有感情,并且词义随着说话时的情境的不同,表达的含义也有所不同。在茶艺英语中,也应当注意情感词汇的应用,在进行茶叶的宣传、销售、介绍以及茶事服务的过程中,应该注意茶艺英语词汇的情感以及语气,避免由于情感及语气表达不当,造成误解。在进行茶艺英语的翻译过程中,首先应当准确的把握词汇的本意,再体会其引申或者比喻的意义,还要结合特定的语境,才能正确的表达出想表达的意思,避免歧义的产生,所以分析情感词汇在茶艺英语中的应用,对于表达思想感情,增强交流的效果,具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

The recent research achievements about the mechanisms of beneficial health effects of tea polyphenols and the epidemiological investigation on anti-cancer,anti-cardiovascular diseases,and anti-obesity through tea consumption were reviewed.It is proved that reactive oxygen species is the main reason to induce cell mutation,DNA damage,obesity,high blood pressure and many kinds of cancers.Tea catechins and theaflavins have excellent bioactivity on scavenging ROS due to their characteristic structure feature of phenolic hydroxyl group,which means drinking tea could prevent diseases.Epidemidogical investigations also showed that tea consumption could reduce the risk of lung cancer,gastric cancer,bladder cancer,and so on.However,the frequency of tea drinking or tea consumption amounts significantly affected the prevention efficiency.The epidemiologic investigations also find that drink green tea,especial black tea is useful to modify the cardiovascular diseases.In vivo and vitro tests showed that tea supplement could moderate the metabolism of blood lipid and prevent obesity.These indicated that tea and tea extracts might reduce the risk of many diseases.  相似文献   

Xin-Qing Xu 《茶叶》2013,(4):493-494
Tea is a large part of modem Australian culture with its British origins.Australians drink tea and have afternoon tea and morning tea much the way the British do.Tea was introduced to Australia through eolonisation by the British.In fact,tea was aboard the First Fleet in 1788.Tea was the staple drink and considered a necessity,even when other items were scarce.Much of the time tea drinking is not the delicate,refined cultural expression that the rest of the world imagines-like a more formal tea ceremony.Tea is usually black tea served with milk with or without sugar.Strong tea served with lots of milk and often two teaspoons of sugar.Even very slightly formal events can be a cause for cups and saucers to be used instead of mugs.For most people,a cup (or commonly a mug) of tea is something drink very often.  相似文献   

Qian XD  Wang XG  Zhong FY 《茶叶》2013,(4):491-492
Shengzhou is a major tea producing county in China and the major tea produced in Shengzhou is Yuexiang Longjing tea.Environment and tea cultivar are two important factors influencing tea quality.Chemical composition of tea samples prepared using materials from cultivars ‘Zhenong-117' and ‘ Baiye-1' were investigated.It showed that concentrations of total amino acids and catechins were more than 4.4% and 129 mg/g respectively,suggesting that Yuexiang Longjing had a good quality potential.  相似文献   

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