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为明确保山精品咖啡产区小粒种咖啡主要病虫害种类和危害程度,于2019年8月—2021年8月对该产区的病虫害进行系统调查。结果表明:危害小粒种咖啡的病虫害有14种,其中,病害有6种,以咖啡叶锈病危害最严重;虫害有8种,蚧壳虫种类最多,危害最严重,分别为咖啡绿蚧、咖啡盔蚧、弗州龟蜡蚧、堆蜡粉蚧、咖啡根粉蚧。在保山精品咖啡产区咖啡叶锈病、蚧壳虫类害虫是小粒种咖啡的主要防治对象,为此提出了科学的防治措施。  相似文献   

本文报道了1991-1995年德宏小粒种咖啡叶片养分的变分规律的观察结果,并提出咖啡正常生长的叶片营养指标  相似文献   

勐腊县人工栽培咖啡的历史最早在70年代末80年代初,先后在易武等地栽植,1994年在龙林三岔河、勐满大黑山试种小粒咖啡,96年投产,13.3hm2产量20t,99年133.3hm2投产,产量210t,本文介绍了小粒咖啡的生物学特性,以及栽培技术,直至病虫害防治、果实采摘。  相似文献   

本文对小粒种咖啡在云南省广大热区气候条件下进行了栽培试验,经过几年努力现已摸索出一套小粒种咖啡早实丰产优质的栽培技术。  相似文献   

调查表明西双版纳地区危害小粒咖啡的主要病害有6种,虫害有7种,其中危害较重的病害有4种,虫害有4种;同时针对咖啡生产中病虫害防治存在的问题提出了防治建议。  相似文献   

详述云南小粒种咖啡生产性良种繁育程序、技术和苗木质量标准,为小粒咖啡苗木生产标准化提供参考。  相似文献   

云南小粒种咖啡荫蔽栽培研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
云南小粒种咖啡荫蔽栽培有利于咖啡营养生长和生殖生长的平衡,能有效控制主要病虫和草害的发生,有利于咖啡丰产、稳产,提高品质和降低生产成本;咖啡与热带经济作物、果树间作,改善了生态环境,提高了土地利用率和单位土地面积的经济效益:是发展云南小粒种咖啡的最好方式。  相似文献   

勐腊县人工载培咖啡的历史是最早在70年代末80年代初,先后在易武等地载植,1994年在龙林三岔河,勐满大黑山试种小粒咖啡,96年投产,13.3hm^3产量20t,99年133.3hm^2投产,产量210t,本文介绍了小小粒咖啡的生物学特征,以及载培技术,直至病虫害防治,果料采摘。  相似文献   

评述云南小粒种咖啡不同形式的荫蔽栽培和高海拔区域小粒种咖啡种植对是否要荫蔽栽培的选择;分析了荫蔽栽培技术在推广应用中存在的问题;强调了荫蔽栽培技术规范的重要性,旨在充分发挥荫蔽栽培的技术优势,促进云南小粒种咖啡产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

从考察角度介绍了越南咖啡产业发展现状,越南咖啡产业在生产、加工、贸易和科研中取得的成就及存在的主要问题,为我省与越南在今后咖啡产业方面更好地合作及交流提供参考。  相似文献   

The response of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) floral buds to different water deficits followed by re-irrigation was investigated. Flower opening was stimulated by irrigation after one period of water deficit if predawn leaf water potential declined below -0.8 MPa. Similar stimulation of flowering was observed when less severe but more prolonged water deficits (ca. -0.3 to -0.5 MPa for two weeks) were imposed, even if water deficit was relieved by re-irrigation several times during this period. Consistent results were obtained in the field and in two greenhouse locations. Stimulation of flower opening by water deficit followed by re-irrigation was restricted to buds at the "open white cluster" stage of development (Stage 4). Only buds at this stage exhibited development of secondary xylem. Split-root experiments indicated that a root signal stimulated flower opening, independently of predawn or midday leaf water status. Frequent irrigation to prevent flowering, followed by a controlled water deficit and re-irrigation to stimulate flowering, may represent a practical method to synchronize flowering and shorten the harvest period in leeward coffee production areas in Hawaii.  相似文献   

干热区是热区的重要组成部分,具有丰富的光热资源和土地资源,利于小粒咖啡开发种植。但由于干热区多分布于低凹河谷地带,年均温较高(20~℃),年降雨少而不均(一般年~,22500700mm多集中于~月),蒸发量大(~793 000 ),相对湿度低(年均),干旱期长4 000mm<64%(~个月),冬季又易受北方强冷空气的影响,78一些年份会出现不同程度的寒害(~℃〕和冻害50(℃),对小粒咖啡造成减产或毁灭性灾害。解<0决旱害与寒害问题,将是干热区小粒咖啡栽培技术的关键。根据干热区的气候特点及多年来小粒咖啡的引种栽培…  相似文献   

对小粒种咖啡寒害树采用不同截干复壮处理试验结果:截干时间对处理后的产量有显著的影响,其中3月末截干处理比1月、2月处理的产量高,但不同截干时间、高度、涂封材料对咖啡树株高、茎粗、分枝对数、冠幅等的生长量影响不显著。  相似文献   

通过比较试验,在常规管理下,小粒咖啡卡蒂莫系列各品种在干热区均生长良好,能获得较高产量。除卡蒂莫号由于各方面性状不是很好外,其余各品种均可在干热区推广种植。  相似文献   

Coffee, Coffea arabica L., which is native to Ethiopia, is the world’s most widely traded tropical agricultural commodity. While much is known about the productivity and management of coffee for coffee beans little attention has been given to the plants overall biomass production and carbon sequestration. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate allometric equations for estimating the aboveground biomass of C. arabica plants growing in indigenous agroforestry system in the Rift Valley escarpment of south-eastern Ethiopia. Coffee plays an important role in providing income and in sustaining these productive systems. Biomass harvesting of 31 plants with 54 stems was carried out in a 40 km2 area varying in elevation from 1,500 to 1,900 m. The stem accounted for most (56 %) of plant biomass, followed by branches (39 %) and twigs plus foliage (5 %). Plant mean biomass was 22.9 ± 15.8 kg. Power equations using stem diameter measured at either 40 cm (d 40) or at breast height (d, 1.3 m) with and without stem height (h) were evaluated. The square power equation, $ Y \; = \; b_{ 1} d_{ 40}^{ 2} $ , was found to be the best (highest ranked using goodness-of-fit statistics) for predicting total and component biomass. The reliability of the prediction decreased in the order: stem > branches > twigs plus foliage. A cross-validation procedure showed that equation parameterization was stable and coefficients reliable. Our parameterized square power equation for total aboveground biomass was also found to be better than the equations parameterized by Hairiah et al. (Carbon stocks of tropical land use systems as part of the global C balance: effects of forest conversion and options for clean development activities, International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, Bogor, 2001) and Segura et al. (Agroforest Syst 68:143–150, 2006) for C. arabica grown in agroforestry systems, confirming the importance of parameterization of allometric equations with site specific data when possible.  相似文献   

对引进保存的个咖啡种质进行种质特性和适应性研究及评价;对用部分种质的基因型作有性杂交,164获得份不同杂交组合种子实生苗材料进行筛选;推广小粒咖啡卡蒂莫(15CIFC7963F6)生产种植6 984hm2,取得显著经济效益。  相似文献   

通过对卡蒂莫、铁毕卡、波邦、墨西哥等4个品种的小粒种咖啡的一些性状与产量的测定和相关分析,小粒种咖啡的株高、冠幅、一级分枝对数和一级分枝节间长度等性状都与产量有显著或极显著的相关关系,可作为品种选择、评价的依据。  相似文献   

在云南热区合理的间作能为小粒咖啡提供适度荫蔽,改善生态环境,有利于咖啡生长发育,减轻寒害、病虫和草害影响,为咖啡丰产、稳产,提高园地产出率,降低成本创造条件;橡胶+咖啡,香蕉+咖啡,澳洲坚果+咖啡,龙眼、荔枝+咖啡是小粒咖啡间作的优势组合。  相似文献   

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