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Night migratory songbirds can use stars, sun, geomagnetic field, and polarized light for orientation when tested in captivity. We studied the interaction of magnetic, stellar, and twilight orientation cues in free-flying songbirds. We exposed Catharus thrushes to eastward-turned magnetic fields during the twilight period before takeoff and then followed them for up to 1100 kilometers. Instead of heading north, experimental birds flew westward. On subsequent nights, the same individuals migrated northward again. We suggest that birds orient with a magnetic compass calibrated daily from twilight cues. This could explain how birds cross the magnetic equator and deal with declination.  相似文献   

Although most recent hypotheses of pigeon homing have assigned an essential role to the sun, there has been some evidence suggesting that the sun is not essential. Two series of releases were designed to examine the question more carefully. Birds whose internal clocks had been shifted 6 hours were used in the critical tests. Under sun, the vanishing bearings of the clock-shifted birds were deflected in the direction predicted by a hypothesis of use of the sun as a simple compass. By contrast, under total overcast the bearings of both the clock-shifted and the control birds were homeward oriented and there was no difference between them, even at a release site the birds could never have seen previously. Therefore it is concluded that the sun is used as a compass when it is available, but that the pigeon navigation system contains sufficient redundancy to make accurate orientation possible in the absence of both the sun and familiar landmarks; the orientational cues used under such conditions do not require time compensation. This conclusion is in complete disagreement with the Matthews sun-arc hypothesis of pigeon navigation, and it makes necessary a major reformulation (at the very least) of the other principal hypothesis, that of Kramer.  相似文献   

Two magnetoreception pathways in a migratory salamander   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Male eastern red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) under controlled laboratory conditions exhibit unimodal magnetic compass orientation either in a trained compass direction or in the direction of their home pond. If the vertical component of the magnetic field is inverted, newts exhibiting the simple-compass response undergo a 180 degree reversal in orientation, whereas newts orienting in the home direction are unaffected by this treatment. These results indicate that newts use an axial compass mechanism for simple-compass orientation similar to that found in migrating birds. However, a distinct magnetoreception pathway with polar response properties is involved in homing and is possibly linked in some way to the navigational map.  相似文献   

Magnetic field measurements from the Ulysses space mission overthe south polar regions of the sun showed that the structure and properties of the three-dimensional heliosphere were determined by the fast solar wind flow and magnetic fields from the large coronal holes in the polar regions of the sun. This conclusion applies at the current, minimum phase of the 11-year solar activity cycle. Unexpectedly, the radial component of the magnetic field was independent of latitude. The high-latitude magnetic field deviated significantly from the expected Parker geometry, probably because of large amplitude transverse fluctuations. Low-frequency fluctuations had a high level of variance. The rate of occurrence of discontinuities also increased significantly at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Dyer FC  Gould JL 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,214(4524):1041-1042
On cloudy days, honey bees are known to navigate to familiar food sources and orient their dances accurately. This capacity could be based on a magnetic compass sense, an ability to perceive the sun or patterns of polarized light through the clouds, or on the bees' memory of the diurnal course of the sun with respect to local landmarks. Experiments pitting these alternatives against one another demonstrate that the navigational backup system of bees is based on memory.  相似文献   

Ulysses spacecraft radio and plasma wave observations indicate that some variations in the intensity and occurrence rate of electric and magnetic wave events are functions of heliographic latitude, distance from the sun, and phase of the solar cycle. At high heliographic latitudes, solartype Ill radio emissions did not descend to the local plasma frequency, in contrast to the emission frequencies of some bursts observed in the ecliptic. Short-duration bursts of electrostatic and electromagnetic waves were often found in association with depressions in magnetic field amplitude, known as magnetic holes. Extensive wave activity observed in magnetic clouds may exist because of unusually large electron-ion temperature ratios. The lower number of intense in situ wave events at high latitudes was likely due to the decreased variability of the high- latitude solar wind.  相似文献   

Starhead topminnows from various shores of a small woodland pond were displaced to unfamiliar surroundings, and their orientation was tested in aquatic and terrestrial arenas. These fish used a sun compass to move in a direction which, at the location of their capture, would have returned them to the land-water interface. The fish accomplished directional terrestrial locomotion by using the position of the sun to align its body for each jump. On heavily overcast days many fish were unable to orient their bodies in a consistent direction from, jump to jump; this inability to orient resulted in random rather than linear movement. There was considerable individual variation in terrestrial locomotor ability.  相似文献   

The arctic flora is thought to have originated during the late Tertiary, approximately 3 million years ago. Plant migration routes during colonization of the Arctic are currently unknown, and uncertainty remains over where arctic plants survived Pleistocene glaciations. A phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast DNA variation in the purple saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia) indicates that this plant first occurred in the Arctic in western Beringia before it migrated east and west to achieve a circumpolar distribution. The geographical distribution of chloroplast DNA variation in the species supports the hypothesis that, during Pleistocene glaciations, some plant refugia were located in the Arctic as well as at more southern latitudes.  相似文献   

Because of conflicting evidence about several fundamental issues, long-distance animal navigation has yet to be satisfactorily explained. Among the unsolved problems are the nature of genetic spatial control of migration and the relationships between celestial and magnetic compass mechanisms and between different map-related cues in orientation and homing, respectively. In addition, navigation is expected to differ between animal groups depending on sensory capabilities and ecological conditions. Evaluations based on modern long-term tracking techniques of the geometry of migration routes and individual migration history, combined with behavioral experiments and exploration of the sensory and genetic mechanisms, will be crucial for understanding the spatial principles that guide animals on their global journeys.  相似文献   

Polarized light cues underlie compass calibration in migratory songbirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Migratory songbirds use the geomagnetic field, stars, the Sun, and polarized light patterns to determine their migratory direction. To prevent navigational errors, it is necessary to calibrate all of these compass systems to a common reference. We show that migratory Savannah sparrows use polarized light cues from the region of sky near the horizon to recalibrate the magnetic compass at both sunrise and sunset. We suggest that skylight polarization patterns are used to derive an absolute (i.e., geographic) directional system that provides the primary calibration reference for all of the compasses of migratory songbirds.  相似文献   

The magnetic compass of European robins does not use the polarity of the magnetic field for detecting the north direction. The birds derive their north direction from interpreting the inclination of the axial direction of the magnetic field lines in space, and they take the direction on the magnetic north-south axis for "north" where field lines and gravity vector form the smaller angle.  相似文献   

磁罗经作为低价而性能稳定的船用设备得到了大多数船只的配置应用,由于磁罗经通常安装在船头露天的地方,在使用时不太方便。磁罗经数字转换器使用固态磁阻传感器将磁罗经的磁针方位角转换成数字量的角度信号,利用单片机处理并传送到雷达或电子海图仪等设备上,从而实现航向角等航行信息的综合集中显示。磁罗经数字转换器可提供分辨率小于1°的航向角,不但可用在船上作为航行信息集中显示的辅助产品,也可以单独作为数字式电子指南针使用。  相似文献   

The orientational capabilities of caged migratory indigo buntings were studied under differing magnetic field conditions. When tested in a situation allowing minimal exposure to visual cues but in the presence of the normal geomagnetic field, the birds demonstrated a significant orientation in the appropriate migratory direction (to the north). When the horizontal component of the magnetic field was deflected clockwise 120 degrees by activation of Helmholtz coils surrounding the cage, the orientation of the buntings shifted accordingly (clockwise to geographic east-southeast). These results suggest that indigo buntings are not only able to detect the geomagnetic field, but also can use this information in the finalization of their migratory direction.  相似文献   

Considering the unique morphology (purposefully shaped polished bar with a groove) and composition (magnetic mineral with magnetic moment vector in the floating plane) of M-160, and acknowledging that the Olmec were a sophisticated people who possessed advanced knowledge and skill in working iron ore minerals, I would suggest for consideration that the Early Formative artifact M-160 was probably manufactured and used as what I have called a zeroth-order compass, if not a first-order compass. The data I have presented in this article support this hypothesis, although they are not sufficient to prove it. That M-160 could be used today as a geomagnetically directed pointer is undeniable. The original whole bar may indeed have pointed close to magnetic north-south. The groove functions well as a sighting mark, and the slight angle it makes with the axis of the bar appears to be the result of calibration rather than accident. A negative supporting argument is that M-160 looks utilitarian rather than decorative, and no function for the object other than that of a compass pointer has been suggested by anyone who has examined it critically. Whether such a pointer would have been used to point to something astronomical (zeroth-order compass) or to geomagnetic north-south (first-order compass) is entirely open to speculation. The observation of the family of Olmec site alignments 8 degrees west of north is a curiosity in its own right, and the possibility that these alignments have an astronomical or geomagnetic origin should be explored. I also believe that it is constructive to compare the first millennium Chinese, who used the lodestone compass for geomancy, with the Gulf Coast Olmec since both were agrarian-terrestrial societies. The Olmec's apparent concern with orientation and skillful use of magnetic minerals also stimulates one to draw cross-cultural parallels. The evidence and analysis offered in this article provide a basis for hypotheses of parallel cultural developments in China and the Olmec New World. If the Olmec did discover the geomagnetic orienting properties of lodestone, as did the Han Chinese, it is most reasonable to speculate that they would have used their compass for comparable geomantic purposes. It should, however, be recognized that the Olmec claim, if documented, predates the Chinese discovery of the geomagnetic lodestone compass by more than a millennium. At present, M-160 is a unique artifact and San Lorenzo a unique site: "The first civilized center of Mesoamerica and probably of the New World" (19, p. 89). Further documentation of the Olmec claim must await the discovery of similar artifacts in museums, private collections, or as yet undiscovered Olmec sites. I would welcome communications from anyone possessing information relating to such artifacts. Regardless of shape, purposefully grooved and highly polished specimens of magnetic minerals are of particular interest. It would also be useful for the archeologist excavating Olmec burials and offerings to carefully note their alignments and consider them in a geomantic context. In addition to the discovery of supporting artifacts, establishment of Olmec primacy of the lodestone compass depends on the acquisition of the archeomagnetic data for the Early Formative period. I appeal to archeologists who find good archeomagnetic samples (burned hearths and post-holes) from the Formative periods to convey this information to R. DuBois of the University of Oklahoma. In a few years, the archeomagnetic data should be available for the last three millennia and the possibilities are very exciting.  相似文献   

The evolutionary causes of small clutch sizes in tropical and Southern Hemisphere regions are poorly understood. Alexander Skutch proposed 50 years ago that higher nest predation in the south constrains the rate at which parent birds can deliver food to young and thereby constrains clutch size by limiting the number of young that parents can feed. This hypothesis for explaining differences in clutch size and parental behaviors between latitudes has remained untested. Here, a detailed study of bird species in Arizona and Argentina shows that Skutch's hypothesis explains clutch size variation within North and South America. However, neither Skutch's hypothesis nor two major alternatives explain differences between latitudes.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the number of coexisting plant and animal species (species density) often follows repeated patterns; best known is the general increase in species richness from temperate to tropical latitudes. Here we undertake a quantitative analysis of geographic trends in species density for the terrestrial vertebrate faunas of the United States and Australia. Trends in numbers of species of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are described and are correlated with geographic variation in abiotic environmental measures. Intercontinental comparisons reveal general patterns as well as intriguing and profound differences in vertebrate distributions.  相似文献   

Although most of the magnetic flux observed on the sun originates in the low-latitude sunspot belts, this flux is gradually dispersed over a much wider range of latitudes by supergranular convective motions and meridional circulation. Numerical simulations show how these transport processes interact over the 11-year sunspot cycle to produce a strong "topknot" polar field, whose existence near sunspot minimum is suggested by the observed strength of the interplanetary magnetic field and by the observed areal extent of polar coronal holes. The required rates of diffusion and flow are consistent with the decay rates of active regions and with the rotational properties of the large-scale solar magnetic field.  相似文献   

Kota J  Jokipii JR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1995,268(5213):1024-1025
Three-dimensional simulations of the heliospheric modulation of galactic cosmic ray protons show that corotating variations in the intensity can persist to quite high heliographic latitudes. Variations are seen at latitudes considerably higher than the maximum latitude extension of the heliographic current sheet, in regions where the solar wind velocity and magnetic field show no significant variation. Similar conclusions may apply also to lower energy particles, which may be accelerated at lower latitudes. Cosmic ray variations caused by corotating interaction regions present at low heliographic latitudes can propagate to significantly higher latitudes.  相似文献   

Although the tropics harbor greater numbers of species than do temperate zones, it is not known whether the rates of speciation and extinction also follow a latitudinal gradient. By sampling birds and mammals, we found that the distribution of the evolutionary ages of sister species-pairs of species in which each is the other's closest relative-adheres to a latitudinal gradient. The time to divergence for sister species is shorter at high latitudes and longer in the tropics. Birth-death models fitting these data estimate that the highest recent speciation and extinction rates occur at high latitudes and decline toward the tropics. These results conflict with the prevailing view that links high tropical diversity to elevated tropical speciation rates. Instead, our findings suggest that faster turnover at high latitudes contributes to the latitudinal diversity gradient.  相似文献   

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