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To feed the increasing world population, more food needs to be produced from agricultural land systems. Solutions to produce more food with fewer resources while minimizing adverse environmental and ecological consequences require sustainable agricultural land use practices as supplementary to advanced biotechnology and agronomy. This review paper, from a land system perspective, systematically proposed and analyzed three interactive strategies that could possibly raise future food production under global change. By reviewing the current literatures, we suggest that cropland expansion is less possible amid fierce land competition, and it is likely to do less in increasing food production. Moreover, properly allocating crops in space and time is a practical way to ensure food production. Climate change, dietary shifts, and other socio-economic drivers, which would shape the demand and supply side of food systems, should be taken into consideration during the decision-making on rational land management in respect of sustainable crop choice and allocation. And finally, crop-specific agricultural intensification would play a bigger role in raising future food production either by increasing the yield per unit area of individual crops or by increasing the number of crops sown on a particular area of land. Yet, only when it is done sustainably is this a much more effective strategy to maximize food production by closing yield and harvest gaps.  相似文献   

国际森林认证与我国森林食品的生产   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
森林认证是按公认的标准对森林经营进行检验的过程,其最终目的是保护森林,维持森林的可持续经营.着重介绍了森林认证的一个分支--非木质林产品认证及其国内外进展和进行国际认证的策略.在我国,生产森林食品的非木质树种(大多数被称之为经济树种)在提高农民收入,发展农村经济方面起着十分重要的作用.在森林认证工作在我国刚起步,我国至今还没有一个国际上认可的森林认证机构的情况下,文章从与国际接轨进行认证的角度,提出我国在森林食品生产方面,要加强有关认证知识的宣传与普及工作,加强人才的培养,同时要加强生产森林食品的经济树种的生产标准制定,并开展联合认证的研究工作.表1参9  相似文献   

保障粮食安全始终是农业发展的首要任务.湖北省粮食生产在国家粮食安全体系中占有重要的位置,其发展有潜力也有隐患,无论从国家整体的角度还是从湖北自身发展需求的角度来考察,湖北省都需要积极发展粮食生产,有效的增产粮食.在当前仍然依靠千家万户小规模分散经营粮食生产,难以实现粮食增产和农民增收的双赢,进而影响国家粮食安全.提出推进粮食生产大户经营,促进湖北粮食生产发展的思路,并对粮食大户经营的效益和优势及存在的问题进行了分析,提出了促进粮食生产大户经营发展的系列对策建议.  相似文献   

[目的]安徽省大豆生产在全国占有重要位置。该地区大豆生产具有总量大、品质优、贡献大、茬口优、潜力大等诸多优势与特征。当前,在进口大豆冲击的不利环境下,我国必须保证国内食用大豆的完全自给并为面向全球市场的大豆食品加工业提供优质原料,安徽大豆生产的可持续发展显得尤为重要和迫切。[方法]通过查阅文献资料和生产调研,对安徽省大豆生产地位与特征进行分析,指出了当前该地区大豆生产面临的问题,在此基础上提出了大豆生产可持续发展的战略对策与措施。[结果]分析发现,该地区大豆可持续发展面临的主要问题:农田水利基础设施薄弱,大豆生产比较效益较低,综合配套技术集成创新不足,大豆加工业对大豆生产牵动作用不强,大豆补贴不足影响农民的生产积极性。[结论]为实现该地区大豆生产的可持续发展,不仅要改善农田基础设施、稳妥推进适度规模经营、加强农机农艺农信融合,提升大豆生产技术,提高单产,还要继续深化大豆精深加工,进一步提高大豆产业效益和农民积极性。另外,还要从维护国家和地区粮食生产可持续发展的战略高度,完善大豆产业扶持政策。  相似文献   

出于消费者对食品安全和环境保护的关注,替代性食品体系研究及实践开始出现,北京家庭农场地处大都市的郊区,具备为北京消费者提供安全农产品和优美环境的条件.北京家庭农场的经营可以替代性食品体系为视角,从北京消费者对农产品的需求出发,生产绿色安全农产品、打造农产品品牌、开展农业体验、进行农产品深加工、合理定价、开设农场直销店、利用互联网+创新营销方式,这样既可为消费者提供安全的农产品,同时也可保障家庭农场的可持续性发展.  相似文献   

Sustainable food production to feed the growing population in Africa remains a major challenge. Africa has 64% of the global arable land but produces less than 10% of its food locally due to its inherently low soil nutrient concentrations. Poor soil fertility and a lack of fertilizer use are the major constraints to increasing crop yields in Africa. On average only about 8.8 kg NPK fertilizer is applied per hectare by African smallholder farmers. There is therefore considerable potential for increasing food production through sustainable intensification of the cropping systems. The low crop yields in Africa are also partly due to limited farmer access to modern agronomic techniques, including improved crop varieties, a lack of financial resources, and the absence of mechanisms for dissemination of information to smallholders. This study analyzed the Science and Technology Backyards (STBs) model and investigated its use for the transformation of agriculture in Africa. Some key lessons for sustainable crop intensification in Africa can be found from analysis of the STB model which is well established in China. These include (1) scientist-farmer engagement to develop adaptive and innovative technology for sustainable crop production, (2) dissemination of technology by empowering smallholders, especially leading farmers, and (3) the development of an open platform for multiple resource involvement rather than relying on a single mechanism. This review evaluates the benefits of the STB model used in China for adoption to increase agricultural productivity in Africa, with a perspective on sustainable crop intensification on the continent.  相似文献   

Managing plant health is a great challenge for modern food production and is further complicated by the lack of common ground between the many disciplines involved in disease control. Here we present the concept of rhizosphere immunity, in which plant health is considered as an ecosystem level property emerging from networks of interactions between plants, microbiota and the surrounding soil matrix. These interactions can potentially extend the innate plant immune system to a point where the rhizosphere immunity can fulfil all four core functions of a full immune system: pathogen prevention, recognition, response and homeostasis. We suggest that considering plant health from a meta-organism perspective will help in developing multidisciplinary pathogen management strategies that focus on steering the whole plant-microbe-soil networks instead of individual components. This might be achieved by bringing together the latest discoveries in phytopathology, microbiome research, soil science and agronomy to pave the way toward more sustainable and productive agriculture.  相似文献   

从食品供应链的角度探讨企业社会责任管理问题。分析了食品企业社会责任的特征和食品供应链企业社会责任的内涵。在食品供应链社会责任表现上,供应链社会责任利益共享,风险共担,但食品供应链企业社会责任界定不清,各主体缺少从整体角度考虑供应链企业社会责任问题,供应链下企业的地位和社会责任水平不同。在食品供应链环境下,企业应积极主动管理供应链社会责任,采取协同、共生的策略、风险规避策略、核心企业驱动策略和信息共享策略。食品供应链的所有成员应积极主动履行各自的供应链企业社会责任规范,不断提高整条供应链的企业社会责任水平。食品供应链中的主导企业应该从全产业链可持续发展的战略高度做好企业社会责任规划,不断规范、引导、帮助食品供应链各成员应履行的企业社会责任,驱动供应链企业社会责任的管理和发展。  相似文献   

丁锁  臧宏伟 《农学学报》2022,12(9):87-90
绿色食品企业内检员是绿色食品企业产品质量的第一把关人,是企业生产管理的监督员;建设一支业务精、能力强、素质高的内检员队伍,对于促进绿色食品事业持续健康发展具有重要意义。文章在对全国绿色食品企业内检员队伍建设情况进行问卷调查和实地调研的基础上,分析评价了绿色食品企业内检员队伍建设成效,研究探讨了绿色食品企业内检员队伍建设存在的主要问题,并从把好内检员职能定位、完善内检员注册管理、加强内检员培训教育、健全内检员奖惩机制、理顺内检员管理服务体制等5个方面提出了加强绿色食品企业内检员队伍建设建议与对策。  相似文献   

蜂产品行业在供应链管理中存在原料供应不稳定和食品安全等问题,这势必影响到行业的持续健康发展。在分析中国蜂产品行业供应链现状、特点的基础上,提出强化企业对原料生产的参与,强调供应链管理中食品安全的核心地位,提高供应链管理的信息化水平等方式优化供应链管理。优化现有供应链模式对促进我国蜂产业长期、稳定、高速发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Soil is the foundation for sustainable food production and environmental protection. Created by unsustainable land management practices and a range of social, economic and environmental drivers, soil degradation and pollution have been an ongoing threat to international food security and environmental quality. Soil degradation and pollution assessments are, however, often focused on the soil itself with little scope to devise new soil management approaches that match food production systems and/or environmental protection. This study draws lessons from an Australia-China Joint Research Center Program, Healthy Soils for Sustainable Food Production and Environmental Quality: a research platform that has brought together multi-disciplinary approaches from world-renowned universities and research organizations in Australia and China. To this end, a framework is presented for future soil management in a new way that combines excellence in research, industry and policymakers in a partnership that will ensure not only the right focus of the research but also that high-quality outputs will be transferable to industry and end-users.  相似文献   

栾城城郊型农牧系统养分流动与环境排放时空特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
【目的】改革开放以来中国种植业和畜牧业生产模式及农牧系统结合程度都发生了很大改变,这种改变对农牧体系养分流动以及环境排放都产生了较大影响。论文以河北省石家庄市栾城区为例,分析其1985-2014年农牧系统生产结构、养分流动和损失时空变化特征,确定农牧系统养分损失的关键节点和影响因素,为栾城区以及其他县级行政区的农业可持续发展提供理论依据。【方法】采用食物链养分流动模型(NUFER模型:nutrient flow in food chain, environment and resources use)并结合实地调研,定量栾城区氮磷养分流动特征和影响因素。NUFER模型综合考虑了作物生产系统、畜禽生产系统、食品加工系统和家庭消费系统的氮磷养分流动、利用率和环境损失。实地调研采用面对面的问卷调研方式收集信息,调研内容包括农田养分输入输出、生产管理和养殖户农场养分输入输出、生产管理及粪尿管理等。【结果】2014年种植业蔬菜水果播种面积占总播种面积的比例达到25%,每公顷耕地氮和磷(折纯,下同)投入量分别为763和335 kg,单位面积氮和磷盈余量分别为132和237 kg·hm-2;畜牧业养殖密度达到18 LU/hm2,饲料进口率达到75%,畜牧业源外源氮磷投入分别占农牧体系外源氮磷投入量的57%和39%,畜牧业源氮磷主产品输出占农牧体系氮磷主产品输出的60%和33%,是典型的高环境负荷的城郊型农牧生产体系。1985-2014年,畜牧业畜禽粪尿氮素还田率由59%降至35%。种植业氮利用率从45%降至43%,磷利用率从32%降至23%;畜牧业氮利用率从14%增至30%,磷利用率从4.4%增至10%;农牧系统氮利用率从41%降至36%,磷利用率从27%降至16%。2014年生产1 kg作物产品氮的平均氮损失为0.66 kg,生产1 kg作物产品磷的平均磷损失为0.11 kg;生产1 kg畜禽产品氮的平均氮损失为1.4 kg,生产1 kg畜禽产品磷的平均磷损失为1.8 kg;生产1 kg农牧系统产品氮的平均氮损失为1.5 kg·kg-1,磷损失为0.75 kg·kg-1磷产品。农牧体系氮损失的主要途径是氨挥发,农牧体系磷损失的主要途径是粪尿直接水体排放。【结论】受城镇化驱动和农牧系统生产结构改变的影响,经过近30年发展,栾城区成为高投入、高产出、低氮磷利用率、畜牧业占主导地位的高环境负荷的城郊型农牧生产体系。当前农牧系统养分利用率偏低、损失偏高主要源自过高的畜禽养殖密度、农牧分离以及农牧体系养分管理措施的不合理。因此,确定栾城区合理的畜禽养殖承载量,加强饲养管理,实行粪尿全链条管理等农牧结合措施将对农牧系统可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The rapidly growing demand for food, feed and fuel requires further improvements of land and water management, crop productivity and resource-use efficiencies.Combined field experimentation and crop growth modelling during the past five decades made a great leap forward in the understanding of factors that determine actual and potential yields of monocrops.The research field of production ecology developed concepts to integrate biological and biophysical processes with the aim to explore crop growth potential in contrasting environments.To understand the potential of more complex systems(multi-cropping and intercropping) we need an agro-ecosystem approach that integrates knowledge derived from various disciplines: agronomy, crop physiology, crop ecology, and environmental sciences(soil, water and climate).Adaptation of cropping systems to climate change and a better tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses by genetic improvement and by managing diverse cropping systems in a sustainable way will be of key importance in food security.To accelerate sustainable intensification of agricultural production, it is required to develop intercropping systems that are highly productive and stable under conditions with abiotic constraints(water, nutrients and weather).Strategies to achieve sustainable intensification include developing tools to evaluate crop growth potential under more extreme climatic conditions and introducing new crops and cropping systems that are more productive and robust under conditions with abiotic stress.This paper presents some examples of sustainable intensification management of intercropping systems that proved to be tolerant to extreme climate conditions.  相似文献   

吕月静 《安徽农业科学》2014,(23):8083-8085,8088
分析了宁夏生态移民工程存在的社会问题,如生产生活条件的变更、生活习惯的调整、生活前景的预期判断、资源竞争激烈、就业形势严峻、户籍管理混乱等文化适应、社会适应等。指出要改变过去更加重视经济发展、忽视或不重视社会管理的思路,从社会管理的角度出发,运用社会管理的方法、手段予以解决。只有经济发展和社会管理双管齐下,才能保证生态移民安置区经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

以全国蜂蜜大省浙江省为例,利用蜂产品市场调研数据和蜂农调研数据,先从宏观视角对浙江省蜂业的生产与销售状况进行考察;再从微观角度对蜂农的生产经营行为及存在问题进行分析,在此基础上,对影响蜂农收益的因素进行实证剖析。模型结果表明,蜂农文化程度、养殖规模、养殖方式、技术采纳和主要销售渠道对蜂农收益有显著影响;据此,本文还提出了振兴浙江蜂产业,促进其持续健康发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国冬小麦品质改良研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
小麦是中国第三大粮食作物,在农业生产和食品工业中占有重要地位。随着中国经济和社会的发展,消费者的生活需求正在发生变化,工业化和城市化使食品工业,特别是传统食品工业化加速发展。与此同时,食品工业对食品原料的专用化和规模化,即品种的质量、规格和数量,提出了更高的要求。如何研究和解决这一矛盾,已成为小麦产业和食品工业可持续发展的新问题。本文以国内发表的论著为基础,整理、分析了小麦品质改良历史、研究进展、存在问题;讨论了小麦产业链和食品加工业的可持续发展对优质小麦的需求;结合农业生产和食品工业的发展趋势提出建议,供小麦育种、生产、收贮、食品加工等部门和研究人员参考。  相似文献   

● There is huge potential for improvement of nitrogen management in Australia. ● N management should incorporate environmental, social and economic sustainability. ● Agronomic, ecological and socioeconomic approaches and efforts are needed. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient that supports life, but excess N in the human-environment system causes multiple adverse effects from the local to the global scale. Sustainable N management in agroecosystems, therefore, has become more and more critical to address the increasing concern over food security, environmental quality and climate change. Australia is facing a serious challenge for sustainable N management due to its emission-intensive lifestyle (high level of animal-source foods and fossil fuels consumption) and its diversity of agricultural production systems, from extensive rainfed grain systems with mining of soil N to intensive crop and animal production systems with excessive use of N. This paper reviews the major challenges and future opportunities for making Australian agrifood systems more sustainable, less polluting and more profitable.  相似文献   

祁连山森林牧场生态系统特征与可持续管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
祁连山草场和灌丛是当地牲畜的主要牧草来源,覆盖祁连山大约30%~40%的面积,为了解祁连山森林牧场生态系统状况,对森林牧场生态系统的结构和功能作了一定的研究.同时,对5种不同放牧强度下草场各物种所占的比例及牧场在不同改良方式下生产力的动态变化作了详细的调查,指出在不同放牧强度下,优良牧草的比例随放牧强度的增加而降低,杂类草的比例随放牧强度的增加而升高;森林及牧区的可持续管理要求不断完善各项技术、政策、法规和机构,同时还要求来自有关国家管理机构及财政部门的援助.  相似文献   

Achieving sustainability of the cereal system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains(IGP)of India under progressive climate change and variability necessitates adoption of practices and technologies that increase food production,adaptation and mitigation in a sustainable way.This paper examines conservation agriculture(CA)from the perspective of:(i)increased yield and farm income,(ii)adaptation to heat and water stresses,and(iii)reduction in greenhouse gas(GHGs)emissions.The analyses and conclusions are based on the literature and evidences from a large number of on-station as well as farmers’field trials on CA in the cereal systems of IGP.Our analyses show that CA-based system substantially reduces the production cost(up to 23%)but produces equal or even higher than conventional system;thereby increasing economic profitability of production system.CA-based production systems also moderated the effect of high temperature(reduced canopy temperature by 1–4°C)and increased irrigation water productivity by 66–100%compared to traditional production systems thus well adapting to water and heat stress situations of IGP.Our continuous monitoring of soil flux of CO2,N2O and CH4 revealed that CA-based rice-wheat systems emit 10–15%less GHGs than conventional systems.This is the first time that CA and its components are synthesized and analyzed from food security-climate change nexus.From this holistic analysis,we suggest that wide-scale promotion of suitable CA practices by integrating into national agriculture development strategy is a way forward to address food security,climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges faced by present agriculture.  相似文献   

杨文珍 《北京农业》2012,(30):27-28
种子作为农业生产最重要的物质基础,其管理工作的好坏直接关系到作物增产、农业增效和农民增收,甚至关系到社会稳定和可持续发展。因此,必须从当前种子管理工作中存在问题入手进行分析,通过调整农业结构、强化管理体制和规范生产经营行为,使种子管理工作实现健康、稳健和可持续发展。  相似文献   

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