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基于精准扶贫视角的农业产业扶贫问题研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
"精准扶贫"理论的提出,使扶贫工作从以前的粗放管理阶段步入精细化管理阶段,以便从根本上解决贫困人口问题。以国家集中连片特困地区秦巴山区中的陕南为例,在精准识别贫困人口的基础上,分析各类致贫因素,并确定重要致贫因素。探索解决重要致贫因素的精准扶贫措施。根据陕南现行的农业产业扶贫措施,精准识别农业产业扶贫中存在的问题,并提出产业精准扶贫措施,以期为陕南乃至西部集中贫困地区农业产业精准脱贫提供经验借鉴。 相似文献
2020 年是全面打赢脱贫攻坚战的收官年,是确保贫困人口和贫困地区进入小康社会的实现
同心打好脱贫攻坚战。 相似文献
扶贫成为决胜小康社会的重要任务,必须要达到精准扶贫,令扶贫精细化,准确化,如此才会使扶贫工作的成效更加显著。在精准扶贫背景下金融扶贫的模式需要得到深入的剖析,详细地了解金融扶贫模式的具体情形,并且找出其中存在的风险,如此才可以令金融扶贫得到稳定顺利的开展,最大化地缩小存在的风险,使之真正为扶贫工作做出巨大贡献。 相似文献
随着经济和社会的发展,政府在扶贫工作方面重视度大大提高。对此,政府专门成立了扶贫办等相关的工作小组,并且与国家旅游局共同合作,对于贫困地区旅游精准扶贫试点开展全面工作。从现在的状况来看,精准扶贫背景下的旅游扶贫对贫困地区的脱贫具有深远的参考意义与实际应用价值,并且成为我国精准扶贫中占比较高的一种方案。本文是以我国精准扶贫为背景,主要研究精准扶贫背景下对于旅游扶贫的精准识别,通过探讨等方式方法,找到问题,并且总结出解决问题的方法,对相关文献进行梳理,并且结合现状,展望未来,找到适合我国发展的精准扶贫背景下旅游扶贫政策,与我国的旅游市场发展现状以及潜力进行分析,对于旅游扶贫项目进行了准确识别,分析了旅游扶贫项目的利与弊,以及如何使贫困地区快速发展起旅游业的方案。 相似文献
科技精准扶贫作为"造血"式扶贫的主要载体,更加重视内在能力培育和创新要素驱动。四川藏区在科技精准扶贫实施过程中,坚持把产业科技扶贫和服务体系建设作为两大重要抓手,注重与当地独特资源禀赋和特色产业结合,突出"精准"施策,探索出"三区科技人才"专项、"科技扶贫专项项目+""四川科技扶贫在线"平台、科技扶贫示范基地等4大类11种科技精准扶贫模式,取得了显著成效。但在实施过程中也存在一些不足,影响了科技精准扶贫的实施效果,积极探索适宜有效的改进方式,为四川藏区和其它特困地区有效地开展精准扶贫和乡村振兴提供一定实践借鉴。 相似文献
本文以国家扶贫总体思路和战略导向为基础,对改革开发以来甘肃省的扶贫模式进行了总结和概括,认为,在"十三五"规划时期,甘肃省的精准扶贫一定要坚持以产业扶贫为主导方向,实施多极突破式扶贫措施。 相似文献
电商扶贫是开展精准扶贫工作的重要举措,在跨境电商的发展下,交易份额屡创新高,将精准扶贫与跨境电商结合起来,能够进一步拓展精准扶贫工作的开展渠道,促进农民增收。本文以湖南为例,分析了制约湖南精准扶贫跨境电商的发展瓶颈,并从几个方面探讨精准扶贫需求背景下跨境电商的扶持方式。 相似文献
讨,希望能够为相关从业者提供参考意见。 相似文献
旅游精准扶贫助推贫困地区乡村振兴的思考 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
贫困地区精准脱贫是乡村振兴的重点难点和优先任务,旅游扶贫已经成为我国贫困地区乡村振兴的重要方式。推动旅游精准扶贫与乡村振兴的有机衔接,是实现贫困地区乡村振兴的有效途径。本文立足文献述评、调研认知与研究思考,探讨旅游精准扶贫在贫困地区乡村振兴中的主要作用、现实问题和推进途径。研究表明,旅游精准扶贫可以促进贫困地区乡村振兴已成为各方共识,同时也面临利益分配机制不合理、内生增长乏力、生态环境制约等诸多挑战,乡村旅游扶贫需精准识别发展乡村旅游所具备的资源、区位、市场等条件和可行性,将乡村振兴战略的思想和原则融入具体的旅游精准扶贫计划与行动之中。具体需要准确把握好适宜区域、实施主体、主导产业、资金来源和保障机制,创新乡村旅游扶贫的商业模式、聚合乡村旅游扶贫的智力资源、夯实乡村旅游扶贫的文化底蕴、坚守乡村旅游扶贫的绿色发展底线、优化乡村旅游扶贫管理和组织机制,进而从产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴和组织振兴等五个方面全方位精准有效地助推乡村振兴。 相似文献
This paper analyses the impact of the poverty alleviation relocation(PAR) program on rural household income and evaluates the heterogeneous income effects of various relocation modes, based on a panel dataset of relocated households from 16 counties in eight Chinese provinces. The results show that participation in the PAR increases the income of both rural and urban resettlers. More specifically, it has a significant positive effect on agricultural and wage income for rural and urban resettlers, respectively. Further analyses show that the income increase for rural resettlers was mainly due to agricultural technology training and that the income increase for town resettlers was attributed to medical security. For the village resettlers, policies should focus on strengthening the development of local industries and training of agricultural technologies. For the urban resettlers, non-agricultural employment and public services in the urban resettlement areas should be promoted. 相似文献
石漠化连片特困地区是我国新时期扶贫攻坚战中减贫任务最为艰巨的地区,农业产业扶贫在扶贫实践中发挥着重要的作用.在梳理阿玛蒂亚·森的发展观、可持续发展理论和参与式发展理论的基础上,界定产业扶贫模式可持续性的内涵,强调扶贫覆盖面、减贫效果、配套政策和贫困人口的发展能力等因素的影响.确定适用性、效果、政策、载体等4个评价准则及10个关键性问题,并据此提出10个一级指标和23个二级指标.主张采用主、客观赋权法相结合的方法对农业产业扶贫模式可持续性评价指标赋予权重. 相似文献
本文基于CNKI 数据库,采用文献可视化工具和文献统计分析方法,通过Citespace5.2
1984 年,研究的总体趋势是上升的,存在阶段性的低迷阶段和波浪式增长阶段。通过分析高频
次和高中心度的关键词发现山区扶贫的相关研究热点主要集中于“扶贫开发、扶贫攻坚”等。 相似文献
Elite capture,the “follow-up checks” policy,and the targeted poverty alleviation program: Evidence from rural western China 下载免费PDF全文
Decentralized methods for targeting poverty are widely adopted in developing countries to improve the performance of various poverty alleviation programs. A common challenge for implementing successful decentralized targeting is the existence of elite capture. China has recently implemented a nationwide decentralized poverty targeting program, the targeted poverty alleviation(TPA) policy, to achieve the national goal of eliminating absolute poverty by the end of 2020. As the largest decentralized poverty targeting program in the world, TPA's successful implementation was believed to be threatened by elite capture in some earlier reports. Since 2015, a targeting correction mechanism, called "follow-up checks" policy, has been introduced. With the "follow-up checks" policy, the elites and other ineligible households who receive benefits under TPA were removed from the program. This paper investigates the elite capture phenomenon in TPA using village census data from a poverty-stricken county in 2017-two years after implementing the "follow-up checks" policy. We find no evidence of elite capture in TPA. The elites are unlikely to become beneficiaries or receive more benefits than non-elites. Our results contradict earlier findings that reported elite capture in TPA. We argue that the reason is the accountability emphasized by the central government in the "follow-up checks" policy. Our findings imply that having proper accountability is critical for improving targeting performance by global antipoverty initiatives. 相似文献
新时期下,脱贫攻坚是农业领域助推全面建成小康社会的一项关键工作。本文梳理了不同学者对扶贫工作新认识,扶贫开发理论研究,地方扶贫开发区域实践研究,解决扶贫问题的具体举措。研究发现,相关文献注重理论创新,从国家制度层面、社会环境和个人特征等多方面对扶贫理论进行阐释,且大多研究都注重总结模式并加以推广,基于贫困地区的资源禀赋、政策支持、个人特征等因素的来借鉴选择不同的扶贫路径。此外,本文还基于我国脱贫攻坚面临的困境和制约因素,提出要充分发挥不同要素的积极作用、构建社会协同多方合作大格局、以及确保扶贫工作聚焦精准全覆盖等相关政策建议。 相似文献
根据世界银行提出的“1天1美元”的国际通用贫困标准,江苏省已于2011年全面率先消除绝对贫困现象,469.7万贫困人口全部达到或超过绝对贫困标准,从而启动了新一轮扶贫工作。作为实施脱贫攻坚工程实施主力军的农业科研单位,在新形式下如何确定新一轮帮扶对象,探索新的扶贫模式,提出新一轮帮扶措施,从而更有针对性、更高效地助推全省科技扶贫工作?本文结合江苏省农业科学院扶贫案例,解析了科技扶贫的意义、探讨了扶贫的影响因素、提炼了更有针对性、更有成效的扶贫模式,从而给其他科研单位扶贫提供经验参考。 相似文献
How to break the vicious cycle of poverty and ecological degradation is widely concerned and discussed. In the poverty alleviation practices in China, ecological poverty alleviation(EPA) is regarded as an important way to synthesize the dual goals of poverty reduction and environmental protection and to achieve the win-win outcomes. Many Chinese researchers have fruitful research achievements on EPA yet they do not recognize that EPA is not a simple combination of various policies, but a complex system involving multiple policy instruments, governmental agencies, social forces, and agents. However, few studies abroad illustrate EPA in detail. They focus more on specific components of EPA such as payment for ecosystem services while overlooking the integral concept of EPA and practices from China. Based on field research in Guizhou Province, China, this paper proposes a framework of EPA with an effective multi-agent and co-government system, for demonstrating the concept and practice of EPA. With case analysis, we illustrate key elements in this system and their relationships, and how they play a vital role in pursuing win-win outcomes in environmental protection and poverty alleviation. The three dimensions of this EPA system have been discussed. The first is to strengthen the interaction among the agents. Many efforts should be made for establishing an efficient communication routine and a stable relationship among their interests. The second is to reinforce the connection between diverse elements in each policy subsystem, such as the systematization and coordination of the ecological industry development, the systematization of the links before, during, and after the relocation of ecological immigrants, etc. The third is to promote the interactions between the three subsystems, so that ecological enhancement, ecological compensation, and industrial development, and migration and relocation can promote each other, and ultimately promote the coordination of poverty alleviation and ecological protection in povertystricken areas. Thus, this paper analyzes how to establish the communication routine among the relevant agents of EPA, the interaction among the internal elements of the subsystems, and the relationship between the subsystems in series, trying to reveal the basic operating mechanism of the system. 相似文献