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How do we decide if the people we meet and the things we see are familiar or new? If something is new, we need to encode it as a memory distinct from already stored episodes, using a process known as pattern separation. If familiar, it can be used to reactivate a previously stored memory, by a process known as pattern completion. To orchestrate these conflicting processes, current models propose that the episodic memory system uses environmental cues to establish processing biases that favor either pattern separation during encoding or pattern completion during retrieval. To assess this theory, we measured how people's memory formation and decisions are influenced by their recent engagement in episodic encoding and retrieval. We found that the recent encoding of novel objects improved subsequent identification of subtle changes, a task thought to rely on pattern separation. Conversely, recent retrieval of old objects increased the subsequent integration of stored information into new memories, a process thought to rely on pattern completion. These experiments provide behavioral evidence that episodic encoding and retrieval evoke lingering biases that influence subsequent mnemonic processing.  相似文献   

Forms of memory failure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Memory may fail in a variety of ways. Patients with Korsakoff's syndrome demonstrate global memory deficits similar to those seen in patients with early progressive dementia. Korsakoff's patients, however, may recall rules and principles for organizing information and can gain access to their previously acquired knowledge (semantic memory), whereas recent memory may be grossly impaired. In contrast, dementia patients may have little access to previously acquired knowledge and therefore have great difficulty in organizing and encoding ongoing events. These contrasting forms of memory failure have implications for understanding the structure and mechanisms of memory and learning, particularly the relationship between episodic and semantic memory, as well as the development of therapeutic strategies for cognitive impairments.  相似文献   

Episodic memory or memory for the detailed events in our lives is critically dependent on structures of the medial temporal lobe (MTL). A fundamental component of episodic memory is memory for the temporal order of items within an episode. To understand the contribution of individual MTL structures to temporal-order memory, we recorded single-unit activity and local field potential from three MTL areas (hippocampus and entorhinal and perirhinal cortex) and visual area TE as monkeys performed a temporal-order memory task. Hippocampus provided incremental timing signals from one item presentation to the next, whereas perirhinal cortex signaled the conjunction of items and their relative temporal order. Thus, perirhinal cortex appeared to integrate timing information from hippocampus with item information from visual sensory area TE.  相似文献   

Recent experiments with rats suggest that they show episodic-like or what-where-when memory for a preferred food found on a radial maze. Although memory for when a salient event occurred suggests that rats can mentally travel in time to a moment in the past, an alternative possibility is that they remember how long ago the food was found. Three groups of rats were tested for memory of previously encountered food. The different groups could use only the cues of when, how long ago, or when + how long ago. Only the cue of how long ago food was encountered was used successfully. These results suggest that episodic-like memory in rats is qualitatively different from human episodic memory.  相似文献   

Memories for habits and skills ("implicit or procedural memory") and memories for facts ("explicit or episodic memory") are built up in different brain systems and are vulnerable to different neurodegenerative disorders in humans. So that the striatum-based mechanisms underlying habit formation could be studied, chronic recordings from ensembles of striatal neurons were made with multiple tetrodes as rats learned a T-maze procedural task. Large and widely distributed changes in the neuronal activity patterns occurred in the sensorimotor striatum during behavioral acquisition, culminating in task-related activity emphasizing the beginning and end of the automatized procedure. The new ensemble patterns remained stable during weeks of subsequent performance of the same task. These results suggest that the encoding of action in the sensorimotor striatum undergoes dynamic reorganization as habit learning proceeds.  相似文献   

Memories are thought to be attractor states of neuronal representations, with the hippocampus a likely substrate for context-dependent episodic memories. However, such states have not been directly observed. For example, the hippocampal place cell representation of location was previously found to respond continuously to changes in environmental shape alone. We report that exposure to novel square and circular environments made of different materials creates attractor representations for both shapes: Place cells abruptly and simultaneously switch between representations as environmental shape changes incrementally. This enables study of attractor dynamics in a cognitive representation and may correspond to the formation of distinct contexts in context-dependent memory.  相似文献   

Associating temporally discontinuous elements is crucial for the formation of episodic and working memories that depend on the hippocampal-entorhinal network. However, the neural circuits subserving these associations have remained unknown. The layer III inputs of the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus may contribute to this process. To test this hypothesis, we generated a transgenic mouse in which these inputs are specifically inhibited. The mutant mice displayed significant impairments in spatial working-memory tasks and in the encoding phase of trace fear-conditioning. These results indicate a critical role of the entorhinal cortex layer III inputs to the hippocampus in temporal association memory.  相似文献   

Hippocampal neurons were recorded under conditions in which the recording chamber was varied but its location remained unchanged versus conditions in which an identical chamber was encountered in different places. Two forms of neuronal pattern separation occurred. In the variable cue-constant place condition, the firing rates of active cells varied, often over more than an order of magnitude, whereas the location of firing remained constant. In the variable place-constant cue condition, both location and rates changed, so that population vectors for a given location in the chamber were statistically independent. These independent encoding schemes may enable simultaneous representation of spatial and episodic memory information.  相似文献   

A long-standing conjecture in neuroscience is that aspects of cognition depend on the brain's ability to self-generate sequential neuronal activity. We found that reliably and continually changing cell assemblies in the rat hippocampus appeared not only during spatial navigation but also in the absence of changing environmental or body-derived inputs. During the delay period of a memory task, each moment in time was characterized by the activity of a particular assembly of neurons. Identical initial conditions triggered a similar assembly sequence, whereas different conditions gave rise to different sequences, thereby predicting behavioral choices, including errors. Such sequences were not formed in control (nonmemory) tasks. We hypothesize that neuronal representations, evolved for encoding distance in spatial navigation, also support episodic recall and the planning of action sequences.  相似文献   

采用跨期选择任务考察了积极、中性、消极情绪效价的预期想象对高、低冲动者的延迟折扣的改变机制.结果发现:(1)总体而言,积极预期想象显著降低了被试的延迟折扣,消极预期想象显著增加了被试的延迟折扣,而中性预期想象对延迟折扣则没有明显影响;(2)具体而言,积极预期想象明显降低了高、低冲动性2组被试的延迟折扣,但消极预期想象只显著增加了高冲动组的延迟折扣,对低冲动组的影响则不显著.结果支持了"情境预期-情绪假说"理论,即预期想象通过预期情绪调节延迟折扣改变的方向;消极预期想象显著增加了高冲动组的延迟折扣而对低冲动组没有明显影响,可能是低冲动组具有更好的自我控制能力.  相似文献   

The interrelation between the secretion of two hypophysiotropic peptides, growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) and somatostatin (SRIF), in the generation of episodic growth hormone (GH) secretion was inferred from direct measurements of immunoreactive GRF and immunoreactive SRIF concentrations in the hypophysial-portal plasma of the rat. Secretion of immunoreactive GRF was found to be episodic, with maximal concentrations present during periods of expected GH secretory episodes. Secretion of immunoreactive GRF was accompanied by a moderate reduction in portal plasma levels of immunoreactive SRIF. Passive immunoneutralization of SRIF was associated with increased concentrations of immunoreactive GRF in hypophysial-portal plasma. On the basis of these observations, it appears that each GH secretory episode is initiated by pulsatile secretion of immunoreactive GRF into the portal circulation, which is preceded by or is concurrent with a moderate reduction of inhibitory tone provided by portal immunoreactive SRIF. These experiments provide direct insights into central and adenohypophysial mechanisms by which GRF and SRIF interact to generate episodic secretion of GH.  相似文献   

Pioneer Venus ultraviolet spectra from the first 5 years of operation show a decline (by more than a factor of 10) in sulfur dioxide abundance at the cloud tops and in the amount of submicron haze above the clouds. At the time of the Pioneer Venus encounter, the values for both parameters greatly exceeded earlier upper limits. However, Venus had a similar appearance in the late 1950's, implying the episodic injection of sulfur dioxide possibly caused by episodic volcanism. The amount of haze in the Venus middle atmosphere is about ten times that found in Earth's stratosphere after the most recent major volcanic eruptions, and the thermal energy required for this injection on Venus is greater by about an order of magnitude than the largest of these recent Earth eruptions and about as large as the Krakatoa eruption of 1883. The episodic behavior of sulfur dioxide implies that steady-state models of the chemistry and dynamics of cloud-top regions may be of limited use.  相似文献   

Five Zirconi samples from Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina yield discordant uranium-lead ages which suggest an original age of 820 million years and an episodic lead loss at 240 million years. The indicated age of lead loss is interpreted as the age of movement of the Blue Ridge thrust sheet.  相似文献   

Two distinct forms of consolidated associative memory are known in Drosophila: long-term memory and so-called anesthesia-resistant memory. Long-term memory is more stable, but unlike anesthesia-resistant memory, its formation requires protein synthesis. We show that flies induced to form long-term memory become more susceptible to extreme stress (such as desiccation). In contrast, induction of anesthesia-resistant memory had no detectable effect on desiccation resistance. This finding may help to explain why evolution has maintained anesthesia-resistant memory as another form of consolidated memory, distinct from long-term memory.  相似文献   

Sensory and cognitive functions were assessed in a right-handed male before and after partial and complete callosal commissurotomy. After the initial posterior section was made, there was no evidence of interhemispheric sensory transfer, although the left hemisphere did have access to stimulus-related semantic and episodic information from the right hemisphere. After the callosum was completely sectioned, this exchange was no longer observed.  相似文献   

Ocean crust is the outermost layer of earth under the oceans. It is separated from the underlying mantle by a seismic transition zone called the Moho. A widely held view is that the Moho represents a petrologic change from basaltic-type rocks to a mantle composed mostly of olivine and pyroxene. According to this view, crust is formed by a steady segregation of basaltic melt, derived from partial melting of the mantle, into a crustal magma chamber wherein cooling and crystallization bring about steady-state accretion to the continuously spreading plates. There is sufficient disagreement between the predictions of this hypothesis and marine geophysical data to cause one to doubt the validity of this formation process. At least two other processes are more compatible with the geophysical data. In one, the crust is formed from the episodic injection of basaltic dikes from a mantle reservoir and the Moho is a primary petrologic boundary. In the other, the crust is treated as a mechanical boundary layer in which thermal contraction results in cracking; by comparison, in the mantle thermal contraction is accommodated by flow. The upper part of the crust is formed from episodic extrusion and intrusion of basaltic melt. The lower crust is formed by rapid hydrothermal alteration of mantle that may be continuously or episodically injected by viscous flow at temperatures below the melting temperature.  相似文献   

正确认识年龄损害记忆——动物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年龄相关性学习记忆能力减退是从人到啮齿类动物的常见现象.但因受到支持的记忆系统不同,各种类型的记忆形式受到年龄影响各不相同.并非所有形式的记忆都受损.受损的记忆消失也并非同时出现,且受损程度不同,以空间性记忆受损最早最重.衰老过程中,不同形式的记忆可能此消彼长,有些形式的记忆甚至可能增强.因此,在研究年龄相关性学习记忆能力减退时最好使用多个任务进行记忆评估.  相似文献   

The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) is a large-scale episodic modulation of tropical winds and precipitation that travels eastward from Asia to America, with a characteristic repeat time of 30 to 60 days. Here it is shown that when MJO wind anomalies in the lower troposphere of the eastern Pacific are westerly, Gulf of Mexico and western Caribbean hurricane genesis is four times more likely than when the MJO winds are easterly. Accurate predictions of the MJO may lead to improved long-range forecasts of tropical cyclone activity.  相似文献   

Human memory is strikingly susceptible to social influences, yet we know little about the underlying mechanisms. We examined how socially induced memory errors are generated in the brain by studying the memory of individuals exposed to recollections of others. Participants exhibited a strong tendency to conform to erroneous recollections of the group, producing both long-lasting and temporary errors, even when their initial memory was strong and accurate. Functional brain imaging revealed that social influence modified the neuronal representation of memory. Specifically, a particular brain signature of enhanced amygdala activity and enhanced amygdala-hippocampus connectivity predicted long-lasting but not temporary memory alterations. Our findings reveal how social manipulation can alter memory and extend the known functions of the amygdala to encompass socially mediated memory distortions.  相似文献   

Human prolactin: 24-hour pattern with increased release during sleep   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Human prolactin was measured in plasma by radioimmunoassay at 20 minute intervals for a 24-hour period in each of six normal adults, whose sleep-wake cycles were monitored polygraphically. A marked diurnal variation in plasma concentrations was demonstrated, with highest values during sleep; periods of episodic release occurred throughout the 24 hours.  相似文献   

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