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F.A. Gumbs   《Soil & Tillage Research》1993,27(1-4):341-354
This review describes the tillage methods and soil conservation methods currently utilized in the Commonwealth Caribbean on a range of slopes. A high percentage of the land has slopes which exceed 20° minimum. In these circumstances, tillage is carried out with hand tools and frequently combined with conservation contour drains or/and barriers of cut vegetation laid across the contour. Many farmers form ridges and furrows on the contour with hand tools and a significant number do not use any conservation measures. Tillage, on flat or gently sloping land, is done largely by tractor drawn implements and the tillage method is mainly determined by the crop to be grown and the soil type. The tillage methods used for the cultivation of sugar cane, rice, banana, vegetables and other small row crops are described. The agronomic, cultural and engineering practices used to conserve the soil against water erosion are also described.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some research studies on tillage methods influencing soil and moisture conservation in the eastern African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Ethiopia during the past four decades. Most of these studies were conducted in marginal rainfall (semi arid) areas and on shallow soils of various textures (sandy clay loam, sandy clay, clay and loam). The studies were meant to establish the effects of tillage and residue management practices on physico-chemical soil properties (i.e. structure, bulk density, soil moisture and organic matter contents), runoff and infiltration.

This review emphasizes the importance of appropriate tillage and residue management methods (contour bunds and terraces, minimum tillage, tied ridging, mulching and conventional tillage) in providing soil conditions favourable for soil moisture conservation and subsequent crop performance and yield on smallholder farms.  相似文献   

A review is made of appropriate tillage methods for West African soils. Soil and ecological constraints to crop production and soil and water conservation measures in West Africa are discussed. Experimental results relating to the effects of different tillage methods on soil productivity and crop responses are described for different eco-regions in relation to the potentials of different tillage methods for soil and water conservation. The review shows that limited experimental data and diverse research methodologies make generalizations from the available information tenuous at best. Serious gaps in our knowledge of the ecological suitability of alternative tillage methods and soil and water conservation technologies are identified. The future course for regionally coordinated research in soil tillage and soil and water conservation is suggested.  相似文献   

Tillage methods and soil and water conservation in southern Brazil   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The intensive tillage systems adopted in southern Brazil have accelerated soil erosion, depleted plant-available nutrients and reduced crop productivity. These effects are better perceived in terms of farmer's land use and soil management techniques, i.e. animal- or machine-powered equipment through high and low aptitude land use classification systems. However, these tillage systems coexist together at the level of agricultural watersheds and are not compatible for continuous and sustainable agriculture. This article proposes a methodology for using agricultural watersheds as planning units for integrated soil conservation plans. This methodology is based on considerations of the farmer's socioeconomic conditions, land aptitude and other biophysical factors. The proposed methodology envisages a continuous and intensive land use for sustained production.  相似文献   

Tillage methods related to soil and water conservation in south Asia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Research on different tillage systems and their role in soil and water conservation in south Asia is reviewed. Tillage has shown marked influence on soil hydraulic characteristics and to some extent on soil chemical and biological properties particularly organic matter cycling. The importance of conservation tillage in reducing runoff, soil loss and in ensuring sustainable agricultural production in the region is emphasized. The role of other tillage practices, for example contour cultivation, contour bunding, terraces and tied ridging, in increasing the profile water storage is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of tillage implement distrubance on the physical properties of soil have been widely studied. However, because soil properties resulting from the use of a given implement vary due to implement factors (depth and speed of tillage) and soil factors (water content, texture, residue cover, etc.), soil properties for a given operation are difficult to visualize, let alone predict. This report summarizes the ranges of selected soil property responses observed in previous tillage studies and identifies factors that must be considered in developing useful models to predict the effects of tillage on soil properties that are related to soil and water conservation. Considered are soil mechanical properties (surface micro-relief, aggregate size distribution and bulk density) and hydraulic properties and processes (water retention, saturated conductivity, infiltration and evaporation). For future literature reports on tillage to be useful for developing comprehensive relationships between tillage and soil properties, the reports should include information on: soil classification, texture, water content (or time of precipitation), bulk density, mechanical impedance and organic matter concentration; tillage method, depth and speed of operation; previous crop, including availability of crop residues; and previous soil management history (compacted soil, irrigated or dryland, etc.).  相似文献   

Abstract. Tillage practices for water conservation in the Pacific Northwest, USA, wheat region emphasize the infiltration and retention of winter rain and snow and suppression of evaporation and transpiration by weeds. The wheat-fallow system dominates in the semi-arid areas and winter wheat-spring crop rotations are most common in the sub-humid areas. The main features of water conservation during the fallow season include chisel ploughing in the autumn to reduce winter runoff, and spring and summer tillage to kill weeds, minimize evaporation, and conserve seed-zone water. Water in the seed zone is conserved by establishing a soil mulch having properties that thermally insulate the seed zone while at the same time restricting upward liquid and water vapour flow. Water conservation in the more humid zones involves chisel ploughing in autumn, uphill ploughing, and stubble retention to reduce winter runoff. New practices include minimum tillage and no-till planting methods which maintain surface residues. However, heavy equipment associated with current trends in no-till is causing soil compaction which may decrease infiltration rates. Methods under experimentation to improve infiltration with conservation tillage systems include slot mulching, paraplowing, and the use of basin pitters.  相似文献   

水土保持生态服务功能评价方法   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
 由于生态系统服务功能支撑与维持着地球生命系统的平衡与稳定,因此它已受到当今世界普遍关注。在我国水土流失严重的情况下,运用生态服务功能理论可以正确评价水土保持措施的作用,并为合理的生态建设规划提供依据。本文在总结Costanza等人理论的基础上,分析水土保持各项措施对保护和改良人类赖以生存的自然环境条件的综合效用。认为水土保持生态服务功能包括保护和涵养水源、保护和改良土壤、固碳释氧、净化空气和防风固沙等功能。另外,本文从水土保持工程措施、水土保持农业措施和水土保持林草措施3个方向为上述功能筛选了10个评价指标,且为各个指标分别建立了评价方法。这些指标及方法将有助于对水土保持措施的生态环境效应进行深入的分析与评价。  相似文献   

澳大利亚水土保持考察纪实   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
澳大利亚仅有200年历史,水土流失的发生和发展时间不算很长。随着大型农业机械的应用,采矿业的迅速发展的国际市场对农牧业产品的需要量增加,造成过度砍伐林木,过度垦殖,过度放牧,使良好的天然植被遭到毁灭性的摧残,加上暴雨较多等等,导致了水土流失的发生和发展。看到这些变化之后,引起澳大利亚各级政府和科学家对土壤保持的重视。有关部门相继颁布了各种严格的法规,成立了常设机构,委派专人负责。他们始终不渝地以法治理水土流失,丰富多样的治理措施,先进的试验研究手段,非凡的管理方法,一切为生产服务,讲求实效。  相似文献   

Population pressures within southern Africa are forcing people to increasingly crop land of a diverse and fragile nature where the risk of environmental degradation is high and current yields are low. Much of the earlier tillage research is not applicable to these conditions as efforts have concentrated on commercial farming with tractors for the higher potential regions. It is only in the last 10–20 years that attention has increasingly focused on the tillage requirements of small-scale farmers in these harsh water-scarce semi-arid regions. There is now a clearer understanding of the basic environmental constraints to crop production in terms of climate, poor soil fertility and structure and considerable advances have been made towards improved systems but there is still a lack of appropriate tillage system recommendations. All too frequently researchers have omitted the farmer input from their considerations and endeavours. Consequently limited consideration has been given to the social (e.g. land tenure), economic (e.g. credit), energy (labour and draught power) and technical constraints experienced by the small farmers they are trying to help.

The need to develop more adoptable interim systems is therefore indicated but the slim margins within which small farmers must operate highlight the continuing need for sound tillage research to backstop the development of sustainable conservation systems.  相似文献   

水土保持功能评价及其在水土保持区划中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着国家对生态文明建设的日益重视,以及国家及地方主体功能区规划的实施,对于水土保持的功能研究也越来越多.结合全国水土保持规划工作的需要,提出水土保持功能的概念、类型确定原则和功能类型,阐述了水土保持基础功能和社会经济功能的评价方法,以及各基础功能的评价指标体系.以太行山东部山地丘陵区为例,举例说明水土保持功能评价的过程和结果.对全国水土保持区划三级区基础功能进行统计分析,明确各功能的区域比例,提出8个一级区水土保持工作主要方向,维护和提高区域水土保持功能将成为水土保持工作的重点和方向.  相似文献   

A method of runoff calculation and prediction has been developed, based on known soil properties and a probability analysis of historical rainfall data. The method provides an evaluation of the efficiency of any tillage system for conserving runoff water. It consists of four steps: (1) the infiltration characteristics of a particular soil type under a given management regime are determined with the aid of a portable rainfall simulator; (2) the long-term record of actual rainfall of the region is analyzed for storm intensity distribution; (3) runoff amounts and rates are calculated for all rain storms on record by a method which combines the soil infiltration function and storm intensity pattern; and (4) synthetic long-term runoff values are predicted by calculations based on the rainfall probability distribution.The method was verified by comparing predicted results with available data from field experiments. In addition to predicting the probability of runoff under given soil conditions, the method is useful in providing information on the amount of surface storage required for successful performance of the basin tillage (tied-ridge) system, and aids in the evaluation of the efficacy of measures for improving soil infiltrability, e.g., of amendments such as gypsum.  相似文献   

试论我国水土保持监测的类型与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据监测工作性质,可将我国水土保持监测划分为研究性监测、实验性监测、生产性监测和预警预报性监测4种类型。各类型相互嵌套,相互依存;因此,实践中,要正视发展现状,辩证分析水土保持监测各类型间的关系,准确定位,把握正确方向,在加强监测理论和实验研究的同时,加强生产实践,并健全制度,规范管理,加强人才队伍和学科建设,进一步推动水土保持监测科学、全面、可持续发展。  相似文献   

资料整编是水土保持监测的基础性工作.按资料的来源和属性,可将水土保持监测资料分为基础资料、观测资料、调查资料和衍生资料.水蚀区水土保持地面观测主要涉及径流小区和小流域控制站,按监测内容和对象,一般可分为影响因子、径流和泥沙观测资料整编3大类,不同资料整编内容与方法不尽相同,各有侧重.近期,应抓紧制订监测资料整编的技术标准和整编制度,规范整编行为,同时,还应加强技术培训和档案管理,提高水土保持监测资料整编的信息化和现代化水平.  相似文献   

针对全国水土保持区划中确定的22个具有水源涵养功能的基本功能区,利用第1次全国水利普查获取的水力侵蚀数据,分析这些区域的水力侵蚀现状.结果表明:1)水源涵养基本功能区水力侵蚀以轻中度侵蚀为主,超过80%,强烈、极强烈、剧烈面积分布较少,与全国基本状况相似;2)与第2次全国土壤侵蚀遥感调查成果相比,水源涵养基本功能区水力侵蚀整体上有所好转,水力侵蚀总面积减少3.75%,轻中度侵蚀面积大幅减少,减幅超过20%;3)水源涵养基本功能区局部地区水力侵蚀形势严峻,极强烈和剧烈侵蚀面积虽然不大,但是与第2次遥感调查成果相比,面积均有所增加,相对增幅较大,说明局部地区存在水力侵蚀恶化的现象.  相似文献   

 简要介绍台湾水土保持研究的历史沿革、水土保持局的业务职掌及组织架构、与水土保持相关的系所师资与课程分配;同时整合相关之专业领域与产业合作 ,进而提供产、管、学实质效益及更深广之贡献。  相似文献   

论生态恢复与水土保持   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 生态恢复是研究生态整合性的恢复和管理过程的科学,现已成为世界各国的研究热点。目前,恢复已被用作一个概括性的术语,包括重建、改建、改造、再植等含义,一般泛指改良和重建退化的生态系统,使其重新有益于利用,并恢复其生物学潜力。生态恢复的原则包括自然法则、社会经济技术原则和美学原则。我国的水土保持小流域治理是通过工程的手段进行生态恢复的典范。水土保持小流域治理应以生态经济系统理论作指导,正确处理好人口再生产、自然再生产和经济再生产三者之间的关系,才能真正做到人与自然的和谐共处。水土保持小流域治理的方法是系统工程方法,包括综合调查与系统诊断、模型开发与治理规划、防治体系与模式设计、组织机构与运行机制等方面的内容。我国的水土保持工作亟需开拓创新,创新是水土保持工作的灵魂。只有认真纠正目前水土保持工作中存在的2种偏向,全面贯彻人与自然和谐共处的发展方针,把当地人民群众的社会需求与水土保持工作有机结合起来,才能实现“山川秀美”的宏伟目标。  相似文献   

水土保持的水环境效应研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 非点源污染已成为我国很多湖库型水源地的主要污染源,给人们的生活和健康以及经济社会的可持续发展造成严重危害。水土保持措施是防治非点源污染,保护水源水质,保障饮水安全的重要手段。笔者界定了水土保持水环境效应的概念;将非点源污染的类型划分为农业型、水土流失型、农村生活型、城市径流型和降水降尘型;首次系统地揭示水土保持的水环境效应机制;定量分析小流域综合治理与区域综合治理水土保持的水环境效应。  相似文献   

以大量数据分析比较了1998年和1954年长江流域发生的2次特大洪水特征,指出造成1998年长江 洪水超历史最高水位,即长江洪峰水位提高的根本原因是长江流域森林遭受破坏,中上游地区生态环境恶化的结果,进而指出要从根本上治理洪水,单靠水利工程不能完全奏效;要把工程治水与治理中上游地区水土流失结合起来,标本兼治,林水结合,才能真正治理洪水灾害,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

In the northern Negev of Israel, a typical semi-arid region with a Mediterranean rainfall pattern, wheat production is limited mainly by the amount of available water. Despite the common occurrence of drought years, storm runoff coefficients for unit areas may reach 30–50% of rainfall. Runoff is the main cause of serious erosion damage consisting of soil loss, gully development and loss of productivity.The system of tied ridges or basin tillage, which effectively eliminated over 90% of runoff and erosion in fallow fields before cotton, appears to be a promising solution to the problem of both soil and water conservation in drilled crops as well. Analysis of the long-term rainfall record of the region and the predicted runoff indicates that the basin-tillage system can decrease runoff by at least 50% as compared with the conventional planting system. Experiments carried out during the 1980–1981 rainy season proved that even in a relatively dry year the basin tillage system was effective in increasing wheat yield by about 50% and eliminating erosion.  相似文献   

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