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中国荷斯坦牛部分乳房结构特性对泌乳性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对规模化场奶牛乳房结构部分性状进行评价和测定,旨在分析其影响因素及其与泌乳性能的关系。现场评价和测定我国北方6个规模化奶牛场荷斯坦牛的乳房均衡(2 030条)、乳头长度(1 551条)和乳头位置评分(分前、后乳头,2 839条),使用SAS 9.2 GLM过程采用固定效应模型分析影响上述3个乳房性状的因素,同时分析3个单项性状对校正日产奶量和体细胞评分的影响。结果表明:场和胎次对3个乳房性状影响极显著(P0.01);前、后乳头位置和后乳头长度对校正日产奶量有显著影响(P0.05),校正日产奶量与前乳头位置评分值呈正比,与后乳头位置评分值呈反比;前乳头位置和长度对体细胞评分有显著影响(P0.05),体细胞评分随前乳头位置评分的增大而减小;5~5.5 cm的乳头长度对于校正日产奶量和体细胞评分都最佳。本研究结果为通过乳房性状选择、淘汰并提高奶牛的生产性能、乳房健康提供了参考。  相似文献   

The present study reports teat onchocercosis in cows in the province of Kars in north eastern Turkey with reference to the prevalence, species involved and pathological findings. In the study, 600 cows of various breeds and ages slaughtered in the local abattoir were examined and 145 (24%) were found to have various lesions on their teats, of which 45 (31%) were infected with three Onchocerca species (Onchocerca gutturosa, O. lienalis and an unidentified Onchocerca spp.), identified according to their morphological characteristics. Gross pathological examination of the teats with lesions revealed scabies and chaps of varying sizes, healed sores and small nodules. Histopathologically, large numbers of microfilariae were commonly observed within the collagenous fibre bundles of the dermis, with only a few microfilariae in the dermis in some cases. The microfilariae were also often found to have accumulated around the perivascular spaces and were frequently associated with infiltration by inflammatory cells, predominantly eosinophil leukocytes and mononuclear cells. In two cases, microfilariae were discovered exclusively in the lumen of the capillaries of the dermal papillaries. In one case, in which microfilarae were not encountered, sections of adult worms surrounded by neutrophil leukocytes were detected free in the teat canal. The presence of extensive teat lesions along with microfilariae of the Onchocerca species as found in this study warrants further assessment of the impact of onchocercosis on dairy farming.  相似文献   

: Friesian-type dairy cows were milked with different machine settings to determine the effect of these settings on teat tissue reaction and on milking characteristics. Three teat-cup liner designs were used with varying upper barrel dimensions (wide-bore WB = 31.6 mm; narrow-bore NB = 21.0 mm; narrow-bore NB1 = 25.0 mm). These liners were tested with alternate and simultaneous pulsation patterns, pulsator ratios (60:40 and 67:33) and three system vacuum levels (40, 44 and 50 kPa). Teat tissue was measured using ultrasonography, before milking and directly after milking. The measurements recorded were teat canal length (TCL), teat diameter (TD), cistern diameter (CD) and teat wall thickness (TWT).Teat tissue changes were similar with a system vacuum level of either 50 kPa (mid-level) or 40 kPa (low-level). Widening the liner upper barrel bore dimension from 21.0 mm (P < 0.01) or 25.0 mm (P < 0.001) to 31.6 mm increased the magnitude of changes in TD and TWT after machine milking. Milk yield per cow was significantly (P < 0.05) higher and cluster-on time was reduced (P < 0.01) with the WB cluster as compared to the NB1 cluster. Minimum changes in teat tissue parameters were achieved with system vacuum level of 40 kPa and 50 kPa using NB and WB clusters, respectively. Similar changes in teat tissue and milk yield per cow were observed with alternate and simultaneous pulsation patterns. Widening pulsator ratio from 60:40 to 67:33 did not have negative effects on changes in teat tissue and had a positive effect on milk yield and milking time. Milk liner design had a bigger effect on teat tissue changes and milking characteristics than pulsation settings.  相似文献   

撒坝猪乳头数遗传力及其与繁殖性能关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究对 4个世代共 577头撒坝猪的乳头数进行了分析 ,并用HARVEY程序对乳头数的遗传力进行了估计 ,同时利用 1 2 8头有繁殖性能记录的母猪资料对乳头数与繁殖性状的关系进行了分析。结果表明 ,各世代的乳头数存在着显著差异 ,且逐代均有显著提高 ;乳头数的遗传力为 0 .331 ;乳头数与总产仔数和活产仔数间遗传相关和表型相关均为负值 ,与初生窝重、2 0日窝重、断奶仔数和断奶窝重间则存在着正的遗传相关和表型相关 ;乳头数与所有繁殖性状的环境相关都较弱 ( -0 .0 0 2~ 0 .0 94 )  相似文献   

奶牛乳房性状与产奶量及排乳性能的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择胎次相同,泌乳月份相近的经产荷斯坦牛197头,分别测定其后乳房宽度,后乳房深度,后乳房高度,乳房纵沟深,乳头直径,乳头长度等6个高遗传力性状,并与排乳性能及产奶量的相关性进行研究.结果表明:奶牛乳房纵沟深,乳头直径,乳头长度等6个高遗传力性状,并与排乳性能及产奶量的相关性进行研究.结果表明:奶牛乳房纵沟深、后乳房宽度、乳头长、乳头直径与排乳速度有极显著正相关(P<0.01),后乳房高度与排乳速度呈现中等正相关(P<0.05),平均排乳时间与后乳房宽度呈现显著正相关(P<0.05);日产乳量与乳头长度呈中等负相关(P<0.05),与乳房纵沟深、乳头直径呈显著正相关(P<0.05),305 d产乳量与乳房纵沟深、后乳房宽度呈极显著强正相关(P<0.01),与乳头直径呈显著正相关(P>0.05),与乳头长度有极显著负相关(P<0.01).  相似文献   

Infection of the Bovine Udder with Bovine Herpesvirus   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis — infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (bovine herpesvirus) grown in tissue culture was used as inoculum in trials to infect the lactating bovine udder. Six experiments were undertaken in which one or more quarters were infused with 1 ml. of tissue culture fluids containing 106 to 107 tissue culture infectious doses (TCID) of virus. In four of the experiments the inoculated quarters showed marked evidence of infection in the form of acute inflammation, swelling, reduced milk secretion and profound changes in the physical appearance of the milk. In each case virus was recovered in high titres in the milk from about the second until the tenth to fifteenth days following exposure. Uninfected quarters remained normal in appearance and virus could not be recovered from the milk.

In three of the experiments it was shown that serum and milk antibodies appeared shortly after the disappearance of virus from the milk. One experiment involving two animals showed that about 1000 TCID of virus were required to produce infection. In one experiment a cow having a pre-inoculation serum titre for bovine herpesvirus proved resistant to infection.

The experiments indicate that the bovine udder is readily susceptible to bovine herpesvirus in non-immune animals, and that the virus produces an acute, limited infection leading to a temporary disfunction of the gland. It appears that natural invasion of the udder through the teat canal is not readily accomplished by the virus.


选择安徽淮南乳品公司为试验试点,随机抽取荷斯坦奶牛472头(1~≥6胎)进行隐性乳房炎与乳房性状相关性分析,测定的乳房性状主要包括前房附着、后房高度、后房宽度、悬韧带、乳房深度、乳头位置和乳头长度。结果表明:淮南地区荷斯坦奶牛隐性乳房炎的乳区阳性率和奶牛阳性率分别为25.79%和53.18%;乳房性状前房附着、后房高度、后房宽度、悬韧带、乳房深度、乳头位置、乳头长度的线性评分分别为31.92分、47.02分、29.00分、37.64分、20.02分、39.74分、20.88分。隐性乳房炎的乳区阳性率与前房附着、后房高度、后房宽度、悬韧带、乳房深度、乳头位置、乳头长度的表型相关系数分别是-0.0731、0.0211、0.1003、-0.0369、0.0996、-0.0323及-0.0151,其中与后房宽度、乳房深度为显著(P<0.05)的正相关,其余均未达到显著水平(P>0.05);奶牛阳性率与前房附着、后房高度、后房宽度、悬韧带、乳房深度、乳头位置、乳头长度的表型相关系数分别为-0.0427、0.0680、0.0347-、0.0060、0.1071、-0.0119和0.0223,除与乳房深度为显著(P<0.05)的正相关外其余均不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

主要研究仔猪出生顺序、出生重、性别等因素对乳头序列确定以及一周龄仔猪增重的影响。试验发现仔猪乳头序列的固定时间在不同窝之间存在很大差异,乳头固定受诸多因素的影响。固定过程中仔猪可能会改变偏好乳头,仔猪越频繁的更换乳头就越难固定乳头。出生重较大的仔猪初次确定偏好乳头的时间和乳头序列最终固定的时间都较短,并且增重明显较多。出生顺序、性别对乳头序列影响不显著,对仔猪增重的影响也不明显。  相似文献   

荷斯坦奶牛产奶量与乳房性状的通径分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
对荷斯坦奶牛的产奶量与乳房性状进行了相关、通径分析。结果表明,荷斯坦奶牛的后乳房深、后乳房宽、后乳房高、乳房纵沟深、乳头直径与产奶量呈中等正相关,乳头长与产奶量呈弱相关;后乳房宽、乳房纵沟深、乳头直径是影响产奶量的重要性状,且是正向作用;后乳房高对产奶量起负面影响,其间接作用大。  相似文献   

乳和乳制品含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,是人类理想的食品。大量研究表明,家畜的乳房性状影响产奶量,通过对乳房性状选育可以提高产奶量。本文综述了影响家畜产奶量的乳房内部结构和外部形态等主要性状因素,以期为选育具有良好泌乳性能的优良家畜提供理论依据。  相似文献   

: Public concerns over the widespread prophylactic use of antibiotics have led to a search for alternatives to dry cow therapy for the prevention of intramammary infections. A popular alternative is to infuse a teat seal at drying-off. The teat seal is a viscous non-antibiotic formulation and when it is infused into the teat canal and the teat sinus it forms an internal seal that provides a physical barrier to invasion by mastitis-causing pathogens. Enhancement of teat seal formulations may be achieved using non-antibiotic additives such as bacteriocins, potent proteins produced by some bacteria that have the ability to kill other microorganisms. This paper traces the history of investigations at Moorepark Research Centre into the efficacy of teat seal plus lacticin 3147, a bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis DPC3147, in the prevention of intramammary infections in dry cows. Indications from on-going investigations are that a dry cow formulation combining the two products has considerable potential as a non-antibiotic prophylactic product.  相似文献   

Persson Waller, K., Colditz, I.G., Flapper, P. and Seow, H.-F., 1997. Leukocyte and cytokine accumulation in the ovine teat and udder during endotoxin-induced inflammation. Veterinary Research Communications, 21 (2), 101-115The accumulation of leukocytes, ovine serum albumin and the cytokines interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-), interleukin-8 (IL-8), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interferon- (IFN-) was studied during endotoxin-induced inflammation in lactating and dry ovine udders, and in the teat cisterns of dry ewes after surgical closure of the passage between the teat and udder cisterns. Samples were taken before infusion and hourly up to 10 h after infusion of 0.1, 1 or 10 µg of endotoxin, or infusion of pyrogen-free saline (PFS) as a control. Rectal temperatures were measured.A significant dose- and time-dependent accumulation of leukocytes, mainly neutrophils, was observed in the lactating udders and in the teat cisterns. In the dry udders, the leukocyte accumulation was significant for time but not for dose. Peak numbers of cells were reached at 3-4 h in the dry udders and in the teat cisterns, but not until 10 h after infusion in the lactating udders. The changes in the ovine serum albumin concentrations mostly paralleled changes in leukocyte numbers.A role was indicated for TNF-, IL-8 and GM-CSF, but not for IL-1 and IFN-, during endotoxin-induced inflammation in the ovine udder. Release of TNF-, IL-8 and GM-CSF was most prominent in lactating udders, peaking at 2 or 3 h after infusion, but was also detected in dry udders and teat cisterns. Detectable levels of IL-1 and IFN- were occasionally found in all three groups.  相似文献   

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