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The effects of catch and release angling on survival of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., at Conne River, Newfoundland, were investigated by retaining angled ( n =49; experimental group) and trap-caught ( n =20; control group) fish in holding cages for up to 40 days. Samples were obtained from 8 June to 4 July, 2000, and partitioned among four water temperature strata. Apart from not being angled, control fish were handled, tagged, and transferred to holding cages in a manner similar to angled salmon. Water temperatures and discharge were monitored throughout the duration of the study. Overall, 8.2% of salmon caught and released died, but 12% died among salmon angled in water temperatures ≥ 17.9 °C. No control fish died. There were no significant differences in time associated with angling, exposure to air, tagging, transfer to holding cages, nor total handling time between salmon that survived vs. those that died. Results of the study should encourage managers to continue to use catch and release as a viable tool in the management of Atlantic salmon stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract  This study evaluated how different angling practices affect the short-term post-release behaviour of nest-guarding male black bass, Micropterus spp. Male largemouth bass, M. salmoides (Lacepède), and smallmouth bass, M. dolomieu (Lacepède), were angled from their nests and subjected to treatments designed to simulate a variety of common angling practices associated with catch-and-release angling, including fishing tournaments. In addition, some nests had broods reduced (removal of the majority of the eggs or fry from the nest) during the angling treatments to simulate predation of offspring during the angling event. Fish subjected to procedures simulating fishing tournaments (including a 1-h livewell confinement and release 100 m from the nest) exhibited significantly longer rest periods prior to returning to their nest than did other treatment groups. This rest period was longer for largemouth bass than smallmouth bass. Brood removal and air exposure increased abandonment rates compared with controls. These results show that sublethal stressors inherent in some angling practices (such as air exposure and livewell confinement) may delay the return of male black bass to their nest. In the presence of nest predators, the delay in return time could result in increased nest abandonment.  相似文献   

When break-offs occur during recreational angling, lures may be retained by the fish. To date, there have been few studies on the consequences of lure retention on sportfish. This study evaluated how the retention of three different types of lures (i.e., crankbait, jig and plastic worm—all with barbed hooks) influenced the behaviour, physiology and reproductive success of nesting, male smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) relative to controls released after lure removal. Bass were angled from their nests and subjected to a simulated lure retention scenario in which one of three lure types was placed in the upper middle jaw. Males were subsequently released and their behaviour (time to return to nest, parental care behaviour) was monitored. Immediately after release, fish with retained lures exhibited altered behaviour relative to control fish, attempting to expel the lure. However, these differences in behaviour were no longer apparent after 24 h even for those fish that retained the lures. Rates of nest abandonment did not differ between treatment and control fish in the short term. Fish were rarely able to liberate themselves from the retained lure in the several days post-treatment. Physiological sampling conducted on jig treatment fish and angled controls revealed elevated blood glucose concentrations in fish that had retained lures for 24 h, while lactate concentrations and hematocrit did not differ between treatment and control fish. These results demonstrate that lure retention in the short-term influences both the behaviour and physiology of smallmouth bass. Given that lures were generally retained throughout the study period, there may be merit in anglers using barbless hooks that may be more readily shed by fish that break the line, reducing the welfare impacts associated with lure break-offs on wild fish. Additional studies are needed to understand the longer term consequences of lure retention in free-swimming fish.  相似文献   

Abstract  Recreational shore angling in the Atlantic Ocean between Moledo and Aveiro (Portugal) was examined using roving creel surveys (March/September 2001). Cooperation was high (90% of 2310 anglers approached). At least 39 species of fish were caught at a rate of approximately 0.5 fish angler h−1. An estimated 7319 kg of Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), with 45.6% below the minimum legal size, and 2040 kg of sea breams (genus Diplodus ), correspond to 5.75% and 1.19% of the commercial landings in the same geographical area, respectively. The results shed light on a number of issues relevant to integrated coastal management, including temporal and spatial distribution of fishing effort, species caught, sizes of fish, catch rates, and factors influencing catches and angler satisfaction. Whilst the results suggest that the catches of sea breams and sea bass by day-time recreational shore angling in northern Portugal are small compared with commercial fishing, other recreational activities, such as boat fishing and spear-fishing, must be assessed.  相似文献   

Abstract Catch-and-release angling is popular in many parts of the world and plays an increasingly important role in fish conservation efforts. Although survival rates associated with catch-and-release angling are well documented for many species, sublethal effects have been less studied. An experiment was conducted to directly assess the effects of catch-and-release angling on growth and survival of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Catch-and-release events were simulated in laboratory tanks maintained at 15–16 °C with hooks manually placed in pre-designated locations in the mouths of the fish. There were no differences in standard length ( P  = 0.59) or wet weight ( P  = 0.81) gained between caught and uncaught fish over a 1-month angling and recovery period. Survival was 96.99 ± 0.06% for rainbow trout caught and released, and did not vary with number (one, two or four) of captures. Thus, catch-and-release angling appears to have little effect on growth and mortality of rainbow trout hooked in the mouth.  相似文献   

Abstract  Snapper, Pagrus auratus (Forester), is an important recreational species in marine waters of Victoria, Australia. This study estimated survival for compulsorily released undersized P. auratus by holding fish in cages and tanks for 3 days. In all, 620 P. auratus caught by angling were assessed for post-release survival and 200 additional fish were used as controls. The survival rate was greater for shallow-hooked (97%) than deep-hooked (48%) P. auratus . Post-mortems showed that hooking injuries to the throat and/or gill area caused most deaths, while piercing of the heart also caused mortalities. Removing deeply ingested hooks decreased survival. To estimate survival of P. auratus across the Victorian fishery, this study's results should be combined with estimates of shallow-hooking rates in the fishery. Shallow-hooking rate estimates would quantify the impact of the low survival rate found for deep-hooked fish.  相似文献   

Abstract  Bonefish, Albula spp., are popular sportfish that inhabit shallow nearshore environments in tropical and subtropical seas. Although catch and release is a common voluntary practice for anglers seeking bonefish, the post-release fate of bonefish is poorly understood. Gastrically implanted acoustic transmitters were used to assess the short-term (<48 h) and long-term (>48 h) post-release mortality of bonefish, Albula vulpes (Linnaeus), in Eleuthera, The Bahamas, subjected to gentle handling (quick retrieval, 0–15 s of air exposure and brief handling time) or rough handling (longer retrieval, 30–60 s of air exposure and extended handling time). Of the 12 fish captured and released, one was preyed upon by two lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris (Poey), within the first hour post-release, and this fish was handled roughly. The transmitter from another bonefish was found on the substratum 2 days post-release near the site at which the fish was originally caught. Of the remaining 10 fish, all were tracked and alive for at least 13 days and up to 24 days, suggesting that the negative impacts of catch-and-release angling that lead to mortality for bonefish likely occur within minutes post-release.  相似文献   

The proportion of angled Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. being caught and released has increased. If individuals are repeatedly captured, this may have fish welfare consequences. Of 995 Atlantic salmon tagged during catch and release in eight Norwegian rivers, 10% were captured twice, while 3% were captured three times within the same fishing season. The probability that released salmon were captured again decreased with decreasing time left of the fishing season, decreased for larger‐sized fish and varied among rivers/years. Increased exploitation rates within the river, indicating an increased fishing pressure, strongly increased the probability that fish would be recaptured. However, the proportion of salmon caught a second time was much lower than the total exploitation rates in the same rivers (which was on average 46%). For fish tagged in the sea, the likelihood of being angled decreased with time since entering the river, which may explain why the recapture rates of caught and released fish were lower than the total exploitation rates.  相似文献   

Abstract  Recaptures of adult, hatchery-reared, brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and fishing time from anglers were used to evaluate the benefits of stocking programmes with repeated releases of adult brown trout. The recapture rate varied between 17% and 29%. The time between stocking and capture (referred to as residence time) varied between 1 and 160 days (median 3–49 days). Between 67% and 84% of trout caught in the river were recently released fish. Fishing effort increased after stocking, thereby increasing the impact of angling on wild stocks. Stocking with adult brown trout decreases the impact of angling on wild trout only if the time spent fishing by all anglers is kept stable. Furthermore, because of the short residence time of stocked trout, long-term impacts through competition for space and food, or genetic impact through introgression, are limited.  相似文献   

Abstract – We studied the effects of catch-and-release fishing upon the Ponoi River's Atlantic salmon populations. The Ponoi River is located on the Kola Peninsula of the Russian Federation, and has recently been developed for sports fishing. Angler exploitation rates are estimated to range from 10.4% to 19% of the river's salmon, thus the possibility of significant levels of post-release mortality is of concern. We radio-tracked fish caught and released by anglers in 1995 and 1996. Despite our simple equipment and the large size of the river, we were able to relocate most fish. These fish had high rates of survival, and anglers recaptured about 11% of them per year a second time. This is very similar to the recapture rates observed for Floy-tagged fish released in an angler-based mark-recapture assessment. We also held 62 angled fish for 24 hours in a live cage to evaluate rates of delayed mortality. Only one of the 62 fish died, and it was heavily scarred with gillnet marks. Most fish that are fatally stressed by angling die within 24 h (e.g., Booth et al. 1995). In 1996, up to 10% of our Floy-tagged fish were angled and released twice, and about 0.5% were angled and released three times. No significant biases were detected in the post-angling movement patterns of these fish. The multiple captures and lack of movement bias suggest that fish behavior was little altered by the angling experience. Nine fish Floy tagged prior to spawning have been recovered as typical emaciated kelts. Three were killed, and a post mortem exam showed all had spawned. Parr numbers at all monitored sites have been steadily increasing since the advent of catch-and-release fishing. By contrast, parr growth rates are generally unchanged or significantly better. NOTE  相似文献   

TAKASHI  MATSUISHI  ATSUHIRO  NARITA  HIROSHI  UEDA 《Fisheries Science》2002,68(6):1205-1211
ABSTRACT: We carried out mail and access point surveys to estimate the catch numbers, angling effort of recreational angling and the population of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka in Lake Toya in 1998 and 1999. The mail survey questions in questionnaires distributed to anglers with a recreational angling license included date of angling, caught fish species and size, and catch number. In the access point survey we also asked anglers if they had a license. We measured the fork length and weight of caught fish. The catch rate (catch number in a day by each angler) from both surveys showed no significant difference, suggesting no bias for the catch rate between surveys. The estimated total angling effort was 1760 people (1998), and 1516 people (1999). The estimated recreational catch was 28 889 (1998) and 5455 (1999), that is, two or three times larger than the commercial catch. The fish population was estimated by using the DeLury method as 60 262 (1998) and 10 806 (1999). The total exploitation rate was 62% (1998) and 78% (1999). The size of caught fish was much larger in 1999 than 1998 because of the difference in age composition.  相似文献   

Catch‐and‐release angling is popular in many parts of the world and plays an increasingly important role in management of recreational fisheries. Although the magnitude of catch‐and‐release mortality is well documented for many species, potential sublethal effects have been little studied. An experiment was conducted to assess directly the effects of catch‐and‐release angling on growth of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides Lacépède. Angling mortality was 0.00 ± 0.092% for largemouth bass caught on plastic grubs. There was no difference (P = 0.57) in weight gain between caught and uncaught fish over a 40‐day angling and recovery period. Although catch‐and‐release angling appears to have no effect on largemouth bass growth, previous studies documented sublethal effects on growth and reproduction in other species, suggesting that the occurrence and magnitude of sublethal effects vary among species.  相似文献   

Angler satisfaction is based on the presence of catchable fish, and therefore, understanding the mechanisms driving catchability is important for fisheries biologists and managers. Lure avoidance learning (including via social learning) may be a driver of catchability, but these mechanisms have not been explored in depth. To address this, largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède), were stocked into four ponds, and two were angled using a green plastic worm. Naïve bass were then introduced into all ponds, and angling commenced using a sequence of three lures (green plastic worm, white plastic worm and in‐line spinnerbait). Naive bass stocked alongside experienced conspecifics were not less catchable, indicating socially learned lure avoidance did not take place. Catch rates declined across sessions until the switch to the spinnerbait, when rates temporarily spiked. This suggests that the similarity of a novel lure to previously experienced lures may determine if a fish avoids angling capture.  相似文献   

Understanding how released fish recover following capture is vital information for researchers examining the effects of angling on exploited populations. This information is virtually non‐existent for fish angled through the ice in winter, despite the popularity of ice‐angling in many northern areas. To address this gap, 60 northern pike, Esox lucius L., were angled through the ice from an impoundment in eastern Wisconsin, USA, and subjected to one of ten combinations of handling and recovery duration. Plasma samples were collected and analysed for cortisol, lactate and glucose. The results showed a delayed response in the elevation of plasma variables, and a significant interaction between air exposure and recovery time for plasma lactate. No fish suffered mortality during the period of holding. Collectively, these data suggest that northern pike are physiologically resilient to ice‐angling capture stress as long as air exposure times are kept at 4 min or less.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to collect information on angling procedures and the effects of hook and release on Atlantic salmon in the River Alta, northern Norway, covering both grilse and multi-sea-winter salmon in a non-artificial setting with real anglers. Information on the angling procedure, handling of the fish and the condition of the fish at release was collected for individual salmon in catch logs (n=543, mean body length 82 cm), whereas physiological stress was studied in a sub-sample (n=15, mean body length 77 cm). To study post-release behaviour, survival and recapture rates, salmon were tagged with radio transmitters (n=30, mean body length 83 cm) and anchor T-tags (n=353, mean body length 79 cm). To evaluate the effects of the hook and release programme on the salmon population, number of spawning redds were recorded from a helicopter in 6 years during 1989–2000.

The results showed that at water temperatures 10.0–14.5 °C, a high proportion of the radio tagged salmon (97%) survived hook and release and stayed in known spawning areas during the spawning period. However, the behaviour after release seemed to be affected by hook and release. Only a small proportion (4%) of the anchor T-tagged salmon was caught more than once within the same season. Increased playing time, increased number of runs during the angling event, hooking in the throat, bleeding at the hook wound, increased handling time, air exposure and water temperature were factors that affected hooked and released Atlantic salmon negatively, either indicated by a poor condition at release, increased stress levels or unnatural behaviour after release. Number of spawning redds were more than doubled after the introduction of compulsory release of all angled salmon in Sautso (the upper 16% of the watershed inhabited by salmon) in 1998, which indicates that hook and release can be an effective management tool to enhance declining Atlantic salmon populations.  相似文献   

In an attempt to increase fish standing crop and improve angler-catch, stocking was undertaken in the middle reaches of the River Derwent in Derbyshire using four cyprinid species. Each fish was marked with a dyespot, and nearly 2000 fish were introduced before the 1980–81 fishing season began. Bankside observations and catch return sheets were used to collect information on the number of marked and unmarked fish taken by angling. The percentage of captured fish that were marked reached 50% during summer 1980, although this was lower during winter 1980–81. A relatively small proportion of the fish caught were taken in angling matches. Anglers reported that the fishing had improved from‘poor’to‘good', and catches by a single angler in one day exceeded 20 kg. It is thought that the success of the operation was due to the fact that the stock fish were obtained from local rivers, were of a large size (> 20 cm) and were introduced when the river was at normal level. The implications of the results on management options are considered, and it is suggested that the quality of sport demanded by anglers in rivers of this type may be most easily sustained by periodic stocking with suitable fish.  相似文献   

Abstract  Stocking is undertaken in the River Suldalslågen, western Norway, to compensate for an estimated annual loss of 20 000 Atlantic salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., caused by regulating the river for hydropower production. The annual contribution to angling catches from stocked hatchery fish varied from 7 to 334 kg, or <15% of the total number caught. Between 160 000 and 250 000 one-summer old fish were stocked, but only between 6 and 10 (<0.005%) were recaptured as adults in the river. Recaptured stocked fish never exceeded 0.03% by number, despite smolts dominating the stocking material in recent years. It is not certain whether the slight increase in catches comes in addition to or at the expense of natural reproduction. In most years more adults were used as parent stock than were caught as offspring. The lack of positive response to stocking is possibly due to lesser age, smaller size and later migration of hatchery smolts, and that seawater tolerance of hatchery smolts is poorly developed, all factors increasing mortality at sea.  相似文献   

Validation of hydroacoustic in-situ target strength is problematic in large, deep lowland rivers, which cannot be sampled easily by conventional methods such as netting or electric fishing. A sampling programme involving three different techniques (split beam sonar, angling census and post-angling competition data collection) was conducted to examine methodologies suitable for target strength validation. This combination of techniques also assessed the relative merits of each method for best describing fish populations and the stocks exploited in a recreational coarse fishery. The sonar estimated the greatest number of fish of the three techniques, with a strong positive size correlation with the other two methods. The angling census and post-competition census accounted for more larger fish, >26 cm, than were detected acoustically, indicating a stratification of species that were exploited by angling but not detected by horizontal sonar. The combined techniques demonstrated a suitable, cost-effective, hydroacoustic validation method for large UK rivers, which supports recreational coarse fisheries management, with the added advantage of species identification.  相似文献   

Abstract  Loss of river-floodplain (lateral) connectivity has impacted on fish communities and fisheries around the world. However, evidence of the impacts of reduced lateral connectivity on Australian native fish remains scant. To document these impacts, isolated pools located immediately downstream of two major regulators (or weirs) that control flows from the Murray River to an extensive off-stream floodplain, were pumped out five times between 2001 and 2006. A total of 20 980 fish (16 228 native, 4752 non-native) comprising 15 species (five non-native) were collected. Five fish species collected are classified as threatened, while turtles and macroinvertebrates were also present. Regulator operation appeared to affect the number of fish becoming stranded, with the highest number coinciding with longer regulator openings and extended floodplain inundation. Hundreds of floodplain regulators exist on Australian rivers, and all have the potential to impact upon native fish. Trial of several potential management and engineering solutions is recommended to improve river–floodplain connectivity in lowland rivers.  相似文献   

Abstract  During live-release angling tournaments in North America, fish are typically retained in livewells onboard boats during the angling day. Mortality of fish occurs at some tournaments, and wave intensities and livewell conditions may influence mortality levels. This study used two species of fish targeted in live-release angling tournaments in North America (largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides L. and walleye Sander vitreus L.) to quantify the response(s) of fish in livewells to different wave treatments. Video analyses revealed that largemouth bass were active during low intensity disturbances, but during violent boat movements tended to settle to the bottom of the livewell and orient to face the direction of the disturbance. Walleye were less active than bass for all treatments, and additionally did not orient to face the direction of disturbance, consequently contacting the side of the livewell during boat rocking. These results are considered in the context of mortality at live-release tournaments.  相似文献   

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