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This study describes the epidemiological features of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Northern Ireland where the first case occurred in November 1988. They were very similar to those observed in Great Britain except that the annual incidence of BSE in 1990 in Northern Ireland, 2.3 confirmed cases per 10,000 adult cows, was approximately one 10th of that in Great Britain. The findings were also consistent with the current hypothesis that affected cattle had been exposed to a scrapie-like agent via cattle feedstuffs containing ruminant-derived protein. However, a preliminary investigation of the potential sources of infection for cattle in Northern Ireland did not provide any conclusive evidence.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy: epidemiological features 1985 to 1990.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Following the identification of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the British cattle population in 1986 epidemiological studies were launched. This paper provides an updated account of the epidemiological features of BSE from 1985, when the first cases, based on clinical histories, occurred, until 1990. The number of cases up to December 1989 represents an annual incidence of 3.9 confirmed cases per 1000 adult animals in Great Britain. Many more dairy herds were affected than beef suckler herds, a difference attributable to the difference in feeding practices between the two herd types. The geographical variation in incidence previously described has persisted with the highest incidence in the south and east of England. Other features of the epidemiology, including the low within-herd incidence, remained unaltered from the earlier findings. The results support the previously suggested hypothesis that the outbreak of BSE was due to the sudden exposure of the cattle population to a scrapie-like agent in 1981/82. There was no evidence of direct transmission between cattle during the period considered.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy: epidemiological studies on the origin.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The results of further epidemiological studies of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) support the previous findings that the onset of exposure of the cattle population to a scrapie-like agent, sufficient to result in clinical disease, occurred in 1981/82. The onset of this exposure was related to the cessation, in all but two rendering plants, of the hydrocarbon solvent extraction of fat from meat and bone meal. A further possible explanation, related to the geographical variation in the reprocessing of greaves to produce meat and bone meal, was identified for the geographical variation in the incidence of BSE.  相似文献   

The adequacy of a histopathological diagnosis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) based exclusively on observations of neuroparenchymal vacuolation in three specific neuroanatomic nuclei was tested by using a standard coronal section of medulla oblongata cut at the obex. The agreement between the observations and the definitive histopathological diagnosis was assessed in each of 684 bovine brains - 563 confirmed cases of BSE, 20 with changes which did not diagnose BSE conclusively and 101 in which the lesions of BSE were not detected. When the assessment was confined to the solitary tract nucleus and the spinal tract nucleus of the trigeminal nerve a positive result was obtained in 99.6 per cent of confirmed cases of BSE and only 1 per cent of brains in which lesions of BSE were not detected gave a false positive result. Thus an initial examination of the single section, together with an examination of representative areas of the rest of the brain when no unequivocal lesion was found, provided a satisfactory method for the routine diagnosis of BSE.  相似文献   

Following the recognition of the novel disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Great Britain in 1986, epidemiological and other research studies were initiated. The initial results of these studies revealed that bovine spongiform encephalopathy was caused by a scrapie-like agent and the vehicle of infection was meat-and-bone meal incorporated into cattle feedstuffs as a protein source. The British cattle population became effectively exposed in 1981-82 and this was associated with a dramatic reduction in the use of hydrocarbon solvents for the extraction of fat in the production of meat-and-bone meal. The feeding of ruminant-derived protein to ruminants was statutorily banned in July 1988 to prevent further exposure from the food-borne source. This paper reviews the epidemiological aspects of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and the occurrence of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in other species.  相似文献   

The detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in beef cattle closed Canadian beef export markets to 30 countries, including the USA, with devastating financial losses. The detection and confirmation of the fifth and seventh BSE-infected animals but first infected dairy cows extended the problem of risk management to Canadian dairy farmers. As the public are concerned about the safety not only of beef but also of milk and milk products that may contain disease-causing prions, this review examines the evidence for the safety of milk from studies on prions in milk or colostrum and their vertical and lateral transmission in various animal systems. The evidence indicates that the risk of contracting new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease through the consumption of milk is negligible.  相似文献   

Feline spongiform encephalopathy: fibril and PrP studies.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The brains from 18 cats were examined for the presence of the fibrils and modified PrP protein which are molecular diagnostic markers for scrapie-like diseases. Thirteen cats were referred with clinical neurological signs potentially indicative of feline spongiform encephalopathy (FSE). Of these, five had histopathological changes of FSE, five had other lesions of the central nervous system, and in three the brain was normal. The remaining five cats had no clinical neurological signs and were selected as controls. Fibrils and modified PrP protein were found in the brains of the five cats with FSE and in one of the cats with neurological signs but no histopathological changes in the central nervous system. Fibrils were present in the absence of modified PrP in the brains of two cats, one with neurological signs and a histologically confirmed meningioma, and one with no neurological signs and a histologically normal brain.  相似文献   

The feeding of meat and bone meal which was contaminated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) infectivity led to a huge epidemic in the British cattle population. After the emergence of a new variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases (nvCJD) in 1996, European consumers lost confidence in beef meat. Given the coincidence by time and place and disease and agent specific characteristics, it must be assumed that nvCJD is caused by the transmission of BSE agent to man. This article gives an overview over the characteristics and diagnosis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, namely BSE and nvCJD, in animals and man.  相似文献   

The effect of autolysis on the electron microscopic detection of the characteristic abnormal fibrils, originally called 'scrapie-associated fibrils', was investigated in four different areas of the central nervous system (CNS) from 10 clinically suspect BSE cattle after post mortem delay and compared with the histopathological diagnosis. The tissues for fibril detection were subjected to controlled incubations to simulate autolysis. Fibril detection in all areas sampled from nine animals in which BSE was confirmed by histopathology was not affected by combined post mortem delays and specific controlled treatments. Detection of fibrils from the cervical spinal cord was no less sensitive than from brain areas. Fibrils were not detected in the one suspect case in which histopathology did not reveal lesions of BSE. The study confirms that fibril detection is of diagnostic value in BSE when post mortem autolysis renders CNS material unsuitable for histopathology.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to model the expected numbers of cattle incubating bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and the numbers of clinical cases of BSE in the Swiss cattle population between 1984 and 2005. The results were compared with the observed number of clinical BSE cases and with the results of a culling and testing scheme on herdmates of cattle with BSE. The age distribution of the Swiss cattle population, the age-at-death distribution of the first 235 BSE cases and exposure information were used to calculate the expected number of infected cattle in each birth cohort and the resulting numbers of clinical cases and survivors incubating the disease for each year. The model which did not assume any under-reporting of cases fitted the observed epidemic curve of clinical cases reasonably well, and predicted that the Swiss BSE epidemic would come to an end between 2003 and 2005. The age of survivors incubating BSE is increasing. The higher than expected incidence of subclinical cases observed in animals from the culling scheme is most probably the result of the heterogeneous distribution of infected animals and affected herds in the population. The results of the model need to be taken into account when designing surveillance and testing schemes for BSE.  相似文献   

Following the identification of meat and bonemeal as the most likely source of exposure for the occurrence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Great Britain case-control studies were initiated to investigate this hypothesis. These involved a comparison of the consumption of specific proprietary calf feedstuffs, and whether or not meat and bonemeal had been included, between animals born in 1983-84 in BSE-unaffected herds and confirmed cases of BSE also born in 1983-84. The feeding of proprietary concentrates containing meat and bonemeal was found to be a statistically significant risk factor for the occurrence of BSE. These studies therefore support the initial hypothesis that BSE occurred as a result of exposure to a scrapie-like agent via meat and bonemeal.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a new disease of cattle which has considerable homology with scrapie, the archetype of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Abnormal brain fibrils, called scrapie associated fibrils (SAF), are specific ultrastructural markers for these diseases. Fibril detection was compared with histopathological diagnosis in the brains of 167 cattle; 157 clinically suspect BSE and 10 clinically normal. Fibrils were detected in samples of pooled brain regions of 67/144 in which vacuolar changes of BSE were confirmed, but absent in the remaining 23 brains, in which no vacuolation was found, including those from the clinically normal cattle and 13 with alternative neuropathological diagnoses. When eight defined anatomic regions from the brains of another 22 affected cows were examined, the sensitivity of fibril detection was greater than 90% for the brain stem areas. Fibril prevalence in these areas approximated to severity of vacuolar changes. When the same defined regions from four of the affected cows were assayed for fibril protein (PrP) by western blotting, the density of immuno-labelling generally correlated with the fibril prevalence. This study confirms the specificity of fibril detection for BSE, shows that the ease of fibril detection depends on anatomic region sampled and suggests an association between PrP accumulation and vacuolar changes in certain neuroanatomic areas.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were first to describe the pattern of the epidemic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Great Britain in terms of the temporal change in the proportion of all cattle holdings that had experienced at least one confirmed case of BSE to June 30, 1997, and secondly to identify risk factors that influenced the date of onset of a holding's first confirmed BSE case. The analyses were based on the population of British cattle at risk, derived from agricultural census data collected between 1986 and 1996, and the BSE case data collected up to June 30, 1997. The unit of interest was the cattle holding and included all those recorded at least once on annual agricultural censuses conducted between June 30, 1986, and June 30, 1996. The outcome of interest was the date on which clinical signs were recorded in a holding's first confirmed case of BSE, termed the BSE onset date. Univariate and multivariate survival analysis techniques were used to describe the temporal pattern of the epidemic. The BSE epidemic in Great Britain started in November 1986, with the majority of affected holdings having their BSE onset date after February 1992. After adjusting for the effect of the size and type of holding, holdings in the south of England (specifically those in the Eastern, South east and South west regions) had 2.22 to 2.43 (95 per cent confidence interval [CI] 2.07 to 2.58) times as great a monthly hazard of having a BSE index case as holdings in Scotland. After adjusting for the effect of region and type of holding, holdings with more than 53 adult cattle had 5.91 (95 per cent CI 5.62 to 6.21) times as great a monthly hazard of having a BSE index case as holdings with seven to 21 adult cattle. Dairy holdings had 3.06 (95 per cent CI 2.96 to 3.16) times as great a monthly hazard of having a BSE index case as beef suckler holdings. These analyses show that there were different rates of onset in different regions and in holdings of different sizes and types, that the epidemic was propagated most strongly in the south of the country, and that the growth of the epidemic followed essentially the same pattern in each region of the country, with modest temporal lags between them. The control measures imposed in 1988 and 1990 brought the expansion of the epidemic under control, although the rate of progress was slowed by those regions where the effectiveness of the control methods took some time to take full effect.  相似文献   

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