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The schistosome Heterobilharzia americana infects dogs, raccoons, and other mammals in the southeastern United States. Migration of eggs into the liver results in parasitic granulomas with varying degrees of fibrosis and inflammation. Recently, hepatic parasitic granulomas in horses were shown to be caused by H. americana infection. In the present study, samples of liver from 11 of 12 horses with hepatic granulomas identified at necropsy (n = 11) or surgical biopsy (n = 1) were used for DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing using primers specific for a portion of the H. americana small subunit ribosomal RNA gene. A polymerase chain reaction amplicon of the correct size was produced from the extracted DNA in 8 of the 11 horses. Amplicons from 5 of the 8 positive horses were sequenced and had 100% identity with H. americana. In all but 2 of the 12 horses, Heterobilharzia was not responsible for the primary clinical disease, and the hepatic granulomas were considered an incidental finding.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION-A 22-year-old American Paint Horse gelding from the Gulf Coast region of Texas was evaluated for regrowth of a perirectal squamous cell carcinoma that had been surgically removed 11 months previously. CLINICAL FINDINGS-A necrotic and ulcerated mass was present below the anus. The horse had paraphimosis and was having difficulty with urination. Histologic examination of the mass revealed that it was squamous cell carcinoma, and the horse was euthanized because of the unlikelihood that the mass could be adequately resected and its close proximity to the urethra. OUTCOME-At necropsy, in addition to the squamous cell carcinoma, hundreds of round, white to pale yellow nodules were disseminated throughout the liver, resulting in a so-called starry-sky appearance. Similar granulomas were seen in the right caudal lung lobe and small intestinal serosa. A single granuloma in the liver, which differed from the others by its larger size, contained a pair of adult schistosomes. Several hepatic granuloma specimens were used for PCR amplification and sequencing. Use of primers specific for a portion of the Heterobilharzia americana small subunit rRNA gene resulted in amplification of a 487-base pair product that had 100% sequence identity with H americana. CLINICAL RELEVANCE-Severe cases of disseminated granulomas in the liver of horses may result in a liver with a grossly abnormal starry-sky pattern. To our knowledge, this is the first report documenting the association of granulomas with H americana infection along with adult schistosomes in the liver of a horse.  相似文献   

Background: Heterobilharzia americana (HA), the causative agent of canine schistosomiasis, is a flatworm with a freshwater snail as an intermediate host. Only case reports or small case series evaluating naturally infected dogs have been published.
Objective: Describe clinical signs in dogs naturally infected with HA.
Animals: Twenty-two dogs naturally infected with HA from 1985 to 2009.
Methods: Retrospective study. All medical records were searched for HA and schistosomiasis. Only dogs with a diagnosis based on identification of ova on histopathology or fecal saline sedimentation were included.
Results: The median age was 3.1 years (1–12). The median duration of clinical signs before diagnosis was 0.63 months (0.03–12). The most common clinical signs were lethargy (91%), weight loss (77%), hyporexia (68%), vomiting (59%), and diarrhea (55%). Eleven of the 22 dogs were hypercalcemic. Hypercalcemia did not resolve without definitive treatment with praziquantel. HA infection was an incidental diagnosis in 7/22 dogs. Diagnosis was obtained via necropsy (4), histopathology (9), and fecal examination (9). Definitive treatment included praziquantel and fenbendazole. Eighteen dogs were diagnosed antemortem and 17 were treated. Twelve dogs were alive for 6 months to 3 years after diagnosis.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: HA infection occurs in younger, larger breed, indoor dogs. Hypercalcemia does not resolve without praziquantel treatment. Prognosis is good and neither hypercalcemic-induced renal failure nor ascites appears to worsen prognosis. Dogs in affected areas or that have traveled to affected areas that present for weight loss, gastrointestinal or liver disease, and hypercalcemia, should be tested.  相似文献   

An indirect hemagglutination test was developed for the diagnosis of canine schistosomiasis. Specific-pathogen-free dogs and dogs infected with a variety of other helminths were experimentally infected with Heterobilharzia americana. Sera collected at various times after the dogs were exposed to cercariae were evaluated. Glutaraldehyde-fixed sheep erythrocytes sensitized with whole adult worm antigens provided a stable antigen substrate when tested over a period of months. The test produced sensitive and specific diagnosis at an appropriate serum dilution. Serum dilutions less than 1:80 from dogs with other helminth infections resulted in nonspecific agglutination. By postexposure day 60, coinciding with the end of the prepatent period, serum titers of dogs infected only with H americana equaled, and then surpassed, those of the other dogs.  相似文献   

An attempt is made in this paper to define more clearly the tegumental microstructure of the schistosome, Heterobilharzia americana. The adult parasites were examined with scanning electron microscopy at 75-10000 magnifications. The morphology of the oral and ventral suckers, the tegument, and the gynecophoral canal with the in copula female were closely scrutinized. The tegument of the female is simple and uniform in structure, an adaptation which may allow for a more efficient mode of penetration through the smaller mesenteric venules. The male tegument, however, is characterized by papilla-like elevations of irregular size, shape, and distribution. These papillae may represent different kinds of sensory endings.  相似文献   

Embryonated, double-operculated eggs were observed during routine examination of a fecal specimen from a 5-month-old dog. Similar eggs were found on a skin scraping of a raised, flaking, erythematous nodule on the dorsal midline in the lumbar region. Eggs were identified as being similar to those of Anatrichosoma spp. After surgical excision, histologic examination of the nodule revealed nematodes with morphologic features consistent with those of Anatrichosoma spp.  相似文献   

Painful, fluctuant subcutaneous swellings on the limbs of a dog were attributed to infection with Dracunculus insignis. The diagnosis was obtained by finding larvae in fluid aspirated from the swellings and by identification of the adult female nematodes after they were surgically removed. Six weeks after initial examination, another adult nematode was removed from the subcutaneous tissues of the thorax. Although uncommon, D insignis infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of subcutaneous swellings.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old sexually intact female Siberian Husky was examined because of diarrhea and 4 flesh-colored annulated helminths that were recovered from the dog's feces. Infection with Macracanthorhynchus ingens was diagnosed on the basis of morphologic features of the adult parasites and ova. Spindle-shaped eggs (mean length, 91 microm; mean width; 54 microm) were obtained from the body cavity of a gravid female specimen. The dog was treated empirically with epsiprantel (5.5 mg/kg [2.5 mg/lb] of body weight) and ivermectin (250 to 500 microg/kg [114 to 227 microg/lb]), and the diarrhea resolved. Infection with this parasite has been reported in raccoons from the same geographic area. Macracanthorhynchus ingens is typically a parasite of raccoons, wolves, badgers, foxes, skunks, mink, and moles; transmission from wildlife to dogs may occur via ingestion of infected intermediate hosts (millipedes).  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium infection in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 5-year old, spayed, mongrel was presented with intractable diarrhoea. Histopathologic examination of biopsy specimens taken during exploratory laparotomy revealed acid-fast organisms in the spleen, caecum, and colon. The dog was subsequently destroyed. At post-mortem, lesions were also observed in the liver and lymph nodes. Mycobacterium avium was cultured from splenic tissue. Infection of dogs with this organism is rare and the clinical picture described unusual.  相似文献   

A 2.5-year-old spayed female German Shepherd Dog was referred for evaluation of progressive anemia, lethargy, and weight loss. Seventeen days earlier, the dog had received a whole blood transfusion to manage hemorrhage after ovariohysterectomy. Mild fever, splenomegaly, and thrombocytopenia were also identified. Von Willebrand disease and Babesia gibsoni infection were diagnosed. Because of the serologic cross-reactivity of B gibsoni and B canis in the immunofluorescent antibody assay for IgG antibodies against these organisms, polymerase chain reaction amplification of parasite DNA was required to identify the infecting Babesia sp. The source of the B gibsoni infection was traced to an apparently healthy American Pit Bull Terrier blood donor. Despite resolution of clinical signs in the dog of this report, a series of antiparasitic treatments failed to eliminate the B gibsoni infection. Screening of potential blood donor dogs for Babesia spp is becoming increasingly important in the United States.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old 13-kg (28.6-lb) spayed female Cocker Spaniel was examined because of subcutaneous nodules on the hind limbs and ventral aspects of the thorax and abdomen. Focal areas of erythema and pyoderma were associated with the nodules, and purulent exudate could be expressed from a fistula in the nodules. A nematode approximately 20.5 cm in length was isolated from a draining fistula in 1 nodule and identified as Dracunculus insignis. The dog was treated with ivermectin, fenbendazole, and metronidazole, but the owner was still able to recover worms from multiple nodules for the next year.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the clinical course of a dog infected with Mycobacterium bovis causing a granulomatous pneumonia. CLINICAL FINDINGS: The dog initially presented with a persistent cough, inappetence and weight loss. Clinical findings included a fever, dyspnoea and tachypnoea, with haematological evidence of a mild neutrophilia and hypoalbuminaemia. Radiographs of the chest demonstrated a concomitant pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and a consolidated area within the left caudal lung lobe. An exploratory thoracotomy revealed this to be a ruptured granulomatous lesion. Subsequent histopathological, microbiological and genetic studies identified M. bovis as the causal agent. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Mycobacterium bovis infections should be included in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary disease and pleural effusions in dogs living in regions of New Zealand known to have a high incidence of mycobacterial infection in wildlife and farm animals.  相似文献   

dAim: To describe the clinical course of a dog infected with Mycobacterium bovis causing a granulomatous pneumonia.

dClinical findings: The dog initially presented with a persistent cough, inappetence and weight loss. Clinical findings included a fever, dyspnoea and tachypnoea, with haematological evidence of a mild neutrophilia and hypoalbuminaemia. Radiographs of the chest demonstrated a concomitant pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and a consolidated area within the left caudal lung lobe. An exploratory thoracotomy revealed this to be a ruptured granulomatous lesion. Subsequent histopathological, microbiological and genetic studies identified M. bovis as the causal agent.

dClinical significance: Mycobacterium bovis infections should be included in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary disease and pleural effusions in dogs living in regions of New Zealand known to have a high incidence of mycobacterial infection in wildlife and farm animals.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old male golden retriever was presented with fever, bloody-watery diarrhea and mild cough. Parvovirus and Isospora canis infection was confirmed and successfully treated. Two weeks later, the dog had severe cough and mucopurulent nasal discharge. Aspergillus niger was cultured from endotracheal washings on blood agar at 37 degrees C. Treatment with itraconazole for about 10 weeks resolved the clinical signs.  相似文献   

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