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Histochemical and morphological studies of skeletal muscle of some fresh and salt water fish is presented. Distribution of three muscle types, red, intermediate and white, is discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction of the “Vorhofsmethode” (use of vestibulum auris internae as orientation and reference point for skull measurements) into the investigation of the peripheral parts of the skull of quadruped mammals In order to make some anatomical data more realistic which go beyond the classical data and permit modern estimates on ethnic distributions, we have applied the skull orientation and measurement technic, called “Vorhofsmethode” which is common in human anatomy and anthopology, to certain domestic mammals. By doing this, one obtains absolute statements on the position of the peripheral parts of the skull and with statistical analysis of the Vorhof (vestibulum) coordinates of the craniometric measuring points, statements on the changes in shape of the peripheral parts of the skull.  相似文献   

This study describes the left and right coronary artery distribution in the Spanish fighting bull, and compares the findings of the investigation with those of other bovine species in which similar investigations have been carried out. It is concluded that the general distribution of the coronary system in the Spanish fighting bull is similar to that of other bovine species which have been studied.  相似文献   

A study of the crista ampullaris of the vestibular apparatus was carried out in chicken embryos. The study group included embryos between stages 24 and 39 of Hamburger-Hamilton. This study elucidates the relationship of the cupula with respect to the epithelium of the crista ampullaris. With electron microscopic examination, the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the crista epithelial sustentacular cells at developmental stage of 31 H-H, demonstrated dilatations containing secretory material. Vesicles, with adhering ribosomes appear to be formed from these dilatations. At later stages of development, the vesicular material took on the characteristics of the fibrillary material composing the cupula. In some cells, secretory vesicles are seen near the apical border of these cells, where they apparently secrete vesicular contents into the endolymphatic space, contributing to the formation of the cupula.  相似文献   

The finer innervation of the tissues of the lung was studied with several methods of silver impregnation, focussing especially on the fibers and endings of the nerves. The richest terminal innervation could be found in the epithelial and subepithelial tissue, and was sometimes similar to the situation in the smooth muscles which might indicate that, somehow, secretory and motor innervation are alike morphologically. On the other hand, there were many nerve fibers in the perichondrium of the small nodules and plaques of cartilage too, although they did not enter the cartilaginous tissue. The final nerves ended in different forms, from round or ovoid masses to free "ultraterminal" filaments.  相似文献   

As there are very few informations available in the literature about the blood vessels of the brain in the fighting-bulls, the authors studied them in three five-year old speciemens, injected with Rhodopax AX/85, blue and red, from the carotid arteries. Among all the anatomical details described, there is no caudal rate mirabile to be found, while the rostral one is well developed. Instead of the caudal net, a second circulus arteriosus can be described which is connected with the circulus arteriosus cerebri. Morphological details about size and situation of all these vascular elements are given.  相似文献   

In the literature reviewed, there are certain differences of opinion with regard tostructural details of the wall of the internal carotid artery in the cervical and petrosalportion. Therefore, histological material of human necropsies was processed in order toobtain 10pm. paraffin sections of the artery and surrounding tissues which were stainedwith orcein, resordn-fuchsine, Verhoeff and picrofuchsine. While in the cervical segment of theartery there is a neat predominance of muscle fibres over elastic ones in the media, the elasticelements can be found especially in the inner layers of the adventitia, and there exist aclearly defined elastica interna and externa. Therefore the authors consider this part ofthe artery as of the transitional type. On the other hand, the petrosal portion must be consideredas of the muscular type, with abundant muscle fibres in the media and a wellformed and even double elastica interna, while the externa is scarcely visible. In bothsegments, the artery is very well fixed with the surrounding connective sheath.  相似文献   

A radiologic and tomographic study was made of the cranioencephalic topography of canary goats of medium weight and size. In a first step, the exocranialis references corresponding to an axis designed at the level of the meatus acusticus externus and parallel to the basicranial axis were anatomically and radiologically defined. Conventional stereotaxic techniques were then used to reach the standard position of the head in order to obtain macroscopical cross sections at different levels perpendicular to the base of the cranium. In a second step, a tomographic study was made to confirm the design of the axis.  相似文献   

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