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S. Arnold M. Hubler B. Hauser B. Kaser-Hotz† P. Rüsch 《The Journal of small animal practice》1996,37(5):235-237
A six-year-old, pluriparous German shepherd dog bitch was presented with an abnormal vaginal discharge of several weeks' duration. Clinical signs and radiographic and ultrasonographic findings supported an initial diagnosis of segmental cystic endometrial hyperplasia, and ovariohysterectomy was performed. Macroscopic-ally, the uterus appeared normal except for one large and several smaller cysts attached to its antimesometrial side. These cysts were restricted to a small area of the left uterine horn. The histological diagnosis was serosal inclusion cysts. The clinical findings, gross pathology and histopathology are described and discussed. 相似文献
Payan-Carreira R Albuquerque C Abreu H Maltez L 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2012,47(4):e51-e55
A case of uterine prolapse coexisting with uterine horn rupture in a 3-year-old Portuguese Podengo bitch, which is an uncommon occurrence, is described. The female was presented with a history of recent parturition, with delivery of four healthy puppies that were normally tended and nursed. The situation developed after an uneventfully pregnancy, and no direct causative factor was identified. The duration of the prolapse was unknown, but considered to be recent because of the swollen reddish appearance of the tubular everted mass. No foetus was found in the uterus or the abdominal cavity. The female was presented in good physical condition, without signs of shock or haemorrhage. During surgical treatment, the uterus was replaced to its normal position followed by ovary-hysterectomy at 12 h from admittance. 相似文献
M. GONZÁLEZ-LOZANO M. E. TRUJILLO-ORTEGA M. BECERRIL-HERRERA M. ALONSO-SPILSBURY A. M. ROSALES-TORRES & D. MOTA-ROJAS 《Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics》2010,33(1):28-34
González-Lozano, M., Trujillo-Ortega, M. E., Becerril-Herrera, M., Alonso-Spilsbury, M., Rosales-Torres, A. M., Mota-Rojas, D. Uterine activity and fetal electronic monitoring in parturient sows treated with vetrabutin chlorhydrate. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap . 33 , 28–34.
The aims of the study were to characterize the uterine activity in sows treated with vetrabutin chlorhydrate (VC), an uterotonic and muscle-tropic drug during farrowing, and to measure the effects of the drug on piglet neonatal viability. The experiment involved 1478 piglets from 130 Yorkshire–Landrace sows, randomly allotted into two groups. Farrowing monitoring began 12 h after PGF2α synchronization. Group 1 was given physiological solution (G1, n = 65); Group 2 was treated with VC (1 mL/60 kg LW) at the initiation of fetal expulsion (G2, n = 65). In spite of the total duration of expulsion being significantly longer ( P < 0.0001), approximately 35 min in the VC treatment, VC application at the time the first piglet was expulsed favored the alive birth of at least one more piglet. Even though the pressure in the uterus was similar in both groups, the number and duration of uterus contractions recorded were significantly less ( P < 0.0001) in G2, favoring fewer births with acute fetal suffering, compared with that in G1. VC treated group compared with the control group also had fewer (5.01% vs. 24%) alterations in umbilical cords, as well as a lesser incidence of secondary apnea (2.08% vs. 7.46%) and bradycardia (1.94% vs. 7.61%), which favored a significantly higher vitality score ( P < 0.002). With the intent to evaluate uterine activity in sows during the farrowing process, we propose using the equation used in human medical practices to calculate Montevideo Units applied to swine obstetrics for the first time. 相似文献
The aims of the study were to characterize the uterine activity in sows treated with vetrabutin chlorhydrate (VC), an uterotonic and muscle-tropic drug during farrowing, and to measure the effects of the drug on piglet neonatal viability. The experiment involved 1478 piglets from 130 Yorkshire–Landrace sows, randomly allotted into two groups. Farrowing monitoring began 12 h after PGF2α synchronization. Group 1 was given physiological solution (G1, n = 65); Group 2 was treated with VC (1 mL/60 kg LW) at the initiation of fetal expulsion (G2, n = 65). In spite of the total duration of expulsion being significantly longer ( P < 0.0001), approximately 35 min in the VC treatment, VC application at the time the first piglet was expulsed favored the alive birth of at least one more piglet. Even though the pressure in the uterus was similar in both groups, the number and duration of uterus contractions recorded were significantly less ( P < 0.0001) in G2, favoring fewer births with acute fetal suffering, compared with that in G1. VC treated group compared with the control group also had fewer (5.01% vs. 24%) alterations in umbilical cords, as well as a lesser incidence of secondary apnea (2.08% vs. 7.46%) and bradycardia (1.94% vs. 7.61%), which favored a significantly higher vitality score ( P < 0.002). With the intent to evaluate uterine activity in sows during the farrowing process, we propose using the equation used in human medical practices to calculate Montevideo Units applied to swine obstetrics for the first time. 相似文献
Uterine, cervical and vaginal microflora of the normal bitch throughout the reproductive cycle 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Samples for microbiological culture were collected from the uterus of bitches using transcervical uterine cannulation (31 samples, 23 bitches) and from the uterus, cervix and vagina post mortem (19 bitches) at all stages of the reproductive cycle. Samples were cultured for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and for aerobic mycoplasmas. Bacteria were always found in the uterus during prooestrus and oestrus (12 positive in 12 cultures) and rarely at other stages of the reproductive cycle: during anoestrus (one in 14) and other stages (none in 24). When microorganisms were detected at three sites post mortem, those found in the cervix and vagina were always of the same species as those found in the uterus. In six out of 13 instances, microorganisms were found in the cervix or vagina when none were found in the uterus. The mean number of isolates, number of bacteria seen in uterine cytology and bacterial growth were greater (P < 0–005) during oestrus and pro-oestrus than at other stages. Bacteria isolated from the uterus, in order of frequency, were Escherichia coli, Haemophilus species, α-haemo-lytic streptococci, Corynebacterium species, Streptococcus canis, Alcaligenes faecalis, Bac-teroides species, Pasteurella species and Proteus mirabilis. No mycoplasmas were cultured from the samples. This study indicates that the uterus of the normal bitch has a uterine microflora during pro-oestrus and oestrus that is similar to that of the vagina and cervix. 相似文献
A technique for transcervical cannulation of the uterus of the bitch for the collection of samples for cytology and microbiology was developed. This technique involved passing a cannula into the uterus with the aid of an endoscope. The uterus was cannulated successfully in mature bitches (over 10 kg) 110 times in 144 attempts. Success of cannulation was influenced by the experience of the operator and ease of cannulation by the stage of the reproductive cycle, the size of the bitch and the type of cannula. Complications associated with the procedure were endometritis, vaginitis and vaginal tears. Uterine cannulation was generally possible in all bitches studied at all stages of the reproductive cycle. Techniques for the collection of samples from the uterus for cytology and microbiology and for the processing of samples for uterine cytology are outlined. Hysteroscopy was performed on seven occasions in post partum bitches and was found to be possible at least until day 17 after whelping. 相似文献
The aim of this work is to evaluate the haemodynamic characteristics of maternal and fetal vessels during normal pregnancy in bitches, using Colour and Pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonography, in order to obtain more information about maternal and fetal circulation. The blood waveforms of the uteroplacental arteries, aorta, caudal cava vein and umbilical cord of the fetuses were recorded weekly in 16 pregnant bitches. Also, the measurements of Peak Systolic, End Diastolic Velocities, Resistance and Pulsatility Indices were carried out. Uteroplacental blood flow was biphasic while the ones of the umbilical artery and aorta were first systolic and then diastolic. The cava showed a typical waveform of venous vessels. During gestation the EDV and PSV of fetal vessels increased (alpha<0.05) while the PI and RI of all vessels examined decreased (alpha<0.05) except for the IP of the Aorta. The Doppler ultrasonography was used to study the characteristics of maternal and fetal vessel flow and their progressive changes during pregnancy. This study can be considered a further contribution in diagnosing and monitoring high-risk pregnancies in Veterinary Medicine. 相似文献
P E Holt 《The Veterinary record》1976,98(15):299-300
Ectopic ureter in the dog is only sporadically reported. A case in an adult golden retriever is described. 相似文献
M S Wilson 《Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice》2001,31(2):291-304
The benefits of using endoscopic TCI for frozen semen come from being able to achieve the same or better results without the need and risks of general anesthesia and surgery. The ability to do all fresh and chilled inseminations this way will certainly improve conception rates without the owner having to make a decision about exposing their bitch to the risks of anesthesia and surgery. The other potential uses open up a whole new field for canine theriogenology. Above all, the client response to the technique is overwhelmingly positive. At times the learning process will be discouraging, but the end result is worth the effort. The endoscope should not be treated as something special for frozen semen insemination but should be used at every opportunity in order to develop experience and expertise in all situations. 相似文献
Fetal activity and mobility and changes in diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in the uterine horns were studied in mares between days 69 and 81 of pregnancy by use of transrectal ultrasonography (n = 12) and transcervical videoendoscopy (n = 8). The insertion tube of the videoendoscope was positioned within the allantoic sac to permit viewing of the fetus and entrance to each uterine horn. Each uterine horn was divided ultrasonographically into 3 segments of equal length, and the horns were designated on the basis of side of umbilical attachment (cord vs noncord horns). The diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in the cornual segments increased (P less than 0.05) over the cranial (18.6 +/- 1.9 mm), middle (35.6 +/- 2.9 mm), and caudal (51.7 +/- 4.4 mm) segments, but differences between cord and noncord horns were not evident. Dynamic changes in diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in cornual segments (ultrasonography) and at the entrance to each uterine horn (videoendoscopy) were detected (no significant difference between methods). During continuous videoendoscopic viewing (17 to 60 min/mare), extreme changes in allantoic fluid compartment diameter (76 to 100% of maximum to 0 to 25% of maximum or vice-versa) occurred an equivalent of 2.6 times/h/horn entrance; changes had an average duration of 3.4 minutes. A change from 100% (maximal diameter) to 0% (no visible lumen) or vice-versa occurred an equivalent of 1.3 times/h/horn entrance. Sometimes the uterine wall was so closely constricted++ around the fetal-amniotic unit that no intervening allantoic fluid was ultrasonographically detectable whereas at other times the uterus in the same location was widely dilated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Hypoglycaemia in the bitch 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
C H Irvine 《New Zealand veterinary journal》1964,12(6):140-144
On the basis of a study of the literature and of nineteen new cases of eclampsia in dogs, the aetiology, clinical picture and treatment of the disease are discussed. Average plasma calcium concentrations in seventeen of the bitches in the authors' material was 6–16 ± 0–77 mg/100 ml; the remaining two had normal levels (over 9 mg/100 ml). Plasma magnesium levels were normal in all the bitches, and averaged 2–07 ± 0–38 mg/100 ml. 相似文献
The diagnosis of pyometra in the bitch was aided by radiographic examination of the abdomen and by a total white cell count. In cases of pyometra described, some uterine distension was seen on radiographic examination. A study was made of the course of blood urea levels as a guide to prognosis. High blood urea levels before operation may subsequently return to normal. The cases with poor prognosis were those in which the blood urea level rose steadily after ovarohysterectomy. Escherichia coli was found in almost all cases of pyometra, both closed and open. There was no evidence of a poorer prognosis in closed than in open cases of pyometra. Résumé. Le diagnostic de la pyométrie chez la chienne fut facilité par l'examen radiographique de l'abdomen et par une numération globulaire du total des leucocytes. Dam les cas de pyométrie décrits, on a vu une certaine dilatation utérine à l'examen radiographique. Une étude du cours des niveaux d'urée dans le sang fut faite à titre de guide pour le pronostic. Des niveaux élevés d'urée dans le sang avant l'opération peuvent redevenir normaux par la suite. Les cas avec un pronostic pauvre étaient ceux où le niveaus d'urée dans le sang augmentait régulièrement après l'ovariectomie et l'hytèrectomie. On trouva des E. coli dans presque tous les cas de pyomttrie aussi bien fermés qu'ouverts. Il n'y eut pas de preuves indiquant un pronostic plus pauvre dans les cas de pyométrie fermés que dans les cas ouverts. Zusammenfassung. Die Diagnose von Pyometra bei Hündinnen wurde durch die radiographische Untersuchung des Bauchraums und durch Bestimmung der weissen Gesamt-Blutkörperchenzahl unterstützt. Bei den beschriebenen Fällen von Pyometra wurde röntgenologisch eine gewisse Vergrösserung der Gebärmutter beobachtet. Die Änderung des Harnstoff-gehalts des Bluts wurde als Anhalt für die Prognose benutzt. Hohe Blutharnstoffkonzentrationen vor der Operation können anschliessend zurückgehen. Die Fälle mit schlechter Prognose waren diejenigen, in denen der Blutharnstoffgehalt nach der Ovarohysterectomie stetig anstieg. E. coli wurde in fast allen Fällen von Pyometra geschlossenen und offenen gefunden. Es gab keine Anzeichen für eine schlechtere Prognose in geschlossenen Fällen von Pyometra im Vergleich mit offenen. 相似文献
M S Wallace 《Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice》1991,21(3):501-507
The ovarian remnant syndrome is a complication of ovariohysterectomy resulting in the presence of functional ovarian tissue in the abdomen. The usual symptom is a return to estrus in a previously ovariohysterectomized bitch or queen. The available methods of diagnosis are vaginal cytologic evaluation during estrus, resting hormone assays, hormone challenge testing, and exploratory laparotomy. Surgical removal of the ovarian remnant is the preferred treatment. 相似文献