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Summary Ten cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) lines were crossed with nine maintainer or male fertility restorer lines in a diallel crossing scheme. Based on fertility restoration of the F1 generation, CMS lines were divided into four groups. At least two new sources of CMS, CMS PET2 and CMS GIG1, were found to be potentially useful for commercial production of hybrids. Environment had an influence on fertility restoration of one CMS line, CMS MAX1. Effective restoration of male fertility for CMS RIG1, CMS ANN2, and CMS ANN3 was not found.  相似文献   

C. C. Jan    B. A. Vick 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(2):213-217
The inheritance of fertility restoration of six mitomycin C and streptomycin‐induced cytoplasmic male‐sterile (cms) mutants and one cms line derived from Native American cultivar PI 432513 in sunflower was evaluated. These seven new cms sources were also compared with the commercially used cms PET1 (Helianthus petiolaris Nutt.) cytoplasm, using USDA inbred lines with restoration genes (Rf1) specific for cms PET1 and new restoration lines identified for cms PI 432513. Restoration genes for cms PI 432513 were found in ‘Armavir’, VNIIMK, P21 and male‐fertile (MF) plants of PI 432513. F2 and F3 segregation ratios of crosses between cms PI 432513 and these restoration sources indicated a single dominant gene controlled fertility restoration. Progenies of cms PI 432513 testcrossed with F1’s of half‐diallel crosses among the respective four homozygous restoration lines and RHA 274 suggested that the restoration genes of RHA 274, VNIIMK, P21 and PI 432513 were at the same locus. Restoration genes from VNIIMK, P21 and PI 432513 satisfactorily restored pollen stainability in the heterozygous condition. A very weak expression of the Rf gene in ‘Armavir’ was observed in the heterozygous condition. Fertility restoration capability of these genes for the six mutant cms HA 89 and cms HA 89 (in PET1 cytoplasm) was observed. The mutant cms HA 89 lines were also restored completely by RHA 266, RHA 274, RHA 280 and RHA 296, and F2’s segregation ratios indicated single dominant gene control, implying a common cytoplasmic male sterility in all lines. F1’s of half‐diallel crosses among RHA 266, RHA 273, RHA 274, RHA 280 and RHA 296 were testcrossed onto the cms lines, and their all MF progenies among lines, except RHA 280, confirmed that fertility restoration was controlled by a single Rf1 gene locus. The restoration gene in confection line RHA 280, namely Rf3, was at a different locus than Rf1 and was equally capable of restoring all the cms lines. Cms HA 89 mutants and cms PI 432513 are in H. annuus cytoplasm, and are agronomically equal in hybrid performance to the cms PET1 used in commercial sunflower hybrids. These new cms lines will provide immediate alternative cms sources for reducing the genetic vulnerability resulting from the exclusive use of the single cms source PET1 in sunflower hybrid production.  相似文献   

Summary Fertility restoration in the cross between a cytoplasmic male sterile line, 2 cm 183, and the restorer line, BCZ 111, (both obtained from France) was dominant in F1 and segregated in a 9:7 ratio in the F2 generation and thus suggested the action of two independent, complementary dominant genes controlling restoration. The behaviour of F3 families broadly confirmed the F2 ratio. The reasons underlying this pattern of inheritance has been discussed and the genetic symbols rf 1 rf 1 rf2 rf2and Rf 1 Rf 1 Rf 2 Rf 2 have been suggested for the male sterile and the restorer parents respectively.  相似文献   

J. Zhang    L. Wang    A. Zhao    H. Liu    C.-C. Jan    D. Qi    G. Liu 《Plant Breeding》2010,129(1):19-23
Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is essential for sunflower hybrid production. CMS-GIG2, a new sunflower CMS type, was further confirmed by crossing with the maintainer and restorer lines for the CMS-PET1, both of which maintain the male sterility of CMS-GIG2. Meiotic division in CMS-GIG2 was observed with 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride staining, indicating that microspore formation was disrupted before the meiotic cytokinesis was completed. Light microscopy observation showed that both middle layer and tapetal cells expand radially rather than degrade over time, followed by failure to form tetrads and normal microspores. This morphological defect leading to male sterility in CMS-GIG2 differs from that observed in the PET1 CMS type. CMS-GIG2 will certainly provide additional genetic diversity for sunflower hybrid breeding programmes.  相似文献   

S. Barotti    M. Fambrini    C. Pugliesi  A. Lenzi 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(3):275-276
In vitro regenerated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants (R1) were self-fertilized and the R2 generation was evaluated for qualitative traits. A broad range of phenotypic variation was observed and mutation frequencies were calculated. Some in vitro induced variant phenotypes were similar to known spontaneous or induced mutations in sunflower, while others were new. Chlorophyll and carotenoid deficiencies, chimaerical variegation, fasciated stem and capitulum, abnormal shoot development, and other morphological variations, were noted. Substitution of anthers with petaloid structures in a disk-floret mutant indicates a possible homeotic mutation induced by in vitro tissue culture.  相似文献   

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) productions reliance on a single source of cytoplasmic male sterility, PET1, derived from H. petiolaris Nutt., makes the crop genetically vulnerable. Twenty diverse cytoplasmic substitution lines from annual and perennial wild species were compared with the inbred line HA89 over four environments. Pairwise comparisons of alloplasmic male fertile (MF) with euplasmic MF lines suggested that cytoplasm of perennial H. angustifolius increased lodging while perennial cytoplasms of H. mollis, H. grosseserratus, and H. divaricatus reduced head size and consequently reduced yield and will need to be used with caution. Lines having annual species, cytoplasms had no effects on agronomic traits. Comparisons of CMS HA 89 with 10 CMS lines suggested yield‐reducing cytoplasmic effects of perennial H. maximiliani and annual H. annuus PI 413178 and PI 413024. Cytoplasmic effects on oil percentage and fatty acid composition were minimal and should not be of concern for sunflower breeders. In general, most cytoplasms of wild annual Helianthus species accommodate cultivated nuclear genes without drastic adverse interactions, and are potential sources of cytoplasmic diversity for sunflower breeding.  相似文献   

棉花胞质雄性不育恢复系选育技术探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 以成功培育出胞质雄性不育恢复系所积累的资料为依据,提出了以与胞质雄性不育系具相同遗传背景的可育种质为原始材料,利用遗传过滤技术培育胞质雄性不育恢复系的选育方法。论述了遗传过滤技术及其应用原则,可作为棉花杂种优势利用研究中胞质雄性不育恢复系培育的参考。  相似文献   

Male fertility restoration in new types of sorghum cytoplasmic male sterility‐inducing cytoplasms (A4, ‘9E’, ‘M35’), characterized by the formation of non‐dehiscent anthers, is difficult. Lines with fertility‐restorer genes for these unique cytoplasms do occur, but rarely, and when found tend to be unstable in their inheritance and expression. The aim of this research was to explore reasons for this instability. Seven lines in three unique cytoplasms, ‘9E’, A4 and ‘M35’, and six lines that restore with these cytoplasms were grown at the Agricultural Research Institute for South‐East Region in Saratov, Russia from 1993 to 2004. Levels of male fertility restoration and various environmental factors were recorded. It is reported that for sorghum hybrids in the A4, ‘9E’ and ‘M35’ male‐sterile cytoplasms, the level of plant male fertility is determined by the level of water available to plants during anther and pollen formation that which ‘switches on’ the expression of fertility‐restoring genes, and is possibly involved in an unusual type of male fertility inheritance in these cytoplasms. The creation of reliable line‐fertility restorers capable of the restoration of male fertility of F1 hybrids in ‘M35’ cytoplasm under conditions of water stress is also reported. Current research explore mechanisms involved possible in responses to water levels at various growth stages and their influence on fertility within these cytoplasms.  相似文献   

A total of 16 different simple sequence repeat motifs and an M13 repeat sequence were used as hybridization probes in order to examine the molecular relationships between two German inbred and eight North American sunflower lines of known pedigree, and to determine the suitability of the individual short tandem repeats for genetic analyses and their occurrence in the sunflower genome. Only the oligonucleotides (ACA)6, (CAT)6, (CATA)5, (GACA)4 and (GATA)4 proved to be well suited for the generation of scorable fingerprinting patterns, while the other (microsatellite) sequences were either too abundant or too rare. Although different levels of polymorphism were present in hybridizations with the different simple sequence repeats (SSRs), a clear separation of the German material from the USDA Hnes was feasible not only by evaluating 20 probe-enzyme combinations, but also by combining every individual probe with four different restriction enzymes. In the American material, the expected relationships could be proved with the single exception of a line that did not group in accordance with its pedigree.  相似文献   

The three short duration cytoplasmic genetic male sterility (CGMS) hybrids developed using A2 (Cajanus scarabeoides) cytoplasm-based male sterile lines (CORG 990047A, CORG 990052A and CORG 7A) and the restorer inbred AK 261322 and their segregating populations (F2 and BC1F1) were subjected to the study of inheritance of fertility restoration in pigeonpea. The fertility restoration was studied based on three different criteria, namely, anther colour, pollen grain fertility and pollen grain morphology and staining. The F2 and BC1F1 populations of the three crosses, namely, CORG 990047A × AK 261322, CORG 990052A × AK 261322 and CORG 7A × AK 261322, segregated in the ratio of 3:1 and 1:1, for anther colour (yellow:pale yellow), pollen grain fertility (fertile:sterile) and for pollen grain morphology and staining. The above study confirmed that the trait fertility restoration was controlled by single dominant gene. This finding can be utilized for the identification of potential restorers, which can be further used in the development of CGMS-based hybrids in pigeonpea.  相似文献   

Induced parthenogenesis as a possible method of haploidization in sunflower (H. annuus L.) was tested in previous investigations (Todorova et al., 1994) and conditions for reproducible regeneration of gynogenic doubled haploids were established by the present work. Forty eight treatments were studied, involving four pollen donors and four recipient hybrids. Pollen was irradiated with doses of 300 Gy, 600 Gy and 900 Gy. In total, 2279 embryos were cultivated in vitro of which 1107 plants were obtained and 582 of them produced seeds after selfing. The ploidy level of the regenerants was evaluated at the two – three leaf stage and 296 of the plantlets obtained were haploids. Some of them underwent spontaneous diploidization, the others were treated with colchicine solution for chromosome doubling. The diploid plantlets were checked for their gynogenic origin by genetical and biochemical methods. The effectiveness of the method expressed as the number of agronomically useful DH lines to the number obtained that were fertile and resistant to downy mildew, branched and unbranched plants was 8,6% on average. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ninety-three recombinant inbred lines (F8) of sunflower developed by the single-seed descent method from the cross ‘PAC-2 × RHA-266’ were used to screen their regenerability by organogenesis. The experiment was designed in randomized complete blocks with three replications. Each replication consisted of 10 Petri dishes with four explants. Cotyledons were excised from 2-day-old seedlings. Each cotyledon was divided into two pieces (four explants), which were incubated in solid regeneration medium consisting of full-strength Murashige and Skoog medium modified by adding hormones. A high genotypic variability for organogenesis parameters between genotypes was observed in this study. The difference between all recombinant F8 lines and their parents was not significant, showing that the 93 inbred lines used in this experiment are representative of the total possible recombinant lines from the cross ‘PAC-2 × RHA-266′. These F8 lines were not consciously selected for any trait; therefore, they represent a random set of lines segregating for the organogenesis parameters, as well as for other traits which could be important for breeding.  相似文献   

L. Denis    J. Dominguez  F. Vear 《Plant Breeding》1994,113(1):27-35
Improvement of the feed value of sunflower seedmeal by hulling achenes before crushing is of economic importance and varieties with good ‘hullability’ (ease of hulling) would be economically significant. Knowledge of the genetics of this characteristic is therefore necessary. Studies of heritability were made on a factorial cross of six female and six restorer lines. Hullability was measured as the ratio of hull removed by a laboratory huller against the total quantity of hull in the achene. The genotypes studied showed a wide range of hullabilities. There were considerable environmental effects but only small interactions; correlations between results in different locations were significant. Additive genetic effects predominated, although there were some interactions between parental lines. Narrow-sense heritabilities were 0.73–0.85 for genotype means, 0.52 when calculated from individual plants, and 0.36–0.76 from parent-progeny regressions. Early selection based on progeny means or a combination of individual and progeny values would appear to be the best method of breeding for improved hullability of sunflower achenes.  相似文献   

Two male-sterile lines, KalashreeA and PadminiA, with a Miz.21 cytoplasm source were developed through indica/indica hybridization followed by repeated backcrossing with their respective recurrent male parents (Kalashree and Padmini) up to the BC6 generation. These two cytoplasmic male-sterile lines are suitable for use in the development of hybrids for lowland situations owing to their intermediate to semi-tall stature, late flowering duration, good grain quality and easy fertility restoration ability.  相似文献   

Hybrid rye breeding and seed production relies on the cytoplasmic male sterility‐inducing Pampa (P)‐Cytoplasm. High levels of restoration were recently found in non‐adapted rye accessions from Argentina (Pico Gentario, Pastoreo Massaux) and Iran (IRAN IX). To analyse their relative superiority, five seed‐parent lines in P cytoplasm were crossed with five inbred lines of these sources and four adapted restorer lines. The 45 F1 hybrids were tested for male‐fertility restoration in three locations. Significant (P = 0.01) general and specific combining ability (GCA and SCA respectively) for male‐fertility restoration were found. The non‐adapted restorer lines were able to restore all seed‐parent lines similarly, resulting in hybrids with 55‐90% pollen shedding (mean 78%) compared with 2‐74% pollen shedding (mean 44%) when adapted restorer lines were used. Significant (P = 0.05) SCA effects were detected in 11 of 45 combinations, nine of them were crosses with adapted pollinator lines. Non‐adapted restorer lines showed a high phenotypic stability of male‐fertility restoration across locations. Introgression of these exotic sources into the adapted restorer gene pool by repeated backcrossing should result in environmentally stable male fertility in Pampa‐based rye hybrids.  相似文献   

The definition of a suitable breeding strategy in drought-prone environments is an important task for sunflower breeders. To achieve this task, reliable information on heritability and gene effects on yield and related traits under these conditions is necessary. Thirty six sunflower hybrids were produced by factorial cross of six male-sterile and six restorer lines. Parents and their hybrids were evaluated in eight environments. Six environments consisted of two adjacent trials in the experimental area, the first under irrigation and the second under dryland conditions, during 1987, 1988 and 1992. The other environments were: one early planting trial in dryland conditions, conducted during 1987, and a winter trial planted in January during 1988. Estimates of female variance (σf) were significant for seeds per head, seed weight, head sterile center, days to blooming and oil content. Female × male interactions (σ2 fm) were significant for all characters except harvest index and index of susceptibility to drought. Estimates of narrow sense heritabilities, calculated with information from analyses combined across environments, were 0.65 for yield, 0.80 for seeds per head, 0.84 for seed weight, 0.81 for head diameter, 0.60 for sterile head center, 0.72 for oil content, 0.61 for harvest index, 0.72 for biomass, 0.94 for days to bloom, and 0.42 for drought susceptibility index. Heritability estimates for individual environments showed more variation for yield than for other traits. Estimates for heritability of canopy temperature were high (0.68–0.79). Rainfed yield was positively correlated with yield components and negatively correlated with canopy temperature and susceptibility index. It is concluded that an efficient breeding strategy for sunflower under moderate drought-stressed conditions is the simultaneous selection for seed yield in both rainfed and irrigated environments together with selection for canopy temperature and stem diameter. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A backcrossing programme was carried out both to assess the stability of a cytoplasmic male‐sterility (CMS) source from Helianthus resinosus, designated RES1, and to incorporate it into inbred sunflower lines (HA89, RHA271, RHA801). All the progenies, grown in different environments, were completely male‐sterile. This suggests that the expression of this cytoplasm is stable. Female‐fertility of lines HA89, RHA271 and RHA801 carrying CMS RES1 were compared with those of the corresponding fertile inbred lines. There were no differences in the number of seeds per head. This indicates that female‐fertility is not affected by RES1 cytoplasm. Cytological studies showed that meiosis proceeds normally until the tetrad stage; consequently, the absence of pollen is caused by alterations that take place during postmeiotic stages. With the aim of identifying male‐fertility restorer genotypes, crosses were made between HA89 (CMS RES1) plants and different annual diploid and perennial hexaploid Helianthus species. All the diploid germplasm evaluated behaved as a CMS RES1 maintainer. However, the hexaploid species, H. resinosus, H. x laetiflorus, H. pauciflorus and H. tuberosus, restored pollen fertility in CMS RES1 plants.  相似文献   

Natural alloplasmic cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) clones of industrial chicory were obtained after crossing wild chicory with selected breeding lines. We investigated the CMS stability of 10 clones in various environmental growing conditions. CMS was stable under cool growing conditions in most of them. Fertility restoration, based on pollen production scores, was observed in all clones after a period of hot temperatures. The early flower bud stage was sensitive, resulting in fertile flowers 12–17 days after exposure to high temperatures. Experiments under controlled growing conditions at 15°C demonstrated that a heat shock of 2 days at 25 or 30°C was sufficient to restore fertility. Sterile flowers were formed when plants were again grown at lower temperatures. Significant differences between individual clones were observed, indicating the potential of genetic selection to obtain stable CMS parent lines.  相似文献   

Four sets of wheat-rye addition lines were screened to localize genes in rye that restore male fertility to hexaploid wheat with timopheevi cytoplasm. One gene, designated Rfc3, was physically located in the distal 40 % of the long arm of chromosome 6R. No allelic variation at Rfc3 was found; normal male fertility was consistently observed in all F1 hybrid combinations tested. A second gene, designated Rfc4, was located on the long arm of chromosome 4R. Variation between chromosomes 4R in the level of restoration was observed; fertility in hybrids ranged from 0 % to about 50 % of normal. Attempts to genetically map Rfc4 were inconclusive but suggested it was located 16.1 cM from the telomere of the long arm and at least 8.0 cM from the centromere. These restorers, particularly Rfc3, may have potential in hybrid wheat breeding programs and can be manipulated for production of male sterile triticale lines.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜Pol CMS育性恢复基因的RAPD标记   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
采用恢、 保回交群体和集团分离分析(BSA), 筛选了860个10 mer随机引物, 找到了与甘蓝型油菜波里马细胞质雄性不育系(Pol cms)育性恢复基因(Rf)连锁的两个RAPD标记AH19690和AI16830。 它们位于Rf的一侧,与该基因的遗传图距分别为5.9 cM和13.6 cM,两标记间的遗传图距为7.8 cM。这两个RAPD标记的发掘,为进一步利用分子标记  相似文献   

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