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Breeding programmes for warmblood sport horses are similar in the Nordic countries Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway, and stallions of same origin are used. The aim was to investigate whether a joint Nordic genetic evaluation based on lifetime competition performance is feasible and beneficial for breeding competitive sport horses in the Nordic countries. Results for almost 45 000 horses in show jumping and 30 000 horses in dressage were available. The larger populations in Sweden and Denmark contributed with 85% of the results. Heritabilities and genetic correlations between performances in the different countries were estimated, and comparisons of accuracies of estimated breeding values (EBVs) and number of stallions with EBVs based on national or joint data were studied. The heritabilities ranged between 0.25 and 0.42 for show jumping and between 0.14 and 0.55 for dressage. The genetic correlations between competition performances in the Nordic countries were estimated to 0.63–1.00. EBVs based on joint data increased accuracies for EBVs for stallions by 38–81% and increased the number of available stallions with EBVs by 40–288%, compared to EBVs based on national data only. A joint Nordic genetic evaluation for sport horses is recommended.  相似文献   


During the last decades, the breeding practice within the Dutch Warmblood studbook (KWPN) has resulted in an increasing specialisation of horses into show-jumping (JH) and dressage (DH). The objective of this study was to describe the effect of the specialisation on the connectedness between the subpopulations of JH and DH horses registered by KWPN. The subpopulations comprised 23,800 JH horses and 18,125 DH horses, born between 1995 and 2009. Genetic similarity (GS), genetic pool in common (GCx) based on the marginal genetic contribution of common ancestors and coefficient of relationship (r) between and within subpopulations were analysed in three periods of time to describe changes in genetic connectedness between subpopulations. A decline in GS (0.97–0.45), GC0.5 (0.69–0.13) and r (0.018–0.014) in the recent years was observed. Both subpopulations have a common genetic pool; however, if the specialisation process continues, it will result in two unrelated (genetic) groups.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the duration of the competitive life of jumping horses in Hungary to assess the potential for genetic evaluation and to get information about the risk factors affecting jumping performance of sport horses. The data set included lifetime performance in jumping competitions for 8475 horses born from 1992 onwards with records between 1996 and 2011 (32.7% were right‐censored). Longevity was measured as the number of years spent in the competition. Discrete time survival model included fixed effects of gender, age at first competition, and the time‐dependent effect of competition level. All fixed effects were highly significant (p < 0.001). The highest risk of ending the race career was estimated for horses competing in the lowest level (category 1) events. The smallest risk was found in horses competing in the highest category. The culling risk for stallions was 15% higher, for geldings 20% lower when compared to mares. As the age at the first competition result increased, the risk ratio also increased. Risk ratios of horses starting as 8 years old or older were 56% higher than those of 5‐year‐old horses. The longest time in sport tracks belonged to horses starting their career as 4 years old. Their culling risk was 20% lower than those of 5‐year‐old horses. The heritability of the length of competitive life was 0.17. Breeding values were predicted for each animals, and 47 showed an accuracy greater than 0.60. The clear benefit of the analysis was shown by comparison of offspring to extreme stallion groups.  相似文献   



Soundness is important for welfare and utility of the riding horse. Musculoskeletal disorders are the most common causes of interruption in training and of culling. Despite great importance, heritability of a majority of health traits in horses has previously not been estimated. The objective was to perform genetic analyses of medical and orthopaedic health traits in young riding horses, including estimates of heritability and genetic correlations between health traits, and to reveal possibilities for genetic evaluation of stallions for progeny health.


The heritability of health traits was estimated using records from 8,238 Swedish warmblood riding horses examined as 4–5 year olds at the Riding Horse Quality Test in 1983–2005. The analyses were performed using multi-trait linear mixed animal models. The heritabilities of palpatory orthopaedic health (PALP), including effusion, swelling, heat, soreness and stiffness/atrophy, and hoof examination results (HOOF), of hoof shape and hoof wall quality, were 0.12 and 0.10, respectively. The genetic variation in these traits resulted in distinct health differences between progeny groups of stallions. The highest heritability among clinical signs of PALP was found for synovial effusions at 0.14. For systemic locations, joint related findings had the highest heritability; 0.13. The heritabilities of medical health and locomotion examination results were low, 0.02 and 0.04, respectively. A genetic improvement of health status has occurred over time but accounts only partly for the decrease in clinical findings of health during the studied period.


The genetic variation found in PALP and HOOF implies distinct differences between progeny groups. Thus, there are possibilities for improvement of these traits in the population through selection. The weak and non-significant correlation between PALP and HOOF suggests that both traits need to be selected for in practical breeding to improve both traits. Some genetic improvements over time have already been achieved, possibly due to regular stallion health inspections and an indirect selection for lifetime performance. For further improvements stallion breeding values for health may be introduced, based on RHQT examinations, complementary to present breeding values for performance.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for the height at withers, 27 linear type and six linear gait traits were estimated for the Belgian warmblood horse. Observations on 987 mares, mostly 3 years old, were analysed using a multi-trait animal model. The statistical model included appraiser, age and location (date × place of appraisal) as fixed effects. Genetic parameters were estimated using a canonical transformation and an expectation-maximization restricted maximum likelihood algorithm with an additional deceleration step. Estimates of heritability for the 33 linear traits were between 0.15 and 0.55. Heritability of the height at withers was 0.34 ± 0.06. Estimated genetic correlations ranged from −0.60 to 0.98 with an average SE of 0.10. The highest positive correlations were found among traits of walk and among traits of trot. Volume and the quality of legs were the most negatively correlated. Estimated genetic parameters indicated that the linear scoring system is a valuable tool to assess conformation. The full (co)variance matrix is now available for breeding value estimation to support selection for conformation and gaits.  相似文献   

Recent studies on data from the Dutch Warmblood Studbook (KWPN) have shown that the ongoing specialization of horses for either dressage (DH) or show jumping (JH) has led to a decreasing genetic relationship between the two subpopulations. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of the specialization process on the genetic parameters of traits measured in the studbook–entry inspection of KWPN during the last fifteen years. Data from 18 125 DH and 23 800 JH recorded from 1998 until 2013 were used to analyse 13 traits scored in both DH and JH. Analyses were performed in a Bayesian framework. Firstly, variance components were estimated based on the whole data set. Secondly, genetic correlations between traits measured in DH or JH were estimated using bivariate analyses. Thirdly, three time periods were defined and genetic correlations between subpopulations were estimated within each period. Heritability was moderate (0.17–0.39) for both DH and JH. Genetic correlations between traits measured in DH or JH were not different from one considering the posterior standard deviation of the estimation; however, in most of the traits, a clear trend in reduction of the genetic correlation for traits expressed in DH and JH and an increase in their posterior standard deviation for recent years was observed. These results suggest that specialization could lead to differences in traits measured in DH and JH in the recent years.  相似文献   

The most popular use of the Pura Raza Español horse in sport is for dressage competitions. Tests on young sport horses were first established in 2004 in Spain to collect data for the genetic evaluation of this breed's suitability for dressage. The aim of this study was to compare eight different models to find out the most appropriate way to include the rider in the genetic evaluation of dressage. A progressive removal of systematic effects from model was also analysed. A total of 8867 performance records collected between 2004 and 2011 from 1234 horses aged between 4 and 6 years old were used. The final score in the dressage test was used as the performance trait. The pedigree matrix contained 8487 individuals. A BLUP animal model was applied using a Bayesian approach with TM software. The horse's age, gender, travelling time, training level, stud of birth and event were included as systematic effects in all the models. Apart from the animal and residual effects that were present in all models, different models were compared combining random effects such as the rider, match (i.e. rider–horse interaction) and permanent environmental effects. A cross‐validation approach was used to evaluate the models' prediction ability. The best model included the permanent environmental, rider and match random effects. As far as systematic effects are concerned, the event or the stud of birth was essential effects needed to fit the data.  相似文献   

Most Warmblood horse studbooks aim to improve the performance in dressage and show jumping. The Dutch Royal Warmblood Studbook (KWPN) includes the highest score achieved in competition by a horse to evaluate its genetic ability of performance. However, the records collected during competition are associated with some aspects that might affect the quality of the genetic evaluation based on these records. These aspects include the influence of rider, censoring and preselection of the data. The aim of this study was to quantify the impact of rider effect, censoring and preselection on the genetic analysis of competition data of dressage and show jumping of KWPN. Different models including rider effect were evaluated. To assess the impact of censoring, genetic parameters were estimated in data sets that differed in the degree of censoring. The effect of preselection on variance components was analysed by defining a binary trait (sport‐status) depending on whether the horse has a competition record or not. This trait was included in a bivariate model with the competition trait and used all horses registered by KWPN since 1984. Results showed that performance in competition for dressage and show jumping is a heritable trait (h2 ~ 0.11–0.13) and that it is important to account for the effect of rider in the genetic analysis. Censoring had a small effect on the genetic parameter for highest performance achieved by the horse. A moderate heritability obtained for sport‐status indicates that preselection has a genetic basis, but the effect on genetic parameters was relatively small.  相似文献   

Horses are nowadays mainly used for sport and leisure purposes, and several local breeds, traditionally used in agriculture, are exposed to the risk of extinction. The long-term survival of local horse breeds depends on strategies to both monitor their genetic diversity and to find their sustainable role in the equine market. Thus, several local horse breeds need to adapt their breeding objective to allow a modernization process. The Bardigiano is an example of such horse breeds; we, therefore, studied the existing evaluation protocol from a genetic standpoint to assess the protocol's suitability to convert the Bardigiano from an agricultural to a riding horse. To this end, we estimated genetic parameters for four conformation measurements, ten grading traits and 23 linear traits. For conformation measurements, the heritabilities ranged from 0.31 for cannon bone circumference to 0.63 for height at withers. For conformation and attitude grading traits, the highest heritability (0.34) was estimated for development and the lowest (0.09) for gaits. The heritabilities for linear traits ranged from 0.05 for the leg straightness to 0.32 for the coat colour. Genetic correlations between linear traits and corresponding grading traits varied considerably, ranging from −0.42 to 0.98. This study showed that the current evaluation protocol in the Bardigiano horse is appropriate for genetic evaluation. Genetic parameters estimation can, in turn, be used to develop novel breeding values to help this conversion. Our study paves the way to optimize the Bardigiano horse breeding programme, and it may help several other local horse breeds experiencing similar issues.  相似文献   

Sport performance in dressage and show jumping are two important traits in the breeding goals of many studbooks. To determine the optimum selection scheme for jumping and dressage, knowledge is needed on the genetic correlation between both disciplines and between traits measured early in life and performance in competition in each discipline. This study aimed to estimate genetic parameters to support decision‐making on specialization of breeding horses for dressage and show jumping in Dutch warmblood horses. Genetic correlations between performance of horses in dressage and show jumping were estimated as well as the genetic correlation between traits recorded during studbook‐entry inspections and performance in dressage and show jumping competitions. The information on competition comprised the performance of 82 694 horses in dressage and 62 072 horses in show jumping, recorded in the period 1993–2012. For 26 056 horses, information was available for both disciplines. The information on traits recorded at studbook‐entry inspections comprised 62 628 horses, recorded in the period 1992–2013. Genetic parameters were estimated from the whole dataset and from a subset without horses recorded in both disciplines. Additionally, the genetic parameters were estimated in three different time periods defined by horses' birth year. The genetic correlation between dressage and show jumping in the whole dataset was ?0.23, and it was ?0.03 when it was estimated from horses recorded in only one discipline. The genetic correlation between dressage and show jumping was more negative in the most recent time period in all the cases. The more negative correlation between disciplines in more recent time periods was not reflected in changes in the correlations between competitions traits and the traits recorded in the studbook‐first inspection. These results suggest that a breeding programme under specialization might be most effective defining two separate aggregate breeding goals for each of the disciplines.  相似文献   


The genetic associations between racing performance and preselection of horses considered as the binary trait racing status (trotters without or with at least one racing performance in life were classified as 0 and 1, respectively) as well as disqualified races (disqualified and non-disqualified trotters were classified as 1 and 0, respectively) were analysed in German trotters. Variance components for racing performance traits square root of rank at finish, racing time per km, and log of earnings with racing status were estimated based on an animal model using REML. Heritabilities of racing status, racing time and rank at finish were 0.30, 0.21, and 0.06, respectively. The genetic correlations between racing status and racing time or rank at finish were ?0.74 and ?0.32, indicating that horses started at least once showed a higher genetic potential in racing time or finishing ability than never started horses. This showed the high preselection of German trotters especially based on racing time. To account for this preselection, it was recommended for additional use of racing status in the German evaluation system. Breeding values of the three racing performance traits were estimated by two distinct models, in- or excluding racing status and compared by using three criteria. Racing time per km showed the highest correlation (r=0.98) between breeding values evaluated by these two distinct models. Therefore, incorrect selection rate of horses using breeding values from the model without racing status, was lowest for racing time per km (9.7%). Selection response increased about 1% for this trait after including racing status in the model. For the estimation of rank at finish, inclusion of racing status in the multiple trait model was much more important as indicated by a low correlation between breeding values (r=0.29) and high percentage of incorrectly selected stallions (97.5%). The trait disqualified races was first analysed using an univariate threshold model. Heritability of this trait was low (h 2=0.12) and repeatability (r=0.43) showed a moderate magnitude. Using a linear multiple trait animal model, disqualified races showed a low heritability (h 2=0.05) and a moderate favourable genetic correlation (r g=0.43) with racing time per km. Consequently, selection on racing time per km is expected to improve indirectly the reliability of racing performance. Combined selection of reduction in disqualified races and racing time may even further improve the reliability of racing trotters.  相似文献   

The results of a standardized radiological examination of 5231 Hanoverian Warmblood horses were used to investigate heritability of and genetic correlations between prevalent radiographic findings in the equine limbs. Radiographic findings were categorized by joint location and type of visible alterations and analyzed as all-or-none traits. Heritabilities and correlations were estimated multivariately for most prevalent radiographic findings in equine limbs using Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML) and Gibbs Sampling (GS). Linear animal models and linear sire models were used for REML; sire threshold models were used for GS analyses. Heritabilities and residual correlations from linear model analyses were transformed from observed scale to underlying liability scale. Osseous fragments were seen in fetlock joints (OFF) of 23.5% and in hock joints (OFH) of 9.2% of investigated horses. Deforming arthropathy in hock joints (DAH) was diagnosed in 12.0% and pathologic changes in navicular bones (PCN) in 25.8% of investigated horses. Heritabilities differed little between analyses with animal and sire models and with REML and GS. Ranges of heritability estimates were h2 = 0.16–0.44 with REML and h2 = 0.07–0.43 with GS. Genetic correlation estimates were larger in GS than in REML analyses. Additive genetic correlation between OFF and DAH was positive (rg = 0.25 to 0.77). Negative additive genetic correlations were determined between OFF and OFH (rg = − 0.17 to − 0.82), between OFH and DAH (rg = − 0.14 to − 0.81), and between OFH and PCN (rg = − 0.19 to − 0.26). No relevant additive genetic correlations were estimated between PCN and OFF, and between PCN and DAH. The results of the present study indicate that the prevalences of common radiographic findings in the limbs of young riding horses are relevantly influenced by genetics and probably caused by different genes. Genetic correlations between radiological health traits therefore deserve closer attention in horse breeding. The quantitatively most important radiographic findings should be concurrently considered as individual traits in order to provide for general improvement of radiological health of the limbs of young Warmblood riding horses.  相似文献   

The genetic evaluation of Icelandic horses is currently based on results from breeding field tests of riding ability and conformation. The effect of integrating competition traits and/or test status into the genetic evaluation was studied concerning estimation bias, predictive ability, accuracy, correlations between breeding values and ranking of sires. Breeding field test data included 19 954 records from horses assessed in 11 countries during 1994-2008. Competition data included 44 160 records from 7687 horses competing in Iceland and Sweden in 1998-2008. Test status was defined as attendance of horses born in Iceland at breeding field tests and/or in competition. Overall, there were trivial differences between different genetic evaluation models regarding estimation bias and predictive ability. Very strong correlations were estimated between breeding values for combined indexes of conformation, riding ability and total score from different models. Higher accuracy was achieved for most of the traits when competition traits and/or test status were added to the model. Sires ranked differently when the new traits were added to the genetic evaluation model. It was concluded that competition traits should be integrated into the genetic evaluation. Further analyses on genetic parameters for test status and its relationship with the other traits are needed for future inclusion of test status in the genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

A total of 306,698 racing performance data recorded between 1992 and 2002 from 25495 Brazilian Thoroughbred horses was analyzed to estimate the variance components using the Random Regression Model (RRM) compared to the Classical Repeatability Animal Model (CRAM). The performance was evaluated using the race time (in seconds) to run distances of 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500 or 1600 meters. The pedigree of each horse was extended as far as possible, with a total of 36,659 animals. The simple correlation between Breeding Value (BV) for the race time estimated by both procedures was high (r = 0.963) when the data were expressed at the mean level of all distances. However, with the RRM it was possible to estimate the genetic parameters and the BV of all animals at the trajectory of each one of the seven distances. Also, results clearly showed that a single BV estimated by CRAM, is neither an adequate nor a sufficient indicator for the selection of the best horses throughout the trajectory of distance performance. We concluded that the RRM procedure is highly recommended for the evaluation of racehorse performance.  相似文献   

In genetic evaluation of horses, the genetic trend does not correspond into a phenotypic trend when using ranking as a phenotype due to its uniform distribution, and some other effects might be absorbing that trend. From a founder population, a further four discrete generations of 100 individuals were simulated under random mating. Then, ten additional discrete generations were simulated by selecting the best 10% of the animals. Likewise, an underlying variable with heritability 0.1 or 0.2, affected by an event environmental influence, generation and permanent environment, was simulated to establish the ranking assignment of 10 random participants or according to the competitive level for each event, in 10 or 100 structured or unstructured events. The ranking trait genetic evaluation model was tested to include or exclude the event effect and the permanent environment effect, depending on the scenario. The results showed that the event effect fitted the different competitive level of each event, leading to a 5% to 23% of selection response improvement for structured competitions. Therefore, the event effect should be included in the genetic evaluation models of horses. The permanent environment fitted or simulated did not significantly improve the selection response. The event effect explained the competition genetic level, by compensating the genetic trend obtained by selection.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The significance of distal border fragments of the navicular bone is not well understood. There are also no objective data about changes in thickness and proximal/distal extension of the palmar cortex of the navicular bone. Objectives: To describe the distribution of distal border fragments and their association with other radiological abnormalities of the navicular bone and describe the shape of the navicular bone in sound horses and horses with foot‐related lameness, including navicular pathology. Methods: Sound horses had radiographs acquired as part of a prepurchase examination. Lame horses had forelimb lameness abolished by palmar nerve blocks performed at the base of the proximal sesamoid bones. Diagnosis was assigned prospectively based on results of local analgesia and all imaging findings. The thickness of the palmar cortex of the navicular bone and size of proximal/distal extensions were measured objectively. Other radiological abnormalities were evaluated subjectively and each navicular bone graded. Results: Fifty‐five sound and 377 lame horses were included. All measurements were larger in lame compared with sound horses except the size of the distal extension of the palmar cortex. Fragments were observed in 3.6 and 8.7% of sound and lame horses respectively and in 24.1% of horses with a diagnosis of primary navicular pathology. There was an association between fragments and overall navicular bone grade, radiolucent areas at the angles of the distal border of the navicular bone and number and size of the synovial invaginations. Conclusions and potential relevance: The palmar cortex of the navicular bone was thicker in lame compared with sound horses. Distal border fragments were most frequent in horses with navicular pathology. Evaluation of changes in shape of the navicular bone may also be important for recognition of pathological abnormalities of the bone.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was threefold: 1) To survey the use and impact of foreign stallions in the Swedish Warmblood (SWB) breed 2) To investigate the impact of including genetic groups in the genetic evaluation of the SWB and 3) To estimate the impact of incomplete pedigree information on the estimated breeding values (EBVs) for stallions. Data consisted of 189,330 horses of which 50,907 had performance information. Studbook of origin was determined for stallions with at least 5 progeny tested in Sweden. Those 757 stallions had together 116,505 progeny registered in the SWB. Genetic groups were formed according to preliminary analyses of the genetic levels in dressage and show jumping of the different populations. During the first studied period, comprising horses born before 1980, about 80% of the foals were sired by Swedish born stallions, whereas these only sired 40% of the horses born 1990–2003. In this period Holstein stallions had sired 21% of the foals and Dutch stallions (KWPN) 10%. The proportion of mares covered by foreign stallions increased after the early 1980s to about 80% in 2006. Some of the foreign populations, e.g., Holstein, Selle Francais and KWPN, have significantly affected the show jumping performance level of the SWB breed in the past although the deviation from SWB stallions has become smaller over time. Regarding dressage, no particular foreign population has consistently shown such an impact on the performance although Oldenburg stallions seem to be influential lately. The pedigree completeness (PEC values) of the horses included amounted on average to 0.845 for horses with performance data and to 0.907 for stallions with at least 15 progeny. Foreign stallions had an average PEC value of 0.858. When simulating no pedigree information available for foreign stallions, the EBVs of these stallions changed on average by 19–22 index units, which equals about one genetic standard deviation. Thus, keeping complete and correct pedigree registers is crucial for the assessment of reliable EBVs of SWB horses. Including genetic groups in the genetic evaluation of the SWB resulted in hardly any re-ranking of horses. Correlations between EBVs were about 0.99. Inclusion of genetic groups caused larger standard errors of the EBVs. Furthermore, as the pedigrees on average have great depth, and partially also because Warmblood sport horses have become a mix of many different populations, it was not recommended to include genetic groups in the model for future routine genetic evaluations of SWB.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Research investigating trends in racehorse careers require a benchmark for accurate comparison. Currently little whole population data exists for horses racing in Australia. Objectives: To determine the range and variation in career length and number of career starts for horses racing in Australia. To document and provide evidence regarding the current differences between the sexes for career length and careers starts. Methods: Racing data were collected for Thoroughbreds over a 10‐year period. Career length, number of career starts and spells per year were evaluated. Statistical analyses were performed using the statistical package R. Results: A total of 2,782,774 performance records yielded career information for 164,046 horses. Median career length and number of career starts for the population were 14.7 months and 10 starts, respectively. Significant differences (P<0.001) were present between the sexes for all career outcomes. Between 2000 and 2010, the percentage of Thoroughbreds racing in Australia with careers longer than 12, 24, 36 and 48 months was 56.65, 32.35, 16.66 and 7.74, respectively. Conclusions and potential relevance: Clear differences in career outcomes exist between intact males, females and geldings racing in Australia. Future research should be conscious of these differences when analysing population data.  相似文献   

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